MTL - The Most Loving Marriage In History: Master Mu’s Pampered Wife-Chapter 2085 Engagement (2)

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Listen, cold heart is speeding up the pace.

After a while, the cold heart finally stopped at the door of a room. At this moment, there were two guards standing outside the door. When I saw the cold heart, I also had a very respectful opening.

"Cold Miss!"

It can be seen that the people here are very familiar with the cold heart.

Coldheartedly tapped his head and took the step and stepped in.

Inside is a separate room, the room is quite large, and the layout is quite quiet and elegant.

"Mom, how are you?"

Cold heart soon saw the Mo Yanlan, who was trembling with his body under the curtains.

Lan Xiu also looked at the cold figure, and found out that Mo Lanlan was a very thin woman with pale face and no eyes. When they saw that they seemed to see something afraid, The whole body was trembling, and the eyes were full of horror.

Seeing the cold heart and walking past Mo Lanlan’s flash of light, suddenly struggling, “Don’t come over! You are the devil, the devil... It’s you who hurt your heart, it’s you! It must be you... No, no, Of course it is not the broom star, you are! You are!"

"Mom, how are you?"

Mo Lanlan screamed, her eyes suddenly widened, and the cold heart could not respond at all. I saw a cool breeze blowing through my face, and then there was a sharp pain in my shoulder!

'Snapped! ’

The heavy hits also passed.

"Be careful, be careful!"

The blue repaired black scorpion was miniature and exclaimed.

"Be careful Miss Cold! She has a stick in her hand!"

The voice of President Li’s panic also came, but it was too late!

Cold heart can not help but snorted, but also can not care about anything, quickly reached out and grab Mo Zhenlan, "Mom, it is me! You calm down, you calm down!"

"Let me go... you killed your heart... you are the devil... you don't come close to me... my heart is dead... dead... Of course, my heart is dead, is it... they are all I said that my heart is dead, how can my heart die, you see that she is still asleep..."

Mo Lanlan was unclear, but his strength was great. The waving hand directly scratched the cold heart and the wrist held in his hand once again fell on the cold shoulder.

"Sure! Be careful!"

The blue repaired, his face changed slightly, and the next moment he reached out and grabbed the past. The stick that hit him fell on the back of Lan Xiu's hand, and the cold heart did not care about reaching out to bring Mo Lanlan into his arms.

"Mom! Don't be afraid, my heart is not dead, she is fine, wait for you to get better, she will come back to see you, she will bring you the favorite peach cake to see you, you raise your body, don't be excited! Don't be excited ......"

"Be obedient, don't make trouble, Xin Ling likes to be quiet. If you are obedient, she will come to see you..."

Cold heart is very soft at this moment, like a child, but in that tone, Lan Xiu can always hear a little bitterness and sorrow, he did not care about the pain in his hand, turned his eyes to see her Only then did she discover that her cold eyes were suffering from a pain.

Under the calm appease, Mo Lanlan was fully settled down, and the whole person’s strength was also taken away. The cold heart would hold her so long for her, and she was slightly emotional. Stable, only to take her to the side of the bed and go, put her on the bed, help her cover the quilt, and Mo Lanlan seems to be exhausted, squinting at the cold heart, for a while Then I slept quietly.

"It's okay, she will appear in your dreams, don't be sad, take a good sleep, wake up, don't worry."

Cold heart low and said in her ear, watching her slowly stretched out the face, after a long time, only lost a tone, and stayed for a while before getting up, quietly left the room.

Dean Li and the doctor are still waiting outside, and Lan Xiu is also learning about the situation with him, and he has also inquired about the situation of Mo Lanlan.

It turned out that Mo Lanlan stayed in this sanatorium for several years. At first, the condition was not very serious, but after the death of her little daughter, Cold Heart Ling, she completely collapsed.

When the relationship with Leng Mingyi deteriorated, her state was not very good. After a series of blows, she was defeated. The nerves were in disorder and often became ill. Afterwards, I was often cold and often came to guide and appease. Two nurses came to take good care of her, talk to her every day, go out for a walk with her, and her situation is better.

But now, the situation seems to have deteriorated.

Every time she ill, she couldn’t recognize it. The cold-hearted injury was mostly due to her.

"Cold Miss."

When the cold heart came out, President Li also greeted him.

“Nobody has been here recently?”

Coldly asked.

Dean Li shook his head. "No, we have protected the lady very well. In fact, her situation was quite good. She wanted to call you several times. She held back and was afraid of disturbing you."

"Protect her, no matter who, without my consent, don't let him see my mother. She has recently been ill, indicating that she is slowly stabilizing."

"We know Miss Cold."

"She should be fine now. After she wakes up, don't tell her that I have been here. I will go back first. If there is any situation, please call me again."

Cold hearted, a little tired, raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, looked at the blue repair, and then went forward.

Lan Xiu swept the Mo Yanlan inside the bed, and with Li, they nodded their heads and greeted them, and they followed the cold heart.

At this moment, he finally understood why he was reluctant to mention her mother, and was cold and indifferent to the cold, and it was extremely repulsive to Ye Xiaopei.

"How long has she been?"

On the way back, the cold heart has never spoken, the look is very depressed, I can see that her mood is not very good, has been driving so silently.

When Lan Xiu thought about it, he asked it.

Coldheartedly blinked and took a breath, his eyes still looked at the front. "I can't remember. For many years, she is a person with poor resistance to cold, and she has a deep feeling for cold and easy. Leng Mingyi betrayed her, she naturally can't stand it."

The cold-hearted tone is very cold, it is such a calm statement. "She is very similar to her heart. It is the kind of person who should be protected when she is born. However, her heart is at least stronger than her, and she dares to face death. ""

"In my eyes, apart from the fact that life and death are the most helpless and painful thing in the world, there is nothing that can make people collapse like this, but she can't. Her mind is very narrow and stubborn, and her revenge is very strong. I thought that divorce can also find another to make Leng Ming easy to turn back, but, unfortunately, she lost too much."


PS: Updated, see you tomorrow, good night, goddess!