MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 145. Wen Ying Niang is pregnant

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Wen Ming looks good and his temperament is not bad. When he was young, he accompanied the young master of the Wen family. Although he did not have a fame, his knowledge is still there.

After welcoming Wen Ying Niang, he came out to toast, and he looked like a pair of people. Many people in Hexing House had a good impression on him.

Zheng Yi also praised him a lot: "I see this smell is much better than that of Liao Qinghe. It is that he will gossip about Ying Niang and is willing to enter the country. It is really unexpected."

If it is him, it is impossible to go to the news.

However... I took a look at Jiang Zhen and thought that Jiang Zhen had done something similar to that of Wen Ming. Zheng Yi thought that this was quite good.

Although Wen Ying Niang married, but at least better than Zhao Jinge, the dowry is also rich.

"He likes to smell Ying Niang." Jiang Zhendao, looked at Zhao Jinge.

Zhao Jinge stunned and suddenly blessed the soul and understood the meaning of Jiang Zhen.

Wen Ming is fond of smelling Ying Ying Niang, Jiang Zhen... is like him.

Zhao Jinge is just like eating honey, and the honey is sweet in his heart.

At this time, Jiang Zhen was discussing with Chang Yi the long river salt field, and agreed to go to the former Hongjiang salt field tomorrow, and now look at the Changhe salt field.

Zheng Yi wants to help the Yang Daren deal with the salt field, and let the salt field produce salt as soon as possible. Jiang Zhen is going to build a dock on the ground that Zheng Yi left for him.

As a result, Jiang Zhen’s money was not enough. Fortunately, he took over a big business – helping the Changhe Salt Field to transport salt. After that, the Qingfeng Building in Fucheng will also open...

Wen Ming intends to stay in Wen Jia, Jiang Zhen did not succeed in dig, but did not force it. The next day, he took Zhao Jinge and Zhao Mingzhu, followed Zheng Yi by boat to the beach.

A few months ago, there was a massive massacre at the seaside, and many people died. But this time, nothing has been seen here.

The bones of the dead people were rotted by the animals and eventually became the fertilizer of the earth. Apart from making the trees more and more lush, there was no trace left in this world.

Zhao Jinge is in, Jiang Zhen does not say the hardships at that time, but rather talked about some interesting things encountered here, such as someone who went to the beach to find shells that could be eaten, was accidentally besieged by crabs, and they fell asleep at night. I fell asleep and suddenly it rained, so I could only jump up and find a place to hide from the rain...

Zhao Jinge didn't smile, but couldn't help but his eyes were sour, but he restrained it and didn't show it.

Jiang Zhen said it was easy, but he could hear the hardships that Jiang Zhen had lived on this beach before. It was very cold. At that time, it was still very cold. Jiang Zhen was drowned by the rain. I don't know how uncomfortable it was.

"Jiang Zhen, you said before that you have a new method of salt making, what is it?" When he arrived at the Changhe Salt Field, Zheng Yi asked.

"Sun salt." Jiang Zhendao.

Jiang Zhen went to the beach before, knowing how the sun is dried, and then he will tell it in detail.

In fact, the salt is more pure, but the salt is really convenient. Moreover, the people do not mind a little bit of impurities - the official salt sold by the court before, even inside will be deliberately incorporated into the sand.

However, to get salt, there is still some technical support... Why didn’t anyone have salt before? Still not a suitable container?

Jiang Zhen briefly talked about how to build a beach at the beach, and then directly found some people to try.

At this time, the people worked hard and were particularly obedient. So, five days later, the first salt was dried.

Stayed in the south of the Yangtze River. In the future, the Yang Daren who will take care of the Changhe Salt Field will see the salt from the sun. The expression will be a little excited, and then he will ask: "How do you think this salt should be sold?"

"Everyone wants to eat salt, and the price is still lower, which is good for the Queen Mother." Jiang Zhendao, he hopes that the price of salt will drop.

At this time, the people use salt in many places. For example, if you want to preserve meat, you should pick it up. The salt is too expensive.

I want to make salt at this time as cheap as modern, but it is also a lot of money.

The Queen Mother is also hoping to rely on the price of salt to collect the people's hearts. Yang Daren is slightly pondering, and he plans to take advantage of the salt merchants to be suppressed and sell the cheap salt.

The salt field was not something that Jiang Zhenneng intervened. He was not interested in intervening. After confirming that there was no problem with the salt, he sat on the boat sent by Wen Jia and went to the island where Zhu Erlin and others were placed.

Zhu Erlin and others have lived on the island for a long time. Although there is no shortage of food and drink, there will always be some uneasiness. Once again, when Jiang Zhen arrives, they almost cried.

Then they learned a good news - they can go back.

Even before the Hongjiang salt field was under control, these people’s lives were very bad, but they lived there for generations. Compared to this island, they are more used to life there.

Jiang Zhen took everyone back several times this time.

The place that Jiang Zhen chose to build the pier was the cliffside village he had visited. The terrain here is very suitable for the construction of the pier.

Ten thousand people first built their own residences in the vicinity, and then they started to build the docks. Although they did not sign any agreement, they almost all defaulted to work with Jiang Zhen, and they worked very hard.

And Jiang Zhen, did not treat them badly, not only will they let them eat and drink, but also give them pork to eat.

When Jiang Zhen built his own dock, the people of Hexing House were happy to do so.

Before the price of salt rose all the way, even if you want to buy it, you can't buy it. Recently, the price of salt has dropped.

On the good salt, as long as five or six yuan a pound!

In the past, it was private salt and it would not be so cheap!

When the people of Hexing House discovered this, they were going crazy. Even many people bought salt for a dozen kilograms and bought the salt in the shop.

Even so, the next day, there are still salt sold in the shop, especially the shop of Zheng family. They don't allow others to buy more. They can only buy one pound at a time, and they can always produce a lot of salt.

The people of Hexing House were still talking about the news of Ying Yingniang. At this time, they all talked about the price of salt. What other people’s family have to do to slap their wives? Is it important to eat and drink Lazar?

Now that the price of salt has dropped, they are not as good as buying the salt, and picking up salt and pickled eggs.

The people of Hexing House are very happy. At the same time, those who have money and power in Hexing House are also looking forward to it.

The Qingfeng Building of Hexing House is about to open.

To Zhou Maohe's Fu, the people of Hexing House had already known the existence of Qingfenglou, and they had long been expecting the Qingfeng Building. Later, after the Qingfeng wine came out, everyone was more curious about this Qingfeng Building.

Now, the Qingfeng Building has finally opened.

People who know the existence of the Qingfeng Building in Hexing House, after knowing this, want to see it, as for the price of salt falling...

For many people, that is, the monthly expenses of the family are a few dollars less. This money is not enough for him to drink flowers and wine to reward people.

Qingfeng Building opened, of course, Jiang Zhen could not be seen.

He stayed at the beach for a long time, supervising others to work on the "worksite" every day, and letting himself darken a color, so that after wearing fine clothes, the whole person looked at it is not harmonious.

Zhao Jinge ran back and forth between Fucheng and the beach these days. In fact, he was still basking all day, but he was very careful. He always used a hat to block the sun. However, it was not black, and even the skin looked white and tender.

"Golden brother, you look more and more handsome." Jiang Zhen touched Zhao Jinge's face, some surprise.

"Is it?" Zhao Jinge looked at Jiang Zhen with pleasure.

"What is going on?" Jiang Zhen asked again.

"I am taking tonic." Zhao Jinge said without hesitation that when he went to the pharmacy and found that he did not have a child, he prescribed some medicine to make up the body. He took a good medicine and his face became better. Then, I opened some more to eat, so eating and eating, the child did not care, his temperament went better and better.

"Tonic can eat a little, but don't eat it." Jiang Zhendao, after asking Zhao Jinge to learn what he was eating, it was a heart-breaking.

These things will never kill people.

Jiang Zhen's skin was a lot smoother. Jiang Zhen didn't hold back and touched and touched it. After returning home, he directly dumped the person, and Zhao Jinge almost couldn't get up the next day.

Of course, he still got up, but when he arrived at the breeze building, he was a little bit insane and couldn’t help but yawn.

This is somewhat unsightly, Zhao Jinge is a little embarrassed, suddenly saw his opposite, Wen Ying Niang greatly yawned.

After Wen Ying Niang became a relative, she did not go back to Weinan.

Wen Jia is not entirely her parents. Although his father is a family member, there are still many elders who are familiar with the family.

When the father heard that the mother was distressed by the daughter, those people did not like the smell of Ying Yingniang and threw her face into the married woman of Hexing.

Before I heard that Yingying had not been taken off, she didn’t use her to laugh at her father’s mother. Now she is being taken off...

It was also for the sake of her daughter. When she heard the story of her father and told her to stay in Hexing House, it was Wen Ming and she stayed.

Of course, after this matter fades, Wen Ying Niang can go back.

However, Wen Ying Niang does not intend to go back. This is not how much she likes Hexing, but does not want to trouble her parents.

Anyway, Hexing House and Weinan House are not far away. After the holidays, she can get a look at her parents.

"Zhao Jinge, I haven't seen you for a long time." Seeing Zhao Jinge, Wen Ying Niang greeted her. After she became a relative, she wanted to go to Zhao Jinge, but Zhao Jinge was too busy. Just as she had a lot of things to deal with, the two had never met each other.

"Smell Mrs." Zhao Jinge saw Wen Ying Niang, smiled at the moment, and some strange - less than two months into a marriage, it is the time of the wedding, Wen Ying Niang should be very happy and very spiritual, how now the whole People look so tired?

"You didn't sleep well?" Wen Ying Niang asked, just now she saw Zhao Jinge yawning, and she couldn't help but yawn.

"I didn't sleep" Zhao Jinge frowned and looked at Ying Yingniang.

"I didn't sleep enough all day." Wen Ying Niang said: "Probably I have finally relaxed. There is nothing to worry about me. I will completely relax... I don't know what is going on, the more I sleep, the more tired I am."

"If you sleep a lot, you will be tired." Zhao Jinge nodded and agreed: "The body will hurt." He was lying in bed all day while sitting on the moon, always feeling uncomfortable.

"Yeah." Wen Ying Niang nodded and agreed, and yawned again.

Wen Ying Niang slowed down, it was a little spiritual, and asked: "Zhao Jinge, you and Jiang Zhen, how do you get along?"

"Ah?" Zhao Jinge is somewhat puzzled.

"Wen Ming followed me all day, I was sleeping together, I was a little unaccustomed." Wen Ying Niang said, said, the face could not help but a little red.

At the beginning, she felt that she and Wen Ming were two people, but they were mutually beneficial and mutual help, but recently, they noticed that something else had come.

This smells that most of them like her a bit.

Just... In some places, she is not used to it.

In the Liao family, there were a lot of rules. Although Liao Qinghe would come to sleep in her room, it would be seven or eight times a month. More and more, Liao and Liao’s mother would accuse Liao Qing and indulge in female color.

But Wen Ming is the opposite. These days, I don’t know how to do things. I followed her almost all day, and at night I stayed with her every day...

She thinks she has been sleepy, and it must be the reason for the news.

Suddenly, many people around her who grabbed the quilt with her, she must be unaccustomed.

"He doesn't sleep with you, and who sleeps with him?" Zhao Jinge is somewhat puzzled. He has never been clear about the big family's sleep in the room.

Anyway, he and Jiang Zhen have been sleeping together.

Wen Ying Niang pondered the words of Zhao Jinge, the more I thought it became more reasonable.

Yes, Wen Ming does not sleep with her, and who should I sleep with?

Wen Ying Niang and Zhao Jinge both whispered as they walked, and finally stopped in a garden dedicated to the female niece in the Qingfeng Building.

It was still early, there was no one in the garden, and the two of them found a gazebo hidden in the bush and sat down, letting the waiting people stay around.

However, they only said a few words, and suddenly a few women came towards them.

"Isn't this a lady? How is it so bad?"

Wen Ying Niang and Zhao Jinge’s brows were all wrinkled.

The two places where they stayed were very quiet. This group of people came over and there was no doubt that they were deliberately looking for it.

"The face is so ugly, I am afraid that it is not good to find a man."

"I heard that she was recruiting one of her own people... This is a marriage that can’t be done, and it’s just a mess!”

"Maybe she is because Liao Gongzi wants to be sad, and after a few more days, Liao Gongzi’s family affairs can be done."


These people said what I said in a word, when I looked at Wen Ying Niang, my eyes were full of gloating.

"Madam, the one who wears yellow clothes is the wife of Zhang Juren. Her daughter is going to marry Liao." The cockroach around Wen Ying Niang suddenly became loud.

"Madam, the Liao family now lives by painting, and I don't know the lady's dowry, enough for them to spend."

"Silver is still second, if Liao is to come up with an eldest son, it will be funny!"


I heard a word from you next to Wen Ying Niang, only the face that the lady said was ugly.

These embarrassing things were sent to Wen Yingniang by Wen Ming, but they must be guarded by Wen Ying Niang.

Zhang Jia is also considered a big family. Although the wife of this lady is only a person, his father-in-law is an official.

The marriage with Liao’s family was decided by Zhang Juren. Mrs. Zhang has been dissatisfied with her. She is reluctant to be wronged by her daughter and will only be dragged for two months before she becomes a relative.

However, no matter how dissatisfied, the daughter must be married to Liao Qing, and Mrs. Zhang always stayed at the Liao family. Therefore, after seeing Mrs. Wen, she could not help but find the trouble of smelling her wife. It is.

This smells that Ying Niang left the Liao family, but also moved out of the Liao family, really abominable!

Mrs. Zhang came to make fun of Ying Ying Niang, and she was degraded. She suddenly changed her face, but she still said: "Smell Mrs. If you are not doing well, you will curse others. It is too bad!"

"You said who is not doing well?" Wen Ying Niang snorted.

“Don't you hear that Mrs. still feels that she is doing well? But it is a hen that can't lay eggs. What else can I have?” said Mrs. Zhang.

This lady is also a poke in the smell of Ying Ying Niang, Wen Ying Niang's temper is not good, this time is even more furious, and even want to hit people!

She slammed up from the stool, but suddenly she was dizzy, and the scenery in front of her eyes turned into black and white.

Looking at her forehead, she frowned at the uncomfortable.

"Madam!" Wen Yingniang's beggars quickly helped her, and someone jumped up quickly and went to the doctor.

Their lord, but confessed, must wait for the good news, must not have the slightest negligence!

Wen Ming and Jiang Zhen Zheng Yi stayed together, talking, and suddenly someone came to report: "Master, the master is not good, the lady is not comfortable, her face is white, almost fainted."

"What?" Wen Ming was shocked. He thought that Wen Ying Niang had been uncomfortable for a few days. He was worried about it. He stood up and left. He asked while walking: "What is going on?"

"It’s all mad at the lady!" Then he said.

A face of Wen Ming suddenly became dark, and the pace accelerated.

The breeze floor gave the women to the yard where the women were waiting. The man was not allowed to enter. When Wen Ming arrived at the door, he was stopped. He was anxiously trying to break in. He didn’t want to come out again: "Master! Madame, she is pregnant. !"

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