MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 116 warm tree

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"I didn't betray them. They didn't want me to become strong. They were afraid that I would become strong. A group of cowardly and incompetent orcs joined forces to persecute me. They deserve to die."

The Piper almost gritted his teeth and said this, the hatred in his eyes revealed his emotions.

Here, orcs who commit heinous crimes will be expelled from the tribe.

Just like Qianshi, as the leader, he repeatedly put his tribe in danger, and finally ended up being expelled from the tribe.

The piper looked at Luosang with a sneer, "Look back at your people, they just want to kill you now, are you willing to die by their hands?"

"I will not die at their hands, let alone let you hurt them."

After the words fell, Luosang gritted his teeth and stood firm, looking straight at the piper.

"Then you all go to die together!"

A sharp light flashed in the eyes of the piper, and he played the flute again.

This time, the sound of the flute became a little harsh.

The orcs who originally attacked Lausanne were pale, covered their ears in pain, and made uncomfortable sounds from their mouths.

"What did you do to them?" Luosang frowned and clenched his fists bitterly.

The corner of the piper's mouth curled up, and he continued to play the flute.

Seeing that his people were about to be overwhelmed, he attacked the piper.

Just when he was about to get close to the Piper, Maori rushed up from nowhere and stood in front of the Piper.

Lausanne quickly stopped, Mao Li took the opportunity to attack Lausanne.

Luosang couldn't dodge in time, seeing that Mao Li's sharp claws were about to land on his heart in an unbiased manner.

He resigned to his fate and closed his eyes, Fei Li's bright smile appeared in his mind.

Fei Li, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back this time.

I'm so sorry.

Sorry to hurt you again.

Without waiting for the expected pain, he slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was the face of the Piper that had been magnified many times.

"You are an interesting orc. I haven't had such an interesting orc here for a long time. I plan to keep you and have fun with me."

Fei Li came to the big tree according to the ambiguous way left by Lausanne.

Here, the ignorance of the wolf tribe is very strong, and they seem to have stayed here for a long time.

He looked back at Wu Ze, "We searched everywhere, and there seems to be something wrong here."

Wu Ze nodded, and then he and Fei Li searched around.

About the time he was looking for two cups of tea, Wu Ze suddenly said, "There is a tree here that looks a bit strange."

Hearing this, Fei Li immediately rushed to Wu Ze's side, staring directly at the big tree in front of him.

"The surrounding area is bare, and there is only one tree here. It's too strange!" Wu Ze said in a puzzled tone.

Fei Li leaned forward and touched the tree with his hand. As soon as he touched the trunk, he quickly withdrew his hand.

"What's wrong?"

Fei Li shook his head, "This tree is unusual."

He continued to reach out and touched the tree again.

He was surprised to find that the trunk was warm, as if it had the same body temperature as a human being.

Seeing his abnormal expression, Wu Ze also stretched out his hand, and was about to touch the tree trunk when he was stopped by Fei Li.

"Don't touch it randomly, this should be a spirit tree."

Observing the tree carefully, he suddenly found that some bark seemed to have been cut open.

He mobilized his spiritual power, stroked the big tree again, and obtained the memory of the big tree.

Seeing Dashu's memory, his expression suddenly changed.

After letting go, he took out a stone knife and cut off some bark, and put it in his arms.

"What do you want the bark for?" Wu Ze looked at the shriveled bark, and finally cast his eyes on him.

"It will be useful."

The two continued to move forward, and after another day of driving, they finally reached the forest.

Wu Ze was about to step into the forest, but was stopped by him, and said: "Lausang and the others encountered a strong enemy in the forest. We don't know if we can get out alive if we go in this time. Have you made up your mind?"

Wu Ze had just arrived in their tribe, so he didn't have a deep relationship with them.

Taking this opportunity, he also wanted to see if Wu Ze could live and die with them.

Seeing that Wu Ze hadn't spoken for a long time, he said again, "Go back! You don't have to follow me to your death."

There are other members of Uze's tribe in the tribe, he will have concerns, Fei Li doesn't blame him.

Just when Fei Li was about to enter the forest alone, Wu Ze spoke.

"Master Lausanne has already regarded us as a tribe. How can I abandon my tribe at this time? I will go in with you."

Fei Li looked at Wu Ze more appreciatively, but he still wanted to continue probing, "Don't tell me you don't care about Simi and the others? Are you really willing to die with us?"

Wu Ze smiled and looked up at the distant sky.

At this time, he actually thought of Ola.

The last time he asked Ola for a relationship, Ola hadn't agreed yet.

"I have a request." Wu Ze looked back at him.

"you say."

"If we return to the tribe safe and sound, can you convince Ola to be my mate?"

Fei Li: "That's it?"

With a slight smile in his eyes, Wu Ze nodded embarrassedly.

"Okay, I promise you."

The two walked towards the depths of the forest, and after a while they came to the place where Lausanne was fighting with the Piper.

A familiar smell broke into Fei Li's nose, he stopped and looked around.

Finally, dried blood was found on a leaf.

Wu Ze leaned over and exclaimed, "What is this?"

"The blood of Lausanne."

Wu Ze's face changed, "How do you know?"

With so many people with Luosang, how could he conclude that this was Luosang's blood?

"Because Lausanne's blood is also my blood." This is probably the reason why Lausanne had an accident and he had a reaction.

Wu Ze looked down at the leaves on the ground, pointed to the leaves on the ground and said, "There are bloodstains on many leaves. It seems that Master Luosang must have shed a lot of blood. Is he okay?"

He used the last sentence in a very low voice, afraid that his words would make Fei Li worry.

Fei Li didn't speak, and continued to walk forward while holding the leaves.

It was gradually getting dark, and the small cave seemed dark.

The wolf orcs were lying in the cave, and everyone seemed to be asleep.

Luosang couldn't move, so he could only sit on the ground and worry.

He looked up at the piper. "What did you do to them? Why didn't they move?"

Everyone won't die, right? After all, everyone's reaction just now was very painful.

"Even if I did something to them, what can you do now? Come and kill me?" The piper smiled and deliberately provoked Lausanne.

"You...,, kicked the piper hard, Luosang was speechless.

In the current situation, he really couldn't do anything to the piper.

The piper approached Lausanne, and squeezed Lausanne's chin with his sun-tanned fingers, "The hatred in your eyes is exactly the same as mine, why don't you kill them? No one can hurt you if you kill them gone."

Why should I suffer innocent injustice.


I hate it!

What tribe, what tribe.

These people should all die.

With a killing intent in his eyes, he pulled out his bamboo flute from his waist, "Let your blood flow into my cave, and let me fall asleep with the blood!"

When the words fell, he made a gesture to play the bamboo flute.

At this time, the sound of footsteps from the entrance of the cave made him stop playing the flute.

He looked at the entrance of the cave with sharp eyes, "Who?"

There are still people coming to die, very good, I will send you on the road together today.

Leaving from Lausanne, he faced the entrance of the cave, waiting for people from outside the cave to come in.

Fei Li and Wu Ze walked straight in, and the ambiguity of the wolf clan became stronger the further they went.

He can conclude that Lausanne and the others should be here.

He turned his head and looked at Wu Ze, "Be careful."

Uze nodded.

The two continued to walk in.

"You are here."

A strange and gloomy voice came, and the two stopped immediately.

"Come in as soon as you come! I'll wait for you for a long time."

Fei Li and Wu Ze looked at each other, and they walked in carefully.

Coming to the center of the cave, Fei Li saw Luosang and the clansmen lying on the ground at a glance.

"Lord Lausanne." Wu Ze said.

Luosang looked back at them, with a hint of urgency on his face, "Come on, leave us alone."

Seeing this, the flute player smiled, "So they are acquaintances. It just so happens that you have a companion, so you won't be lonely on the road to Huangquan."

Ignoring the piper's words, Fei Li rushed to Luosang's side, his eyes fell on Luosang's wound.

"How are you?"

Luosang pushed him out with his hands, "I don't want you to worry about it, you guys go away and don't stay here."

Wu Ze on the side couldn't help but said, "Master Luosang, don't talk anymore, we are here to take you away together."

Luosang looked at the piper and couldn't help but sigh.

They still don't know what the origin of the piper in front of them is.

How could he let Fei Li continue to stay here?

He held Fei Li's hand, "Fei Li, listen to me, take Wu Ze away immediately, even if you save me, you can't save everyone."

"I came here with everyone. I must take everyone away together. If not, I will die here with everyone."

He can no longer watch his people die, and he can't let the tragedy repeat itself.

The piper raised his eyelids slightly, and glanced over everyone, "What a touching friendship, don't worry, I will let you go on the road together, you will not be alone."

The words fell, and the piper attacked.

Wu Ze rushed out first, resisting the fierce attack of the piper.

Ever since he met the Piper, he has been using the sound of the flute as a weapon, and now he is finally doing it for real.

Fei Li and Luosang kept staring at the piper. It was the first time Luosang saw such a fierce move.

After several rounds, Wu Ze gradually gained the upper hand, and he was about to be unable to resist.

Fei Li stood up and urged his spiritual power to replace Wu Ze.

Seeing Fei Li, the piper twitched his mouth, "You're actually a human? You're also a human with spiritual power. It's interesting. The blood on your body should smell good."

After speaking, the Piper stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips.

He looked very much like a vampire in a TV show.

Throwing away the bamboo flute in his hand, he gathered a white spirit power ball in his palm, with a wicked smile still on his face. A familiar smell broke into Luosang's nose, Luosang opened his eyes wide and looked at the piper in shock.

"You are......"

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