MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 414

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At this moment, the one who appeared in front of the King of the Deep Sea was Genos who had just arrived. Looking at Genos in front of him, Genos has always been very unconvinced, because in Ling Ye's anime, he has always been the one who was abused... , even many people on the Internet call him a financial warrior, how can Genos accept this! So, at this moment, Genos has always wanted to prove that he, Genos! It is not that... often defeated general! Boom! Boom! Looking at the Deep Sea King in front of him, Genos rushed over confidently! Three minutes later,,,.

Genos has managed to keep his reputation as an often-defeated general.

He proved with facts that he, Genos, really can't win.

Chapter 1213━━Different Fubuki Group

There is no way for the different Fubuki group, who made this King of the Deep Sea as shameless as in the anime, not attacking you and attacking the little loli, which made it impossible for Genos to fight with the opponent in an upright manner, Genos who has scruples , it still failed.

"Che, I thought he was such a powerful person, but the result is still the same."

The King of the Deep Sea looked at Genos who was lying on the ground with disdain, and then walked towards the crowd in front of him again.

At this moment, Janos could only watch helplessly as the Deep Sea King approached and approached the humans, and saw that they were about to be slaughtered! At this moment, the undocumented knight stood up just now, and he attacked, he attacked! The undocumented knight Righteous Charge was used!! Okay, the undocumented knight is out of combat.

The king of the deep sea won! Seeing that the last hope was beaten, the crowd on one side finally panicked. They wanted a hero to come out to save them! They needed a hero to come out to save them! At this moment, a voice rang in their ears ! "Jenos, you failed again, you're embarrassing our bookstore."

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, a group of figures in strange costumes appeared in front of them. Each of these... figures had various equipment, including armor, and There are chain armor, plate armor, and cloth armor, and the equipment in their hands is also very strange, knives, guns:, swords, axes, nunchucks, gloves, and chains! These... ...The strange equipment makes people feel like a group of people who have just stepped back from the game conference appeared here, and the one walking in the front is a **** royal lady wearing a green mage robe! At this moment, the crowd Finally someone recognized the identities of this group of people! "That's! The strongest! Fubuki group!"

"Aren't the Fuxue group a group of underworld-like images? This,,, why is it completely different from the Hero Illustrated Book?"

"I don't know either, but it would be great if it was a hero, but,,,,.

After all, the Fubuki group is nothing more than a group of people who have been defeated even after class, can they do it?"

Hearing this voice, everyone lowered their heads.

Is it okay? Fubuki doesn’t like to hear that! If it doesn’t work, it can’t be done! The only result is that it’s okay! "All the Fubuki team obeys the order! Let this knowledge see how powerful we are! Everyone! Give it to me!"

Scratch! In an instant, all the figures rushed out of more than a dozen powerful members of the Fubuki team! "Overestimate!"

The King of the Deep Sea gave these guys a disdainful look, then opened his mouth and spit out a mass of mucus! This mucus is not ordinary, even if his body of steel is covered by these...... .The slime hit and couldn't help but lose the fighting ability and was almost dying. However, at this moment, the two members of the Fubuki team who rushed to the front directly took out two shining shields to block it fiercely! Bang! This is enough to make a level The slime that can go to fight is blocked like this! Level, but strong strength, after all, it is still a mortal body, but the equipment that Fuxue group got is a top-level shield of +8, and it also comes with defensive magic! Although it has equipment skills, But there is no problem in blocking the attack of the King of the Deep Sea.

"How can it be"

Before the King of the Deep Sea could react, the members of the Fubuki team who were in charge of attacking behind the shield rushed over directly! Those who used weapons directly wound their weapons with armed colors to attack, and those who used gloves threw all kinds of navy six styles directly! All of a sudden! Finger guns! Iron block collision! Lan foot! Armed color attack! And so on... The attacks are endless, and the quality of the original level heroes is not low. Under the group fight of more than a dozen heroes with top equipment! Deep sea Wang was beaten and bruised all over his body! "Damn it!"

Swipe! The King of the Deep Sea launched himself in an instant with a speed comparable to Sonic and came to the back of a member of the Fuxue team. With a wave of his hand, he directly hit the head of the member of the Fuxue team! The members of the Fubuki team will definitely die! However,,, "Hell Arashi!"

Fubuki's already powerful superpower directly controls the actions of the Deep Sea King. Although Fubuki can't perfectly control the Deep Sea King now, he can still control it for a few seconds.

It was at this moment that the sky suddenly cleared for unknown reasons.

Passing by in the middle of the night.

In an instant, the King of the Deep Sea, who had lost the rain bonus, directly lost most of his power! "Not good!!"

At this moment, the King of the Deep Sea has only one thought in his mind, and in the next second, it loses the ability to think about things, because in the next second, overwhelming attacks directly fall on it! Armed with colored weapons, there is only one final result! King of the Deep Sea! This...existence at the peak of the ghost level was killed by a group of super heroes!!!

Chapter 1214━━Everything is unspoken

Everything goes without saying "this is,,,, what's going on"

A group of melon-eaters were stunned, they didn't understand why the King of the Deep Sea, who couldn't do anything super, was killed by a group of super heroes like this,,,, isn't that an exaggeration? Exaggeration? What an exaggeration.

If these people can't defeat a ghost-level existence with the support of Ling Ye, then Ling Ye's efforts for so long will really be in vain.

"Good job."

Ling Ye's figure appeared beside Chuuxue, Ling Ye directly praised Chuuxue beside him, and hearing Ling Ye's words, Chuuxue couldn't help laughing.

She proudly puffed up her chest like a victorious rooster. It has to be said that this is really the biggest victory she has won since birth. Although Ling Ye shot to disperse the dark clouds, However, she also deeply felt the obvious improvement in the strength of her subordinates, and Chuuxue believes that after this time, these subordinates of hers can become heroes. As for her, this time she must fight for the title of No. 1 Number.

Seeing Fuxue's expression in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but feel amused, but he still doesn't like Fuxue very much now, after all, although Sweetheart Mask, who ranks first, is a super hero, he has a very strong fighting ability in the super class .

The attack method is hand knife and melee combat, possessing unreasonable recovery ability and vitality Connected to the broken arm".

Because I don't want to be a "bad fish" in the eyes of the weak and useless hero Kamen

』Promoted to the first level, so I kept the 1st place.

Therefore, even though Fubuki has the strength of the weakest level, there is still a certain gap compared with Sweetheart Mask who can be ranked in the middle even in the level.


Fubuki, let me introduce you to a big sister. You sign a brave contract with her, and then you can level up by fighting monsters in another world. If you work hard, you may not be able to beat the tornado until you reach level 100. What do you think if you can rank in the top ten?"

Ling Ye thought of Hestika. She just lacks a suitable hero. Needless to say, Chuuxue is now strong enough to defeat a super demon king. possible.

After all, with the improvement of the mental power attribute, Fubuki will become stronger and stronger. In addition, the improvement of other attributes can make up for the shortcomings of the super power user's weak constitution. If he learns a few more skills, Fubuki's strength will definitely improve a lot.

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Chuuxue couldn't help but look at him at this moment.

Seeing Fuxue's expression, Ling Ye waved his hand and left here directly.

"That...,,, Boss, Big Sister, we practiced!"

As expected of Fubuki's confidant, Yamazak saw Fubuki's expression and immediately took a group of Fubuki team members to train in a sensible way. Within a month, their strength has changed drastically. Now they can work hard, They are also inspired to make the Fubuki group the best among super heroes.

.At this moment, Ling Ye laughed when he saw those.....interested guys leaving in the room of the bookstore.

"Okay, without further ado, I'll take you to another world."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, she was about to leave with Chuuxue, but at this moment, Chuuxue suddenly grabbed Ling Ye's arm. At this moment, she looked at Ling Ye in front of her and said shyly, "No,,,, no Worry,,,, it's getting late, let's go tomorrow."

Hearing Chuuxue's words, Ling Ye raised his head and looked at the sky outside. Indeed, it's completely dark now, and it's time to rest. People with superpowers are also human beings, and they need to rest.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye nodded to Chuuxue in front of him, "Then you can rest, I will also go back to my own room."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he was about to leave directly, but at the moment Ling Ye turned around, Chuuxue suddenly grabbed Ling Ye's hand and did not intend to let go... At this moment, Chuuxue said in a voice not much louder than a mosquito, "Don't go away ,,.

Tonight,,, just stay here."

Well, after hearing this sentence, Ling Ye didn't understand what Chuuxue meant, but he didn't expect that Chuuxue would have such courage one day.

In fact, Fuxue herself never thought that she would have such a day. She thought of every bit of the time when she and Ling Ye met and now. She has always been able to feel Ling Ye's help to her.

Only her elder sister has helped her so much since childhood, but now,,, there is one more.

Because of the tornado, Fuxue has always wanted to establish the image of a big sister who can shelter from the wind and rain in the hearts of others, so she shoulders the burden of the Fuxue group, which is ridiculed by the tornado as a super club. Sometimes Fuxue also thinks, Isn't it too tiring, but obviously, Ling Ye's appearance made her realize that sometimes, she doesn't need to be so tired.

It's actually pretty good to have a man like Ling Ye to rely on.

So,,, she figured it out.

At this moment, seeing Chuuxue like this, how could Ling Ye leave so stupidly, Ling Ye closed the door not far away without saying anything.

Chapter 1215━━Upload, Naruto

Upload, the second day of Naruto, Shenyong World, God Realm, Lingye Bookstore.

"Hestika, I'll leave Fubuki to you. Don't worry about worlds below super difficulty. There's absolutely no problem with Fubuki."

Ling Ye solemnly handed Fuxue over to Hestika, and after hearing Ling Ye's words, Hestika looked at Fuxue in great surprise.

It is not impossible to be invincible at the next level, and it is not impossible to cultivate the confrontation level well. With such a brave man, the mission of the goddess in the future will be very easy to complete.

Similarly, Fubuki was also very excited when she saw Hestika in front of her. She has already understood the world of Shenyong. Although she is only level 1 now, and other attributes are normal, her mental power is almost the same as that of the world's top brave men. , Work hard, after I have successfully upgraded to the full level, the number one in the level must be my own! Fuuxue doesn't want to be a level hero, the reason is very simple, she only likes the number one, and she can't be the number one when she reaches the level. Become a first hero.

The two girls hit it off immediately, and then sat on the side and started chatting. At this moment, Ling Ye also looked at Yue Ji. Da Vinci's kiss was quite fast. In two days, the first 20 levels of Naruto were completed. I will directly upload 5 episodes in a while to make my name known.

Ling Ye also took a look at the picture quality, it is completely at the level of modern technology, even compared to Ghost Slayer's picture quality, it is not weak at all.

Sure enough, Da Vinci's work is reliable.

Ling Ye directly picked up his own mobile phone and said directly on the Internet, "The 7 episodes of the large-scale anime Ninja will be released soon, and five episodes will be updated on the first day, so stay tuned."

One stone stirred up waves, and upon hearing the news from Ling Ye, all the readers who were waiting for Ling Ye to release a new episode froze in place immediately! "What's going on! 720! Such a large anime! The author is zooming in! Recruited!"

"Naruto ninja theme? I think it should be quite interesting."

"Black clothes, a sword, a cold-blooded killer, the image of a ninja is vivid on the paper."

"Why are you a cold-blooded killer in black with a sword? Are all ninjas like this? Think about Sonic, isn't that a ninja?"

"Sonic the Lonely Ninja,,.

Haha, it would be interesting to be a ninja like that."

"Go upstairs! I'm a ninja with Sonic talents!!"

"Ninja Sonic Soniko Haha!! No more ninjas"

"Get out, reveal your location! If you don't kill you!"

"Nishi District, Fuyuki City, if you are capable, come along the network cable and hit me!"

"What kind of city is Fuyuki City? I will definitely kill you!"

At this moment, in the world of One Punch Man, Sonic is holding a one-month mobile phone and is sparring with each other on the Internet. This Sonic has just escaped from Ling Ye's hands and has been turned into a stone statue for several days. Sonic also obviously feels Now he is not the opponent of the opponent, a ninja, is... a person who can endure what ordinary people can't. Today he will know himself, know the enemy and win every battle, so he took a chance and started to watch.

That's when Naruto started.

Ling Ye is still very polite. The first episode is...the five episodes of Naruto, from Naruto's graduation from ninja school to the end of snatching the bell from Kakashi.

All of a sudden, an incomparably huge Naruto world was revealed in front of everyone.

Naruto is really a very interesting world, and soon, everyone is addicted to it unconsciously.

"Shadow clone technique! Ninjutsu still has this kind of ninjutsu! It's too awesome! If I learn it, I will still use it in school"

"That's the only thing I'm promising. If I learn the transformation technique, I'll definitely let my brother have a good time first."

"Just say this to you, I'm committed to you, brother."

"Add me!"

"How to light cigarettes online, does anyone want it?"

"Tch, ignorant bastard, I have already learned the most powerful ninjutsu Konoha Body Technique Profound Technique Millennium Killing, is anyone interested in letting me try it?"


"Just finished learning Millennium Killing, I came to the teacher in front of me, and now he turned around, what should I do? Wait online, I'm in a hurry."

"I hope the upstairs is safe."


Looking at these people's comments, Sonic was completely dumbfounded. this the real ninjutsu?

Isn't ninjutsu just my own tricks? I am the best ninja in Ninja Village, and ninjas have these skills.

Why didn't I know that at this moment, Sonic looked at his hands, then at the sandbag with a bald head in front of him, and said, "Fire escape! Fireball!!!"

Then...... "What a fool! How could there be ninjutsu in this world, thanks to you still believing."

Sonic couldn't help mocking himself, then looked at the Saitama sandbag in front of him and couldn't help but put his fingers together and said, "Konoha Taijutsu Mystery! Millennium Killing!!!"

Well, Sonic, your serious Saitama-sensei ruined one of your eggs, and you just want to stab someone, you really are,,, you must get revenge.

Chapter 1216━━Arrival! Naruto World!

Advent! Naruto World! Naruto World, Konoha Village.

Konoha, one of the five 55 most powerful hidden villages, the village belongs to the country of fire, and was jointly established by the first generation of Hokage, the second generation of Hokage, and Uchiha Madara.

From the era of war, two ninja families fought each other with their lives to hate each other, to the alliance of Uchiha and Senju, and the Taoyuan Township of ninjas was built. The ninja village was born for the pursuit of peace. This is Konoha Ninja Village.

It is also the first village in the history of the ninja world to establish a ninja village.

The ninjas in Konoha Hidden Village are all loyal to the village, and they also guard the people in the village as their own family members. People with special abilities who may be persecuted in other countries will not be treated differently in this village.

So Konoha also has a lot of people coming and going.

But at this moment, in this Konoha Village, no one noticed a bookstore quietly appeared at some point.

There are not many bookstores in Konoha, there is only one Jiyingtang bookstore, and there are no books in the bookstore, there are only some magazines and a copy of Intimate Paradise,,,, Ling Ye has always suspected that the behind-the-scenes owner of this bookstore is a lecherous fairy.

But it doesn't matter, starting today, there is an extraordinarily luxurious super bookstore opposite it! Ling Ye Bookstore! "This is Naruto World, sure enough, it looks pretty good."

Ling Ye looked at the village in front of him, it still looked very peaceful, but Ling Ye knew that it would not be long before a guy shouting to make the world feel pain would raze this place to the ground, but it didn't matter, I dare not say anything else , Ling Ye can assure you that his bookstore is definitely stronger than Yile Ramen's.