MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 80 try medicine

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Glancing at Luosang who hadn't woken up, Fei Li immediately retorted, "No, as long as I'm here, I won't let Luosang die. After saying that, he returned to Luosang and continued to monitor the changes in Luosang's body.

Until noon, Luosang's body was still hot like fire, and there was no sign of the fever going down.

Fei Li was a little flustered.

After heating up the medicine boiled in the morning, he poured out a bowl and continued to feed Luosang.

After feeding, he looked at the red and swollen bump on Luosang's back.

The pimple is not red and swollen, but it has not become smaller.

What exactly is going on?

Even with the twig grass, Luosang still has a high fever. Is the twig grass useless to Luosang?


He helped Luosang up and sat down, intending to heal Luosang with spiritual power.

As soon as his hands touched Luosang's skin, they were bounced off by scalding heat waves.

what is this?

He gradually realized that there was more than just toxins in Lausanne's body.

It seemed that it was necessary for him to go to the small river again to see what was in the grass.

After leaving the house, he handed Luosang over to Xiaochun to take care of him, and he took Mao Li to the river.

After what happened last night, the seedlings in the field have never been damaged again.

He passed by the field ridge and came straight to the edge of the grass.

"Help me cut through the grass together." He looked at Mao Li behind him.

Mao Li swiftly pushed through the grass, revealing a hole the size of a fist.

"There is a small hole here." Maori was slightly surprised.

The two stared at the opening of the small hole. The small hole seemed to be bottomless, and they didn't know what would be inside. Fei Li picked up a long branch from the side, and carefully inserted the branch into the hole.

Until the whole twig went into the hole, it didn't go to the end.

He couldn't help mobilizing his spiritual power to make the twigs grow and poke inside.

At this time, a scorpion crawled out of the hole.

The scorpion had just arrived at the entrance of the cave, and seemed to have noticed something strange, and was about to return to the cave again.

"Maoli, stop it quickly, don't let it go back into the hole."

If he guessed correctly, Lausanne was bitten by this scorpion.

He remembers being at his grandmother's house in the countryside when he was a child, and the medical conditions in the village were not good at that time.

Once someone is bitten by a scorpion and no antidote is found, the biting scorpion can be directly used as medicine.

Right now, he doesn't have any better medical equipment to check the toxins in Luosang's body, so he can only use this simple method.

Hope it works for Lausanne.

Mao Li clumsily used his hands to prevent the scorpion from returning to the hole, and the frightened scorpion made a gesture to bite Mao Li's hand.

Seeing this, Fei Li immediately picked up a stone beside him and pressed the scorpion down.

"This thing is poisonous, you can't touch it with your hands."

Hearing this, Mao Li hurriedly took his hand away, feeling terrified in his heart.

Maori stared at the scorpion that was crushed under the stone, "Then what should we do now?"

While thinking, Fei Li looked around for anything that could be used.

After searching around for a long time, Fei Li finally wove a simple small bag out of thatch, and put the scorpion into the small bag.

"What is this? What are you looking for?" Maori looked curious.

Fei Li walked back with a small bag, "This thing is called a scorpion. It is very poisonous. It bit Luosang. Now I want to use it as a medicine primer to treat Luosang's illness."

Mao Li became impatient when he heard that, and grabbed the small bag containing the scorpion in his hand.

"What did you say? You actually want to use poisonous things as a primer for Lord Lausanne? I don't agree." Mao Li gave the damned scorpion a fierce look.

"You give me back the scorpion."

"I won't return it, I won't let you use this kind of thing to save Lord Lausanne."

Seeing Mao Li's determined face, he said helplessly, "Then do you have a way to save Luosang? If you have, I don't need scorpions."

Maori's raised hand gradually dropped.

"You have also seen the situation in Lausanne. If he is not treated quickly, he will really die. Are you willing to watch him die?"

Maori said nothing, then lowered his head.

"Ouch__" Maori let out a painful moan, and reflexively threw away the small bag in his hand.

The scorpion has already crawled out of the small bag, and is fleeing quickly at this moment.

After reacting, Fei Li immediately picked up the small bag, anxiously chasing the scorpion.

The wrist where Maori was bitten by the scorpion became red and swollen, and he sat on the ground exhausted.

After chasing all the way, Fei Li finally caught up with the scorpion and successfully put the scorpion back into the small bag.

He immediately returned to Maori's side, and saw Maori's face was pale.

"Molly, how are you?"

Maori couldn't move, and his eyes turned to him, "I don't seem to feel feeling in this arm, and I can't move the whole person."

"I'll help you back first."

Fei Li didn't blame Mao Li, and led him back.

And Mao Li whispered guiltily, "I'm sorry, I should listen to you, so I won't cause trouble for you."

"It's okay, I understand that you are also doing it for the good of Lausanne."

The two didn't speak, and continued to walk forward.

After walking a few steps, he ran into Ola head-on.

Aura hid aside just now, and heard the conversation between the two clearly.

Ola came out from the side because she was worried about Lausanne.

Olamo held Mao Li's other arm without saying a word, and brought Mao Li back to Lausanne's home with Fei Li.

As soon as she entered the house, Ola let go of Maori and went straight to the bed.

"Master Lausanne, what's the matter with you?"

Ola looked at Luosang anxiously, and then cast her eyes on Xiaochun.

Xiaochun shook his head, not understanding the situation in Lausanne.

Angrily, she turned around and came to Fei Li. Aura asked loudly, "What did you do to Mr. Lausanne? Why did he become like this? It's good that Aura didn't mention this matter, but if you mention Fei Li, you will feel sick." fire.

He put away the small bag containing the scorpion, rushed to Aola, and strangled Aola's neck.

"Lord Fei Li." Xiaochun exclaimed.

He gave Xiaochun a cold look, and Xiaochun took a step back, not daring to speak.

"If you hadn't destroyed the seedlings, why would Luosang and I go to the small river to wait for the rabbits in the middle of the night? All of this was caused by you, and you still have the face to say this now?"

Xiaochun stared at Ola in astonishment, "What? You actually destroyed the seedlings, Ola, you..." Sighed, Xiaochun couldn't continue talking.

"No, you are talking nonsense." Ola's expression changed, and she immediately refuted.

He smiled coldly, and pointed at the immobile Mao Li, "Look at Mao Li, the symptoms of Mao Li and Lausanne are exactly the same."

Xiaochun and Ola looked at Maori at the same time, and then at Lausanne.

Aura lowered her head with a look of remorse.

If he knew that his actions would harm Luosang, he would not destroy the seedlings.

He let go of Aura, and warned viciously: "You better pray that Luosang will recover, or I will use your flesh as a primer for Luosang."

After he finished speaking, he put the scorpion he had captured into the herbal medicine in the stone pot, and continued to boil the medicine.

Not long after, the small room was filled with a bitter smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xiaochun gave Ola a blank look, "Ola, how could you do such a thing? You didn't grow rice with us, Lord Lausanne didn't blame you, but you dared to destroy the seedlings."

''I..., "If you were replaced by other tribal leaders, you would have been killed long ago, and the easiest way would be to drive you out of the tribe. How can you stay in the tribe well." Xiaochun interrupted Aura, and continued One pass counts.

Looking at Ola with disappointed eyes, Xiaochun came to Fei Li, "Master Fei Li, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Help me watch the fire, and I'll apply some medicine to Luosang."

After handing over the fire to Xiao Chun, Fei Li returned to Lausanne.

He continued to smear Lausanne's back with the crushed morningweed last night. After painting, he brought the remaining morningweed to Maori.

Seeing that the medicine was running out, Maori refused to apply it, "Leave these medicines to Master Luosang! I'll be fine even if I die."

Ignoring Maori's nonsense, he forcibly smeared the medicine on Maori's wrist.

Maori, who was exhausted, could only let him take the medicine.

After applying the medicine, he returned to the stone pot and saw that the scorpion had boiled to pieces.

He took out a bowl of medicine in a stone bowl, and just as he was about to walk towards Lausanne, Mao Li shouted, "Feed me the medicine first."

Xiaochun froze for a moment.

In the tribe, Maori is the most loyal to Lausanne.


"Mao Li, how can you **** the medicine from Lord Luosang?" Xiaochun accused.

"I also agree to give the medicine to Maori first." Ola interjected.

In Ola's heart, as long as Lausanne is fine.

This scorpion is poisonous, what if it is used as a medicine primer to be more poisonous?

Xiaochun looked at the three of them puzzled, "What's the matter with you all? Why did you feed this medicine to Mao Li first?"

Ola told Xiaochun the reason of the matter, after listening, Xiaochun didn't speak anymore.

"If this scorpion can't cure Lord Luosang at all, then you will kill Lord Luosang with your own hands. You can't feed Lord Luosang with this medicine."

Aura opened her arms and stopped in front of Fei Li.

Fei Li, who was holding the stone bowl, chuckled, and pushed the stone bowl in front of Aura, "Why don't you die first? It's all because of you that Lausanne was poisoned, shouldn't you atone for it?"

Aura stared down at the black medicine in the stone bowl, gritted her teeth and was about to pick up the stone bowl.

As soon as it touched the stone bowl, Fei Li moved it away.

"Forget it! That's all the medicine, I don't want to waste it." It seems that Ola is not too bad.

He came to Maori with a stone bowl in his hand, "Have you really thought about it?"

Molly nodded.

"very good."

He helped Maori up and sat down, and handed the stone bowl to Maori's mouth.

Right on the edge of the stone bowl, the bitter herbs were gulped down by Maori.

After eating a bowl, Maori rested on the stone bench.

Both Xiaochun and Ola stared at Maori intently, with mixed emotions in their eyes.

Fei Li didn't seem worried at all, filled another bowl of medicine, and walked slowly towards Lausanne.


The three people in the room spoke out almost simultaneously to stop him.

He looked back at the three of them, "Is there anything else?"

Xiaochun and Ola looked at Maori, but did not speak.

"Can you wait a little longer, and give medicine to Mr. Lausanne after you're sure I'm not poisoned?" Maori looked at him almost pleadingly. Fei Li smiled, "Trust me, nothing will happen."

As soon as his words fell, Mao Li not only did not get better, but started to vomit... The author has something to say to thank the little cuties for their rewards, reminder tickets, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets!

Second month of being stuck at home, how is everyone doing?

Ah, rv°)y!

Anyway, I'm not well, but ??? I still have to stay at home!

Omit the complaint about no numbers...

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