MTL - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm-Chapter 4 Warm match pet drowning article 03 (catching insects)

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Chapter 4 Warm Net with Pets 03

When Ye Junge woke up, Ye Junjing was already up, rubbing his messy hair and washing it, and when he went out, he saw the breakfast on the dining table.

【Ding! World distortion + 5%, current distortion is 10%]

Ye Jun singer, who plans to steal a fried carrot ball, said, "What's going on?"

[Easing the relationship and cohabiting with Ye Junjing has distorted the fate of the original owner to some extent. 】

Ye Junge expressed his understanding and continued to steal pills.

"Why not take chopsticks?" Ye Junjing came over and patted Ye Junge's claws, took a piece of paper from the table, carefully wiped the oil stains for him, and then stuffed a pair of chopsticks into his hand. "Well, eat."

Ye Junge watched as he lowered his head to rub the oil stains, and his heart moved.

After breakfast, calmly, the idea of ​​getting a ticket for a woman and a woman was even more firm. I got a good man in the kitchen and down the hall, so I do n’t have to cook for myself, and I am happy. Ye Junge is a slacker.

However, the main thing is that he actually ate the food that Ye Junjing made. God knows that he has n’t eaten other people ’s food for many years. When he eats, he feels like something is wrong. He always feels that everything tastes wrong.

Depressed by surprise, Ye Junge greeted him and went back to the room to check the effect of yesterday's Weibo.

Ye Junjing packed up the chopsticks, called the company to say that he would be late, and then went downstairs to buy daily necessities. I came too late last night and did n’t bring many things, so I had to buy everything again.

The Zhongnet net has been exploded. Everyone did not expect that such a **** would unfold. Who can tell them why the song of the king song became the night of the great **** when he woke up? !! Is it an annual spooky event? !!

Some people have questioned that Jun Ye lied because the song of Jun Ge is not very similar to the sound of Jun Ye, and then was sprayed by Jun Ye's fans: Is our sama a famous voice that is ever-changing? It ’s not terrible to have no experience. It ’s terrible to have common sense. As long as people who catch the net in China for a long time know it, the biggest hobby of our sama in the past is to use different voices to talk crooked, and then lie to us that we are Sama's friends or relatives, and the sound is hard to hear is the voice of sama. I've been cheated so many times, and believe him to have a ghost! Furthermore, listening carefully to the sound of Junge is really a more mature version of sama sound, ah ah ah, I have blood on my face!

Ye Junge first got on the penguin, and Didi Dian popped up the news of Dongfangyuan.

Dongfang Yuan: Jun Song, are you really Jun Ye?

Dongfangyuan's mood is very complicated. He has always been Jun Ye's diehard fan. At the beginning, after listening to Jun Ye's drama, he was determined to mix the network with the ring, but he did not expect that Jun Ye was his sweetheart. It is also blame that the original owner changes the voice habitually when he plays a drama. The voice of normal speaking is completely different from the voice of dubbing, even if the voice is crooked.

Ye Junge took a look, and returned one: uh

Dongfang Yuan: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Junge song: You didn't ask

Dongfangyuan didn't send any more news, Ye Junge was too happy to ignore him, and he heard the system prompt.

【Ding! Dongfangyuan favorability +5, currently favorability 75]

Ye Junge didn't know why Dongfangyuan suddenly increased his favor for him. Is it because of Jun Ye's identity? He didn't know the reason why Dongfangyuan entered the network distribution circle. He could only guess from recent events. He didn't even know about it, and didn't plan to investigate.

The situation on the Internet has changed again. Some people said that Jun Ye opened the trumpet to treat everyone as monkeys. Come back when you come back. Why do you want to change the trumpet? Is this fun?

Jun Ye's fans sprayed back: We greatly like to play the trumpet, can you manage it? Do you understand this feeling? By the way, why do you open a trumpet?

They didn't say it in their mouths, but there were some complaints in their hearts that Sama didn't say that he was back earlier, causing them to wait for a long time.

Ye Junge simply tweeted.

cv Junye: I did n’t intend to return after the retreat, but Dongfangyuan was my hair younger. He asked me to accompany him to mix the network with the network. I ’m not good at rejecting it, but I think it ’s against me if I use a large The original intention of "accompany him", and I think he does not need me to pave the way for him as a great god, this is an insult to his ability, so I simply changed the trumpet, and did not inform you that it was my fault But in order not to expose it, I can only do this. The only thing I can do is turn my trumpet into a purple red so that everyone can hear my new drama. Although you do n’t know that a song of Junge is Jun Ye, but everyone can It's the same when I hear my new drama

The following messages hold their own words, and some express their understanding and some scoff. Some people think that Jun Ye and Dong Fang really are good brothers with good feelings, and some people say that Jun Ye is hypocritical.

But the largest number is the sudden emergence of Jun Ye x Dong Fang cp powder.

Ye Junge watched the development of the situation, thought about Ye Junjing who was planning to chase, and decisively sent another Weibo.

cv Jun Ye: Don't get me wrong. Dongfangyuan and I are just good friends who grew up together. I already have someone I like.

"I love telling me this is not true! Why is my destiny cp! Actually! There is a sweetheart! Ah ah! I don't believe it!"

"Sama is so cruel! I just got on you and Dongfangyuan sama, and you actually told me such a cruel fact!"

"(⊙ ▽ ⊙) Fortunately, I am not so deep, or I will be abused cry."

Ye Junge continued to post Weibo regardless of how the fans chattered. He suddenly felt that interacting with fans on Weibo was also very interesting.

cv Jun Ye: In addition, those who can't get used to my trumpet, fine division is my only pleasure. Do you want to take it away?

Fans: 233333sama, your only fun is too much, right? Last time you said that lest the world be chaotic is your only pleasure. In fact, you are just bored and have fun?

"Jun." Ye Junjing knocked on the door and came in. "I'm going to the company. Lunch is already in the refrigerator, and the rice is washed in the rice cooker. Press it at 11:30. The button for cooking rice can be eaten directly after half an hour. Do n’t forget to put the dishes in the microwave and warm them up. I ’ll make dinner for you when I come back. Also, do n’t play with the computer for too long and hurt your eyes. "

Ye Junge must have thought that he was stingy, but now I feel that someone cares about you, isn't it good?

Ye Junge nodded: "I see. Go to the company. I will take care of myself."

Looking at the younger brother who was no longer as distant as yesterday, Ye Junjing was relieved. The younger brother's obedience made him want to step forward and put his arms in his arms to rub it, but remembering the appearance of his younger brother ’s gas field yesterday, he kept silent With this terrible idea, if he dares to take action, he will be caught on the wall.

In order to prevent himself, Ye Junjing hurriedly bid farewell and left. Well, he had to go back to Ye Zhai to get a briefcase.

004 I don't know where to play it, and I found out the candy left over from the Chinese New Year by the original owner. Gaba Gaba was happy. Look at Ye Junjing's back and then look at Ye Junge, shaking his hair in confusion.

[Junjun, why are you so nice to him? ] Did you fancy him? 004 is daydreaming. You should know that Ye Junge has always been a stunner for the snake's ill health.

Ye Junge pinched the white fur ball, and hummed.

004 was shocked, didn't he hear it wrong?

[Junjun you you you ∑ (っ ° Д °;) っ Are you humming? !! !! 】

The stupid system sells stupidity again, and one day it doesn't despise it. Ye Junge didn't want to answer this stupid question.

004 said that he was frightened and silently shrank into a ball to calm down, although it was originally a ball.


Dongfang Yuan looked at the line on Jun Ye Weibo: "Don't get me wrong, Dongfang Yuan and I are just good buddies who grew up together. I already have someone I like." He knows that Ye Junge has only regarded him as a good buddy, but when did Jun Ge have a favorite person? Who is that person? Why doesn't he know anything?

Lin You wasn't happy watching this sentence. He knew that Dongfang Yuan liked Junge, and now Junge says he has someone he likes. Is that right, he has a chance?

Ye Junge searched the Internet for various types of food information. In the future, due to cultivation and robotics, StarCraft does not care much about food, so many foods are lost. Most people can satisfy their full stomachs, so there is nothing delicious. However, this primitive mother star seems to have a well-developed food culture. He feels hungry when looking at a lot of food pictures. Well, when Ye Junjing returns, let him cook for himself.

004 chewed the candy, and suddenly acted.

【Ding! World distortion + 3%, current distortion is 13%]

【Ding! World distortion + 5%, current distortion 18%]

【Ding! World distortion + 3%, current distortion is 21%]

【Ding! Dongfangyuan favorability +5, currently favorability 80]

【Ding! Dongfangyuan abuse heart value +20, current heart abuse value 50]

Ye Junge listened to the ambiguous system prompts of 004, and looked helplessly. Sure enough, a stupid dumpling drank all over the place after eating sugar. When the whole hair ball moved, the long hair shook. Very funny.

Ye Junge's forehead jumped: "Take care of your drool, and dare to get drool everywhere ..."

004 scared urine: [No, I dare not! Get rid of it right away! 】 It's gotten into sugar.

To tell the truth, Ye Junge has not been able to find where 004's mouth and eyes are. Is it too long and too long to cover up?

"What's the prompt sound just now?" Ye Junge decided to change the subject, otherwise he would be furious with this guy.

[God is like this, you opened a trumpet to find a sound excuse for the world twisted by 3%, Dongfangyuan masochistically loves you deeper and twisted by 5%. Fifth, these things affect Lin You ’s beautiful and flawless image in Dongfangyuan ’s heart, so the distortion has increased by 3%. As for the heart abuse value, you said that you and Dongfangyuan are only good brothers and you have someone you like. ] 004 finished speaking in a breath, and then concluded happily, [So Junjun, you are indeed the host of my choice! The efficiency of the task! ~ \ (≧ ▽ ≦) / ~ Sahua ~】

Stupid again.

Ye Junge drew his lips and continued to look at the food pictures.


In the **** storm on the Internet, the sailor hired by Sun Xi will obviously not give up so easily, and jumping up and down completely annoyed Jun Ye's fans.

#Some hopping and terrifying fans want you to take care of yourself!

lz: I really can't stand it. Do you guys don't want our Jun Ye sama good? Are you happy that you have to retire him for the second time? Is it fun to jump around and bite around? Is Jun Ye Sama killing your father or robbing your mother?

1l: I am a passerby. I ’ve been watching for a long time. It ’s true that I ’ve always been worried about biting. To be honest, I think Jun Ye sama is right. He ’s not rare in that role, and he is not in rare groups cp, those cp fans are simply unreasonable

2l: ls you do n’t understand, some cp fans are in the late nc, I always feel that my own cp is good everywhere, it seems that everyone is going to tear down cp to grab cp, in fact, we sama both look down on

3l: I think ls you ca n’t eat grapes and say grape sour, Jun Ye ca n’t catch the heart of Dongfangyuan sama, so why do you say that you do n’t look at Dongfangyuan sama? So ridiculous

4l: Daughter-in-law, come and see 3l Sabi! 3l definitely hasn't seen Junye sama's Weibo, Junye sama said that he and Dongfangyuan sama are only good brothers, and that Junye sama has someone he likes.

5l: Seeing the anxiety fan come out again with a smile, anyway, there are their things, I do n’t know what is convergence

6l: Those people can jump so hard without reason, if it is justified, isn't it going to be a mess? It ’s scary to think about it, why are there so many ncs these days

7l: lzsb does not explain

8l: The point is! What if Junya Sama was broken by this group of people, and she really completely retired in one go? I thought it would be better if I never heard of Jun Ye Sama's new drama!

9l: Tongfang

10l: square +1


27l: party + ID number

28l: I'm a passerby. I don't care who is right or wrong, but I want to continue to listen to the new drama of Jun Ye's silly mother. Please do n’t force him away!

29l: Jun Ye sama, you must not take their words to heart! We all love you!


62l: Look at a group of Jun Ye Fans talking to themselves. Oh, scum like Jun Ye is best not to appear in the network distribution circle.

63l: ls you are ridiculous, all the people who catch the net all year round know that Jun Ye silly mom has a good character

64l: The 62nd floor is definitely a newcomer in Catch Net, or it is simply a friend or relative who was pulled by Youfan to help fight

65l: Wo grass, ls what you said makes sense!

66l: 64l + 1w I didn't expect it?

67l: 64l + 1234567 worry powder is so shameless

68l: 64l + 7654321 啧, of course, normal people like us can hardly understand nc's brain circuit. Of course, I'm not saying that 64l is the same as nc's brain circuit. 64l is definitely more intelligent than ordinary people!

69l: I'm lz. I want to post a screenshot of 62l and 64l, let everyone see what disgusting things you worry about.

70l: The top floor owner! After posting the link, I will go to the top post!



Ye Junjing couldn't work in the company with peace of mind, and the files couldn't be read anymore. All his eyes were the seductive red lips of his brother yesterday and the cute appearance of sleeping in his arms at night.

Ye Junjing felt that he was wrong.

what on earth is this kind of happenings? It's not like I just fancy my brother.

Ok? Wait, fancy you? !!

Ye Junjing covered his face in pain, trying to tell himself that he thought too much, but he felt unbelievable.

Don't struggle, you have a split opinion about your half-brother.

Ye Junjing felt that he still had to struggle.

He took a deep breath to dispel thoughts, and worked hard to deal with the documents, although he still thought of his lips and dazzling eyes from time to time.

After a long time until noon, the assistant delivered the takeaway, Ye Junjing waved his hand to let him leave, watching the thoughts on the lunch box on the table drifted to Ye Junge again. I wonder if Xiaojun eats on time?

Forbearance, still opened the phone and dialed Ye Junge's phone.

"Hello?" The voice on the other side of the phone was gentle, but Ye Junjing heard a fascination, feeling a heat all over his body, seemingly bewildered.

"Hey, Jun, have you eaten?" Ye Junjing tried to make his tone sound the same as usual.

There was a slight smile on the other end of the phone, and the voice was lazy: "I have eaten, how about you?"

Ye Junjing coughed, feeling that his self-control was collapsing: "Eat right away, you play less with the computer, go out and walk around more, don't stay at home all the time."

"it is good."

"So ... good afternoon."

"Good afternoon." Ye Junge spit out two words quietly, then cut off the phone.

I held the phone for a while and seemed to think of something interesting, and my smile never stopped.

Ye Junjing's response was really interesting.

Ye Junjing listened to his brother's "good afternoon", and he didn't return to his mind for a long time. He didn't respond until the beep sounded for a while, then quickly put away the mobile phone.

After thinking about it, I still took out the phone, found Ye Junge in the contact, and changed the note from Xiaojun to baby.

Looking at the three words full of ambiguous taste, Ye Junjing smiled with satisfaction, exhaled silently, and carefully put the mobile phone into his clothes pocket.

"Good afternoon, baby."

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