MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 708 Xuanyuan's request

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Today's four major families are absolutely no longer comparable to the original four families.

No matter in terms of the current situation and situation of the four major families, or in terms of the freedom of the heads of the four major families, they are far from being comparable to before.

In the past, each of the four major families held nearly trillions of dollars in terror funds. Even the eight major families that were famous throughout China had nothing to do with them. It could be said that they were absolutely all feudal lords in their respective territories. Ordinary existence, no other forces dare to provoke lightly.

However, compared with the past, the four major families have now chosen to surrender. Although on the surface, the assets of the four major families have belonged to their respective management, but unlike before, now their respective assets have actually been completely transferred to Liu Liu. Under the family, even many key positions are controlled by Chu Mo's people, and as time goes on, the four major families' control over their own industries is becoming more and more weakened.

What makes people feel even more powerless is that even though the assets of the four major families are being swallowed up bit by bit, the four patriarchs who are at the helm of the four major families not only did not have any resistance, but chose to surrender willingly.

Originally, these heirs thought that once the former leader Liu Ping died, they would regain control of their assets and get back what originally belonged to them. After all, the reason why the four major families chose to surrender was because they were afraid of the terror of that old man Liu. strength.

Naturally, in this case, once the old man left, that is when their four major families regained power, as for the little girl named Liu Liu, no one cared at all.

But now, the situation has suddenly and irreversibly changed, Liu Ping is dead, but the backer behind the Liu family, Mr. Modu Chu, has changed his body and directly became a legendary powerhouse in the realm of the gods, even, even The most powerful Northwest Hua family head, Hua Zhenyu, finally broke through to the position of the great master after he swore allegiance to Mr. Chu.

In the past, a single Liu Ping could oppress the four major families and force them to surrender. Now facing a peerless powerhouse in the realm of the gods, it can be said that the four major families have no room for resistance. Except for choosing to surrender, they have no choice. There is a second way to choose.

It is precisely because of this that in the end, Wei Ran, the most outstanding heir of the second generation of the Wei family, finally chose to surrender after careful consideration.

In the past, I wasted energy, fighting with several other heirs, and finally took over the Wei family in the southwest, which was just an empty shell. It is better to let go now and directly swear allegiance to the eldest lady Liu Liu, so that I can not only become a loyal minister of the Liu family, You can also get the favor of a half-step **** powerhouse, and in the end, you may break out into a vast world.

At this time, it was precisely because of such determination and perseverance that Wei Ran gritted his teeth at this moment.

Although Tianya has not advanced to the real state of the gods in the end, as a half-step god, the innate qi in his body has gradually transformed into aura. There is absolutely no comparison. As a half-step god, Tianya once released his coercion, within ten steps, even a real high-ranking grandmaster would have no resistance at all. As for the average middle-ranking grandmaster, I am afraid that he will Under the huge pressure, they directly retreated.

And those whose strength is lower than the median Grandmaster will definitely not be able to survive under this huge pressure.

As for a warrior like Wei Ran who has not even reached the master, but is only a half-step master, if Tian Ya, who is a powerhouse in the realm of the gods, really releases his coercion with all his strength, he can't even hold on for the blink of an eye. Killed by terrifying coercion.

Therefore, the reason why Wei Ran has been able to persevere until now is not because of how firm his perseverance is, but only because the horizon in front of him has not fully released his coercion.

At this time, Tian Ya was only trying to test the limits of Wei Ran, so the pressure he released was only a small amount, and it could even be said that he was on the verge of being able to persevere and about to collapse.

With the passage of time, seeing the young man on the opposite side did not collapse immediately, although blood was left on the corner of the other side's mouth, Tianya had no plans to stop.

As a half-step celestial powerhouse, Tian Ya has never accepted an apprentice in his life. In the past, he spent most of his time in retreat and practice alone, and even rarely interacted with people. Naturally, only those above the master level could enter his vision. The strong, as for those who are the best of the younger generation, can't see the end of the world at all.

And this time, Tianya is about to close life and death. It is very likely that after this retreat, he will never come out again. Therefore, he suddenly wanted to leave an incense for himself to pass on, and at the same time, it was considered to repay Liu Ping's kindness. , but the last trace of nostalgia.

It is precisely because of this that Tian Ya is very concerned about this trial. He doesn't want to randomly choose a person with insufficient perseverance to inherit his mantle. Naturally, he must seriously investigate Wei Ran in front of him.

Under the incomparable coercion, Wei Ran in front of him was not only bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but his whole body was on the verge of collapse. If it wasn't for the last bit of persistence in his heart that kept him insisting, Wei Ran at this time would have fallen to the ground long ago. .

However, Tianya did not relax because the other party had reached the limit. On the contrary, Tianya's expression was slightly condensed at this time. He looked straight at the young man with a painful face, and once again released a huge coercion.

And it was precisely because of this last trace of coercion that it finally became the last straw that crushed Wei Ran. Wei Ran, who had already reached the limit, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body was slowly falling towards the ground. go.

Seeing that Wei Ran was about to fall to the ground, in the complicated expressions of the second generation, Tian Ya, who was opposite him, shook his head slightly.

Wei Ran's talent and perseverance are much stronger than the average person. He can reach the peak level half-step master at the age of 31. He is not much worse than Wu Chi Lei Ting. You know, Lei Ting is also in the third. It was only when he was twelve years old that he succeeded in breaking through to the peak half-step master. This was achieved after he gave up all emotions and all distractions. After that, Lei Ting was trapped in the peak half-step master for several years, until half a year ago. A breakthrough was made under the guidance of Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin.

As the second generation of the Wei family, Wei Ran's aptitude and perseverance are not inferior to those of Lei Ting. Even without any external help, his breakthrough to the Grandmaster is a certainty. Breaking through the barrier of the sky and becoming a high-ranking grandmaster depends on his own luck and opportunities.

But even though Wei Ran was already so good, he was still a little short of wanting to be Tianya's close disciple. At least in Tianya's view, the young man in front of him was still not interesting enough.

At the moment when Wei Ran was about to end, Chu Mo's eyes suddenly flashed with brilliance. His toes lightly touched Wei Ran's shoulder. The next moment, the mysterious energy that was constantly running in Chu Mo's body seemed to be vented. Mouth, for a split second, an incomparably mysterious huge energy quickly followed Chu Mo's toes and directly into Wei Ran's body in front of him. With help, he regained consciousness immediately.

There was no delay at all. Wei Ran, whose eyes flashed with brilliance, immediately sat cross-legged, and he constantly controlled his innate qi to impact the barrier of the earth. With the help of energy, it quickly became shaky, and at this moment, the pressure of the outer world suddenly became even bigger again. With the interaction of the two forces inside and outside, Wei Ran could clearly feel what was happening in his body. qualitative change.

Soon, when the original innate qi that was like a stream slowly gathered into a small river, before the mysterious energy was about to disappear, Wei Ran, who gritted his teeth, mobilized all his energy for the last time, and attacked the already crumbling barrier with all his strength.

'boom……! ’

It was as if there was an earth-shattering loud noise. At this moment, Wei Ranzhi felt that an incomparably huge change had taken place in his body. The meridians in his body had more than doubled in size, and they had become stronger than before. More importantly, his own The senses became more sensitive, and even a grain of dust more than ten meters away could be clearly seen.

What made Wei Ran even more ecstatic was that when he was concentrating on peeping into his body, he was able to see the galloping innate qi in his body!

Inside view!

This is something that can only be done by a master-level powerhouse, and it is also a sign that a martial artist has reached the grandmaster-level!

At this time, Wei Ran really wanted to look up to the sky and scream, and become a real grandmaster at the age of 31. This was a full seven years ahead of Wei Ran's own plan. Originally, according to Wei Ran's plan, he should be At the age of thirty-eight, it was possible to break through the realm of the great master, but now, he has saved seven years, and at the age of thirty-one, he is called the youngest great master in the whole country.

The terrifying pressure originally shrouded in his body disappeared in an instant, and at this moment, Wei Ran tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart.

He knew that the reason why he was able to advance successfully had a huge relationship with the two peerless powerhouses in front of him.

Without the support of Chu Mo's mysterious energy, without the help of Tianya's coercion, he would not have been able to break through so easily. At this time, when he saw the faint expressions of the two peerless powerhouses in front of him, Wei Ran immediately restrained himself. Mind, he quickly adjusted his mentality, and the whole person bowed his head respectfully:

"Thanks to the two seniors for helping, the junior Tianya can't repay it!"

Just in Tianya's deep gratitude, the opposite Tianya finally did not hesitate. Although the Wei Ran in front of him was still some distance away from his goal, Wei Ran was indeed a very good emperor among the younger generation. If Tianya gave up Wei Ran. , then it may take him several years to find a young man who is good enough to inherit his mantle, but Tianya hates the word trouble the most. Naturally, he can't waste his time for an uncertain disciple.

Therefore, without entanglement, Tian Ya, who looked serious at this time, looked straight at Wei Ran in front of him, and his voice was full of vicissitudes:

"Young master of the Wei family, isn't it? Originally, with your aptitude, the median Grandmaster is already your limit. Unless you have a great opportunity in life, it is impossible for you to break through the barrier of the sky in this life. Such aptitude, only Can barely be regarded as qualified.

However, since even Mr. Chu treats you differently, I will reluctantly, Tianya, to make you swear that I will be loyal to Liu Liu, the eldest lady of the Liu family, if you have two hearts, you will be struck by lightning! "

The ultimate powerhouse before the meeting was finally willing to accept the ultimate, and Tian Ya, whose face was full of excitement, immediately bowed his head and bowed:

"Junior Wei Ran, must obey the teacher's orders. If you violate it, you will not die!"

Tianya waved his hand gently, and then he took a deep breath, and the whole person deeply and instantly released an incomparably huge terrifying pressure, and under this pressure, the air around the entire observation deck became solidified.

More than a dozen second-generation heirs on the side retreated at the same time, not daring to approach the ten-step range at all.

At this time, the mysterious energy in Chu Mo's body has become extremely thin. He has just helped Wei Ran to advance, and he has almost exhausted the last bit of energy in the relic. The reason why he can persist now is that the last bit of energy in the relic is protecting himself, and As the pressure released by Tianya on the other side increased, Chu Mo clearly felt that the relic in his arms seemed to be in danger of being broken at any time.

Not daring to stay here, Chu Mo got up directly, grabbed Liu Liu's hand beside him, and then quickly walked towards the elevator opposite.

When he passed by the side of the second generation, Chu Mo, who looked extremely serious, said directly:


Chu Mo's words fell, and a group of second-generations did not dare to delay at all. They glanced at Wei Ran on the opposite side for the last time, and then all followed Chu Mo to the elevator.

As the elevator went down quickly, when the elevator came to the lounge on the seventy-seventh floor, it stopped.

Until now, all the people in the elevator breathed a long sigh of relief.

It is already dozens of meters away from the shopping hall on the top floor, and the pressure received is almost very weak, even ordinary people can barely bear it, but when Chu Mo came to the rest hall and sat down, he had been waiting for a long time. Dong Xun'er immediately served coffee respectfully.

Just as Chu Mo was tasting the coffee lightly, Xuanyuan Fanghua, whose face was full of complexity, came up slowly.

This beautiful woman with one hundred extreme beauty looked at Chu Mo with a complicated face. She bit her red lips lightly, and said with great care:

"That...Mr. Chu, I don't know if I can go further..."

Chu Mo looked at Xuanyuan Fanghua, who had a tangled face in front of her. Although the other party was already a half-step master, it might take at least ten or twenty years to break through to a great master. The current Xuanyuan Fanghua has obviously neglected the matter of cultivation. She is now more concerned about her own power, but she is not as keen on martial arts as before.

That's why Xuanyuan Fanghua took the initiative to find Chu Mo, and wanted Chu Mo to help her break through the realm of a great master directly.

But unfortunately, at this time, Chu Mo only shook his head slightly, without the slightest expression on his face. (To be continued)

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