MTL - The Only Favourite Ugly Husband-~ 115. Refuse to confess

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Qingfeng Tower slowly got on the right track. Jiang Zhen began to prepare for the Qingfeng Building on the other side of the Fucheng City. It was the blue brick that was burned out by himself. He also fell a lot. The Qingfeng Building here used a Zheng family. The old house, but the Fucheng side, it is better to build all the better.

In order to build the breeze building on the Fucheng side, Jiang Zhen even deliberately spent money to hire a lot of carpenters, and then let them create some entertainment facilities that suit their own ideas.

He has never played such a high-altitude golf ball, and he doesn’t know how to get it. But what about billiards bowling can be a cottage. Of course, after he thinks of playing the game, he must first tell Zheng Yi and then let Zheng Yi Re-starting a completely different, poetic and artistic name.

Jiang Zhen spent a lot of time on the breeze upstairs, but also did not forget his own Escort.

The weather is getting colder and colder now, but the business of the Escort is not worse at all, but it is better.

When the common people celebrate the New Year, they will add some clothes to buy some meat, let alone those rich people... When they were years ago, no matter what goods, they would sell very well!

The small businessmen in Hecheng County were almost all dispatched, and they did all the business. In the past, they all hired people to shake the boat and walked around, but now...

As long as you spend a little money, you can take a big boat from the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau to do business, and you can still have a cold wind in the cabin...

Many people have found the Jin Zhen darts bureau, and the bed under Jiang Zhen’s hands is almost too busy. Later, Zheng Yi rented two big ships to him, only to let him slow down.

Nowadays, on the ship of the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau, there will be a very conspicuous "shock" flag, and all the people in the Jin Zhen darts will wear uniform clothes. As a result, the people of Hecheng County, on this dart, It is getting more and more understood.

"I heard that people who are in the Jin Zhen darts have earned a lot!"

"There was a person in our alley who had never been to school before. I followed the grandfather who recognized a few words and went to Jin Zhen's Escort. Now I can earn four or two dollars a month!"

"What is the only thing that can be counted? The Zheng Baoning on my side, you all know, I used to give some money to the duvet to make money. Now he specializes in running a line with a boat, not taking a silver or two in a month. And there are bonuses... In the past, his family had a hard time, but now everyone is wearing new clothes."

"The owner of the Jin Zhen Dart Bureau, I heard that it is also a friend with Zheng Da Li’s young master. That Qingfeng Building is the two of them. It’s only a golden egg! I don’t know him. How much have you earned!"


The people of Hecheng County are almost all talking about the Jin Zhen Escort.

When Song Li started standing in the early days, he wanted to hear people say a few words of Jin Zhen's bad news. In the end, he heard a fire.

At this time, some people saw him: "Song Li! You are a Song Li, you will stop me!"

The man shouted, and then rushed toward Song Li: "Song Li, I and you have no enmity, why do you want to lie to me? I lost a good job in vain!"

It turned out that when the person Jin Zhen darts recruited, Song Li did not only persuade Zheng Baoning, in fact, he also advised several other people.

At that time, the Jin Zhen darts bureau did not have a reputation. Many people were persuaded by Song Liyi to give up the errand. At that time, they did not think that there was anything. Now that they see the development of the Jin Zhen dart board getting better and better, they hate Song Lilai.

When the man grabbed Song Li, he slammed the anger and hit a few punches in Song Li. Then he snorted and turned and left.

Song Li was beaten a bit, his face was black, but he couldn't help it... He would only return home with a painful stomach.

"Where are you going? If you can't find a horrible thing outside, you can't do anything at home. What do you want to do?" Song Li's wife looked at Song Li with dissatisfaction: "The original Jin Zhen The work of the Escort is so good, you have all registered, but others have said a few words, but they still haven’t done it."

"I didn't tell you? The Jiang Zhen is not a good person!" Song Lidao.

"What if he is not a good person? As long as he is willing to give money! And, I see that Jiang Chengxiang is really not a good person!" Song Li's wife is against Jiang Chengxiang, that is disgusting.

The Song family still has money, and the days are relatively affluent, but it is not particularly rich, and this is mainly because the Song and Song dynasties have only one son of Song Li - there are fewer children at home and less expenses. Don't you just drop the money?

All in all, this Song family is not a rich family. It is also necessary to be generous to meet Jiang Chengxiang, then Jiang Chengxiang? He actually had a face that completely collected the money and things that Song Li gave!

"Don't say that to my friend!" Song Li said.

"I want it, what can you do with me?" Song Li’s wife said.

Song Li was angry, and in the end it was a slap in the face of his wife.

"Well, Song Li, you hit me! I won't go with you!" Song Li's wife had a bad temper and slaps her hand. She immediately went back to the house to pack things up and went back to her family.

Song Li’s mother had to go to persuasion, but she was dragged by Song Li: “She wants to leave and let her go. Such a woman, I can’t afford it!”

In fact, Song Li is faint, and some regret it, but the more he regrets, the less he is willing to admit his mistakes. The more he believes he is right.

Song mother was pulled by her son, but she really didn't want to persuade... This woman is married, and then she will go back to her family. It will definitely be rejected by her family. Her daughter-in-law will definitely be back in a few days.

Jiang Zhen didn't know that there was such a person in Song Li who was tirelessly saying his bad things. He was talking about Zheng Yi and distilled wine at this moment.

When Jiang Zhen last wanted to disinfect the wounds of the injured person with wine, he found that the wine at this time did not seem to be high. He didn’t think much about it at the time. Now he is able to breeze in Fucheng. The building was fired, but I remembered it.

However, he didn't know how to distill the wine, and he only said his thoughts.

"Can you still do this?" Zheng Yi listened to Jiang Zhen and said that there is some excitement at the moment: "When I am a child, I will let people try it! Jiang Zhen, you have a lot of ideas, if this wine is finished." We can have another way to make money!"

In some places in Daqi, it is forbidden for the people to make wine by themselves. They are afraid that food is not enough to eat. However, there is no such rule in Jiangnan.

Or, there is, and no one is taking it seriously.

"At that time, there should be someone who goes to the breeze building for wine!" Jiang Zhen is also very happy. This Zheng Yi is definitely a very good partner. Many things that let him go to get absolutely impossible, give it to Zheng Yi. It can always be done very quickly.

"This is no doubt! But..." Zheng Yi suddenly looked at Jiang Zhen with a tangled look.

"What?" asked Jiang Zhen.

"The breeze building on the other side of Fucheng is estimated to be late." Zheng Yi smiled bitterly: "This time, there is an imperial man who wants to come to Jiangnan. That person is very pedantic. Everything is not pleasing to the eye, if we take the momentum Make it too big, maybe he is going to go to my uncle."

Zheng Yi has just received news that Zhou Yushi, who is in the capital of the city, is coming to Jiangnan, or as an imperial person.

This week, Yushi’s name is Zhou Maohe... He is famous for his participation.

In Daqi, there is no one who does not dare to participate. When he goes to the Empress Dowager, the soldier who goes down to the gate of the gate, as long as he grabs the handle, he can sneak a copy.

Because of this, he has been **** twice, and he has also been in prison.

The Queen Mother who Zheng relied on was involved in government affairs and was interviewed several times by him. He was very disgusted with him. However, many readers ate Zhou Maohe and felt that he was awkward... So, the Queen Mother regenerated. Qi, can't really tell him how--if Zhou Maohe is really going to happen, it may be ruined by people!

But the Queen Mother did not want to see him, so she found a reason to send people to Jiangnan.

"This person, listening is not bad." Jiang Zhendao, in this ancient few did not clear the official, he quite admired such people.

"That's why you haven't touched him." Zheng Yidao: "He is a stone in a pit. It's stinky and hard... I don't want to talk about him. Anyway, he has nothing to do with us." Such a person, he can't afford it. Can't you hide? Zheng Yi is making a decision to hide from that person!

Anyway, the surnamed Zhou is not likely to stay in Jiangnan for a long time. He will first get the drink out, and after a good year, think about something else.

Zheng Yi did not mention much, and Jiang Zhen also let it go.

However, he would rather hope that the person can grab a few locusts on the south side of the river.

He Cheng County magistrate is so greedy, it is just an official who accepts bribes from merchants. Jiang Zhen is not annoying. After all, there is no fish in the water, but some officials, for the sake of money, will help the big family to oppress the people, even Grasshoppers are killing people... Jiang Zhen still hopes that the imperial can catch those officials.

After leaving Zheng Yi, Jiang Zhenzheng was going to go home and was suddenly stopped.

It was Shen Anxin who stopped Jiang Zhen. He was in front of Jiang Zhen and bit his teeth: "Jiang Zhen, I have something to tell you."

After Zheng Yi did not have an accident, he would have to live in Jiangnan, but Shen Anxin and Feng Jingyuan are not the same. After a long time, they will go back to Beijing.

Shen Anxin has not been able to find a chance to get along with Jiang Zhen these days, but he still wants Jiang Zhen more and more.

He is not reconciled.

It is clear that he is better than Zhao Jinge everywhere. Why does Jiang Zhen not look at him more? In the eyes, only Zhao Jinge?

Shen An Xinchang is so big, he wants something that can be basically obtained. He is eating here at Jiang Zhen, or losing to a person who is not as good as himself... How can he be willing?

He received a good education from an early age, too hard to use it, but even so, he still wants to try and fight again.

"Do you have anything to say?" Jiang Zhen asked. These days, Shen Anxin did not come to his house. When he faced Shen Anxin, he was calm.

"Let's change places to talk." Shen An Xindao.

"It's all right here." Jiang Zhendao said: "If you don't say it, I will go home."

There was no one around, Shen Anxin gritted his teeth and finally said: "Jiang Zhen, I appreciate you, I..."

"And then?" Jiang Zhen looked at Shen Anxin. Does this person want to cooperate with Zheng Yi like himself?

"I... Jiang Zhen, if you don't meet Zhao Jinge, would you like to marry me?" Shen Anxin blurted out, then he looked at Jiang Zhen nervously.

Jiang Zhenyi.

When he was in modern times, he could say that he had no love experience. At first, he did not find his own sexual orientation. Later, he discovered that he did not find a suitable person.

He is bent on finding a willingness to live with him for a lifetime. In that circle, many people just play it...

And...he actually doesn't quite associate with people, and he doesn't know the right person.

Even the right people have never met, Jiang Zhen said that he was confessed, that is, he confessed to others, he had never done it before, as he passed through here...

Zhao Jinge was the one he took the initiative to pursue, and he was confessed as he is now... he also did not encounter it.

It was Liu Yan and Zhao Lingxi, and they did not say such things to him.

When Jiang Zhen encountered such a thing for the first time, he stunned, but he quickly responded: "I don't want to."

Assume that such a thing is meaningless to Jiang Zhen. He looks at Zhao Jinge and plans to live with Zhao Jinge. He has never thought of anyone else.

I already have a daughter-in-law, and I still want to think about what others do?

Jiang Zhen refused to be merciless, but Shen Anxin felt even more embarrassed. He has already lowered his body to look for Jiang Zhen, and he has even been rejected mercilessly.

"Zhao Jinge is so good?" He couldn't help but ask: "He is obviously a different watch, and he is also designed to frame me!"

"You don't force me to beat people." Jiang Zhen planned Shen Anxin's words: "What kind of person Zhao Jinge is like, I think no one knows better than me. In my eyes, he is the best."

When Jiang Zhen said this, he was full of anger. After he finished speaking, he looked at Shen Anxin coldly and coldly: "Shen Anxin, I didn't know that you had such a mind before... Now that you know, we will still It’s better to be far away, and you should stop talking to me.”

After waiting for Shen Anxin to speak, Jiang Zhen left.

Although Shen Anxin said in front of him that Zhao Jinge’s bad words made him very angry, but he did not do anything else, he would not suddenly beat him, but he had already made up his mind to be far away from this person.

"Jiang Zhen!" Shen Anxin screamed again, but Jiang Zhen’s footsteps did not stop.

He wiped his eyes with his sleeves and saw his sleeves wet.

Shen Anxin had no face and then stayed on the street. He turned and left. After he left, in the corner of the street, he suddenly turned two people.

The two of them were Feng Jingyuan, and the other was Feng Jingyuan’s men who brought Jiangnan from the capital.

"I said that this Shen Anxin is not quite right these days. I didn't expect him to have started this year again." Feng Jingyuan said.

"East, he is to get support from Jiang Zhen?" Feng Jingyuan's humanity.

"Of course not." Feng Jingyuan said: "He is a child who is awkward... There is no such thing as a clear idea, but he still wants to do business..."

"Dongjia, Zheng Shao is a little biased towards him. He is full of grievances against our Bandung firm, which is not good for our future development." The person around Feng Jingyuan said again.

Feng Jingyuan also knows what this person said. He knows that Zheng Yi is biased towards Shen Anxin and wants to use Shen Anxin to contain himself.

Zheng Yi hopes that they can balance, and naturally they must support Shen Anxin... He has no choice but to be unwilling to see this.

Shen Anxin is now lacking experience and lacking experience. But after a few years of experience? Is it possible that he will grow up?

Feng Jingyuan is unwilling to see this situation.

Shen Anxin has always hated him. If Shen family is developed in the future, he will definitely be against him in Bandung Commercial Bank...

"I will not give him the opportunity to develop." Feng Jingyuan said, looking at his own hand: "I let you find people in Hecheng County, have you found it?"

"East, I have found seven or eight people." That humanity.

"They don't know your identity?" Feng Jingyuan said again.

"I let others find someone, they don't know my identity.

"That's good... You look for a few people. The next time Shen Anxin is alone outside, you will let people tie him up... He is a pair of children, so that those people are cool and cool." Feng Jingyuan calmly Said.

No matter how harmless the performance is, Feng Jingyuan is not a good generation himself, or he will not teach such a son.

If he kills Shen Anxin, Zheng Yi will definitely investigate this matter, and he will not be involved in it at that time, but if he makes people like Shen Anxin...

With Shen’s new temper, I’m sure I’m afraid to let this out, and I’m only able to swallow my own teeth. This is not counting, he will be...

I saw a man, this Shen Anxin can be all day long, and people are broken and chaste, maybe they don't want to live.

Feng Jingyuan is not looking at people like Shen Anxin, but he is very happy that this Shen Anxin is such a person, it is really easy to deal with.

"Yes, the East." The person around Feng Jingyuan should have a voice.

"This is where the unfamiliar place of life is. This Shen Shaoye goes out, but he doesn't even know how many people to bring, oh..." Feng Jingyuan shook his head and felt that Shen Anxin was too naive.

Feng Jingyuan's vicious mind, they know only two of them, at least Jiang Zhen did not expect.

At this moment, Jiang Zhengang returned home, and then he confronted Zhao Jinge: "Golden brother, you will be far from the new Shenan."

"What's wrong?" Zhao Jinge asked inexplicably. These days, Shen Anxin didn't contact them very much. Jiang Zhen never mentioned Shen Anxin... How come it suddenly lifted up today?

"He didn't have a bad heart." Jiang Zhendao, before Shen Anxin came to Zhao Jinge all day, I really don't know what thoughts...

Shen Anxin said to Zhao Jinge about his confession, and he would only make Zhao Jinge unhappy. Jiang Zhen did not say it, only let Zhao Jinge take care of him.

Zhao Jinge nodded and said something: "Jiang Zhen, another ten days, is my mother's 50th birthday, and I told me privately that I want to be busy."

Zhao Fugui was full of fifty in the past few years. He had an egg on the day of his life. Zhao Liu’s luck was very good. He was only 50 years old this year.

"Jiang Zhen, according to the custom here, you have to buy a hoof, a chicken, a fish, a pack of noodles for my mother." Zhao Jinge said again.

On the side of Hexi Village, some people live long life, friends and relatives will send something. If you don't have money, you may get some egg flour. If you have money, you will buy chicken and buy hooves.

"Well, I must be ready by then." Jiang Zhen smiled, wondering if it would be best to kill a pig and give Zhao Liu a face.

As for a pig, they may not be able to finish it... This is actually nothing. When you cut off two hooves, the rest will be sent to the cafeteria.

By the way, the pig's trotters have to be left. He likes to lick the pig's trotters.

In the evening, Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge returned to Hexi Village as usual.

These days, he stayed in the county side during the day, but he will go back at night. Sometimes he will only stay in the county for a long time. After all, Hexi Village is his recognized home.

Seeing that Jiang Zhen and Zhao Jinge came back, Zhao Liu immediately greeted him, but now she will not be the first to pay attention to Jiang Zhen.

"Grandmother's pearl, hey, I want to die grandmother!" Zhao Liu's coming up, he must hold Zhao Mingzhu.

Zhao Mingzhu also missed her, and reached out to her, so the grandmother and granddaughter two, they kissed each other.

Since the Qingfeng Building on the Fucheng City is not in a hurry, Jiang Zhen is very relaxed. The next day, there is nothing wrong with the county town. He simply did not go over, but went to see his own training.

Training this thing, he gradually gave it to others, but he still has to go and see from time to time.

When Jiang Zhen went to see his training, he took Zhao Mingzhu and took Zhao Mingzhu twice. He provoked Zhao Mingzhu to “giggle” and laugh.

At noon, Jiang Zhen took his daughter to go home, but did not expect to go halfway, and actually met Shen Anxin.

The whole person of Shen Anxin seems to be lost, and when he sees Jiang Zhen, he rushes over: "Jiang Zhen, Jiang Zhen..."

Jiang Zhen subconsciously let a step, frowning and asked: "What are you doing?" He said it very clearly yesterday, how did Shen Anxin find it again?

"I have nothing to say to you, go back first." Jiang Zhen was facing Shen An Xindao, and then quickly left, he did not want to be misunderstood by Zhao Jinge.

Watching Jiang Zhen go so far, Shen Anxin’s face is desperate.

"Shen Shaoye, are you okay?" Zheng Baoning saw Shen Anxin and asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Shen An Xindao, but it looks like nothing, but it doesn't seem like nothing.

"Zheng Shao, do you want me to arrange for someone to send you to the county?" Zheng Baoning worried about what happened to this person and asked.

Shen Anxin shook his head, but Zheng Baoning still didn't trust: "I am going to the county, why don't you go with me? Shen Shenye, are you a pair? It is not safe to walk outside alone..."

This Zheng Baoning had a lot of women who had contacted before, and naturally saw Shen’s new identity.

Zheng Baoning said nothing but Shen Anxin was completely frozen.

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