MTL - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm-Chapter 48 city

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Our Lady of the Court Musician 09-10

When Yundi came back for lunch at noon, he looked forward to asking Ye Junge if he liked it. Ye Junge returned him with two words: Hehe.

_ (: 3 」∠) _ What does hehe mean?

Ye Junge tugged his hair vigorously: "You are full of people, where do I paint?"

Yundi grinned, and he dared not answer.

"That's fine." Ye Junge let go, his eyes motioned to Cen Hexuan to get his pen and ink, "I'll sit in the concubine palace."

Yundi Yiyi: "Concubine? What are you going to do there?"

Ye Junge looked cold: "Why, I can't go?"

"No, no," Yundi quickly denied, "I'm worried that you will be bullied when you go."

Ye Junge snorted, "I'm going to her to paint."

... Yundi was about to kneel to him, and the concubine would be going crazy.

Ye Junge took a large group of people to the concubine's Luoyu Palace. The reason for the hugeness was because Emperor Yun was also in the line, so with Yundi's attendant, there were many people.

The concubine received the news long ago and waited at the gate of the palace.

"Mother-in-law, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Junge greeted casually and went straight in.

"Stop!" The concubine who had thought that Yundi had come to find a place for Ye Junge found that Yundi didn't mean to blame her, and she became bold.

Ye Junge ignored her at all.

The palace man behind the concubine quickly stepped forward to stop him, Ye Junge stopped and looked at them with a smile: "It's obedient, but ... who are you listening to the concubine and Her Majesty?"

The palace man sweated coldly on his forehead, and retreated resolutely.

The concubine was anxious and wanted to say something. She was frightened by Yundi's eyes and did not dare to make trouble.

"I don't have anything to do today." Ye Junge took the trouble from Cen Hexuan and played it twice. "It's been so many days in the palace, and I haven't visited the concubine lady. Will the concubine lady not welcome me?" "

Yundi stared aside, and the concubine reluctantly pulled the corners of her mouth: "How could ..." She looked at Ye Jun's pen and had a bad hunch.

Ye Junge smiled, "That's good." Dipping the ink that the **** held up, Ye Junge walked directly to the palace wall.

"Do you dare!" The concubine was shocked. How could he do this kind of thing blatantly? !! If it spreads out, wouldn't she be majestic as a concubine? !! By then she will be a joke for the entire palace!

Ye Junge ignored her at all, and the palace people didn't dare to stop him. They could only let him paint on the palace wall.

Seeing this, Yundi quickly took Mo Yan from the eunuch, and kept up with him.

The concubine watched Ye Junge draw an abstract painting on the palace wall of her palace. She was trembling with anger and did not dare to make troubles. The emperor in the early Yun Dynasty was there, and even the emperor allowed him to play tricks. What can she do? do.

Ye Junge drew for a while, stopped and looked at it, and nodded in satisfaction.

Yundi threw Mo Yan to the eunuch, carefully holding Ye Junge's wrist and gently rubbing it, "Are you tired? Are you thirsty? Do you want to drink water?"

Ye Junge shook his head: "No more, I'll go inside and paint."

The concubine didn't slow down when she heard the words, and fainted.

There is no end! It's simply a mess of blue face! Lan Yan misfortune!

Since receiving her education from a young age, the concubine has never seen anyone like Ye Junge who is unscrupulous, and in the heart of the concubine, Ye Junge is a pariah.

Ye Junge watched the concubine coldly, throwing away his pen and walking outside.

He came to disgusting concubine, and when his purpose was achieved, he should go.

Yundi didn't even look at it, followed Ye Junge and walked out, asking for warmth while walking.

On the other side, Jiang Wenhe took advantage of the rare rest day to stop the king of kings.

He heard from other places that the King of Kings was very interested in Wen Mozhi recently, inquired about the movement of King of Kings, and finally blocked people.

"What are you doing?" King Frow frowned. Originally he was a little interested in this little musician, but now he is completely attracted by Ye Junge.

Jiang Wenhe hesitated for a long time, looked around, and whispered, "Master Wang, do you have any thoughts you shouldn't have about Mo Zhi?"

King Wang's face changed, and he said coldly, "What is the thought that shouldn't be? Jiang Leshi, do you think you have a long life?" He likes Wen Mozhi's thought that should not be! Wen Mo is supposed to be his! This throne, this country should be his! Yundi grabbed his throne!

Jiang Wenhe was unmoved and insisted: "He is a holy man."

"Sooner or later he is mine!" Retorted the King Wang, and then he paused after he had said what he should not have said. King Wang narrowed his eyes and stared at Jiang Wenhe. This man couldn't stay.

Jiang Wenhe didn't even know it. He insisted: "You can't do this. Besides, Mo Zhita loves the Holy Ghost and doesn't have any good feelings for you!"

The King of Puppets became ashamed and angry: "Nonsense!"

Jiang Wenhe looked sadly at the back of King Wu, why are the people he admires so obsessed?

Leaving here in desperation, Jiang Wenhe, who was restless, didn't find it. Since he left his house, he has been followed by someone. It is the musician who loves him secretly, Yang Hongchang.

Jiang Wenhe wandered aimlessly. He knew that it would be dangerous to roam randomly in the palace, but now he has no energy to take care of others. A short confrontation made him realize that the king's determination and his own feelings. What he loves is the King of Kings beautified by his own imagination, not to mention that the image of King of Kings is based on rumors in the palace. Now this real scary is the real King of Kings, different from the one he admires in his heart.

Jiang Wenhe didn't know if he should be relieved or sad.

He went further and further, until he was suddenly covered by his **** who didn't know where to come out and dragged into the woods.

Jiang Wenhe is just a musician who has nothing to do with chickens. Where did he get rid of the restraint of an **** who worked hard all year round, and the feeling of suffocation made him more weak, and there was no way to struggle.

When Yang Hongchang saw that his heart was not good enough, he heard Jiang Wen's conversation with the King of Kings before. This **** was probably sent by King of Kings to kill people. He rushed forward quickly. I don't know if someone would have a greater power at the moment of crisis or why. He actually saved Jiang Wenhe from the eunuch.

Seeing that the situation was not so good, the **** fled and ran away. Yang Hongchang wanted to go after him. Jiang Wenhe pulled his sleeve: "Don't ... cough ... chase ... be careful ... cough ... He held his chest and panted, panting, and coughing, and Yang Hongchang was very worried.

Yang Hongchang quickly supported him and asked with concern: "Wenhe, are you all right?"

Jiang Wenhe shook his head: "You ... why are you here?"

Yang Hong looked at him in awkwardness, saying neatly: "I saw you go out in a whim and worry about you, so I followed you all the time ... and then ... I didn't mean to listen to your conversation with Grandpa ... . But Wenhe, you really have to be careful. The **** is probably the one who is the King of Kings ... you ... "

Jiang Wenhe smiled reluctantly: "I see, thank you today, I don't blame you ..."

Yang Hongchang looked at Jiang Wenhe this way, and it was hard to say anything, he could only help him walk slowly.

Yundi and Ye Junge continued to show affection and affection. Jiang Wenhe was almost as if he had been gunned, and he basically did not play again.

Ye Junge saw him when he went to the piano class, and found that this person was a lot weaker.

"What's wrong?" Ye Junge rarely cared about others, although most of them were for the task.

Jiang Wenhe shook his head with a smile, but his face was still not good-looking.

Ye Junge frowned, and simply asked 004, after knowing the cause and effect, expressed deep sympathy for the Virgin. The **** attack is the **** attack, and it is useless to put on the skin of expression.

[But he's doing his best! ] 004 jumped excitedly, [and finally ushered in the second spring of life! 】

‘... is it used in the second spring? ’Ye Junge raised an eyebrow.

004 Ignore him, his host is all right, but his heart is too bad, and he must be hit from time to time.

However, since that day's events, King Wang has become more entangled with Ye Junge.

Ye Junge got up late on this day because of sleeplessness and bed, etc. After slowly eating breakfast, he walked to Shangyi Bureau and found that he was behind him sneakily.

Ye Junge's footsteps paused, and he began to check his mental strength.

Yundi hurried back to the Taihe Hall after finishing the dynasty, and found that his baby really was lying on the bed again. I recalled the recent news that Ye Junge and the King of King were close. Although he did not want to doubt his lover, other men He tried to do something about his own person, so he decided to do something.

Secretly hiding in the study, after Ye Junge went out, he quickly followed, and even Luo Kangshun was driven away by him.

Ye Junge didn't bring many people, just a Cen Hexuan, and was taken away after Ye Junge found Yundi.

Ye Junge mentally locked Yundi, watching him clumsily tracking himself, his heart was funny.

Ye Junge walked slowly to Shangyi Bureau as if he hadn't found anything. After passing a corner somewhere, he deliberately slowed down and pretended to look back inadvertently. Yundi was startled and hid behind Qiang. Ye Junge smiled slightly and continued to move forward.

Yundi patted his throbbing heart, tracking more carefully.

Ye Junge suddenly remembered one thing. In the original text, Yundi's character was almost that kind of extreme and proud. When he did n’t get it, he would mutilate himself for love and affection. He will not accept this behavior, this trick is very useful to the people of the Virgin. From the analysis of the database, this behavior has a separate term, called Jiao Jiao.

Not only is this kind of disease Jiao Jiao, but some of them appear to be possessive, destroy it if they ca n’t get it, and hurt others when they are emotionally excited. They usually have a phenomenon that ordinary people ca n’t understand and agree with. Strong emotions and obsessions also use this as motivation to make extreme acts of love, exclusion, self-harm, and harm to others.

Yundi probably had a strong appetite for Ye Junge, and ... nothing more? But what about tracking?

While walking towards Shangyi Bureau, Ye Junge teased his own man. Yundi was not good for the whole person he played, and he was always glad that he was not found. It's pretty silly.

However, the good times are not long. Recently, the king who did not know what wind is harassing Ye Junge has appeared again.

"Mozhi." The King Wang called softly and lingering, Ye Junge touched his arm and felt chills.

"His Royal Highness King." Ye Junge stepped back without a trace.

King Wang's eyes flashed with injuries: "Mo Zhi, why are you so indifferent to this article?"

Ye Junge looked at him lightly: "Wang Ye went out today without taking medicine?"

King Wang wondered, "Take medicine? Why do you tell me to take medicine every time?"

Ye Junge raised an eyebrow: "I don't know, Your Highness? I heard that there is a problem here to heal in time and take medicine on time." He compared his mind.

... King Wang feels he will never love again!

"Mo Zhi, do you hate me so much?"

"No." Ye Junge gasped, looking at the rejoicing appearance of the King Wang and the irritability of his own man as he felt his mental strength, and slowly said, "I hate you very much."

Yundi regained his calmness, and he knew that his baby would not like this flower peacock!

King Wang squeezed the folding fan in his hand and smiled bitterly: "Mo Zhi, I really like you."

Ye Junge is really tired of people calling him Mo Zhi, it sounds like ink.

"What is going on with His Royal Highness?"

King Wang was silent for a moment, no longer mentioning emotional matters, he stared at Ye Junge's face: "If I became an emperor, would you ..."

"His Royal Highness King." Ye Junge interrupted him. "Some things, your highness still don't talk nonsense, even if you become the emperor, I won't look after you."

The King of Kings refused to admit it only if he was right or wrong. He could not help but take a step forward. He wanted to hold Ye Junge's hands. Ye Junge ducked away.

The King of King put down his hand and lowered his head, wondering what he was thinking, before he looked up again: "I know you actually have mine in your heart."

... Nani? !!

He paused and continued, "You just refuse to admit it. Don't worry, I won't force you. I know that he will be forced to commit him as a male pet, and I won't blame you, etc. I ... you will be free, and I will not force you, whether you want to be with me or not. "

Ye Junge didn't know how he could react besides two hums in his heart. So many worlds have passed. This is the first time that a man other than his man has fallen in love with him. The others either hate him or the other is a woman.

"If I ... would you help me?" Wang Wang stared at Ye Junge with radiant eyes, full of expectations.

Ye Junge sneered: "You think too much, I have no meaning to you. If you dare to rebel, I can pinch you in minutes."

The King of Hearing listened to his merciless words and was not very sad. He smiled plainly: "I know that you are worried about me and you will stop me from having this idea. But rest assured, I have arranged it. Nothing will happen. "He thought for a while and then said," Forget it, you still don't help me, this road is so dangerous, what can you do if something goes wrong? You should be ignorant, even then I lose, and you will not be implicated. "

The King of Kings turned and left after speaking, leaving no opportunity for Ye Junge to speak.

Ye Junge: = mouth = What ghost?

004 looked at his host sympathetically: [I thought that there would be no such shameless person in the world, but I did n’t expect to be met by you. It ’s unlucky that you like him, but ah ha ha ha ha ha, this guy is good Narcissistic ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 】

Ye Junge hehe, too lazy to ignore him.

Yundi over there was mad at him. Is that the King Wang dug in the corner of his back? !! That's his sister-in-law! What made him even more angry was Ye Junge's reaction. After King Ye left, Ye Jun Ge paused for a while, but in fact he was talking to 004, but it seemed that King Wang's departure made him unconscious. Does his baby really love King Wang as he said? !! No, his baby definitely loves him ... at best ... at most there is a shadow of the King of Kings ...

This is also very annoying!

Yun Emperor walked out of the hiding place anxiously, and he didn't care about the others. When Ye Junge returned to God, he saw his man ran out and took him into his arms.

Ye Junge helplessly gave him his hair: "Yes, I am yours."

Yundi kissed his lips fiercely, and he separated for a long time: "What were you thinking about? Is it true that the king is gone and you can't bear it? Does he want to rebel and help him?"

Ye Junge twitched: "Thinking too much, I'm just thinking, why can he think that I like him so cheekily."

Yundi let his heart down and he was a little confused, and he knew that his baby would only like him alone!

Oh, after the horse. 004 Tucao.

Ye Junge didn't see him much after that day when the king of kings ran and went crazy, presumably he was preparing for rebellion.

It is a pity that Yundi had already known about this in advance, and the King of Kings must be unlucky.

Ye Junge doesn't care about other people. For him, except for himself, only his men make him worry.

004 said that he was indifferent while he praised him. A narcissist like King Wang should hit him. And the protagonist of Jiang Wenhe didn't do much. He kindly reminded him that if he didn't appreciate it, he would have to kill someone, which shows that he is not a good person. As a right way system, 004 said that he despised the treacherous villain King Wang.

↑ The above is the 004 inner monologue that changed from the rotten man system to the right way system again. It seems that this guy hasn't remembered his true attributes for a long time. Ye Junge thought that it had been successfully destroyed by himself. It didn't. It seems that he still needs to add fuel.

Ye Junge counted the time. It's been almost half a year since he came to this world, but the protagonist and the protagonist attacked from beginning to end, except for the previous attempted murder. Jiang Wenhe, in particular, had no sense of presence.

I don't know what Jiang Wenhe is doing recently. He was ordered by Yundi to go out because of the King of Kings last time. He just went to the Royal Garden to go out of the Taihe Temple, but he never visited the Shangyi Bureau.

004 told Ye Junge the situation over the video. Generally, his admirer finally succeeded in binding people after pursuing him several times, and he was dragged home.

[So they haven't done it yet! 004 regretfully concluded.

Ye Junge doesn't know what to say, this guy seems to like to be a matchmaker.

‘What are you sorry for? Give them some medicine and they'll do it right away. ’Ye Junge gave it an idea.

004 actually thought about it for a while, then happily jumped a few times: [Junjun, you're right! I should help them! But □ □ is not enough, there is something else, Jiang Wen and that small body, I can't afford it! It ran away happily, I do n’t know when it started, and 004 was able to leave the distance of Ye Junge. This is probably related to the increasing energy he collected.

But what Ye Junge wants to say is that although Jiang Wen looks the same as a weak chicken, is the Yang Hongchang in their family almost the same? Both of them are violinists without chickens, and no one is stronger than anyone.

004 did not return after doing bad things, but hid there waiting for a good show, leaving the host alone in the house, never seen such an unreliable system, simply Ye Junge did not care, and 004 has always only been responsible for selling Meng, There is no difference between his presence and absence.

Yundi came back relatively late this time. He has recently been dealing with the rebellion of the King of Kings. In order to prevent this incident from causing chaos in the court, he must be fully prepared. It would be better if he could destroy all the dark hands of the King of Kings.

On the one hand, Yundi cares about the tranquility of this country. On the other hand, if he loses this game, his baby may be taken away. This is something he absolutely does not allow.

Besides, he knew in advance the mind of the King of Kings. If even a young man with little patience could not clean up, what face would he have to see Ye Junge?

"Come back?" Ye Junge was lying on the bed, his eyes did not open, and he felt the other person by his mental strength alone. The perception of mental power is very different from what human speech sees, just like seeing a three-dimensional three-dimensional thing from all directions. It is not leaky. If necessary, you can even see through the other person's clothes and masks ... cough...

Yundi didn't even know that he was not in front of Ye Junge at all. He was still struggling with how his baby was so indifferent. Even when he came back so late, he didn't get up to meet him.

But think about it, Ye Junge, such an arrogant person, would definitely not take the initiative to speak. Yundi was so happy, but occasionally complained a little.

"I'm back." He sat down next to the bed, and gently touched Ye Junge's cheek. "Without me looking at you, I wouldn't eat well and lose weight."

Ye Junge patted his hand: "How can I lose weight? You say that every time."

Yundi coughed and shifted the subject bluntly: "It's almost set up, I have checked out his methods, you can rest assured that nothing will happen."

Ye Junge hummed: "Of course I'm assured that there is nothing to worry about. If you can't even deal with it, leave it early."

Yundi didn't care about his poisonous tongue. Ye Junge was just like this. In fact, he still cared about him.

Yundi thought narcissistically, while rubbing Ye Yejun's forehead: "I'm going to take a shower. If you're sleepy, go to bed first."

Ye Junge said with a hum, and suddenly asked, "When is he going to start?"

Yundi paused: "Five days later."

Ye Junge said nothing.

Yundi's mood is not so good from the beginning.

The king's words still left some traces in his heart. While admonishing himself not to be provoked to believe in Ye Junge, he couldn't help but wonder if Ye Junge would put water on his back because he could not bear the king.

The imperfections of the emperor were not so easily eliminated.

Yundi was struggling to get rid of the King of Kings and only trap him, or to seize the rebellion and trample the opponent into the mud, even death.

What King Xi said was his brother, his mother died early, and now he has only this one relative. But this loved one wanted to steal his throne and wife, which he could not bear.

If it was only a ban, then he died later. Will Ye Junge be with King Wang again? Or just while he was still alive and well, suddenly one day found that he loved the King of Kings, and then rebelled with the King of Kings, pushed him to the throne, trapped him, and let him watch Ye Junge stay with the King of Kings ?

Yundi didn't dare to gamble.

He didn't believe in their feelings, not only because of his suspicion as an emperor, but also because of ... inferiority.

Ye Yiming, in front of Ye Junge, will never be able to become strong, and will always put himself in a weak position. Yundi has no previous memories, but there are some negative emotions deep in his soul.

Ye Junge's love for him was deceived by him, which is the reason for his uneasiness; Ye Junge is noble, and he is just a guy who deliberately approaches Ye Junge, an apprentice who bullies the teacher and destroys his ancestors, which is why he inferiority.

Ye Yiming is domineering and cruel, but this does not make him completely confident. He even sometimes feels that all this is not just a dream, but a dream he just wanted to get Ye Junge too.

Ye Junge didn't know the suffering of his own man. He looked at Tangchi in doubt, and wondered why Yundi hadn't returned for so long.

Lying on the bed for a long time, until he was drowsy, Yundi came over with a vapor, and pressed Ye Junge tightly into his arms, his voice was a little nervous: "Will you always stand on my side?"

Ye Junge was awakened by him, frowned, and just wanted to get angry, and suddenly remembered that his man's life was irritating, so he sighed: "Where am I not standing by your side? I am your person." I did not expect His man was so disturbed that it seemed he had to be careful.

Yundi got the answer he wanted, and rested peacefully while holding Ye Junge.

The day when King Wang's rebellion was getting closer and closer, Yundi became more and more busy, but he would still take time to accompany Ye Junge for a while, just to determine whether this person was still with him.

Every time Ye Junge shooed him out of tears and vowed that he would never leave.

'it has started. ’Ye Junge suddenly put down the book in his hand and looked up in the direction of the distant palace gate. There was a faint flare, and in the silent night, there was a little noise.

Xuan Wangxuan started at night, this time is two or three o'clock in the morning, when people are most distressed.

Yundi stayed in the Imperial Study Room alone, Luo Kang was waiting outside the door, and it was just this moment.

Ye Junge sat next to the bed and continued to pick up the book and look at it, as if nothing was found.

The palace door was violently attacked, and the guards were tied there to guard people's personal soldiers. Everything seems to have nothing to win, because the private soldiers are only two thousand people.

But soon, things went down sharply, the Deputy Chief of the Guards rebelled, and took part of the people to the King of the King, secretly opened the palace door for him.

Although the commander had expected it, he did not stop it. This was the order of Yundi. They had to lure the enemy deep and destroy it in one fell swoop. Otherwise, the king might not escape when he saw something, and he might flee to the city when the time comes. If it is too big, it will disturb the innocent people, and it will also be convenient for some unscrupulous people to find fish in the muddy water.

Yundi sat calmly there, listening to An Weiwei's report, and his heart was calm. To this day, he no longer confuses himself, and even if his lover is going to fight, he has to admit it. Yundi did not arrange anyone in the Taihe Palace. He knew that Ye Junge was strong enough to protect himself. Once he sent someone to the past, he distrusted Ye Junge. He chose to believe him once and believe he would not betray himself.

Ye Junge didn't even have a secret guard watching, and the **** of the Taihe Palace was ordered not to leave the Taihe Palace, so naturally there would be no eyeliner to report to Yundi.

This is just to reassure Ye Junge, and if Ye Junge really does something, he won't know. It's a self-deception. Let him arrange to deal with Ye Junge's backhand. He couldn't do it, and he didn't want to go against Ye Junge.

Ye Junge didn't know his inner struggle, his mind was actually very simple, he felt that he just had to wait for the news of his own man to capture the rebels. In his world, he doesn't care about other things at all. If he thinks less, he will naturally have less trouble.

004 tangled with the suspicion that Yundi recently read from his heart, while watching his own host's heartless lives, he was almost divided. Why can this pair be tangled in this world? It really can't understand the brain circuit of a creature like the emperor, think too much, worry too much, it is not necessary at all.

With the release of the commander's water and the resignation of the deputy commander, the king's personal soldiers quickly penetrated into the depths of the palace. As Yundi expected, the king did not send someone to harass Ye Junge, but instead let his people bypass Taihe. temple.

Yundi breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was sure that the king ’s thoughts on Ye Junge would not be bad for him, he couldn't help it. But he missed it a little. Although the King of Kings couldn't bear to take Ye Junge's sword, but the King of Kings was full of hard-hearted characters. How could these people still preach morality when King of King obviously fell into the trap?

"What are you talking about ?!" The King of Kings was holding a sword, and his eyes were broken. He had just received the news, and one of his conspirators took a team to arrest Wen Mozhi. Now the King of Kings obviously can't beat Yundi. If they don't use some extreme means, they will wait for the Zhulian Jiuzu. The King of Kings will be fine as Yundi ’s younger brother, but they will be different.

Seeing this, another counselor stepped forward and persuaded: "His Royal Highness! Now is not the time for the children to love each other! If we lose this time, then it will be not only the lives of the subjects who support His Highness, but also their families. His Royal Highness! "His king was the only one who knew the king's feelings for Ye Junge. This time, another conspirator took someone to catch Ye Junge. He also had to cover up to succeed before the king received the news.

King Wang clenched the hilt of the sword, and the counselor was right. He really couldn't ignore other people ... Hey, after a while, he tried hard not to let Mo be harmed. , Should not be willing to let him have something.

With the tacit approval of the King of Kings, everyone was slightly relieved. No one in the whole capital knew Yundi's obsession with Ye Junge. As long as he could catch Ye Junge, they would have the opportunity to come back.

The King of Kings looked at the direction of the Taihe Temple. His heart was full of worries and struggles, but in the end he didn't say anything, but took people to the Taiqing Temple. There is no need to usurp the risk of hurting Mo Zhi.

Ye Junge looked at the book leisurely, and the light of the extinguished fire was very serene. Cen Hexuan was vigil outside and drowsed against the door.

"Hexuan," Ye Junge said suddenly.

"Ah?" Cen Hexuan immediately woke up. "Son, you call me?"

Ye Junge looked at him gently: "You go to rest first, it's very late."

"I'm not tired!" Cen Hexuan quickly shook her head. "Your Majesty has not come back to accompany you, son, Hexuan to accompany you."

Ye Junge picked up the tea next to him and sipped: "No need, you go to rest first, I will rest soon."

Cen Hexuan still wanted to say something, but seeing Ye Junge's determination, he had to leave obediently.

Ye Junge looked out of the window with an inexplicable look.

In the perception, a team of private king soldiers came here under the guidance of a long shirt and counselor. The target was obviously him, Ye Junge.

Ye Junge chuckled at the empty dormitory. Since he dared to come, he didn't have to go back.

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Chapter 99

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Chapter 98

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