MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 702 The Arrival of the Half-Step God

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The girl named Wei Xinran took a leap and came directly to Wu Youyou. This girl with double ponytails is about twenty years old. She has a very well-proportioned body, and her slightly bronzed face also has a touch of determination. .

When Wu Youyou saw the girl opposite her taking the initiative to challenge herself, she didn't dare to take off the big one. The opposite was all people from the four major families. Among them, there were several great masters and many half-step masters. Even if they just pulled out one, they were all A powerful heir, although Wu Youyou is conceited, he also knows that if he doesn't take it seriously, he may lose miserably.

At this time, just when the girl named Wei Xinran was about to take the initiative to attack, Wei Zhengpin, the head of the Wei family, suddenly scolded:

"Xin Ran, don't be presumptuous, and hurry up and step back!"

The Wei family was flourishing, with seven or eight heirs in the second generation alone, and dozens of people in the third generation. Among them, Wei Ran of the second generation and Wei Xinran of the third generation were definitely the best.

But at this time, Wei Zhengpin obviously wanted to cultivate his seventh son Wei Ran rather than his granddaughter Wei Xinran.

As the head of the family and a powerful peak-level half-step master, Wei Zhengpin definitely has an incomparable prestige in the Wei family. Everyone in the family must obey his orders. If anyone dares to insist, Wei Zhengpin will It will definitely be handled by family law.

Even though Wei Xinran, who has two ponytails in front of her, really wanted to show herself in front of Chu Mo, and wanted to get advice from the peerless powerhouse Chu Mo, she still did not dare to disobey her grandfather's orders, so a flash of disappointment flashed in her eyes, The ponytail girl obediently chose to step back.

Chu Mo has no interest in the disputes within the Wei family, but he is quite optimistic about the frankness of Wei Xinran, and Chu Mo originally planned to let Wu Youyou compete with the few people in front of him. Yes, it is completely difficult for the strong.

Therefore, when the girl with two ponytails was about to turn around and leave, Chu Mo, who looked indifferent, said casually:

"Since you're on stage, let's give it a try and let me see if the little girl's foundation is good."

Chu Mo's words fell, and the originally disappointed eyes of the girl with two ponytails immediately lit up with surprise. No matter how dissatisfied Wei Zhengpin was, he didn't dare to disobey Chu Mo's order, so he could only gently nod to the girl in front of him. .

With permission, Wei Xinran, whose eyes were full of excitement and excitement, turned around again and came to Wu Youyou's side.

Whether it's Wu Youyou or Wei Xinran, the two young girls are very cautious, not only Wei Xinran, but even Wu Youyou really wants to show off in front of Chu Mo. After all, she has now entered the A-level. He can be regarded as a small accomplished martial arts master, and Wu Youyou's biggest wish is to break through before the age of twenty, and be called the youngest half-step master in the entire country, so as to compare Xuanyuan Fanghua, so she hopes more Being able to get Chu Mo's guidance, naturally, when facing the opponent in front of her, she changed her previous recklessness and anger, but was unusually cautious.

After a while, the girl with two ponytails was the first to lose her temper. Wei Xinran knew that she was just an appetizer, and she was not the direct heir chosen by the Wei family at all. She was lucky to be able to show her face this time. If the delay is too long. Time, not only her uncle Wei Ran will be dissatisfied, but even the other three families will be dissatisfied with her, so she does not dare to delay for too long. After adjusting her breath to the best state, she can directly find one Opportunity, he instantly stepped forward to attack the figure at the front door.

Wu Youyou, who had been waiting for a long time, was not surprised but delighted. She had been waiting for the other party to make moves, so she was on full alert at this time. Seeing that the other party really made the first move, Wu Youyou immediately advanced instead of retreating as expected, and her whole body was full of infuriating energy. Running, the whole person quickly moved towards the opponent like a cannonball.

'coax! ’

The fists of the two young girls who were two decades old collided fiercely, and the huge sound even made people feel faintly tinnitus. With the two fists as the center, while setting off an invisible wave, the two hit both. Points, each other already understand the strength of each other.

Chu Mo looked at Wei Xinran, who had a steady breath. When he saw her calm and relaxed appearance, he not only looked at Wu Youyou on the opposite side, but at this time Wu Youyou seemed calm on the surface, but if he looked carefully, You will find that her right hand seems to be shaking slightly.

With just one blow, the pros and cons of the two have already been determined. Judging by Wu Youyou's A-level median strength, the eldest lady of the Wei family in front of her should be the peak of the A-level median, or even the strength of the A-level superiors.

As expected, she is a member of the four major families. Even though Wu Youyou is naturally talented, and has a half-step grandmaster's father who personally instructs her, in the real turn, there is still a lot of difference between her and the top-level giants like the four major grandmasters.

Wei Xinran, as the leader of the three generations of the Wei family in the southwest, although she is only two decades old, she has the full support of the entire Wei family. No matter in terms of foundation or resources, no ordinary person can compare.

It is normal to be able to reach the upper A-level at the age of 20, and this is also because she is a daughter and cannot be cultivated as a family heir.

Otherwise, just like Xuanyuan Fanghua, the eldest lady of the Xuanyuan family, even though the other party is also a girl, Xuanyuan Fanghua, who was raised as an heir, has the full support of the entire family, and it is normal to be called a half-step grandmaster.

When Wu Youyou encounters a big enemy, she naturally becomes more serious and focused. She has a very good aptitude. In addition, during this period of time, the great master Qin Lan gave her personal guidance, and her strength has improved rapidly. Clearly at a disadvantage.

With Chu Mo's gaze, the two girls on the field wanted to leave a better impression on Chu Mo, so this time, they didn't keep it, but instantly exhausted everything they had learned and attacked the other side. And go.

For ordinary people, this is definitely a dazzling thing for two warriors of A-rank or above to fight with all their strength. The terrifying wind and dazzling movements can definitely make ordinary people linger.

But this is only for ordinary people, but the group of people in front of them are definitely not ordinary. The head of the Wei family, Wei Zhengpin, has frowned slightly. Wei Xinran is the top three generations of the Wei family. One level higher, under normal circumstances, the game should be won quickly, but now, the two people on the field are playing indistinguishably for a while, no distinction is made, which makes Wei Zhengpin feel a little unhappy.

However, it is obvious that Wei Xinran clearly has the advantage and dominance among the two at the scene, but she is not in a hurry to survive. Even if she occasionally catches Wu Youyou's flaws, she does not immediately kill her with one blow. Obviously, Wei Xinran is not in a hurry. In order to decide the winner, at this time, she was anxiously anxious about what Chu Mo had just said. There was no winner or loser in the game at this time, as long as she showed what she had learned in her life.

And just when the two were fighting on the field, Chu Mo suddenly found that there was a sudden change in the relic in his arms, and a thin mysterious energy slowly traveled through the whole body. Feeling something, he immediately raised his head and looked towards the tree behind him.

As Chu Mo raised his head, he saw at a glance a young man in black leaning against the canopy of a tree not far in front of him.

Chu Mo's heart was not only slightly tight.

He knew that the current Diwangxuan had been on full alert in order to deal with the masters who came to visit. Not only did the number of bodyguards double, but even Qin Lan and Lei Ting were also extremely vigilant.

At this time, let alone an ordinary expert, even a middle-ranked grandmaster would not be able to easily break into the Diwangxuan Villa No. 1, and it was under the circumstance that everyone was unaware.

As Chu Mo raised his head, beside Chu Mo, who originally focused on the crowd on the field, looked up at the same time.

When the patriarchs of the four major families discovered the young figure on the tree trunk, a look of astonishment flashed in everyone's eyes.

Among the four of them, Hua Zhenyu, the most powerful, has broken through to become a high-ranking grandmaster, and even the other three have the strength of a peak-level half-step grandmaster, but even so, they still do not have any insight, and they do not notice it at all. When did the young man on the trunk arrive.

There is only one explanation for this situation. The figures on the dozens of tree trunks are far more powerful than the others. If the other party has the intention to harm them, just by virtue of this super-high stunt of concealing the figure, I am afraid that none of them will be able to survive. .

At this moment, the four great masters put their eyes on Chu Mo at the same time. It was just because Chu Mo raised his head that they noticed the figure on the tree canopy. At this moment, the four of them admired Chu Mo's strength even more.

At this time, Chu Mo's attention was no longer on the competition in front of him. His eyes were fixed on the young man in the canopy, but he felt a very familiar feeling in his heart, as if he had seen each other in a mysterious place.

He thought about it seriously, but he didn't get the slightest gain for a while.

But at this moment, the young man in the canopy suddenly laughed lightly. As Wei Xinran slapped Wu Youyou back a few steps in front of him, the young man applauded softly.

Until this moment, everyone's eyes in the field were all focused on the young man in the canopy.

The other party did not continue to hide his figure, but came to Wu Youyou's side in a flash. After looking up and down at Wu Youyou, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Jiuzhuan Divine Art... The little girl is so young, she dares to practice such mysterious exercises! If this old man hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have thought that this Jiuzhuan Divine Art had been lost!"

The voice of the young man who seemed to be in his early twenties was unusually old, and even had a gloomy taste. The moment he heard the other party's voice, Chu Mo not only had goose bumps all over his body.

Until this time, Chu Mo didn't know why when he saw him, he felt a very familiar feeling. It turned out that he had indeed seen this person.

The young man who appeared in front of him was the masked man who had been with Liu Ping and Shaolin Abbot some time ago.

This person is one of the two existing top masters in Huaguo, and he is on an equal footing with Master Zhishang, the abbot of Shaolin.

The last time Chu Mo saw each other, this person had always been covered with a level of kindness. At that time, Chu Mo thought he had some quirks, so he would cover his face, but now it seems that he does not want people to see him young. face.

After all, as a rare peak-level high-ranking grandmaster in China, although the young man in front of him looks only in his twenties, his real age should be similar to that of Master Zhishang and Liu Ping, and they may be old people over 100 years old.

And from his extremely old voice, it can be judged that the age of this person has long been a mystery.

As for why the other party is willing to show his true face now, Chu Mo doesn't know, he took a deep breath, and the indifferent Chu Mo said softly:

"Your Excellency should be the third peak-level Grandmaster in China, Tianya! It's just rumors that Tianya has always been a dragon, never dealing with outsiders, and never appearing in public. It's not just why your Excellency is here. ."

Chu Mo's faint voice fell, and a group of people around him immediately flashed a touch of emotion, even the patriarchs of the four major families, there was a flash of surprise in their eyes.

Originally, there were three peak-level grandmasters in Huaguo, namely Shaolin Abbot and Liu Ping, who was hidden in the secular world.

And now, with Liu Ping's death, there are only two peak-level grandmasters left.

The Shaolin abbot, Master Zhishang, is known to everyone, but no one has seen his true face at all.

But today the other party appeared in vain, I'm afraid it's not a good thing.

Just when everyone was thinking about each other, Tian Ya, who had a handsome face on the opposite side, suddenly laughed:

"I'm here, don't you know what you want?"

Tianya's voice carried an incomparable sense of vicissitudes, but his eyes were looking straight at Chu Mo's heart, where Chu Mo kept his relics.

Sure enough, this peak-level grandmaster came for his own relics.

Chu Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he was thinking quickly, the young man opposite suddenly turned his eyes to Wu Youyou, who was beside him, and he laughed loudly:

"Jiuzhuan Divine Art is a strange science in the world, how can you be defeated so easily by a yellow-haired girl, little girl, if I can see you today, it can be regarded as the fate of the two of us, and I wish you the best of luck. ."

The words fell, and in Wu Youyou's sluggish face, the young man slapped the opponent's back with both hands. The next moment, a milky white mysterious energy instantly emerged from the young man's body, and then quickly moved towards Wu Youyou's body.

At this moment, an incomparably huge aura instantly enveloped the entire villa courtyard.

Beside Chu Mo, when the patriarchs of the four major families saw the white energy gushing out of the youth, they all exclaimed at the same time:

"The realm of the gods...!"

Under the huge pressure, the relic energy in Chu Mo's body began to run. At this moment, Hua Zhenyu next to Chu Mo suddenly said:

"The energy is not pure, and there is a small amount of congenital innate energy mixed in it. It should not be the real realm of gods, but half-step gods!"

As a high-ranking Grandmaster, Hua Zhenyu is the most powerful of all the people present. Naturally, he is the only one who can really see the difference between the young people on the opposite side.

After a while, as the young man finished work, when Wu Youyou on the opposite side opened her eyes again, her whole body was instantly enveloped by a misty innate qi!

In just a moment, Wu Youyou has broken through two levels in succession, reaching the half-step master state that countless warriors dream of! (To be continued)

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