MTL - The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth-Chapter 271 throne!

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"Hold the bridge! Fight! Fight! Never retreat! Take back our homeland!" Balin roared to mobilize the dwarves under his command.

These simple dwarves were furious when they saw the orcs and some trolls trying to destroy their bridge of Turin! They swung their tomahawks and quickly crossed the bridge of Turin, and the orcs strangled them.

"Watch your feet! This bridge is about to collapse! How many people go up at a time! Be careful!" Roland anxiously stopped the swarm of dwarves who were rushing upwards. If he didn't stop those dwarves again, he would probably crush the bridge down for him. !

"Damn it! Why didn't I bring Mr. Ladir with me this time?" Roland fell into a frenzy looking at the cracked bridge. If there is an earth-type mage here, why would Roland have any scruples about using this thing? It is not a problem for Mr. Ladir to condense a few wide stone bridges out of thin air... It is a pity that the only Elf Dragon who can help Roland is still sleeping and recuperating at this moment...

"Be careful! Pass two people at once!" Roland ordered to the royal guards, thanks to their heavy plate armor and tower shields! When these tin cans walked onto the bridge, everyone's heart trembled.

But it's all worth it! By the time the first royal guard had gained a foothold on the other side, the attack of these orcs and trolls had become a desperate counterattack before death! With the precise cooperation of the rangers of Lordaeron, the royal guards plunged into the crowd of orcs with their excellent equipment, and then a **** storm unfolded. Able to counterattack and contain with ease.

"Omsk, go over and clean up those threatening targets!" Roland ordered. Although he can't let his heroes fight with their arms loose, precise spot kills are still possible. With Omsk's ability, clear those targets Still no problem with giant trolls!

"Your Highness..." Caslo was eager to try, his eyes were full of fighting spirit!

"Don't join in the fun...there's enough chaos over there!" Roland watched hundreds of people fighting hard in an area of ​​less than a thousand square meters. Orcs or dwarves were constantly thrown out of the battle ring, but Roland didn't see himself being thrown out of the battle ring. Throw it out... After all, the royal guards in the past were really not existences that these cats and dogs could beat.

"Advance!" Under the command of Balin, more and more dwarf soldiers crossed the bridge and began to fight back against the half-orcs. They began to push back the half-orcs with iron blood and will!

one meter! Two meters! Three meters! The half-orcs retreated steadily under the crazy attack of the coalition forces. What's more shameless is that they not only have to fight the coalition forces head-on, but also bear the precise shooting of Lordaeron rangers. Shoot! After all, those LaGrand city guards were very smart to greet the royal guards with their hand crossbows behind them! It doesn't matter even if you shoot your own people, those crossbow arrows still can't break open the "tortoise shell" of the royal guards, but to the half-orcs, it's just a succubus! Their crude leather armor and iron armor are as vulnerable as a paper lake in front of LaGrand's elite arrows. Even the fighting speed of the royal guards is not as fast as the LaGrand city guards who are shooting wildly from the rear.

"Expel them! Don't let them come near here!" Balin chopped off a half-orc's thigh with an axe and swung it back. A big half-orc's head flew up.

"Fight! We must fight! Drive out these **** orcs! Our hope of reclaiming our home lies ahead! There is the heart of Khasad-dum! Our dream home! Fight! Children of Turin! For our descendants Can stand here again! Fight!" Bahrain roared excitedly, this is the closest step to his dream.

"Tsk! These guys are so ruthless! We have repelled three waves of attacks!" Roland gasped and looked at the injury on his arm. Although he had been treated with his own skills, it was still painful! This is Roland's use of his right arm to block the giant troll's falling hammer just now...

We should be grateful for the almightiness of this lord's armor! Otherwise, Roland's hand would have been twisted and deformed today.

"Sorry for bothering you! You were injured! King's my fault!" Balin felt extremely guilty, and he blamed himself very much. He thought that he did not take good care of Roland and caused him to be injured.

"I can't get out of the way! I underestimated the enemy!" Roland smiled awkwardly. If it wasn't for his fancy death, how could such a thing happen? That mighty hammerhead almost flew off Roland!

"Your subordinates are all right! Do you need me to treat them again?" Roland said solemnly.

"It's okay...the rest are unnecessary, they have returned to the embrace of their ancestor Turin..." Balin covered his face and shed tears.

"How many of you are left?" Roland sighed.

"There are still 467 people! We have already killed 33 brothers!" Balin shed tears of pain, and those dwarves gave their lives for the recovery of Moria!

This is why there were basically no casualties in the LaGrand army in the coalition forces. Unlike the dwarves, humans fought for resources. No matter whether they win or lose, as long as they are fine, it will have too much impact on Roland! But for the dwarves, this is their homeland, and the dwarves fighting for their homeland are naturally much more desperate than humans! This has caused a lot of dwarves to reduce their tragic situation!

"It's all worth it! Your descendants will be grateful to them! They are all heroes!" Roland said slowly, looking at the dwarf corpses lined up on the ground in the distance.

"Bahrain, don't put too much pressure on yourself! How can anyone survive in a war? I didn't do the same at the bottom of the lonely mountain..." Roland stopped talking, and the figure of the UU reading team of rapid infantry was still in front of him I can't get it out of my mind, and I will never forget it!

"You are right, but I don't know how to face their families in the future...I said I would take them home...they..." Balin sat on the ground looking at the sacrificed dwarves in a daze like a child. .

"They shouldn't die! These half-orcs shouldn't have killed them! They gave up their defense... They should have been able to avoid many fatal injuries!" Balin was extremely distressed! How could these dwarves be willing to trade their lives with half-orcs if they had no choice but to act in a hurry? They are not worth it! They don't deserve it!

"The Royal Hall..." Roland finally saw the most magnificent place in the whole of Moria. With the torches inserted obliquely by the half-orcs on the pillars and stone walls, Roland could clearly see the appearance of the entire hall! Those exquisite carvings and rough lines all show the characteristics of dwarves...

"Huh? That's..." Roland was suddenly attracted by the golden light emanating from the high platform in the distance.

"The Throne of Turin!" Bahrain murmured as he stared at the golden throne and fell silent.