MTL - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm-Chapter 78 city

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"Why are you so angry?" Ye Junge looked at his sulking sister and asked with concern, just to take care of those who came to please him.


"Who offended you?"


Ye Junge was helpless: "If you don't say, how can I help you find my place?"

"You don't need to look for it." Ye Junyan Lengheng, you can't protect your man before you have time to clean up him, "I will clean it up by myself."

Ye Junge nodded: "Let's do it."

"Ahhh! I hate it!" Ye Junyan stared at Ye Junjing, "I blame you all, my supper is humming."

Ye Junjing coughed and said nothing.

Ye Junge was even more helpless, she simply ignored her, and the girl knew to eat.

The wedding passed quickly under Ye Junyan's resentment, but maybe it was jealous of Ye Junjing's good fortune. Ye Junjing was toasted in turns. Although he had a good drink, but today is a different day, he and "others" got married, and he felt a little uncomfortable. I also want to borrow alcohol to relieve my sorrow, so I let myself drink constantly, I don't know if it is a psychological reason or a physical reason, and it is Ye Junge who dragged him home.

Their new house is still Ye Junjing's house, but it has been renovated a little bit more joy.

"He's drunk, it's really useless." Ye Junyan was very upset. She originally wanted Ye Junjing to give her something to eat after her wedding. Now it seems that she can only go for snacks.

Ye Junge ignored her, hugged Ye Junjing horizontally, and carried him into Ye Junjing's bedroom. Since it is a formal marriage, it is obvious that they separated into two houses before and after marriage. Ye Junge didn't care. Anyway, he planned to find an opportunity to identify himself in these days.

I did not expect the opportunity to come so fast.

Ye Junyan was kept outside, unwillingly scratching the wall, that bastard, not even cooking for her, and abducting her brother.

Ye Junge looked at Ye Junjing's drunken look, too lazy to wash it for him, and threw him directly to the bed.

Ye Junjing may be really drunk. He stared at Ye Junge for a long time, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Ye Junge's hand: "Baby!"

Ye Junge raised an eyebrow. Did this guy reply to Ye Yiming's memory?


Ye Junjing seemed happy because of Ye Junge's response: "Baby?"

"Yeah." Ye Junge looked slightly mild, took off his coat, and pulled him over to cover him.

It seemed that the hallucinations only appeared after being drunk.

"Baby ..." Ye Junjing's voice was somewhat aggrieved. "I miss you so much, where are you?"

"..." Ye Junge didn't answer him.

"I'm confused ..." Ye Junjing suddenly sobered up, "Baby is no longer ..."

"Need a hangover medicine?" Ye Junge asked.

Ye Junjing responded lazily: "No, no baby, what wine do I wake up ..."

Ye Junge frowned. Is he drunk?

"Xiaojun ..." Ye Junjing let go of Ye Junge's hand and murmured in despair, "forgive my brother ..."

... seems to be drunk, right? Ye Junge was helpless, ready to leave, too lazy to let him go, let him continue to talk, dream talk.

Ye Junjing seemed to know that he was about to leave, and he quickly grabbed his hand. Ye Junge took a moment to pull it out, but had to lie down next to him with his clothes. He couldn't take off his clothes at all.

As soon as it dawned, Ye Junge was sleeping comfortably, but Ye Junjing was not at all comfortable. He kept dreaming about Ye Junge and dreaming about the two people in the previous life. Although they lived happily in that life, Once he has, the more he is not willing to find his lover in this life.

Ye Junjing opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling above his head in a daze, not realizing that he was still holding a person's hand.

"Wake up and go back to God quickly." Ye Junge interrupted him in a loud voice, and seemed to be the same as before, and seemed more gentle, "Release my hand."

Ye Junjing quickly returned to his heart, looked at the hand he was holding, and hurried away: "Sorry."

"You had a crazy drink last night." Ye Junge said casually.

Ye Junjing's face was a little whiter. He didn't know what he had said, and he hadn't said anything about his rebirth.

"What did I say?"

Ye Junge raised his eyebrows at him, suddenly a teasing thought.

"You keep calling baby."

Ye Junjing was relieved, and it was a little sad to think of the scene in the dream, and even more sad to see Ye Junge.

Ye Junge said solemnly: "Then what brother said I'm sorry for you."

Ye Junjing's face was ugly.

"Your lover is your brother?" Ye Junge asked tentatively.

"I ..." Ye Junjing didn't know how to answer him. No matter which world, brothers * were not accepted by the world.

Ye Junge looked inexplicable, and his voice was slightly uncertain: "... but I don't seem to have heard of you having a younger brother."

Ye Junjing's face changed dramatically.

Of course Patern has no younger brother!

Patern's parents died prematurely, there were no siblings at all, and relatives died prematurely, not even a cousin. Ye Junjing wanted to say that he was his younger brother, but who was Isis? Isis's family history is doomed that he will not really marry a civilian with unknown origins. The other party must have identified his ancestors for eighteen generations. Such an excuse has no objection. Isis will not believe of.

Ye Junjing suddenly remembered that he had told Isis before that his lover was gone, but he had never been in love in this life and no one died around him, which could barely be explained as a secret love, "Absent" It can be said that he left the main star and went to other galaxies, but when Ye Junge told him "your lover", he did not refute.

Ye Junjing exuded a layer of cold sweat, he did not expect that he actually left a lot of handles unconsciously.

It stands to reason that a businessman like Ye Junjing cannot be stupid enough to leave a handle, but in front of Ye Junge, he cannot tell a lie, he is unwilling to tell the truth unconsciously, and he is completely defenseless against Ye Junge.

How long has Isis suspected him? Ye Junjing looked uncertain.

Ye Junge did not continue to entangle him: "The reason why I asked it directly was that I didn't want to care about you. I hope you told me, after all, we are now legitimate husbands, and other things don't matter. I want to know this. He paused and said, "But if you are inconvenient, you can leave it alone, that's okay."

Ye Junjing looked at Ye Junge's sincere expression, and was struggling. A voice was telling him to say it quickly, but he himself felt that it was important and couldn't say it, which was very contradictory.

Ye Junge didn't care, he didn't worry.

"Let me think about it," Ye Junjing said hardly.

Ye Junge nodded: "Okay, I'll go out first, just calm down and think about it. May I help you take in the takeaway?"

In fact, each room has a virtual screen to purchase things online, as well as a special channel for things to arrive, but Ye Junge asked just to make a gesture. He was not persecuting Ye Junjing, and he regarded Ye Junjing as a family rather than a simple collaborator.

Ye Junjing shook his head: "No, I'll order it when I'm hungry." When he thinks about things, he doesn't want others to bother. He wants to be alone and think about what to do next.

"Okay." Ye Junge rubbed his wrist, which he grabbed all night, and slowly walked out of the room.

On the bed behind him, Ye Junjing looked at his back complicatedly. In fact, Isis was very good, but he still loved his brother.

"Did you pick him out?" Ye Junyan seems to have matured a lot faster recently, and he has almost lost sight of his childishness, just like a real adult, only occasionally speaking and acting a little playful.

Ye Junge looked very worried. He hoped that his sister would always be small and rely on him, instead of growing up to be a strong woman like Yujie, but her sister always wanted to grow up.

Ye Junge sighed.

"Not yet, I'm forcing him to raise his eyebrows first." Ye Junge's arrogance was offended again. He didn't want to take the initiative, so he had to come first.

Ye Junyan may not know Ye Junge without Ye Yiming, but she definitely knows him better than Ye Junming, Ye Yiming's soul. She rolled her eyes: "Brother, you're enough, so tossing and tossing, you might as well meet him directly when you meet , And then you two show love lovingly blinding my eyes is better than you almost forced to die by Ye Junjing! "

Ye Junge was unconvinced. He was so stubborn that he could not listen to persuasion.

Ye Junyan was too lazy to say it anymore, it wasn't her who was tossing, anyway, with such an uneasy lover, Ye Yiming was unlucky.

For the first time, Ye Junyan did not rejoice, but expressed deep sympathy to Ye Yiming. Her brother was so noisy in the end that she didn't even dare to pack a ticket and said she knew it well.

Ye Junjing was still struggling there. After all, the plot found in such novels as rebirth is absolutely unbelievable in real life. Although everyone yearns for being able to pass through and rebirth to a young age, they really encountered it. The first reaction was also disbelief. If he told Ye Junge that he was born again, would Ye Junge feel that he had intentionally compiled it for the sake of lying? It's just too fake, and it sounds very bad at first.

Take a step back and say that even if Ye Junge believes, Ye Junge's character will definitely not go out, but what if something unexpected happens? Or if two people get older in the future, Ye Junge will use this to deal with him? He was unwilling to believe that Ye Junge would do such a thing, but in all cases it was better to consider the worst outcome. Once such unbelievable things reach the ears of the academy, what waits for him is an anatomical experiment or something. Is there such a plot in the novel?

Ye Junjing wobbled and did not know how to choose.

He personally wanted to believe in Ye Junge, whether it was in his own pride in seeing people or his nature did not want to doubt Ye Junge, but this kind of thing involving his life was still careful.

Ye Junjing locked himself in the room for two days but didn't come out, but instead of clarifying his thoughts, he became more and more confused, and the more he didn't know what to do.

Ye Junge frowned and looked at his room. In the past few days, he observed Ye Junjing through mental force, and found that the other party was not dripping at all, let alone eat.

I really can't take care of myself.

Ye Junyan was also very upset. She has been eating snacks for several days! After being appetite, she sadly found that she could not eat the food that others sat on, which was exactly the same as Ye Junge's symptoms.

Hemp eggs, why has Ye Junjing not come out yet? How big things have been tangled for so long.

Ye Junge was finally worried, turned around and went to the kitchen, made the food himself, and knocked at the door of Ye Junjing's room: "Patern, open the door."

Ye Junjing was in a daze. Hearing Ye Junge's voice, he reflexively walked over and opened the door for him: "Isis?" Ye Junge froze.

"Take it." Ye Junge shoved the tray into his hand. "You haven't eaten or rested for the last two days, so you are like this."

"Thank you." Ye Junjing clenched the edge of the tray.

Ye Junge didn't ask him if he thought about it, but just told him to finish it. Don't forget to eat on time in the future, then turn back to the living room, and watch TV with Ye Junyan on the sofa.

Watching TV is fake, pretending to be doing something else is true.

Ye Junge locked Ye Junjing with his spirit.

Ye Junjing looked at the food in the tray and thanked him softly before returning to the room.

Ye Junge's food is definitely not bad, but he is too lazy to cook it. This is the first time Ye Junjing has eaten it. In fact, he hasn't eaten it a few times before. After knowing Ye Yiming's cooking skills, Ye Junge is even more lazy to cook. .

Sitting at the small table holding the tray, Ye Junjing stared at them for a long time, and when the heat was almost gone, he started to use chopsticks.

The taste is surprisingly good, and ... this taste ... so familiar.

Ye Junjing and Ye Junge's dishes actually taste similar, but there are actually slight differences, and Ye Junge is certainly not as delicious as Ye Junjing's. Although Ye Junjing had only eaten a few times in his last life, but at the first sip, he could tell that the taste seemed familiar.

It's his baby ...

Ye Junjing remembered Ye Junge's strange look that morning and had an unrealistic fantasy in his heart. Maybe ... Isis is actually his baby?

Ye Junjing didn't dare to hope that his baby had also passed through. He was more inclined to think that Isis was the reincarnation of Ye Junge. Although there is no memory of previous lives, there are still some similarities in some places.

Ye Junjing was thrilled by his suspicions, and he did not dare to make himself too extravagant.

This is just his conjecture. If this is not the case, he will be even more sad.

I did n’t dare to expect too much, but this meal made Ye Junjing make a decision. I still have to try it anyway. If Isis is really the best baby, if not, I ’m dead. heart. In fact, Ye Junjing didn't think about it. If he tried to find out that Isis was not traversed by Ye Junge, how would he determine that Isis was the reincarnation of Ye Junge.

Ye Junge sat absently on the sofa and watched TV, wouldn't he be a man? All reminded so clearly, haven't found out yet?

Just then, the door opened.

"Ahis." Ye Junjing stood in the doorway, looking natural, "Can you come in? I want to tell you something."

Ye Junge nodded: "You figured it out?"


The two sat face to face on the low sofa in the bedroom. Ye Junjing was a little nervous. He was silent for a while and slowly spoke.

"My lover is indeed my brother. He is my brother." Ye Junjing stared at Ye Junge's face tightly and wanted to know his reaction. Even if the other person was not his lover, he didn't want the other person to be unable to accept his brother's love. "And I was not a person in this world at the beginning. I was crossing, or it could be said to be reincarnated with a memory wheel. I have memories of my last life."

Ye Junge did not say, and continued to listen.

Ye Junjing was a little disappointed, and went on to say: "I know this is incredible. I could n’t believe it at first. I clearly remembered the last life. I lived happily with my lover for decades, and finally grew old together, died together, and opened my eyes. , He became a baby in babies. "

Ye Junge pursed his lips and seemed to feel the loss of his lover at that moment.

"Sorry, Isis, I don't know what my feelings for you are, but I love my lover in the past. Although I have found him for so many years and haven't found him, but I don't want to betray him ..." said Here, Ye Junjing seems a bit ridiculous. He is married to other people, and he says he doesn't want to betray him.

"So, what's your lover's name?" Ye Junge deliberately showed a trace of tension, which was captured by Ye Junjing. Ye Junjing moved slightly, didn't he ...

"Ye Junge," said Ye Junjing word by word, "his name is Ye Junge."

"Then ... are you calling, Ye Junjing ..." Ye Junge asked softly.

Ye Junjing gave a sudden meal, his eyes flashed incredible, he wondered if he was dreaming.

"Brother ... I'm Xiaojun ..." Ye Junge blinked, but the water mist in his eyes couldn't help but blinked and became thicker, completely ineffective.

Ye Junge thought he would not be moved. After all, this is not the first time he has experienced a lover to restore memory, but this time it is different. Ye Junjing is the man he fell in love with for the first time and is different. He later learned that his lover was Ye Yiming, so it was completely different.

Ye Junjing was the first man to allow him to coquettishly and care for him. Ye Junge did not recognize Ye Junjing and did not find it. This time they knew each other, but they did not know why they just couldn't stop the pantothenic acid in their hearts, and felt wronged.

Ye Junjing was so surprised that he grabbed Ye Junge: "Baby?"

"Um ..." Ye Junge's voice was with a strong nasal sound. "Brother."

Ye Junjing happily didn't know what to do. He carefully held Ye Junge's face and kissed Ye Junge's eyes gently: "Don't cry, my brother has finally arrived at you."

Ye Junge shrank in his arms and didn't speak.

"It's my fault. I didn't find you soon ..." Ye Junjing began to blame himself after recovering from the surprise. In fact, Ye Junge was very obvious, but other authorities have never found it, and even have no idea about it. Questioning emotions.

"It doesn't matter ..." Ye Junge converged well, and the cliff that almost cried was not him!

Ye Junjing continued to review. He did not listen to the words "It doesn't matter" or "I don't mind" what Ye Junge said. His baby is so understanding and definitely can't bear to blame himself. Ye Junjing selectively ignores Ye Junge. Irrational, or in other words, he was unwilling to pursue it, as long as the baby returned.

Ye Junge pulled his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Ye Junjing immediately stopped the review.

"I'm hungry, I want to eat your food." Ye Jun coquettishly, he hasn't spoiled for a long time, just in front of Ye Yiming, he doesn't need to coquettish, Ye Yiming will prepare everything he wants in advance, not at all Wait for him to speak.

"I'm going to cook." When Ye Junjing heard that the baby brother was hungry, he quickly stood up, "Would you like to watch TV for a while?"

Ye Junge nodded. He was in front of Ye Junjing and didn't know why. He couldn't help being obedient like a younger brother.

Ye Junjing embraced him and returned to the living room, then hurried to the kitchen, devoted himself to a table full of delicious food, and fed his brother happily.

Ye Junyan couldn't see them showing affection, she smirked: "I don't know who almost killed his brother last time. Isn't it too late to be diligent?"

The atmosphere at the table suddenly changed suddenly. Ye Junjing's face was pale. He almost forgot about it.

"Xiaojun ... I ..." Ye Junjing looked nervously at Ye Junge.

Ye Junge shook his head: "I'm not angry, brother, just stop bullying me in the future."

Ye Junjing clenched his hand: "OK."

Ye Junyan was even more upset. How could these two people become more tired and crooked? ? Ye Junjing, how could you just expose it like this? It's too much! !!

Is Ye Junjing exposed? Actually, it didn't. He just didn't say anything. He took it into his heart and decided that he would be more good to Ye Junge in the future and not let him suffer a little bit of grievance.

Ye Junge was happy to see this happen, and he bent his eyes and continued to enjoy his brother's feeding.

[Sweet Little Fan Outside]

Foreword: Ye Junge opened Ye Junjing's authority to let him see 004.

"Baby, don't eat too many snacks, you won't be able to eat for a while." Ye Junjing stepped out of the kitchen and snatched the snack bag from Ye Jun singer, ignoring Ye Junge's unpleasant eyes.

"Oh." Ye Junge calmly snatched the snack from the sister next to him.

Ye Junyan: ...

Ye Junjing: ...

"Brother, you won't be able to get another pack!" Ye Junyan grinds his teeth.

Ye Junge replied casually as he ate, "Too lazy to open the packaging."

Hehe, lazy you.

Ye Junjing sighed: "I made your favorite spring roll today ..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Junge stuffed the snack back into his sister's hand very quickly.


Ye Junjing raised his forehead and lowered his head to cover Ye Junge's lips severely. Ye Junyan screamed deliberately and covered his eyes exaggeratedly: "You are too much! Show affection in front of a single dog!"

004 learns by her: [Yes, it's too much! 】

The two light bulbs were too bright, and Ye Junjing reluctantly let go of his lover, turning his head to sneer at them: "Never want to eat?"

Ye Junyan immediately made a zipper on his mouth, and 004 silently retracted behind Ye Junyan.

Ye Junge chuckled, stretched out his hand and pulled the man's collar to pull him down, and kissed him again. The other hand was restlessly stroking his abdominal muscles. Ye Junjing's eyes deepened, and he held Ye Junge horizontally, straightly Back to the room.

Two onlookers who seem to know the truth: ... = mouth = Mad? Say yes to eating for a while? Do you dare to eat before you two run away? ? ?

The onlookers waited at the dining table waiting. The table was filled with more than a dozen kinds of food, exuding seductive aromas, but no one dared to move.

"Why aren't they two coming out? Stupid!" Ye Junyan poked the spring roll in front of him with chopsticks.

004 drooling at braised meat: [I'm not stupid. 】

"Well? Do you have a higher IQ? Usually you answer first and then emphasize that you are not stupid." Ye Junyan poked at the boiled fish again.

004 snorted: [Are you stupid? Of course, because I don't know why they haven't come out yet. 】

Ye Junyan: ... hehe.

"You are still the stupid four."

004 want to refute, see Ye Junyan floating over the eyes, and obediently go back again, forget, there are a lot of adults in the system, do not care about women. It ’s really been 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. I think this system was able to crush Ye Junyan at that time (no, you were blasted by her every day at that time), but now what? Ye Junyan will not be easy to deal with when he grows up!嘤 嘤 嘤 The eyes just looked like the host! Fried chicken is scary!

When Ye Junge was finally held out by Ye Junjing because of his legs and feet, Ye Junyan immediately meaningfully ... looked down at him.

Ye Junge glared at Ye Junjing, then asked softly, "What is Yaner looking at?"

Ye Junyan looked back: "Nothing!"

004 I want to put into the host's arms for comfort: [Jun Jun, your sister bullied me again! 】

Ye Junjing's face was a little darker, and holding Ye Junge to hide beside him, 004 straightly passed them by and crashed against the wall.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ye Junyan mocked it indifferently, and then looked at Ye Junjing who was still holding Ye Junge, "Brother, when will we have dinner?"

Ye Junjing looked at the person in his arms, Ye Junge stared straight at Hua Juan, and ignored him at all. This **** had to come again and again, or he would not let it go so easily if he was finally unhappy, He was just rewarded because he made the spring rolls he wanted to eat! Actually have to inch inch!

"Let's eat." Ye Junjing gave a cough, and his eyes quickly dragged the spring roll over, and Xianbao gave it to Ye Junge to eat, "Baby, don't be angry."

Ye Junge ate blankly and ignored him at all.

Ye Junyan looked at them resentfully, and she also wanted to eat spring rolls! Towed away for Mao!

004 quietly came down from the wall, and then quietly came over, and stole a spring roll while the host and the two were entangled and not angry, and then took it to Ye Junyan in front of it and prepared to show her: [Ha Haha I have spring rolls! You don't have it! 】

The stupid 004 showed off directly.

Ye Junyan, who had originally planned not to stare at 004, said: "Stupid four is stupid.

Ye Junge and Ye Junjing turned their heads to look at it quietly.

After 004, I realized that something was wrong and quietly hid the spring rolls behind me, pretending that I didn't take anything.

The ball of wool reluctantly covered the spring roll. Because he didn't know where 004's face was, Ye Junge couldn't tell whether it was facing his back with his **** and then ate the spring roll on their back, but he didn't see the hair stiff Shake, I don't dare to move now, let alone steal.

Ye Junge doesn't care much about this spring roll, but scaring 004 is his daily hobby.

Ye Junjing took another spring roll and handed it to him. Ye Junge took a sip and continued to stare at 004.

004 want to cry without tears.

Ye Junyan laughed gleefully, and quickly grabbed the spring roll and stuffed it into his mouth: "Well ... it tastes good."

004: ... qaq! My spring roll! !! mine! !! !!

Ye Junge always has a lot of patience and tolerance for her sister, so she generously pushed the spring roll plate in front of her sister: "Take it and eat it."

"Wow, brother you are so good! I love you brother!" Ye Junyan quickly dragged away the plate, for fear that Ye Junjing would **** it back.

"I haven't eaten it." Ye Junge ignored the very bad look of Ye Junjing staring at his sister, and said pitifully.

Ye Junjing swallowed a silent mouthful and sighed deeply for his foresight: "It doesn't matter, I made two sets."

Ye Junjing gently placed Ye Junge on the seat next to him, then returned to the kitchen and brought out a plate, and continued to hold Ye Junge to feed.

Ye Junyan stared at the second plate of spring rolls very much. The dishes on the table were brought out from the kitchen. She had searched the kitchen, so why did she miss a plate of spring rolls?

[Hahaha because you are stupid! 】 By will read heart 004.

With a "snap", 004 became a wool cake on the wall.

... that's how the wool cake came from.

After the daily show graciously finished the meal, Ye Junjing hugged Ye Junge without letting go, and went to the sofa to watch TV, although they didn't think it was beautiful.

The remaining Ye Junyan and 004 quickly solved the rest of the meal. The two big stomach kings were very enjoyable. Ye Junyan finished the meal and returned to the room. His name is "Sleeping after eating is full, I must be fat. Times! ", 004 staring at her back with gnashing her teeth, who has always felt that she is slightly fat and wants to lose weight! It ’s not terrific! He's in great shape! Amazingly light weight!

Just amazing. Ye Junyan answered it.

004 felt that he had been hurt tremendously.

A stupid system that is full is often easy to do things that are not good under great stimulation, such as ...

[Jun Jun Jun Jun! Look at the chip I found! 004 turned over the box for a long time, came over with a light blue chip.

Ye Junjing's face was not very good immediately when he saw that thing. He grabbed 004 and left it aside: "Look what? Don't know when someone is in love, don't come as a light bulb?" Then he turned to Ye Junge and said: Your little pet is too much trouble. "

004 Furious: [I'm not a pet! 】

"I know what system you are, but that's also a pet." Ye Junjing intentionally exasperated it.

004 is really even more unhappy. I completely forgot about the previous chip, and naturally I did not find the chip missing.

[I'm not a system! I am the great right way system 004! you...】

"Okay, shut up." Ye Junge froze Ye Junjing's waist to stop him, and calmed 004, "Go play, I will help you teach him."

004 Boss flew away unhappy, hum, Ye Junjing really hates, the host should not recognize him!

"Give it up." When it left, Ye Junge looked at Ye Junjing lightly. He was curious about what the chip was, which made his lover so morbid.

Ye Junjing's expression of bitter wind and bitter rain: "Can you not pay?"

Ye Junge smiled: "You can try."

Ye Junjing immediately obediently handed in the chip, and was annoyed in his heart that he would have destroyed it if he knew it.

Ye Junge inserted the chip into his personal terminal. There were some videos inside the chip, and he clicked one of them to play. Some dissonant sounds immediately appeared in the video, accompanied by the disharmonious movement of what the two men were doing on the screen.

Ye Junge: ...

Ye Junge turned to look at Ye Junjing, expressionless.

"It's what you want to see." Ye Junjing looked innocent.

Although very speechless, Ye Junge watched it very calmly, and then clicked on the next one. Sure enough, the chip is full of such things.

Ye Junjing turned off the video very unhappy after watching a few, biting Ye Junge's ear and said softly, "Do they have me in good looks? You have to watch me take off my clothes so that you can see enough, and not allowed to watch other body of!"

Ye Junge's forehead and blue muscles jumped, hemp eggs, who is this chip? !! What does it seem like he came to see the chip? !! Ye Junjing, this seat hasn't settled with you yet, you are actually upset!

Seeing that his lover's look wasn't right, Ye Junjing immediately changed into a serious expression and vowed: "I really haven't seen much in this chip! It was given to me by others, so I took a look and then left it aside. I all Forget this thing! "

Ye Junge glanced at him and said nothing. The ghost knew whether the guy was telling the truth.

In fact, it ’s nothing to watch. Ye Junge hasn't been stingy to this extent, so he just smiled and told Ye Junjing with a gentle smile: "You sleep on the sofa obediently for the next half month."

qwq said okay don't mind it!

Ye Junjing stared silently at Ye Junge and Shi Shiran pushed himself away, then walked to the bedroom, suddenly turned around and walked back.

"Baby, aren't you angry?" Ye Junjing's eyes lighted up, and his baby could not be so unreasonable!

Ye Junge smiled, took out the chip and threw it to him: "Look at this thing slowly."

Then proceeded to the bedroom, slammed the door and made up for it. Tossing for so long, I've been sleepy.

Ye Junjing held the chip and wanted to cry without tears. Where would he dare to see it! It's too late to destroy!

Ye Junyan secretly opened the door to admire Ye Junjing's misery, and then closed the door contentedly to take a nap, hahaha, let you wonder!

→ _ → She wouldn't say that 004 was able to find the chip because she deliberately seduced it! How can there be men who do not watch movies!

Ye Junyan praised his wit.

On the other side, Ye Junge lay back on the bed, only because of the previous madness, the bed was still messy, and there were previous traces on the sheets. Ye Junge frowned, and finally couldn't help but got up, went to the door, opened the door, and called Ye Junjing to come in. pack.

"Get your bed clean. I want to rest."

Ye Junjing looked at the exhaustion between his eyebrows and quickly took off the dirty sheets and spread them clean.

Ye Junge yawned and fell asleep on the bed. Ye Junjing quickly pulled the quilt to cover him, and then realized afterwards that he had not been kicked out.

Hey, the baby didn't dare to leave, and just slept on the bed like this ... Can he do something ...

Gently closing the door and locking the door, Ye Junjing took off his clothes and quietly slept into bed. Ye Junge, who was asleep, felt a sense of familiarity and peace of mind, couldn't help but lean in, and slapped Ye Junjing in his arms.

Ye Junjing carefully undressed him, and then started to get up and down his hands. He had already discovered that in this life, his baby was sleeping very well when he was sleeping next to him. Even if he did the last step, the other party would not wake up. Just be careful.

So Ye Junge was asked again and again without knowing it.

When Ye Junge woke up, he found that he had a backache, and thought that he had done too hard before eating yesterday.

At this time Ye Junjing helped Ye Junge get dressed and slipped out of the room.

Nothing was found, Ye Junge rubbed his waist and fell back on the bed, not wanting to move.

It seemed that I had forgotten to drive out his man yesterday, and I don't know if Ye Junjing obediently went out by himself, but now he is hungry.

Ye Junge looked through Qiushuidi and waited for Ye Junjing's food to come in. If the other party didn't come, then you can consider extending the time to sleep on the sofa to half a year. Who made him so blind.

Not disappointed, Ye Junjing didn't take long to come in with digestible food. Ye Junge propped himself up and leaned halfway on the bedside, enjoying his feeding and smilingly announcing his latest decision: "I do n’t have back pain now Happy, so you're going to sleep on the sofa for a month. "

... I will finish my crying death.

Ye Junjing wanted to cry without tears.

Sure enough, he can't be greedy and refreshing.

Ye Junge pretended that he didn't see his expression, finished his meal in a good mood, and then kicked him out. He was a little sleepy, so he could sleep.

In order to avoid stinging and pond fish, 004 hid in Ye Junyan's room, while broadcasting live to Ye Junyan, while the host was about to evolve into a pig, Ye Junyan was kneaded hard.

"Oh, who do you say is a pig?" If her brother is a pig, then what is she? Sow?

Stupid four can't speak anymore! Must be □□.

004 What is the sadness of the heart, why do their families bully it with such a cute and cute system! Where is God?

Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Damn Necromancer

Chapter 192

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Chapter 191

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Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
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