MTL - The Old Gods Are Whispering-Chapter 401 Black-bellied Xiao Gu

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  Chapter 401 Black-bellied Xiao Gu

A piercing siren sounded in the town of Sado, and the Egyptians who built the town warned the pioneers in the town in Arabic-speaking Chinese. There is a giant dragon entrenched in the crown of the tree, which is an ancient ancestor roaring to vent its anger.

  The breath of the ancient gods within a radius of 50 kilometers is rioting. The strong magnetic field has completely disrupted the communication equipment. The walkie-talkies of the pioneers are filled with the sound of electricity.

   Only the storm is brewing.

  The ancient gods woke up from their deep sleep. They smelled the breath of death and ran away.

  The towering ancient tree covers the sky, its branches are like tentacles of the devil.

  The pioneers who fled in all directions gathered into a raging crowd. They jumped on the off-road vehicle and tried every means to evacuate.

  In the ruins, there are only three people who are calm and calm, as if turning a blind eye to the coming disaster.

   "Seventh Patriarch, Yi!"

Taihua stared at the ancient tree deep in the wind and sand, and could vaguely see an ancient dragon entrenched on the treetop, and said softly: "Two thousand and five hundred years ago, he participated in the battle of the East China Sea, and he was one of the few who survived. Ancestor. It is true that he has some abilities, otherwise he would not have been able to lead the dragons to chase and kill us for ten years."

  The president of the president naturally has a deep understanding of this. After all, before the golden age of mankind, there was indeed such a dark history. At that time, people could only linger under the pressure of the ancient gods, seeking a glimmer of life.

  The history of blood and fire to this day is written in history books.

  Whether it is the subversion of the dynasty, or the invasion of foreign races, including natural and man-made disasters.

   Behind everything is the shadow of the ancient gods.

   The war never stops, it just changes in countless ways.

  Because the history of mankind is the history of wars with the ancient gods.

   "Having said that, don't I remember that the Seventh Patriarch was still severely injured by the joint efforts of his wife and teacher?"

  The Silver King followed behind her, his long frost-white hair dragging to the ground, and his black trench coat flapped in the wind: "Otherwise, the strength of the Seventh Patriarch would not be able to recover to the sanctuary level."

  Before the ancient gods came to the earth, they often recovered their strength by devouring their own kind.

  Since coming to the earth, the ancient gods have found a fresher blood food, that is human beings.

Therefore, in ancient times, the ancient gods used human beings as sacrifices to restore their strength. A grand blood sacrifice can devour all living beings within a radius of a hundred miles. History is often thousands of times crueler than what is recorded in books.

   "It's a pity that the dimension of Buzhou Mountain does not allow the existence of demigods, otherwise, I will vow to settle this **** feud." The King of Gold has a cold face, and there is a sense of murder hidden in his pupils looking into the distance.

   This stems from Taiqing's teaching to the students, which can be summed up in eight words.

  Blood feud, irreconcilable.

   Both silver and gold are war orphans from before the golden age.

  They are brothers and sisters, and also cousins.

  Gold was born in the main family, while silver was born in a separate family.

  The Ying family was the royal family in the pre-Qin period, and also the largest family after the Jiang family and the Ji family. For two thousand years, it has been the backbone force against the ancient gods, and it is also the family that bleeds the most. They have continued to this day with great glory, but suffered heavy losses two hundred years ago, and were almost slaughtered by the Candle Dragon Clan.

  If it weren't for the rise of silver and gold, the Ying family might have been destroyed long ago.

  The most unforgettable thing in this world is hatred.

   That's why they're all tough hawks.

   "After so many years, you still can't let go."

  Taihua said indifferently: "Even if your two talents are worse than Qing and Chi, the difference is not too much. The reason why there is such a big gap in strength is because you hate the ancient gods too much?"

  Because I hate it too much, I don't want to turn myself into an ancient god.

  All the practice of the sublime comes from the spirit.

   Therefore, they were still unable to take the last step, and they could not become as powerful as their senior brothers.

  The reason why gold and silver become natural disasters is actually not their original intention.

   Instead, he was forced by two senior brothers.

  Even the cooperation of Lishan Tianyan Pavilion, if it wasn't for the first emperor's will, they would not abide by it.

   "If the teacher is still alive, he may be disappointed to see us."

  The King of Gold has never concealed his dislike for the ancient gods. He stared at the ancient trees in the wind and sand, and said indifferently: "If that lunatic really wants to come back, I will kill him again regardless of the cost."

  The Silver King raised his head impressively, the towering ancient tree was engulfed by the soaring golden flames, and there seemed to be a magnificent silhouette standing in the endless light and heat, her radiance was rising like the sun!

  The glorious crown condensed above her head, resembling a half-decayed golden tree. The fireworks flickering on the crown were like sea tides, and the burning branches seemed like natural veins, extending to the end of the world.

   That is the realm of heaven and man!

There is no such a domineering realm of heaven and man in the world. The breath of the ancient gods with a radius of hundreds of miles is evaporated in an instant, just like the sun in the empty universe bursting out, and the power released is enough to burn all darkness and ignorance .

  Even if the president is personally present, if he doesn’t use Heaven and Human Transformation, it’s probably nothing more than that.

   might even be worse.

   Of course it is under the premise of the same realm.

  This proves that that person's comprehension of the Law of Candlelighting seems to have reached its peak.

   Except for the president, there is only one person in the world who can do this.

   Although no one knows how she did it.


The King of Gold squinted his sharp eyes, like an eagle about to pounce on its prey, and said in a powerful voice: "It seems that the skylark is really with the unicorn. I don't know what their relationship is, but this is a good opportunity. .This is the ultimate weapon created by Bu Zhoushan, and we already have the means to deal with it."

  The silver king's eyes were cold, and the pupils illuminated by the endless glow were full of fear.

   "She is indeed very weak, and she must take advantage of this time to do something."

  She said coldly: "We have a unicorn, which is the trump card to win."

  After the completion of the first layer of Qilin Asgard Raiders, the world of order once held a secret meeting.

  The content discussed in this meeting is only for one person.


  Because the world of order does not have any combat power to deal with her.

  The President is also dying of illness.

   As for the Green King, he won't play with you at all.

  Who would have thought that Skylark would become so weak after experiencing the battle of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life.

   This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, especially when Qilin is still by her side.

   Being able to stay by that woman's side must have gained trust.

  This kind of trust is the opportunity to win.

  With the size of the world of order, as long as there is such a slight opportunity, thousands of killings can be created.

   "Teacher's wife, close the Internet cafe."

The King of Gold put his hands behind his back, looked at the woman's indifferent side face, and said in a deep voice, "Restraining at this time is also for the safety of Qilin. It is too dangerous for that woman to follow him. For a world of order, Qilin is also precious. property. After all, Lei Ting has that kind of relationship with him, and it is not impossible to combine them in the future."

  Silver King, as Lei Ting's teacher, did not express any opinion on this.

   It doesn't matter to them who is married to whom.

   As long as it can create value.

  Taihua fell into a brief silence, and displeasure flashed in the chilling Danfeng's eyes.

   I don't know if it's because people are about to die, and their hearts have softened.

  The word property made her hear very harshly.

   Just a bunch of kids.

   "Not yet."

  Taihua glanced at his two students without any trace, and said indifferently: "Since Qilin has come, the original plan will be abolished. All actions are made around him, and he is the absolute core."

  The Silver King frowned: "Master, do you trust him that much?"

  The King of Gold said in a deep voice, "He's just a kid."

"If it weren't for the information that this child got by committing a personal risk, I'm afraid that you still don't know the characteristic of Youying Law, and you would have no way of knowing that your senior brother is about to return. If I guessed correctly, this This rule may not even be known to Qing, he is pretentious as someone who wants to do great things, and he will never risk his life to try."

  Taihua waved his hand and said, "Only a lunatic like Chi would gamble with his own life."

"If you don't collect the net now, when they break into the Dragon Burial Valley, they will be within the sphere of influence of the dark world, and it will be difficult for the power of the orderly world to help them." Naturally, the king of gold will not dig into the horns of such issues, He only cares about whether he can stop the resurrection of that senior brother and the plan to destroy the dark world.

   It would be best to destroy Bu Zhoushan's plan.

   "I only want Thunder to live."

  The Silver King said coldly: "This is the bottom line of Tianyan Pavilion in Lishan Mountain."

   "As long as Qilin is alive, Thunder will die. Would a person as proud as him watch a girl who likes him die in front of him? As for the people in the dark world, they just came to deliver food to him."

  Taihua said softly: "I was just thinking, the battlefield between the Qilin clan and the Zhulong clan was in this desert 2,500 years ago, right? How many secrets are hidden in the so-called Dragon Burial Valley?"



  Jiang Ziye squatted on the ground in the middle of the night, picked up a scorched black bone, his fingers were burned immediately, and countless golden veins penetrated into his fingertips, making him feel unbearable severe pain.

   It's like the gene is disintegrated, and the body is about to collapse.

   This is the power of candlelight, but fortunately it is already extremely weak, so it doesn't get in the way.

  The desert is full of scorched bones, which are not only burnt to pieces like black charcoal, but also cut to pieces by sharp knives, as if thrown into a meat grinder and stirred for a while, which is shocking.

  No blood comes out because the blood has evaporated.

  These skeletons can be pieced together to make about twelve complete people. They are candidates for the evening that have been strengthened. Without exception, they have lost their minds and completely turned into human-eating demons.

  Unfortunately, their luck was not very good, and they chose the wrong opponent.

  Their opponents are the real demons.

The scene not long ago is unforgettable forever. The black-haired boy flashed out from the driver's seat of the off-road vehicle, squatted down with his hands on the roof of the car, and held a broken black iron sword in the other hand, majestic The golden torrential rain poured down, but when it fell on the monsters, it was like flames falling on gasoline and burning up.

  The man killed in the rainstorm with a broken iron sword, and the slash was as fierce and violent as a hurricane, rushing to kill the monsters like a broken bamboo, just like a hunter slaughtering livestock, cold and indifferent.

   "Midnight, report your current situation."

   There was a rustling sound from the walkie-talkie, and that cold voice as always.

   That was Jiang Chuge's voice.

   "I'm still chasing, the Seventh Patriarch has burned his life and is about to detonate this area."

Jiang Ziye caressed his heart, and the mark of the ancient dragon was scalded on his heart, which was a symbol of his strengthening: "His blood flows in my body, and he opened the path of evolution for me, so I can I survived. But there are two targets who are about to step into the range of Dragon Burial Valley, and I may not be able to stop them."

   "I will cooperate with you and stop them together."

Jiang Chuge's voice came: "You have the blood of evolution in your body, you can chase it closer, you shouldn't miss it. After this mission is over, the family will strip your blood of evolution for research. As a reward for you , I will try to fight for you to keep a part of it, which will also benefit your future promotion."

  The voice from the walkie-talkie came intermittently, Jiang Ziye was silent for a moment, then smiled silently.

   "Understood, my lord brother."

  He raised his head, the dragon horns on top of his head were hideous and terrifying, and the pupils of his eyes were blood red.

  At this time, Jiang Chuge asked in a cold voice:

   "The two people you mentioned, one of them is Thunder, so who is the other?"

  Jiang Ziye licked his lips and replied, "Kirin."

   Now, if he still can't see the identity of the enemy, then he has something wrong with his brain.

  Of course, Qilin also has doubts.

  For example, why Qilin looks exactly like Missy.

   Another example, why can the unicorn master two supreme laws at the same time.

   It's just that for some unknown reason, Jiang Ziye didn't mention this to his brother.

   Didn't say a single word.

   "I see, I will come to pick you up as soon as possible."

  Jiang Chuge said in a deep voice, "Wait for me."

   Communication is interrupted.

  Jiang Ziye got up and looked at the endless wind and sand, the off-road vehicle had drifted away.

   "Originally, you were able to escape, but it's a pity that the battle dragged on for so long."

   He said softly: "How are you going to escape now?"

   There was a sensational explosion in the distance, and the towering ancient tree collapsed and was burned by the golden flames that soared into the sky. Even so, there was still a majestic blood mist filling over him, passing him like a tidal wave.

  In the blood mist, a pair of angry scarlet pupils opened faintly, and the dragon's chant piercing the sky was like thunder.

  That is the remaining will of the Seventh Patriarch, which is to devour them desperately!

  The off-road vehicle that was about to disappear into the wind and sand would be swallowed up soon.

  At this time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

  Because of the direction the car was rushing towards, it seemed to be...



  Gu Jianlin tore off the burnt clothes casually, exposing the smooth upper body, holding the steering wheel with both hands, his gaze was firmly fixed on the blood mist in the rearview mirror, which twisted and swelled like a demon, and spread.

   Opening those eyes in the dark, it seemed that he heard the sinister laughter ringing in his ears.

   "The spiritual concentration has been weakened by 70%, and the remaining 30% is still as terrifying. If it weren't for Lark's action, all living things within a hundred miles would have died. This woman... is really strong."

  According to his original plan, he would rely on the speed of the villain to get out of the battlefield quickly.

  Ghost knows that woman is so strong-headed that she will be tough even in the face of a nuclear explosion.

  Now the aftermath of the explosion is sweeping in, and the remaining will of the Seventh Patriarch has locked them.

   "Are you sure it's really okay? Where did you get your confidence?"

   Tang Lingqiao blushed because she was sitting on him in an awkward position.

   Spread your legs apart, straddle his lap, and face him.

   This kind of posture is very common in Yingzhou's specialty movies, including some ancient double cultivation ceremonies. It is not a good thing anyway, and it is not suitable for children.

  Her pupils reflected the oncoming blood mist, and the vigilance in her eyes was extremely strong.

  Gu Jianlin slammed on the accelerator, the engine roared like it was about to explode, and the off-road vehicle was shaking crazily, as if it would fall apart at any moment: "I'm not confident in myself, I'm confident in the Jiang family's old man."

   Tang Ling was taken aback for a moment: "What did you say?"

   "That's why I came to Bury Dragon Valley, because the Jiang family's old ghost is also here."

   Gu Jianlin complained expressionlessly: "After all, it is an indiscriminate attack. The highest level on the second floor of Qilin Fairy Palace is only the sanctuary level. If the old guy doesn't make a move, he will be buried with us."

   Tang Ling looked surprised, Fox asked: "How do you know where he is? What if he wants to hide?"

Gu Jianlin calmly explained: "Their team is huge, they bring a lot of resources, and there are many old people with disabilities. They won't get anywhere faster than us. Besides, no matter where he hides, I can find him .”

   After all, his body is with the old ghost of the Jiang family.

  (end of this chapter)

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