MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 65 Soma sacrificed herself to save

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After waiting for about a cup of tea, the surrounding area was still quiet and there was no movement.

Fei Li kowtowed again and continued: "Elder Su, I beg you to show up and rescue Luosang. As long as I can save Luosang, I am willing to do anything for you."

"Elder Su, if you don't show up for a day, I won't leave until I can see you."

"Elder Su..." Wu Yue sighed, looked at Fei Li and shook her head.

He had been kneeling here for so long, yet Elder Su didn't respond at all.

It seems that Elder Su doesn't plan to show up anymore.

Wu Yue turned to look at Soma beside her, "Are you going to let him kneel here forever?"

"Compared to sending him to the Tiger Clan to die, I would rather see him kneeling here. As long as he doesn't wait for Elder Su, he will definitely give up."

Thinking of how Fei Li wanted to die in the Tiger tribe, Soma hated herself for not being strong enough.

Can't protect the master!

Shaking her head with a sigh, Wu Yue regretted, "Why bother! Everything in this world has its destiny, maybe Luosang is destined to be Huyin's partner, this is something that cannot be changed."

"If the master wants to change it, he will be able to change it." Soma said firmly.

Wu Yue turned to stare at him curiously, "You trust him so much?"

Soma nodded seriously.

Whether it's the old patriarch's last words, or the moment he saw Fei Li.

He always regards Fei Li as his most important person, and has been loyal to Fei Li ever since.

In order to protect Fei Li, he would even give up his life.

"You like Fei Li?" Apart from liking, Wu Yue couldn't think of other reasons.

Orcs and humans in this world don't pay much attention to feelings, Soma surprised Wu Yue.

Soma smiled and shook her head, "No, he is my master, the one I want to protect with my life."

Wu Yue was puzzled and didn't want to ask any more.

At this time, Fei Li had kowtowed countless times, and his forehead was already red, swollen and broken.

Bright red blood flowed from the wound, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

Soma couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to try to help him up, "Enough, master, you have been kneeling here for so long, it's getting dark, Elder Su won't show up, let's go!"

Shaking off Soma's hand, he continued to kowtow, his voice was already so hoarse that he couldn't hear anything.

"How long are you going to be stubborn?"

For the first time, Soma yelled at him.

He turned his head to look at Soma, and whispered, "No one can save Luosang except Elder Su, I can't give up."

At this time, Wu Yue also came forward.

"Elder Su doesn't want to see you, and there's nothing he can do to explain the matter of Lausanne. Fei Li, stop being persistent."

"No, I don't believe it. Elder Su was able to save me last time, so there must be a way to save Luosang again. Leave me alone. I must wait until Elder Su comes out."

After the words fell, he kowtowed a few more times.

Because the movement range was too large, he pulled out the colorful scales from his arms and dropped them to the ground.

He just knocked on the colorful scales, and the bright red blood dyed the colorful scales even redder.

Twilight fell quietly, the surroundings were pitch black, but the multicolored scales shone with dazzling light.

The three of them covered their eyes with their hands at the same time, and in an instant, a white figure appeared in front of the three of them.

"Fei Li, you're here again? I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Hearing the familiar voice, Fei Li hurriedly knelt in front of Elder Su, "Elder Su, I beg you, please save Luosang! No one can save Luosang now except you."

Elder Su looked down at him, and raised his hand to wipe away the wound on his forehead.

In an instant, the wound on his forehead healed miraculously.

"You get up first and then talk."

He immediately stood up and told Elder Su the ins and outs of the matter one by one.

After listening, Elder Su stroked his white and slender beard, and fell into deep thought with a sad face.

"I've also heard about the Tiger Clan's Blood Inheritance Secret Technique, and it's very tricky."

Seeing Elder Su's frowning, Fei Li's heart ached, his voice was trembling, "Then Luosang is hopeless?"

If Luosang has feelings for Huyin, he can bear it.

But Luosang clearly has no feelings for Huyin, Huyin is simply despicable to the extreme.

Elder Su continued to stroke his white beard, his brows stretched, and he looked at Fei Li seriously.

"There are ways to save Lausanne, but no one has ever tried it. Are you sure you want to try it?"

Fei Li nodded without thinking.

"I once heard a Taoist master mention that this kind of fusion of the blood of both parties is actually a vow made with the blood of both parties. Only death can break the vow."

Fei Li's heart fell to the bottom immediately, he didn't want Lausanne to die.

Glancing at him, Elder Su continued, "But it's not impossible."

"any solution?"

Not only Fei Li, but even Soma and Wu Yue who were standing not far away stared nervously at Elder Su.

"One life for one life! Give Luosang your blood to break this oath."

Exchange blood?

Wu Yue has been in the mermaid clan for so long, and she has heard about the blood exchange, so she knows how risky it is.

If you are not careful, both of them may die at the same time.

This news was like a basin of cold water being poured from the top of Fei Li's head, and his whole body seemed to be in the freezing cold.

Seeing him frozen in place, Soma stepped forward to persuade: "Master, forget it! Luosang just became Huyin's partner, and he won't die. If you really exchanged blood for Luosang, you would die. Why bother? "

"I think what Soma said makes sense. Living is the most important thing." Wu Yue couldn't help but speak out.

He didn't listen to a word of what the two said.

He had a hunch that if he didn't save Lausanne, those things in the dream would actually happen.

At that time, he will still end up in a tragic end.

It's better to save Luosang now, so that Luosang can live with Huyin without pain.

After some thought, he looked up at Elder Su again, "I am willing to exchange blood for Luosang, Elder Su, are you willing to help us?"

"You have to think about it, after you exchange your blood for Lausanne, you will surely die. Are you really willing to sacrifice your life for him?"

He nodded with a smile.

He felt blessed to be able to die for Lausanne.

Besides, his blood will stay in Luosang's body from now on, and they will accompany Luosang instead of him.

fair enough!

"Master, you..." Soma, you don't need to say any more. After I die, if you want to stay in the wolf tribe, you can stay, and if you don't want to, you can leave! ""Owner! "Soma's voice became choked up.

"I will rush to the Tiger tribe immediately. Even if I knock Luosang unconscious, I will bring him here."

After finishing speaking, he bowed respectfully to Elder Su, and was about to leave the mermaid tribe immediately.

Soma hurried to catch up, at this critical moment, Soma was unwilling to leave Fei Li.

Looking at the backs of the two walking away, Wu Yue turned her head to look at Elder Su, "Elder Su, can't you really save both of them at the same time?" ! Can only look at their own good fortune. "

Fei Li and Soma entered the Tiger tribe quietly in the dark of night. According to previous memories, Fei Li found Lausanne's house.

It happened that there was only Luosang in the house, so it seemed that he did not live with Huyin.

Thinking of this, Fei Li felt a little rejoiced in his heart.

Before coming here, Fei Li purposely found a kind of herb that can make people fall into a coma—Ecstasy Grass.

Slowly approaching Luosang, he dripped the juice from the herbs on Luosang's lips.

Lausanne fell into a coma instantly.

Seeing this, he mobilized his spiritual power to carry Luosang on his back, and then the two walked out of the house.

Not long after walking, he was bumped into by an orc patrolling the Tiger Tribe.

He didn't have time to stop the roar of the tiger orcs, he could only watch the orcs wake up the other orcs in the tribe.

At this moment, Soma turned to look at him, "Master, take Luosang out of here first, and I will stop them."

"No, if you face a tribe of orcs alone, you will die."

"Don't forget the purpose of our coming here. If we can't take Luosang away today, we will have no chance in the future, and you will never be able to save Luosang." Soma kept pushing him out with one hand.

While hesitating, the tribe has heard the footsteps of orcs, and all the orcs are about to come.

Time became extremely tight.

"If you don't leave, you really have no chance." Soma shouted at him with red eyes.

Fei Li gritted his teeth and looked at Soma with complicated eyes, "Suoma, I will definitely be grateful to you in the next life, you must not die, Soma nodded with a smile when she found a chance, and then watched the two leave.

At this time, Huyin led the tiger clan orcs to surround him. Seeing Soma, Huyin immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Go and see if Lausanne is still there?"

The orc standing next to Huyin immediately turned and left, and then brought back the news that Luosang had disappeared.

Huyin looked at Soma bitterly, "I didn't expect that you really didn't give up. Where did Fei Li and Luosang go?"

"I don't know, I came alone, Fei Li didn't come."

Soma was alone at the scene. With so many orcs, Huyin wasn't afraid of Soma at all.

Getting closer to Soma, Huyin asked again patiently, "In such a short time, Fei Li must not be able to run far. As long as you tell me where Fei Li has gone, I will let you go immediately."

"Don't bother, I said I'm the only one, and I'm really the only one."


Huyin's eyes flashed with a hint of predation, and he showed his sharp claws at Soma with his backhand, clutching his neck fiercely.

"Believe it or not, as long as I exert my strength, your neck will be broken immediately?"

While speaking, the strength in Huyin's hand gradually deepened, and the sharp claws had pierced Soma's skin a little.

Soma clenched her teeth tightly, looking like she was willing to die.

Now, there is only so much he can do for Fei Li.

Seeing that he didn't beg for mercy, Huyin let him go suddenly, "I forgot, as long as you are still in the Tiger tribe, Fei Li will definitely come back to save you, you can't die yet."

The author has something to say, thanks to Xiong Yisong for reminding the ticket!

Thanks to Chengge 7^〃, Lingyi, Qiangexi Qianxia Sleeping Dream, Yun Jixue, Tianzixiao 1105, for the monthly tickets!

Thank you Jing Moqingpo, Yi Shuyao, Xu Shujiayoumantianxing, Lingyifeng Nange, you are all my favorites, half the moon, lazy and lazy, Xiye Muchen? , Ranran baby's recommendation ticket!

Gao Tang is about to arrive on the battlefield ahead, please wait patiently, cuties! mwah!

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