MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 51

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I don't know what the mentality is. After marshal Ji'an took a few laps that day, he bought more than twenty cat dolls as soon as he returned home, and he was still A small bed was placed beside the bed, and all the dolls were put on that small bed.

Then he said to the aggressive Yue'an, "I bought it for you."

Yue'an shook his ears, and a cat's face looked at Ji Xiuyu in shock.

What's wrong with you?

Marshal Ji was puzzled by Yue An.

"See you like it," he said.

I was so happy to have hugged my doll in the office until my ears fell down.

"Meow ~"

Yuean looked back, jumped to the little bed, and got into the doll's pile.

As soon as he woke up, Marshal Ji found that there were more than pillow quilts and cats on his bed.

There are more than twenty cat dolls.

Lying on his side, Yuean was holding a doll, and the cat and the doll's tail were naughtily stretched into Ji Xiu's pajamas.

Marshal Ji stood up lightly and carefully, connected a few fluffy fluffs, and then placed these fluffs next to Yuean, and went to the bathroom lightly.

The five senses of the Yuean cat type are very sensitive. Recently, after full exercise and adaptation, the human body's perception of the outside world has gradually improved.

Ji Xiuyu also knew that when he woke up, Yue'an must have been awake, but Yue'an belonged to the type that he would want to sleep for a few minutes after waking up.

So in just a few minutes, Ji Xiuyu will not bother him.

Yue'an stretched out his four claws, reached out and hugged the doll around him, struggling on the doll with a touch that was very close to his own fur, then turned over and went to the bathroom with his short legs.

Ji Xiuyu has been getting more and more busy recently. After the previous salty fish period has passed, his work has been overwhelmed like a mountain.

Sometimes you do n’t even have time to go out for routine morning exercises.

For example today.

Ji Xiuyu said before that he would go out to play with him, but he worked hard for several nights to make room for half a day yesterday.

Yue An could not persuade him. He blew Mao up to let him rest, but he felt perfunctory by touching his head at will.

He was so busy that Yue An never mentioned the topic of wanting Ji Xiuyu to accompany him to play.

-What is a Hinters star!

After that, they are going to the waves in the universe!

By then, with Ji Xiuyu, the world is big, you can find special foods after the battle, you can catch interstellar pirates in the sky, and you can catch some strange cosmic creatures when you land and repair the star.

At that time, catch those creatures and let Ji Xiuyu grill them to eat.

You can even toss one extravagantly, isn't it beautiful?

Yue'an shook his tail and sent Ji Xiu to go out as usual.

Fortunately, Marshal Ji doesn't need to worry that he will be a salted fish when he is away from home.

Because Yuean has developed a good habit of exercising, he will go for a few laps in the virtual community every day.

The milky white hair group squatted at the door and watched Ji Xiuyu leave with several legionnaires. After calculating the gap between the points in his virtual community and the last in the overall list, he decided to play fewer games today and save time to find Mrs. Ellie, stay with her.

Even after Yuean got married under the name of Marshal Kevin's couple, the number of meetings with them was not too many.

Yuean felt that he had taken advantage of such a big deal, not to mention fulfilling his responsibility as a son, at least to be able to bring something beautiful to the beautiful lady.

Yuean didn't know that Mrs. Ellie was already very happy because of his existence.

After all, Yuean is now a rising star with much attention.

The adoptive father is the first marshal Kevin, and the teacher is the second marshal Ji Xiuyu. The driver in the virtual community is the Silver Blade, and the operation is smooth and pleasing.

These days, not only is Marshal Kevin flying up with joy, but even Mrs. Ellie, who always has a graceful and elegant face, always brings some tenderness and pride.

But it would be better if Yuean could accompany them more.

Today, there are several military ladies in Mrs. Ellie ’s house. These wives are all party figures. They have broad and cheerful horizons. They talk about topics from the south to the north.

Yue'an came at this time.

Holding a big box.

After Marshal Kevin had obtained his credentials, Yue An was given permission to enter and leave his home. At this moment, Yue An was the door that opened directly.

The ladies in the room were all together, and together with Mrs. Ellie, they were also slightly stunned.

Yue'an also stayed for two seconds, glanced at the elegant and noble ladies in the living room, and finally fell on Mrs. Ellie. She lingered for two seconds, her lips pursed, and she shouted like a mosquito. :"mother."

That voice was too low for the ladies sitting in the living room to hear.

The more I settled, the voice raised a bit: "Mother, mother! Good afternoon husbands!"

Then under the gaze of the ladies, she persuaded for a second, and hummed softly, "I'm back ..."

Madam Ellie, who was called her mother for the first time, stunned for a few seconds, and a beautiful smile appeared on that beautiful face.

She stood up and took out the indoor shoes prepared for Yuean in the morning.

"What are you bringing here?" She asked softly.

Yuean put on his shoes and walked in, and answered, "Some mini games."

He added whispered, "Ancient Earth."

Mrs. Ellie was shocked.

Several other ladies also came over curiously.

Yuean brought a large box.

In the box, Yuean spent all morning, and bought paper cards and physical printing tools to slowly study the tossed out gadgets.

What Monopoly, What Poker, What Flying Chess, What Werewolf Kill Three Kingdoms, What Military Chess, Chess and the like.

There is still a part to be done, but let ’s take a part and play for a while.

The more high-end Yuean himself can't figure it out. These are the games he has played through the Internet before. Now he still clearly remembers the rules and card faces, so they are all drawn one by one. .

Human hands and technology are indeed much more flexible and more convenient than cat paws. Vio An, who had tossed away five or six games in the morning, had to admit it.

"This is a playing card."

Yuean took out the playing cards, slowly and accurately controlled his pronunciation, and at the same time brought the recording panel to the table, which recorded the playing methods and rules of the playing cards he had played.

"There are many ways to play."

After Yuean finished speaking, he took out the other rich man and flying chess, and continued to put the supporting rules.

Several ladies had a good opinion of this young boy who had been in the virtual community for a while. Hearing what he said, they all copied a copy of it and looked at it.

Yuean put all the things that have been done.

Then Zheng Zheng read the rules intently, and as the rules looked at the props ladies, holding the tools and materials in the box, he found a small corner and continued toss.

His checkers are still incomplete in three colors.

Making these gadgets also made Yuean scratch his head, and it was hard to think of it.

He wanted to bring some good memories to Mrs. Ellie, but he didn't know exactly where humans place good memories.

For Yuean, being saved by the little human girl in the first place is a wonderful memory.

When he was just starting his wisdom, he was picked up by his elders, and those years spent in the clan are also very warm memories.

I was able to meet Ji Xiuyu. Although the beginning was not so good, I still feel very happy when Yue An remembers it.

Yuean feels that he is lucky, and he has never encountered bad people.

This also makes Yuean feel very beautiful.

But for human beings, the beautiful things that can remember them should not be achieved so easily.

Therefore, Yue'an had to settle for the second, choose some entertainment that she still remembers, but now there are few people to play, and teach Mrs. Ellie.

Beautiful or not, let's not say, these entertainment games always bring happiness.

He took the name of a son and it was a matter of pleasure to please him.

"Vietnam, come here." Madam Ellie waved at him with a plate of snacks.

Yue An put down the tumbling chess pieces in his hand, and ran over, took the plate, and agreed with Mrs. Ellie's intention to play this live.

——Before the live broadcast, in order to prevent this gameplay from being directly registered with product patents like Mahjong, Mrs. Ellie also deliberately opened a patent account under the name of Yuean, and stuffed these games into the ancient world Patent application for Earth's intangible cultural heritage.

The live broadcast was purely to spread the entertainment culture of the ancient earth.

Because Mrs. Eli is still an ambassador for the promotion of ancient earth culture.

The various cards made by Yuean are very cute, the main thing is the cat's paw print on the back of the card.

The ladies all started to play the cards in accordance with the rules. Yue'an held his big box while sitting and devoted himself to other gadgets, occasionally looking up to correct their mistakes.

In the live broadcast room of Mrs. Ellie, the audience all expressed that it is no wonder today that they did not see the big guys go to the battlefield area every day. It turned out that they stayed at home with their mother.

In fact, Yuean is not far from the end of the list.

He was like a big, dry sponge, falling among a group of excellent, orthodoxly educated military school students, madly absorbing the knowledge revealed by them, instinctively using the techniques stolen from others , To arm yourself more tightly.

His learning speed is horrible, his progress is even more visible to the naked eye, and even laymen can see a few clues.

Such amazing combat intuition and talent, not to blame the media frantically praise him as a genius, saying that he will become the second season of the empire repair.

Even the top ten students who took the top ten in this list, like the chicken blood, ran to the virtual community every day, very worried that they would be kicked off the list every day when they woke up.

But their chicken blood doesn't do much for eggs.

In the very regular morning of Yuean, go to accompany Mrs. Ellie, go to the virtual community in the afternoon, and cooperate with Ji Xiu's time in the evening for practical training or rest.

A month later, the ID of that cat's claw climbed to the top very steadily.

The media is blind all day long like crazy.

Every time Marshal Kevin appeared in front of the public, the smile on that face looked like a blooming flower, and even in the recent photos of Mrs. Ellie, she seemed to be back in her teenage years. And satisfaction almost drowns people who are addicted to beauty.

This is probably the refreshing spirit when people are happy.

Both Marshal Kevin and his wife were full of spring breeze, as if they were sixty years younger.

In contrast to this couple, Marshal Ji, who has recently become a dog.

What does it take to fight?

You need money, soldiers, supplies, and logistics.

It's impossible to get all of them from the military, right?

Then you have to ask your country.

The two marshals and their army leaders who were still in the imperial capital were all active, turning to the dark with the logistics department of the Ministry of Finance and the top of the political party. With the faces of the mentally handicapped, going straight up was a meal.

The pressure of Marshal Kevin not to go out is slightly better. Under the pressure of sending troops, Field Marshal Ji, this period of time is almost out of anger for decades.

When he used to fight big wars, the first emperor gave him a green light. Basically, small wars were enough to support d with regular military funding, so that Ji Xiuju never felt that it was so difficult to ask the Ministry of Finance!

And this is the simple model after Marshal Kevin has taken the lead to get the support of most of the senior government.

"The vanguard has already set off, and the main army will leave the Emperor Star after three weeks. The money and materials I requested must be allocated a lot."

After Ji Xiuyu said, his eyes glanced at Prince Kells, where the old **** was, and finally his eyes fell on the little emperor.

"Your Majesty, what do you say?"

The little emperor was scared by his somber expression of gloom, and he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Prince Kells.

"Look at what Marshal Ji said, Your Majesty is also going to follow you, and there is no shortage of points for you."

Ji Xiuyun looked at him, and the consequence of lack of sleep and enthusiasm was that the eyes looked like evil spirits crawling out of the abyss. Full of murderousness and blood, it was like a sharp knife, straight into the chest of the person being watched, and then cruelly stirred twice.

Prince Kells took a nap, his face suddenly whitening.

The little emperor seemed to be stunned by Kells's speech. He jerked his head back and retorted, "When did he say that he would go together!"

Kells was hit off like this, and after looking away, he recovered instantly. The fat on his body shook. "You said, Your Majesty."

"I remember Uncle Kells obviously saying that you want to go." The little emperor stubbed his neck and poked the ground with a wand in his hand. "Uncle, are you old and mentally disturbed?" "

"Nonsense!" Prince Kells retorted loudly.

Mental disorders are almost a condition that people who are currently over-worked mentally in their later years will suffer.

The initial manifestation is memory confusion, and then hallucinations occur. In the end, the level of mental strength will plummet below the level of normal people, and even the star network will not be able to connect until the brain completely stops functioning and eventually dies.

This is a kind of aging disease. Basically, you can stamp this person and you can prepare for the aftermath.

Prince Kells had no idea that the little emperor who had been under his control would refute him. Right now, he was reckless of the little emperor's face, and he censured and rebuked him in a louder voice.

The little emperor scolded his eyes red, as if he was about to cry next second.

The two Marshals Ji Xiuyu and Kevin were annoyed after listening for half a minute. Marshal Kevin simply said, "Then simply ask the doctor to check. If you really get sick, you are not suitable to stay here."

As soon as this was said, the entire conference hall was silent.

During this time, Marshal Kevin was so active that no one in the entire conference room refuted him immediately after his speech was over.

Marshal Kevin waved his hand and put the doctor outside.

The crisp gestures, the "Doctors" quickly suppressed Kells's actions, and they all told the people in the conference room that this was an extremely rough and unavoidable cleanup operation.

And it may be from the younger emperor who has grown up in the main seat now.

Because he didn't seem surprised at all, he cried long ago.

But no one in the entire conference room retorted, apart from realizing that the parties were struggling.

Soon, the parties also lost their chance to speak out.

The needle was audible in the entire conference hall.

The little emperor looked very calm except for some red eyes, and most of the people in the audience had already had a bottom in their hearts. The rest of them did not have time to stand in or the wrong part of the team. Already.

Ji Xiuyu tapped on the table and broke the silence: "My military expenses."

In order to paralyze the prince so that he didn't notice that he was wrong and left the emperor to take refuge, Marshal Ji has been following the rules regularly for a long time, and he really received a lot of birdishness.

He just wanted to go back now, holding his cat, taking a sip, rubbing his little belly, and pinching his little head.

The little emperor's eyes were still moist, but he barely grasped the gesture that an emperor should have.

He did not hesitate to pick up the chapter, stamp the documents in front of him, and also stamp the transfer book of the Energy Planet veins below.

The little emperor was very painful. He sucked his nose and said, "Yeah approved!"

Ji Xiuyu was nostalgic at all, took two documents and turned away.

It's been a long time since this time, and it was dark when Marshal Ji went out of the conference hall.

However, Marshal Ji checked the high-quality food stores nearby, and bought a bunch of Yue'an along the way, and took it home.

Tomorrow, Mrs. Ellie will go to the film and television planet to close the shoot. Today she cooks and makes a sumptuous dinner.

But unfortunately, only she and Yuean were eating together.

Yue'an was very popular. In addition to leaving a copy for Marshal Kevin and Ji Xiuyin, he cleaned the dishes on the table, his mouth was as sweet as the honey, and Mrs. Ellie smiled on her face. Never broken.

"I'll take it back to Ji Xiuyu!" Yue'an watched the housework robot pack up the dishes, and then put the part reserved for Ji Xiu into the food box by himself, and then took a sip on Mrs. Ellie's cheek, hopping in three steps Dad ran home.

Yuean and Ji Xiuju came home before and after.

Just one minute after Yue An turned on the corridor lights, Ji Xiuxiu opened the door.

Yue'an was still standing in the porch, turned around and saw Ji Xiuyu coming in, and raised the food container in his hand.


The boy's vibrant voice was full of vitality. After careful education by Mrs. Ellie, the expression on her face was no longer stiff.

He arrogantly burst into an exciting beautiful smile before Ji Xiuyu.

"Mother Ellie's loving dinner, surprise not surprise!"


Marshal Ji was silent for two seconds, and put the food box in Yuean's hand and the take-away food box in his own hand on the low cabinet by the door, and then hugged the teenager in front of him, The whole man went into his arms.

It's good to hug people without cats.

Yuean's body is slightly slender, but it is quite firm and firm to touch.

The white hair was as soft as soft cat hair, exuding a pleasant smell of milk, and the body temperature was too high, like a little sun.

The exhausted Marshal Ji held the boy in his arms, stunned, and stunned again.

Yuean held the cloth around his waist: "What's wrong?"

Marshal Ji responded vaguely: "Tired."

Yuean nodded his head.

Can't you be tired.

Stay up all night to pick up the lights and fight at night, and go out early in the morning early in the day, and come back late at night.

The content of the marshal's work is certainly not easy, especially when such an expedition is imminent.

Yue'an recalled the comfort of human beings, reached out and hugged Mr. Marshal, who was a bit too tall compared to him.

Then he patted him comfortably.

Marshal Ji stopped and looked down at the small white head in his arms.

Yue'an looked up at him, his pretty blue eyes full of doubts: "Tired and stupid?"


Ji Xiuxun let go of his hand and carried the food containers on the low cabinet into the restaurant.

Yue'an followed, and Zizi opened the takeaway box.

Ji Xiuyu looked at Yuean with a satisfied face, and finally looked away.

The temperature on the teenager's body still seems to remain between the palm and neck. The delicate and gentle touch and slightly burning breath almost burn the skin.

The place where my back was patted gently seems to be still remembering the wonderful tenderness.

"Aren't you eating?" Yue'an turned to look at Ji Xiuyan with a bun and asked him.


Marshal Ji picked up the tableware.

If it weren't for a cat who would leave in twenty years, that would be great.

Ji Xiuzhen thought.

The author has something to say: Ji Xiuyu :? ? ? Mrs. Ellie is stunned. Why haven't I? !! As if a fake attack. [小声 逼 逼 .jpg]

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