MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 63 I would rather die in your hands

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In the Tiger Clan tribe, there are so many powerful Tiger Clan orcs around.

Huyin didn't bother to do it himself.

As soon as he escaped, the tiger orcs at the door poured into the house and began to fight Fei Li.

Huyin pulled Luosang and watched this wonderful battle with cold eyes.

In the beginning, Fei Li had the upper hand, and the tiger orcs were no match for him at all.

As powerful tiger orcs continued to join the battle, Fei Li's physical strength was consumed little by little.

Finally lost to the tiger orcs, the situation reversed, he gradually lost to the tiger orcs.

Luosang looked at the two fighting parties coldly, and asked puzzledly: "Who is this human? Why can he have such a strong fighting power? If it were an ordinary person, he would not be able to defeat a beastman at all.

But Fei Li faced dozens of powerful tiger orcs alone, which made Luosang sigh.

There are such powerful humans here!

Huyin looked at him with smiling eyes, "He said he is your partner, do you believe it?"

"Impossible!" Lausanne responded without hesitation.

"I've never had a partner, how could he be my partner?"

Huyin clenched his hand tightly, "That's right, so he not only wants to invade our tribe, but also wants to lie to you, **** it."

Lausanne didn't react at all, still staring coldly at the battle ahead.

Being pestered by the tiger orcs one after another, Fei Li panted heavily, staring coldly at the tiger orcs in front of him.

Damn it!

The physical strength of these orcs was better than that of humans, and with the fact that they took turns to fight, he couldn't stand it.

Huyin suddenly approached Luosang and kissed Luosang on the cheek.

Fei Li, who was fully focused on fighting, was suddenly distracted and stared at Huyin angrily.

At this time, the tiger clan orcs took advantage of the gap to enter, and slashed at Fei Li's back with sharp stone knives.

"Hiss—" Fei Li groaned in pain, and a shocking scar appeared on his back.

The whole back is bright red, imprinted in the bottom of everyone's eyes.

He looked up at Luosang, Luosang was still calm, watching him get hurt coldly.

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and a mocking light radiated from his deep eyes.

"Luosan, even if I die, I will die in front of you."

After the words fell, he roared, as if releasing all the power in his body.

Continue to fight with the Tiger Clan orcs who are watching him!

"Let's go! He won't last long." Seeing that he was almost dying, Huyin took Luosang out of here. Luosang was led by Huyin, and the two left the house.

Seeing Luosang leave, all the strength in Fei Li's body was exhausted, and he fell to the ground.

The Tiger Clan orcs looked at each other, then walked towards him.

At this time, Soma, who hadn't waited for him to go back, suddenly appeared.

He took out a lot of arrows and drew his bow, and fired them at the Tiger Clan orcs all at once.

The tiger orcs, who had never seen such a tool before, were taken aback, and everyone backed away.

Soma took the opportunity to leave the Tiger tribe with Fei Li, who was physically exhausted.

The two walked a long way from the Tiger Clan tribe, and Soma slowed down when he saw that the Tiger Clan orcs hadn't caught up.

After finding a safe place, Soma put Fei Li down.

"Master, are you okay?"

Fei Li opened his eyes, lying lifeless on the ground, the corners of his eyes were slightly moist.

"Master?" Soma called again tentatively.

It was the first time Soma saw such a desperate Fei Li.

No matter how difficult things happened before, Fei Li always had hope in his heart.

But now... Fei Li was lying on his back on the ground, looking at the dark sky without a single star.

The sky was cloudy, just like his mood at this time.

Recalling Luosang's expressionless face, his heart throbbed with pain.

"Soma, will you suddenly forget your partner?"


Suddenly hearing him ask this question, Soma froze for a moment, and the figure of Silver Wolf flashed in his mind.

Soma nodded without thinking, "I don't want to remember him at all."

Realizing that he asked the wrong question, Fei Li was a little embarrassed.

Silver Wolf can't be compared with Lausanne at all, this is a question that doesn't make any sense.

Leaning close to him, Soma couldn't help asking: "Have you seen Luosang? Is he in the Tiger tribe?" Feili paused for a long time before responding faintly.

"Not only is he in the Hu tribe, but he also forgot about me. Now he is Huyin's partner."

Soma was shocked and speechless for a long time.

Everyone in the wolf tribe can see how much Lausanne loves Fei Li. How could he forget Fei Li?

And became Huyin's partner?

This is simply impossible!

Soma pursed his lips, and Soma comforted him, "Master, don't be sad, I don't think this matter is easy, we will go to the Tiger Tribe to see it. After Soma reminded him, Fei Li cheered up.


Lausanne is not this kind of orc who loves the new and dislikes the old!

There must be something tricky about it, now is not the time for him to be sad.

He wants to cheer up, recharge his batteries, and continue to find out tomorrow.

Turning over and sitting up, he began to close his eyes and meditate, slowly gathering the scattered spiritual power in his body to heal the wound.

The next day, a ray of sunlight slanted towards the two of them.

Fei Li opened his eyes and stood up energetically.

After a whole night of adjustments, he has almost recovered, and the wound on his back has also been healed by spiritual power.

Soma got up after him, and seeing that he was in excellent condition, she couldn't help sighing, "Master, are you okay? You also recovered too quickly." He smiled and led Soma straight to the gate of the Tiger tribe.

With the experience of last night, he has a general understanding of the strength of the tiger clan orcs.

There were not a few tiger clan orcs who fought with him last night. After a fierce battle, they probably haven't recovered yet.

Even if there are half of the tiger orcs left, he and Soma are more than enough to deal with it.

As soon as the two appeared at the gate of the tribe, they attracted the attention of the tiger clan orcs.

Fei Li didn't care, and Te Zhangyang walked into the tribe.

At this time, there was already a row of Tiger Clan orcs standing in front of the two of them trying to stop them.

He glanced at the orcs in front of him with smiling eyes, "What? Are you all the orcs left today who can fight? Where is Huyin? Why doesn't he come?"

The orcs looked at each other, everyone had heard what happened last night.

Unexpectedly, in just one night, this human being recovered so well, it was unbelievable for them.

"You, what do you want to do?" Someone among the orcs asked aloud.

"My purpose has always been one, to take Lausanne out of here."

After the words fell, he continued to walk deep into the tribe.

The orcs were forced by him to retreat all the time, and no one dared to step forward to fight easily.

At this time, there was a commotion behind the orcs, and Huyin led Luosang straight forward.

Seeing Fei Li in front of him, something strange flashed in Luosang's eyes.

Huyin sneered and looked at him, "Fei Li, you really don't give up. You escaped by chance last night. I thought you would be more honest, but I didn't expect you to come to die."

"Leave Lausanne with you, how can I go back with peace of mind."

While speaking, his soft eyes turned to Luosang.

Smiling, Huyin held Luosang's hand affectionately, pretending to be angry and said, "Luosang, this human seems to have taken a fancy to you? What should we do? Otherwise, you can go with him!"

"I am your partner, how can I leave with a human being?"

"But he..." Huyin looked at Fei Li, the second half of the words stuck in his throat.

Luosang pulled Huyin behind him, defending Huyin as if he had defended Fei Li.

"Give this human to me, and I will not let anyone invade our tribe."

Lausanne's pleasant voice fell into Fei Li's ears, but it made his heart twitch.

Lausanne already regards the Tiger Clan as his own tribe, but what about the Wolf Clan?

He met Luosang's cold eyes, "Do you still know who you are? The noble descendant of the white wolf actually regards the Tiger tribe as his own. What's wrong with you, Luosang?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!" Luosang's eyes were full of killing intent.

Soma on the side was also frightened by such Luosang.

"Master Lausanne, don't you really know us? We are all your people, and we are here to welcome you back to the tribe."

"Stop talking too much, let's do it!"

Ignoring Soma's words, Luosang couldn't wait to fight Fei Li.

Fei Li laughed at himself, hurting Lausanne, he couldn't do it.

At the same time, he didn't believe that Luosang would really hurt himself.

With thoughts in his heart, he took the lead in launching a false attack on Lausanne.

Luosang turned into a beast and approached him with the fastest speed and attack.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped attacking, Luosang hardly hesitated, and his sharp claws grabbed his same arm.

"Master." Soma exclaimed worriedly.

Fei Li stared at the bright red paw prints on his arm, and felt a sharp pain in his arm.

Staggering back a step, he said stubbornly, "Do you really want to kill me? Come on! I give you my life."

After the words fell, he spread his arms, without any sense of attack, and his eyes were full of despair.

Luosang suddenly froze on the spot without further movement, just looked at him.

what happened?

Why did I feel a little pain in my heart when I saw the despair in his eyes.

Not far away, Huyin saw this and shouted loudly: "Luosang, what are you hesitating about? Kill him, our tribe will be at peace."

Hearing this, Lausanne raised his sharp claws again, but did not land on Fei Li for a long time.

Huyin was so anxious, he finally had the opportunity to kill Fei Li, and he didn't want to miss it.

Taking advantage of Fei Li's lack of defensive awareness, Huyin showed his sharp claws and attacked Fei Li's deadly place.

Soma quickly drew the bow and arrows, and several sharp arrows pierced Huyin's arm fiercely.

"You...damn human, you dare to attack me, I must kill you."

Huyin roared to attack Soma, but Soma dodged swiftly and continued to shoot arrows at Huyin.

Looking back at Fei Li, Soma yelled: "Master, wake up! Even if you die in Luosang's hands, nothing will change. It's better to save your life, and we will find a way."

Soma's voice seemed to wake Fei Li up.

He looked at Soma who was attacked by Huyin, and slowly recovered.


He couldn't die here with Soma.

The author has something to say to thank Qian Xizhoudu, Lianbojun for their monthly tickets!

Thanks to Jing Mo Qingxi, Feng Nange, you are all my dishes, Zheergen, Ni Jing, Gu Beibei', I eat cute, Tianzixiao 1105, Zhoudu, Ranran baby, Luotong's 30 Sixth, Lianbojun's recommendation ticket!

I wish all the cuties who read the article can find their own happiness, happy Valentine's Day!

Fei Li: Lao Gong, it's Valentine's Day, don't you plan to give me a small present?

Lausanne: I give myself to you.

Fei Li: Uh... um... I don't want to...

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