MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 114 Mysterious Piper

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"It's been a long time since I tasted such good water. It tastes like..." Mao Li frowned, reminiscing about the taste of the water.

"How? Are you all right?"

Lausanne was a little nervous.

Maori tested the poison for him before, and now he is testing the water again.

He didn't want anything to happen to Maori.

Maori thought about it seriously, "It seems to taste the same as the fruit Fei Li gave last time."


Lausanne: "Sweet?"

Maori nodded quickly, "Yes, it's sweet."

People in the tribe eat meat all the year round, with a single taste, and they don't know what it's like to be sour, sweet, bitter, spicy.

He was relieved to see that Molly was safe and sound.

"Go and tell everyone to come over and drink water!"

Hearing this, Maori turned around and called all the orcs here.

Everyone cut off the bark, used the leaves to catch the water flowing down from the trunk, and fed it into their mouths.

Finally, when we got to the water, everyone's fatigue seemed to disappear a little.

"Master Lausanne is amazing, he can find water in such a place."

"Yes, the leader is still powerful."

The orcs overshadowed Lausanne's exaggeration.

The corner of Lausanne's mouth curled up, thinking of Fei Li.

I don't know if Fei Li's rice has been harvested yet?

Are you tired?

Seeing that everyone recovered a little bit of energy, he began to urge: "Have you rested yet? Let's continue on our way! After having Fei Li, every time he goes hunting, he always returns home.

If you have someone in your heart, you will be more concerned.

We continued to move forward, and we came to a forest in a short time.

Seeing the forest, everyone seemed a little excited.

Where there are forests, there are animals, and they can hunt for food.

After walking for a while, Luosang suddenly stopped and looked around with a serious face. Maori looked at him, "Master Lausanne, what's the matter?"

All the orcs looked at him with puzzled eyes, but they didn't think there was anything unusual.

"There's something wrong with this forest."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Master Lausanne said there was a problem, then there must be a problem.

No one would question Lausanne's words.

But everyone looked at it for a long time, but they didn't see any problem.

Maori: "What's the problem?"

"There are so few trees in the forest, don't you find it strange that the sun doesn't shine into the forest at all?" Hearing this, everyone looked up at the surroundings.

It really is!

There was a scorching sun overhead, but there was no sunlight in the forest, instead it was gloomy and dark.

This is too strange!

Everyone looked at Lausanne, "Then what should we do now?"

After coming out for so long, they finally encountered a forest. They didn't know how long they would have to walk before they encountered the forest again. Lausanne knows that with everyone's current physical strength, leaving the forest and continuing to move forward will definitely add a lot of burden to everyone. But this forest is really weird, and he can't guarantee what will happen.

On balance, he decided to take everyone out of the forest.

It's important to save your life.

"Go back the way you came."

Everyone froze for a moment, and followed Luosang out of the forest.

Seeing that the exit of the forest was right in front of them, they couldn't get out no matter what.

All the orcs became uneasy, and everyone looked at Luosang with a look of hesitation.

After looking at Lausanne for the nth time, Maori finally couldn't help it.

"Master Lausanne, can we still go out?"

All the orcs looked at him in unison, holding their breath, waiting for his answer.

Luosang took a breath and looked back at everyone, "Yes, I will take you out."

Even if he tried his best, he would take them out of here.

Everyone continued to walk towards the exit, and everyone's footsteps seemed particularly difficult.

He knew that everyone's body had reached its limit.

Even an orc can't stand such endless walking.

Luosang glanced at the exit, then looked back at everyone, "Let's take a break first!"

Everyone stopped insisting, and slumped on the ground to rest.

Mao Li dragged his exhausted body and walked towards Lausanne with difficulty, "Master Lausanne, why is this happening?"

After looking at everyone, he didn't dare to speak out his guess.

"We...will we not be able to get out?" Mao Li's eyes flashed with fear.

Luosang looked at Mao Li, and finally set his eyes on everyone, and said firmly, "Don't be afraid, I will definitely take you all out. After finishing speaking, he suddenly noticed that everyone's eyes had changed.

The originally green eyes suddenly turned red.

In the dark forest, pairs of red eyes looked extremely terrifying.

How could this be?

Luosang turned around, and Mao Li who was standing beside him suddenly jumped at him, as if he wanted to attack him.

Quickly avoiding Maori's attack, he realized the seriousness of the problem.

At this time, the wolf orcs who were resting on the ground got up one after another, and they all attacked him.

"What's wrong with you? I'm Lausanne, you don't know me anymore?"

No response.

Everyone continued to approach him, and the attacks became more and more fierce.

The clenched fist suddenly loosened, and he didn't fight back.

Everyone is his clan, family members, not enemies.

He couldn't fight them.

In order not to hurt them or let them hurt himself, he could only carefully avoid everyone's attacks.

Dodging again and again took a lot of his physical strength, and he seemed to be struggling.

He stood far away, panting heavily.

Seeing that they were about to attack again, he held his breath and wanted to continue dodging.

The moment he held his breath, the wolf orcs who approached him suddenly stopped and remained motionless.


He continued to breathe, and everyone continued to approach.

He held his breath, and everyone stopped again.

After repeating this several times, he finally understood why.

He turned into a wolf and jumped onto a big tree, then he held his breath and observed the people under the tree.

Sure enough, everyone stood there motionless.

It turned out that everyone was looking for his position by breathing.

Thinking of this, he jumped down from the tree, still holding his breath, and stood in front of Maori.

Dangling in front of Maori's eyes a few times, Maori didn't respond.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

There was a pleasant flute sound, and Luosang looked back.

A man with animal skin clothes pinned to his waist was sitting on a branch, holding a bamboo flute in his hand.

The man had fluttering black hair, and had red eyes like the wolf orcs.

The originally gloomy forest seemed to have become darker because of the person's arrival.

"Who are you?"

When Luosang opened his mouth, the wolf orcs sensed his position and approached him again.

"Hiss—" He moaned in pain from the corner of his mouth.

Moori, who was closest to him, hurt him with his sharp claws.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly fled here, far away from them.

Looking up at the flute player again, that person gave him a wicked smile.

"Dare to break into my territory, you will never leave here alive, I haven't tasted the taste of blood for a long time.

After the words fell, the man continued to play the bamboo flute, and the melodious sound of the flute echoed in the small forest.

Standing at the door of the house, Simi poked his head towards Fei Li's house. Just as he was about to speak, a sneer came from behind him.

"Yo! Isn't this Simi? What are you doing here?"

"Could it be that there is no food again, so I came to Master Fei Li for food?"

After finishing speaking, several humans roared with laughter.

Simi lowered his head and clenched his fists angrily.

As an orc, being ridiculed by several humans, Si Mi's chest was filled with anger.

Seeing that he didn't speak, several humans exchanged glances with each other.

"Your clan doesn't go out hunting with Lord Lausanne, and you still have the face to ask Lord Fei Li for food. It's really shameless." "You are an orc, but you do some trivial things in the tribe all day long. Don't the orcs of your clan know how to fight? So Before the man finished speaking, Simi couldn't help but growled at him, showing his sharp fangs unconsciously.

After all, it was a human being. When he saw Simi's fangs, he took a few steps back in fright.

At this time, Fei Li came out from the house, just in time to see the scene of Simi roaring at the humans.

Several humans looked at each other, and ran towards Fei Li with sad faces.

"Lord Fei Li, this orc wants to attack us."

"We were originally from the same tribe, but I didn't expect that he would not spare even his own tribe."

Everyone complained about Simi's evil deeds, but Simi kept his head down and kept silent.

He knew that he and his clansmen were well-intentioned by Lausanne and Fei Li, so he didn't dare to be presumptuous, let alone speak ill of those humans in front of Fei Li. Because he knew that Fei Li was a human being, so of course he would stand on the human side.

Why should he waste his tongue?

Not only can it not solve the problem, but it may also cause trouble for Mr. Wu Ze.

Simi lowered his head even lower, making up his mind to keep quiet.

Ignoring the accusations of several humans, Fei Li went straight to Simi, "Is what they said true?"

"Master Fei Li, what we said..." "Shut up, I didn't ask you."

Fei Li interrupted coldly, and Joey, the leader of several humans, said something.

Joey and they are both aboriginals of this tribe, and it is because of their aboriginal status that Joey and the others don't pay much attention to the Wuze clan.

Indigenous people: the original humans of the tribe, the natives of the tribe, the humans who lived in the tribe when Lausanne established the tribe.

Glancing at Fei Li coldly, Joey shut up with resentment.

Joey is very xenophobic, especially hostile to the tribe's humans.

When Fei Li first came to the tribe, Joey also secretly targeted Fei Li.

It's just that because of Fei Li's contribution to the tribe and becoming Lausanne's partner, Joey didn't dare to attack Fei Li.

Joey is smarter, and secretly encourages other people to fight against Fei Li.

"Smi, look up at me and tell me the truth."

Raising his head slowly, Simi looked at him, and with a heartbreak, he told what happened just now.

Hearing this, Fei Li turned his head back coldly, and his cold eyes made Joey and the others feel chills behind their backs.

Everyone gestured to Joey to explain with their eyes.

Joey took a step forward and pointed at Simi confidently, "You are lying, it is obvious that you want to attack us, we are just ordinary humans, how dare we provoke an orc, do we think our lives are too long?"

"It's because you deliberately provoke me, and you go too far, that I will yell at you."

The two sides insisted on their own opinions, and Simi couldn't say anything about Joey.

Fei Li knew what Joey was like, and before he could speak, an angry roar came.

Read The Duke's Passion