MTL - The Marvelous Dragon Balls-Chapter 12 These **** rich people!

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"Oh oh."

Peter nodded unknowingly, stepped back two steps, silently watching Lorna took a menu, placed it gently on the table, and said to the brown-haired woman, "What would you like to eat?"

The brown-haired woman was clearly prepared. She didn't take a look at the menu and said directly, "Kung Fu barbecue."

"This dish is ordered by portion, how many pounds do you want?"

"Come on a pound first."

"OK, just a second."

Lona put away the menu, walked into the back kitchen and said to Instant, "Boss, some customers ordered a pound of Kung Fu barbecue."

"You came?"

Insant, who was chopping vegetables with his head down, said without raising his head, "I see. Have you met Peter? He is a new handyman. He has no work experience and you should teach him more."


Lona promised, changed his work clothes first, then walked to Peter, and spoke to him what he should not do.

After a while, Yin Sheng came out of the back kitchen with a plate of cooked raw meat, and glanced around the shop, headed straight for the brown-haired woman, put the plate in her hand on the table, and stood in front of her. Noodles, roast pieces of raw meat with qigong.

Faced with a scene that could not be explained by science at all, the brown-haired woman was extremely shocked. Her big blue eyes stared round like beads. Her right hand gently covered her red lips to prevent herself from screaming. Very educated.

"Please enjoy."

圣 Because Santa got the barbecue, she was about to go back to the kitchen, and the brown-haired woman got up and called him: "Please wait."

"Joy Mitcham."

The brown-haired woman self-reported her name and stretched out a white tender right hand to Instant: "I'm an old friend of Danny Rand."

Stunted for a while, and then reacted. This is Danny Rand's childhood friend, and his net worth is also billions. He is one of the resident directors of the Rand Group and will actually appear in his own home. The shop is quite intriguing. She is not like Danny Rand from Kunlun, and her kung fu plot is not so deep.

"In Saint Lee."

Quinn was pinching Joey Mitcham's fingertips, and gently shook it, "I'm glad to meet you, Ms. Mitcham."

"Everyone, can you sit down and talk?"

"of course."

At this time, no other guests came, nodded because of the characteristics of the saint, and sat down kindly: "This is my honor."

Joy Mitcham glanced at the barbecue in front of him and said with emotion: "Mr. Li, just three minutes ago, I still thought you were a shameless liar."

Yan Yin raised her eyebrows, startled at her directness, and waved her hand: "It's nothing, facing the unknown, suspecting it is human instinct."

"In fact, until now, I can't completely believe it."

Joy Mitcham stared at Incent with a sharp eye and said, "Perhaps, you are actually a master of magic."

"Ha ha."

Quinn smiled indifferently: "Ms. Mitcham, I don't owe you anything. I don't have to prove to you that‘ Qi ’exists, whether you believe it or not, what does it have to do with me?”

Hearing, Joey Mitcham narrowed his eyes, bit his lower lip gently, and said, "Mr. Li, you don't seem to know who I am, I'm ..."

"I know that the well-known Micham family, the director of the RAND Group, has billions of dollars in power."

Gui Yinsheng raised his hand and interrupted Joey's words, asking instead: "So what?"

Joey Mitcham took a deep breath, barely calming down the anger that had risen in his heart, and revealed a symbolic smile: "I am rude, in fact, the reason why I will come today is because of Danny Tell me, as long as you come here for a barbecue, you will know that he is telling the truth. "

After all, Joey Mitcham paused and said in a sincere tone: "So, Mr. Li, please understand, let me believe in the existence of" qi ", for me, for Danny It's really important. "

Because Sainte now knew it, it must be Danny Rand, and he told Joey a lot of ghost words such as "Kunlun" and "Hand Union", but there was no way to prove that in the original plot, he was Joey was sent to the mental hospital and locked up ...

At this point, Sainte could not help but ask curiously: "Did he not summon 'Iron Fist' to show you? I think a fist glowing from the inside out, there is nothing more than 'qi' Explained. "

"not at all."

Joy Mitcham gave Instant a surprised look: "However, he did say the word 'Iron Fist', but I couldn't understand it at all ..."

"That's it ..."

Because Sainte gently twirled his head, he knew that although he had been instructed, Danny Rand still could n’t call "Iron Fist" as he wanted. After thinking about it, UU read a book Joey Mitcham held out his right hand and said, "Well, I'll help him again! Ms. Mitcham, through a technique called 'giving', I can convey my 'qi' to others, Give me your hand, and I will let you feel 'qi' for yourself. "

Joy Mitcham hesitated for a moment, then slowly stretched out his arm, carefully put five long fingers on the palm of Incent's hand: "Is this okay?"

Wu Yinsheng nodded: "Close your eyes, shield as much noise as possible, concentrate, and when you are ready, tell me."

After a few moments, Joey Mitcham's eyes closed tightly and said quietly, "I'm ready."

The next moment, Joey Mitcham opened his eyes sharply, and the whole man froze violently. He pulled his right hand quickly like an electric shock, and stared straight at his fingertips: "This ... this ... "

"This is‘ qi ’.”

I got up because of the Saint, and before Joey didn't respond, he had gone a long way, leaving only one sentence: "Tell Danny Rand that he owes me a favor."

What a chic back!

Because of Saint, he thought so proudly, but ... he only returned to the back kitchen with his forefoot, and saw that Lorna followed with a strange face, and handed him a black bank card saying: "Boss, outside The customer locked our shop door and hung a 'closed business' sign. When I went to stop her, she gave me this card and said you can swipe it casually ... "


In the face of this seemingly acquainted operation, Shengte twitched at the corner of his mouth, muttering enviously and enviously: "These rich people!"

It's just five buckets of rice, I ... I'm still bent ...

Read The Duke's Passion