MTL - The Orc Old Attack Lightly Teases-Chapter 104 If you eat my melon, you are my man

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Ola was stunned for a moment, didn't everyone say that Wu Ze was clever and easy to talk, could it be that he had misunderstood the word "good talk"?

Curling her lips, Ola was about to leave, but found Wu Ze staring at the stone pot in a daze with some silver dan grass.

Ola has cooked for Lausanne for three years. She cannot say how good her cooking skills are, but she knows how to use cooking tools correctly.

After thinking for a while, he walked over to take the Yindancao from Wu Ze, "Do you want to boil water?"

"I don't need your help, I'll do it myself." Wu Ze answered irrelevantly.

As soon as the words fell, Wu Ze snatched the silver dancao from Aola again.

After coming to the tribe for so long, Wu Ze has always resisted the people of the tribe and is unwilling to interact with everyone.

Just because the Wuze clan was brought here by the gangsters, everyone always looks at them with colored glasses.

Because of Lausanne and Fei Li, the people of the tribe did not embarrass them.

And in order for his clansmen to have a place to live, he also tried not to care about everyone's strange eyes.

Seeing Uze acting as if I could do it, Aura didn't help, just stood there and looked at him.

The tender green leaves of silver dan grass in his hand were almost crushed by Wu Ze, and he still didn't know where to start.

It's so hard to die, Ola is still standing here, he looked at Ola angrily, "Why don't you leave?"

"I want to see if you don't even have water in your stone pot, how do you boil it out? Or are you planning to fry it and feed it to unconscious people?"

Wu Ze's face turned red, and he immediately added water to the stone pot, and then threw the silver dancao into the stone pot.

"Fuck D Chi-" Aura on the side finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Wu Ze frowned, and said in a bad tone, "What are you laughing at?"

"Don't you break off the silver dan grass? More than half of it is outside the stone pot. Can you boil water?"

"Will I and I don't need..." Before you could say a word, Ola took out the silver dan grass, folded it into a small piece, and put it back into the pot.

At this time, Wu Ze no longer tried to be brave, and watched Aola fold the silver elixir and raise the fire.

Here, most of the tribes are orcs and humans as partners.

Orcs can deal with wild animals and hunt for food.

And humans are good at doing some tedious housework, so most orcs will choose humans as partners.

After finishing everything, Ola squatted in front of the stone pot, and from time to time pulled the silver dan grass in the pot with a branch.

Afterwards, he also wet the animal skin, folded it into a small piece and stuck it on the unconscious orc's forehead.

Wu Ze forgot to refuse his help and looked at him silently.

It wasn't until the two of them fed the boiled Yindan grass water to the unconscious orc that they sat on the wooden bench in the house to rest.

The sun was gradually moving towards the west, and the heat in the room remained undiminished. Ola, who had been busy for a long time, was covered in sweat.

Silence spread between the two.

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Aura turned to look at Wu Ze, smiled nonchalantly, "It's okay, but can you help me fix the roof?" No problem. "

The chat ended, and the two were silent again!

Suddenly, the unconscious orc on the bed moved, and Wu Ze rushed to the bed.

"You finally woke up, how do you feel now?"

The orc supported his drowsy head, and struggled to release his frown, "It's okay, thank you Lord Uze. The orc noticed the human Aura in the room from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help looking at the two of them.

Mr. Wu Ze, who never liked to get close to people, let a human into his house?

It's incredible!

"I'm fine, I'm going home first."

As soon as the words fell, the orc disappeared instantly, leaving the two of them alone.

Uze-sama, that's all I can do.

Everything happened so quickly, the two realized that there was no one else in the room.

The two looked at each other awkwardly.

Wu Ze: "Aren't you going to repair the roof, let's go!"

Fei Li returned home with a faint smile on his lips.

"What's the fun?" Luosang wiped him dry and fanned him at the same time.

He met Lausanne's eyes, "How about Uze and Ola becoming partners? They?

The figures of the two appeared in his mind, and Luosang was noncommittal.

Fei Li fell into his own contemplation, and didn't want to hear Lausanne's answer at all.

After what happened last time, he found that Ola's nature is not bad, probably because of his rival in love, Ola would feel unhappy with him. Thinking of this, his desire to match Uze and Aura became stronger.

Lausanne, who was ignored, said dissatisfiedly, "It's their business that they become partners. I don't want to take care of anyone's private affairs except you."

Hearing the displeasure in Luosang's words, he immediately came back to his senses.

"I'm thirsty?" He deliberately dragged out a long ending sound.

Luosang brought the remaining Yindan grass water and handed it to his hand.

"I'm hot?" Luosang continued to fan him.

After enjoying the excellent service, Fei Li was a little overwhelmed.

Not only is the life of a coquettish woman good, but the life of a coquettish man is also good.

Agitated, Fei Li couldn't hold the stone bowl firmly, seeing that the dandelion water was about to be spilled on the ground, Luosang and Fei Li went to pick up the stone bowl at the same time. Luosang used his spiritual power to catch the stone bowl before Fei Li.

He handed the stone bowl to Fei Li, his eyes full of doting, "You, why are you still so frizzy, what if the stone bowl hits your foot?

Pursing his lips, Fei Limo remained silent.

The words that came out of the mouth of the straight steel man made Fei Li want to flirt.


What's the matter with the icy cold touch in the palm?

Looking down at his hands, he was completely stunned!

This is... ice?

The silver dan grass water in the stone bowl actually solidified into ice, how could this be?

Seeing his abnormal expression, Luosang also came over and saw the ice in the stone bowl at a glance.

"What is this?"

While speaking, Luosang reached out to touch the ice, and the cold touch made Luosang withdraw his hand suddenly. Fei Li stared at the ice in the stone bowl in a daze. How could the good water suddenly turn into ice?

Thinking about everything that happened just now, he suddenly raised his eyes to look at Lausanne.

Could it be Lausanne?

He looked at Luosang with sizing eyes, "Did you use spiritual power when you went to pick up the stone bowl just now?"

Not understanding why he asked such a question, Luosang nodded truthfully.

A trace of doubt suddenly appeared in his heart, and he hurriedly dragged Luosang to the water tank.

"You use your spiritual power to look at the water in the tank."

Not sure what he was trying to do, but Lausanne did it anyway.

Luosang pointed at the water tank with one hand to activate his spiritual power, and the water in the water tank immediately turned into ice.

Stepping forward, Fei Li stood in front of the water tank and looked at it for a long time, as if he had picked up a treasure.

Unexpectedly, Luosang's spiritual power could freeze water into ice.

You must know that the two treasures of modern summer are refrigerators and air conditioners.

He now has ice, which can not only be used to cool down, but also can be used to make all kinds of summer food.

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

And Luosang was still in a daze, staring at the unknown thing in the water tank.

"What the **** is going on? What are these things?"

Fei Li: "This is ice. With it, I don't have to worry about heat anymore."

"Is this something from your parents? Is it more effective than dancao?" Luosang looked at Bing, then looked at Fei Li. Fei Li nodded, and then told Lausanne the use of ice.

Luosang was confused, but he grasped the point, that is, with ice, Fei Li would not be afraid of heat. Thinking of this, Luosang walked out of the house, but was grabbed by Fei Li in time.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll fetch some more water and some more ice to make you more comfortable."

"No, it's going to be dark soon, these are enough for the night, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Luosang looked outside the house and gave up the idea of ​​fetching water.

At night, Fei Li broke the ice in the water tank into pieces and placed them in every corner.

The room became much cooler immediately, and Fei Li lay comfortably on the bed.

"Finally I can sleep well, Xia Tian is really unfriendly to me!"

Luosang lay beside him, "I suddenly felt very hot."


He quickly reached out to put his hand on Luosang's forehead, but Luosang grabbed his hand and turned over and pressed him down. The long night is long, and the relationship between them has just begun.

The next day, Fei Li was woken up again by the heat.

Seeing that Luosang was still asleep, he shook Luosang awake, "Hot?" His soft voice made Luosang completely helpless.

Luosang got out of bed and immediately went to fetch water from the river.

Taking advantage of the time when Luosang fetched water, he made breakfast for Luosang, then left the tribe and went up the mountain.

With ice, he naturally wanted to make some iced fruits to quench his thirst.

In the early morning of summer, the dew has not yet evaporated, and the mountain looks very cool.

He walked fast, trying to pick some wild fruits and bring them back to the tribe before the sun rose.

After a while, he came to a lush forest with many types of trees.

He entered the forest, and immediately saw some fruits hanging on the tree in front of him, so he ran over quickly.

Standing on tiptoe, he picked a fruit, "This seems to be a green fruit."

Wiping it all over his body, he took a bite.

Sweet and juicy!

The ecological environment of the primitive society is still good, the fruit is not given any medicine to accelerate the ripening, and the fruit that ripens naturally is delicious.

He picked a lot of green fruits, at this time the sun had already revealed half of his face, and he planned to return to the tribe.

When he walked out of the forest, he suddenly found a piece of green grass not far away, and there seemed to be some dark green, round things in the grass. Driven by curiosity, he took steps towards the grass.

When he got closer, his face was full of joy.

"It's actually a watermelon."

The watermelons here are naturally not as good as the modern thin-skinned large watermelons, and are much smaller than the modern watermelons.

He bent down to pick one off, and cut open the watermelon with a stone knife, the bright red flesh made him bleed all over the floor.

Putting down the green fruit in his arms, he happily ate the watermelon.

Watermelons and air conditioners are standard equipment in summer, and the more he thought about it, the happier he became.

After eating a watermelon, he is planning to continue picking watermelons.

As soon as he bent down, something pressed against his back. He froze for a while, and stood up cautiously.

"What are you? How dare you steal my green melon!"

Green melon?

Looking at the watermelon lying in the leaves, the name green melon is worthy of its image.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the person behind put a weapon against his waist, "After you eat these green melons, you will be mine, turn around and let me see.

After all, after eating other people's food, Fei Li could only look back with regret.

The moment he saw the person behind him, he was speechless for a long time.

The author has something to say, thank you for the little cutie who voted for the renewal ticket, thank you for the monthly pass, and especially thank you for the recommendation ticket, the refill! I specially prepared a fan pot to give back to everyone, and there will be fan pot from time to time in the future! mwah!