MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 148. Finally came back

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After Jiang Zhen often went out to sea, Zhao Jinge built a house near the cliff side village and lived down.

He didn't know when Jiang Zhen would come back every time he went out to sea, but he always hoped to see Jiang Zhen earlier.

The next person came to report, saying that when he saw the sea boat, Zhao Jinge was dealing with the Jin Zhen Escort in this house.

In the past three years, the Jin Zhen Escort has grown more and more, and the scope of darts is no longer limited to Hexing. In the Jiangnan area, they are all escorted. Not only that, but if someone pays a big price, it is the capital, and they can also send it.

As a result, the various tasks of the Jin Zhen Escort Bureau were very numerous and very messy. At this moment, Zhao Jinge’s house was filled with various documents, and two children and two women were helping him to sort out.

These women are both children in Hexi Village. They are very smart. They are also good at literacy. After seeing their situation, Zhao Jinge arranged them to help them to do things.

The families of these people were unwilling at first, but then they saw that they could get home with silver every month, and they were happy.

Zhao Jinge took a sip of water and looked at a few sheets of paper in front of him. He said: "This person can no longer be a dartmaster in the Jin Zhen darts. The loss of the guests is compensated by him."

Just half a month ago, a dartmaster of the Jin Zhen Escort had privately asked the guests for money, and even deliberately damaged the customer's goods. Now, the ins and outs of this matter are placed in front of him.

"Yes." A pair of children should have a voice, wrote down the words of Zhao Jinge, and handed another piece of paper to Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge was about to look at the few sheets of paper, and someone came: "Mrs., the fleet is back! The fleet of the total darts is back!"

Zhao Jinge suddenly stood up and refused to look at the sheets of paper in front of him. He ran away quickly.

Is Jiang Zhen coming back? Jiang Zhen is finally back!

Jiang Zhen went to the sea this time and went for five months. Zhao Jinge had not seen him for five months.

Although in the past three years, he has become accustomed to life without Jiang Zhen, but his thoughts on Jiang Zhen have never been less, this time...

Zhao Jinge, who has become more and more stable in a few years, wants to run out.

A few young people are carrying some things to go to the house, and they are surprised to see this scene. One of them is not big, but it is incomprehensible: "Is that lady? How can he run so fast?"

He had seen his wife several times before, and his wife was very calm and full of majesty, so that he could not call the name "Mrs." But today's wife runs very fast, but it is completely different from before.

"It must be that the total darts are back." Another young man looked at the new one.

"Is the total darts back?" The newcomer suddenly got excited: "Can we go and see?" What he admired most is the total dart! The total darts were only a very ordinary farmer. In the end, they built a Jin Zhen dart... They all admire him and admire him.

"Wait for the work to finish." The young man who spoke to him before, the movements in his hands accelerated.

Who doesn't want to go see the total darts?

More and more people gathered on the dock, many people are cheering toward a few large ships that are slowly docked, and after Zhao Jinge ran over, it was pushed to the front of the crowd in a short while.

He had just stood firm, and there was another person coming in. After a while, Wen Ying Niang was under the group of people under the hand and drove to Zhao Jinge.

Wen Ying Niang’s side is full of people, because she is pregnant again.

More than two years ago, after Zhao Jinge gave birth to his son Zhao Chengyu, he did not have any more children, but Wen Yingniang was different. She gave birth to her son more than two years ago. Wenkang did not say that after this time, she discovered I am pregnant.

Wen Ying Niang has been over 30 years old. The age is not too small. After she found out that she was pregnant, she has been very careful. Generally, she will not even come to the docks.

Only this time Wenming is coming back, she still came out. Of course, she brought a lot of people... At this moment, I heard Wenying’s side, and the family’s passion was full of thirty or forty.

In contrast, Zhao Jinge has more chills, that is, this time, he found out what he forgot...

Wen Ying Niang’s beggars hugged her eldest son Wen Kangle, but he forgot to bring Zhao Mingzhu and Zhao Chengyu.

However, this time, Zhao Jinge is not willing to go back to pick up.

The two children are with his parents. After his parents know that Jiang Zhen is back, he will definitely bring the children with him...

"This time I went for five months!" Wen Ying Niang's face was full of dissatisfaction: "Silver enough flowers to do, earn so much to do? Can not live at home safely?"

Zhao Jinge nodded. He actually wanted Jiang Zhen to go, but... Jiang Zhen was going to stop, he couldn’t stop it.

With such a thought, Zhao Jinge is a bit helpless, and Wen Yingniang is actually the same.

Wen Ming insisted on going out, she must not let go.

The two stopped talking and looked forward to the big ships.

At this time, Jiang Zhen and Wen Ming also looked forward to the shore with a look of hope. As they got closer and closer to the dock, they also saw people waiting for them on the shore.

Jiang Zhen had already explained what the following people should do after landing. They don’t need him to look at it again. When he is close to the shore, he jumps from the boat and then comes quickly. In front of Zhao Jinge.

"Jiang Zhen, what's wrong with your feet?" Zhao Jinge asked with concern. Just now, he seems to see Jiang Zhen walking a little embarrassed?

"Nothing!" Jiang Zhen grabbed Zhao Jinge and walked to a house next to the dock.

The house is a Jin Zhen dart board. There are three floors. The bottom floor is used for work. The second floor and the third floor are all ordinary people are not allowed to go up. At this time, Jiang Zhen directly dragged people to the third floor.

In fact, it can't be a drag. Zhao Jinge is worried that he will be tired. He has been following him quickly. He does not need him to force.

"Jiang Zhen, you are careful, is your leg okay?" Zhao Jinge ran with Jiang Zhen, and he could not wait to carry Jiang Zhen.

"Not very good... so go quickly." Jiang Zhendao, took Zhao Jinge and entered the third floor.

On the third floor, Jiang Zhen left the room for himself to rest. Pulling Zhao Jinge, he went straight in and then pushed Zhao Jinge down on the bed.

As a result, he just pushed the man down, and Zhao Jinge turned over and turned him down, and then took off his pants...

Seeing that Jiang Zhen walked limping, Zhao Jinge was really worried about urgency, and eagerly wanted to see if Jiang Zhen was injured.

"Golden brother, you are really passionate... Come and sit up." Jiang Zhen grabbed Zhao Jinge's hand and placed it on a position he had already stood up.

His leg was injured by the rope, and it didn't matter. It was even more important for his little brother.

Zhao Jinge: "..."

In the end, Zhao Jinge insisted on seeing the shock-absorbing legs first. After confirming that nothing happened, he would be willing to sit up.

Then he insisted that Jiang not be shaken.

Being served by people is also very good... Jiang Zhen asked Zhao Jinge to wait for himself once, and let Zhao Jinge wait for his second time.

At this time, Zhao Mingzhu has been out of anger.

Zhao Chengyu was not impressed with Jiang Zhen, and Zhao Mingzhu was different. She was waiting for her heart to come back. After she came back, she was gone.

"I am going to find you! I want to marry!" Zhao Mingzhu grinned, not full of dissatisfaction.

"Mingzhu, you are coming soon." Zhao Liu's appease his granddaughter, and his heart was in a hurry.

Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge, two people, don't mess around for too long!

Jiang Zhenxin hurriedly ran with Zhao Jinge, Wen Ming came down from the boat, and also wanted to find Wen Ying Niang intimate, and then found ... between him and Wen Ying Niang, separated by a big belly.

I have been married for more than three years, and the two have gathered together and left. It’s hard to be together this time, and a child is coming out...

Wen Ming looked at Wen Ying Niang's stomach, and the joy on her face became a worry: "How come you are pregnant?" Wen Ying Niang is not too young, and she is pregnant with her children. She does not know if she will be hurt. .

"Why, you don't want children?" Wen Ying Niang stunned.

"No, I am worried about you." Wen Ming immediately said.

"I'm fine." Wen Ying Niang, holding the hand of Wen Ming: "What about you? Are you okay? Is there any discomfort at sea? Is there any injury?"

"I am very good." Wen Ming looked at Wen Ying Niang, both of them were excited to look at each other.

As a result, they did not wait for their mutual complaints and someone came.

Coming to Zheng Yi, Zheng Yi is behind him, and there are many people. When those people look at their clothes, they know that they are all rich and expensive.

"Wen Ming, I brought some friends to play, I did not expect that I happened to meet you back... Is there any good goods that can make us pick one?" Zheng Yi smiled and gave Wen Ming a look.

Seeing Zheng Yi’s attitude, Wen Ming knew that the identity of these people was absolutely unusual. He apologized to see Ying Ying Niang’s eyes. He went up and said: “Zheng Shao, there are also my grandfathers, this time we met Europa. Merchants, really brought back a lot of good things, I will take you to see."

Jiang Zhen ran too fast, leaving him one... Wen Ming helplessly greeted the guests.

Read The Duke's Passion