MTL - The Lover’s Prattle-Chapter 82 Liang Ze (6)

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Biquge, the fastest update [Quick Wear] love words will finally have the latest chapter of the master!

Liang Ze was blocked outside the shooting site the next day.

The car couldn't move forward outside the shooting venue, and there was all the blocked media outside.

Last night, Liang Ze had eaten and drank too many years later. He woke up very badly this morning. The window is covered with a special window film. The inside cannot be seen.

Waking up in sleepless state, leaning against the seat with his blindfold unwilling to move, he said lazily, "What's going on?"

The assistant didn't know, and quickly looked at the surrounding conditions. "I don't know, but it's all media."

The media that Liang Ze and Gu Ye were taking propaganda photos had already known before, and they had also done some small interviews.

So this morning's impossible because of the propaganda photo.

The assistant's laptop went online, and a photo exposed online 20 minutes ago has now been hit on the Internet.

Liang Ze straightened up and took off the blindfold. There was red silk in his eyes after drunk last night. Seeing that his condition was not very good, the assistant turned around and handed him the notebook. The tone was a little serious and careful, "Ms. Hua and Gu Ye were taken in the parking lot last night. The photo burst out twenty minutes ago ..."

The assistant kept talking.

Liang Ze fixed his eyes on the enlarged picture on the screen.

Last night, the hotel was only a middle-upper hotel. There was a flaw in security, and it was normal to be photographed.

They ate a bit late, and it was almost ten o'clock after dinner. At that time, it was dark outside and the parking lot had only street lights.

Qing Ruo was photographed on the back, Gu Ye was facing the camera, sitting in the back seat of the car, the door was wide open, Qing Ruo stood next to the car door, one hand in his trouser pocket, and one hand on the door .

Slightly lowering his head and talking to Gu Ye.

Gu Ye looked up at her, her eyes were bright under the dual effects of the night and the flash, star-studded, and the expression on her face was a submissive smile.

Liang Ze drank a little bit last night. He came out of the restaurant and Qing Ruo walked in a row. The assistant helped him. He still insisted that Qing Ruo got in the car and returned to his car. However, if Qing Qing did get out of the car, he opened Gu Ye's door and spoke two words to Gu Ye, which was about a minute.

Before Liang Ze got out of the car, she closed the door and returned to her car.

So Liang Ze didn't know what they said.

And the title with this photo is enough eye-catching, ‘Gu Ye Mysterious Girlfriend Appears’.

Gu Ye and Qing Ruo's actions in the photo are not even close, but such topics are not incompatible with this photo.

Because Gu Ye's appearance is too obedient, if Qing is standing by the car, his action posture is even more natural. It seems that he naturally occupied Gu Ye's world and is very important.

Only in front of the person you like can a man willingly look up at her with a soft smile and bright eyes.

When Gu Ye first made his debut, he had rumored some lace scandals, but he later clarified. So now his relationship is indeed a tipping point for many media.

Liang Ze flipped through the webpage, only one photo was exploded. The others are now catching wind and catching up with Gu Ye's previous trips. In just 20 minutes, the media has compiled Gu Ye and Qing If there are no less than ten love stories.

The assistant answered Gu Ye's phone call, not Gu Ye himself, but Gu Ye's agent. He knew that Gu Ye and Liang Ze were together last night, and now he was preparing for help.

It's not Gu Ye himself. Obviously Gu Ye's intention is to clarify. Such news can be true or false. The key point lies in the meaning of the team and the parties behind it.

The entertainment industry itself is such a rule that relies on acting skills.

The assistant appeased the violent agent. After pressing the mute button, the mobile phone was set aside, and turned to ask Liang Ze's meaning. The phone just turned on the speaker.

Liang Ze didn't sleep enough, and his body was uncomfortable. Many media outside the window were filming the window, which was too noisy.

Rubbing his eyebrows, asked his assistant rustling, "Gu Ye wants to clarify?"

The assistant nodded, seeing that he was a little tired and didn't know how to speak, a lingering expression.

Liang Ze closed the notebook on his leg and set it aside, raising his eyebrows and asking him, "Is there anything to say?"

"Uh ... did you ask Miss Hua?"

"Qingruo?" Liang Ze said softly, but didn't ask the assistant, the voice was very low, it seemed to be in his lips, only he heard it.

Shook his head. Then he lowered his head and began to clean his clothes and hair. "Get ready to get out of the car and kill a **** road."

"What do you want to say?" The assistant asked as he organized his stuff.

The assistant and the driver also have a little bodyguard nature. They got out of the car first and blocked the media around the door.

Liang Ze opened the door and got out of the car with a gentle and calm smile. "Everyone be calm and restless, be calm and restless."

"I think I really want to say a few words about last night."

Liang Ze has been in the entertainment circle for many years, and his field control ability has been trained to control the noisy scenes. Then he smiled at all the media with a smile.

"The photo missed me. I was there last night."

Liang Ze shook his head slightly, with some funny and helpless pampering, "Well, I'm chasing her."

哐 When a level mine exploded, it blew up everyone, including his assistant and driver.

Liang Ze continued to speak, his eyes looked far away, and it seemed to remember who had a gentle pamper in his eyes, "Well, chase the girl, I have suffered for the first time, just yesterday Gu Ye worked with me to close the job. I am sorry, shouting Gu Ye went to eat together. Later she used to tell Gu Ye to supervise me today and not allow me to smoke. "

Liang Ze laughed, smiling frankly and reverently. "The first time. It feels really subtle."

Everyone's eyes were on him. Liang Ze's two hands were down. He really turned out his two clothes pockets in front of all the media, followed by two pants pockets. "Look, I'm afraid I can't control it today. You do n’t even have a cigarette. "

"Chasing ... chasing girls !!!" All the media were bombed to aphasia.

Not only was Liang Ze's first hit, but also the first hit of the entertainment industry, okay.

The first time a film director said in front of the media that I was chasing someone, because I was embarrassed to ask my brother to accompany me. Oh, I was not allowed to smoke, and I was asked to supervise me. Look, I did n’t bring any cigarettes today.


Everyone just felt a group of grass and mud horses whistling past their heads, and the messy hair was more than just a hairstyle.

I could n’t ask all the questions I wanted, let alone question. Liang Ze said that he was chasing people, and you asked whether the woman had something to do with Gu Ye. It was not just a fight. Liang Ze's face was almost siege to death on the Internet.

Liang Zeshun went through the media that had been circled to the point where he had lost all combat power, and brought more circled assistants and drivers into the shooting venue.

After rubbing his eyebrows, Liang Ze couldn't help crying. He first sent a text message to Qing Ruo with his mobile phone.

Then posted a Weibo with his Weibo number.

"You have to talk about her, please don't hurt her. There will be people you like. I chased people for the first time. I already feel like I'm busy, and you want to help me."

In fact, he really didn't believe that the media could dig her out, and then took a step back 10,000, really digging out, is there any media dare to explode? No.

As long as the media could not explode, his Weibo post was just a secret, and he didn't want to hurt her. This really became a secret figure with a question mark all over his body.

Leaving the cell phone to the assistant, Liang Ze put down all his thoughts and devoted himself to work.

Today's shooting is his single part, so Gu Ye didn't come today, only Liang Ze himself, only him, the whole team is in a good state, working efficiency and mood are directly proportional, the atmosphere of the entire shooting venue is good.

At noon, I was happy to eat dinner for everyone.

Liang Ze's box lunch was originally one more meat than the other staff, and after adding the meal, it became three lunch boxes.

Their small table was placed at the best location for shooting, with huge branches supporting the cool shade and a row of flowers next to it.

Liang Ze bowed his head to eat, and was poked on his shoulder.

He hasn't looked up yet, and the people behind him have said lazily with a smile, "You can eat so much?"

Liang Ze took a sip of food in his throat, almost spit out, quickly closed his mouth, raised the water on the table, took a big sip, swallowed the food, and looked back at her with a bright smile, "Why are you here?"

Qing Ruo, wearing sunglasses, was already sitting on the armrest of his chair, raised her hand to take off the sunglasses, and put them in her bag.

She is more formal today and her makeup is exquisite. She looks overbearing and flamboyant.

"Well, passing by, come by and see you."

He didn't look at him when he said this, his gaze was looking straight ahead, and he was lazy and light, leaving him to look up at Liang Ze's two nostrils.

The words fell, Liang Ze hadn't answered yet, and she looked down at him, her eyes widening, and the corners of the eyes dyed with dark blue lined her jerking eyes as if the sea started to roll up.

"After all, is it my suitor?"

Liang Ze's face was thick and his face was not red at all. Liang Ze's assistant took the chair and came to the side. "Miss Hua, please sit down."

If Qing ignored him, she continued to sit on the armrest of Liang Ze's chair. Liang Ze didn't open her to sit over and smiled at her. A handsome man who could captivate sentient beings, "If you don't do anything, you can only do that. Help Gu Ye justify, they can't find you anyway. "

Qing Ruo hooked her lip and lowered the bag on her arm to the table. When the arm was stretched back, a finger had twisted his chin, letting him lift his face up, she pressed down a bit. Get closer. He looked at his delicate and handsome cheeks carefully, and seemed to be satisfied. He nodded slightly and nodded twice.

Let go of his chin with his fingers and ask him lazily, "Just help Gu Ye?"

Liang Ze pursed his lips. "If you're not so rich, it's true."

Qing Ruo smiled politely, got up from the chair, wore high heels today, stood next to him and looked down at his eyes and raised his eyebrows at will, "You obviously like it, why dare not say?"

Liang Ze looked at her, smiling with a pampering and gentle smile, but he didn't answer.

She stood by and waited for a while without waiting for an answer. With a boring snoring, he lifted his handbag on the table and turned away without hesitation.

The crisp sound of high heels went away.

Followed by ten black bodyguards in two rows, the footsteps are uniform and stable.

Liang Ze sat in the shooting venue and watched her walk all the way through the shooting venue. All the staff avoided it, let alone stop, not even looking straight.

When such a posture came in, even the palm mirror pretended not to say anything while watching the photos taken in the morning.

According to her figure, some staffers glanced at him, but no one came to ask.

This circle is treacherous, full of deliberateness and stepping on others, that is because you are at the bottom, and you need such a method to climb on others.

State-owned laws have rules and regulations, and you can climb up, but some things ca n’t be touched. You do n’t need to look or ask.

Liang Ze shook her head and laughed, facing the wind, and answering the question she just asked, "Because I think it's better to maintain this state, and then continue, it may not be better than now."


What can I use to catch up with you.

What can be used to keep you.

Ask myself, no answer.

Friends are longer than lovers.

I can help Gu Ye.

Can also help you win Gu Ye.

—— [Black Box]

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