MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 47

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Originally, Marshal Kevin was just going to take the Viet An military headquarters to feel the atmosphere and play mecha by the way.

But after meeting Ji Xiu, it's different.

What level of Ji Xiuyu, Marshal Kevin knows very well.

To be honest, he can't beat him as a student, and his physical fitness is worse than heaven and earth. The strength problem coupled with his decline in status makes it impossible to compete with Ji Xiuyu.

It is okay to practice hand-to-hand activities in private, but it is not fun to be taught in front of many people.

——And the two marshals teach a novice, how the picture is too beautiful.

Ji Xiuyu also knows that it is not right for anyone to humiliate his respected teacher in public.

But they have promised Yuean to take him to play mecha, and can't keep his word.

And the mecha thing, in the virtual environment, the real mecha is not much different.

So the two hard-shouldered marshals combined, and turned around to ask about the meaning of Yue'an. They left the mech training ground of the military department aggressively and ran to a large high-end mech training club in Didu. Take the opportunity to see if you can catch a big fish.

This big fish is naturally their prince, Prince Kells, who wants to pinch the pigtails.

After being bombed from the black market, all the clues that could be involved in this were cleaned up overnight, including some unscrupulous money transactions in the back ground, which were also cut off by him with a sharp knife, leaving no trace tail.

When Marshal Kevin sent the little emperor and his secretary back to the palace, Qianding Dingwan asked them to do everything as usual. Now that the week has passed, the government has not shown any fierce reaction. It seems that the little emperor has maintained well.

Although it is a bit extravagant for the two marshals to march together, but the child cannot bear the wolf, the presence of the two marshals often means that the other party must also adopt a proper attitude.

For example, as the boss, Prince Kells must have come out in person.

In the private training room, Marshal Kevin is taking Yuean to pick a mech suitable for novices.

Before Xi Xiu came here, he emphasized that he should not use the sympathy mode, but the player should use a simpler mech.

After all, Yuean's genetic level and mental power level were faked by them, filled in a value that is superior to ordinary people but considered to be moderate in the military department. Once connected to the sympathy mode, the SS level will even go up The level of mental power can be exposed.

This kind of shell protection of ungrown seedlings is common in high-level circles.

It's a very happy thing to be proud of your cub's excellence, but it's more important than the pride brought by your child's excellence to prevent him from being stumped by a political opponent or someone else. So it might as well be temporarily disguised and not known.

They are not civilian families who need to knock on the door to the future with excellent talents.

Ji Xiuyu looked at Marshal Kevin and Yuean who were picking mech, adjusted his expression, and looked at the old one with a cold face.

Prince Kells was really surprised that the two marshals came together.

He looked at the assistant who reported to him, and his face was wrinkled.

"What are the two of them doing? Is there anything the military training ground can't solve?"

The assistant paused, prompting: "Marshal Kevin brought his adopted son over."

Some obese princes stunned, and then stunned.

The mechs of the military are all mechas that can be used on the battlefield, which is really not suitable for beginners who are just a blank piece of paper.

Even if the military-type mech is replaced with an empty ammunition for exercise, it will often cause injuries, which is not friendly to beginners.

Considering the relationship between Marshal Kevin and Ji Xiuyu, Prince Kells thought about it, and probably guessed the reason why the two came together.

It must be that Marshal Kevin wants to teach his adoptive son to use mecha, and Ji Xiuyu naturally has the opportunity to take a look and evaluate the level of the person who will be playing against him in the future.

"It was only the first day of adoption that brought me directly to play mecha. It was too anxious."

Prince Kells said this, but still felt something was wrong.

"What about that adopted child?"

The assistant replied: "Genetic rank A, mental power rank B."

"Fake." Prince Kells said without blinking, "Kevin's old man, it's absolutely impossible to pick and raise a cub, he's old."

As people get older, they will eagerly want to pass on some of their own things. This is one of the instincts of human life as nature.

Following the rules of evolution, young cubs have a better chance of survival than weak cubs. Selecting good children to focus on teaching is also one of human instincts of life in nature.

In particular, Kevin, who is very good in nature, will naturally choose more outstanding children more carefully.

"At that time, he picked up Ji Xiu Xiu. As a result, Ji Xiu Xiu practiced under his hands for more than 20 years. He became a marshal in his early 70s. Although Ji Xiu Xiu became a white-eyed wolf, it is undeniable that Kevin's teaching on professionalism is really powerful . "

Prince Kells stood up, and the assistant helped him to put on his jacket, and continued: "Now he picked up a child who wrote in his own account book, how could he not be worse than Ji Xiuyu."

but it does not matter.

Ji Xiuyu and Kevin were so acquainted with each other that year, they could be directly confused by the horizontal bar that he had poked, a little boy in his early 20s or 30s, can use a little trick.

Don't let him get close to Marshal Kevin, wait until he grows up, then turn against Ji Xiuyu.

To deal with children, Prince Kells, who has played with the little emperor between claps, is skilled.

But playing with Prince Kells, Ji Xiuyu and Marshal Kevin are also proficient.

Marshal Kevin is teaching the most basic operation of Yue'an in the mech cabin. This beginner's mech has two seats in the operation cabin, which is suitable for one-to-one teaching.

Ji Xiuyu was keeping a cold face that didn't look very good, staring at the mech without blinking.

When Prince Kells dragged his fat body over, he saw this scene.

With a smile on his face, he wrinkled into a ball, walked to Ji Xiuyu, and said with emotion: "Kevin is really a good teacher."

Marshal Ji didn't even look at him.

And Prince Kells has long been accustomed to his only softening attitude towards the emperor.

He doesn't mind.

Anyway, what he meant was the emperor's meaning. When Ji Xiuyu listened to the emperor, he just listened to him. He didn't care whether he did it or not.

Prince Kells continued: "Marshal Ming and Ming are much better than him. There are good seedlings that should be taught by you."

As soon as his voice fell, the mech that had not been moving in the field suddenly raised his arm and snorted at the place where they stood. The backhand was an empty bag bomber.

Ji Xiuyu was motionless, and the empty bag filled with dust "snapped" on the wall one meter away from Prince Kells. The dust inside it covered the whole face and bombed the Prince's face.

The large prince also perfectly blocked the dust for Xi Xiu, and only fell a little on the shoulder of Marshal Ji.

In the mech cabin, Marshal Kevin patted Lai'an's shoulder with a laugh, "It's a good shot, if this is a live ammunition, this person has become gray."

It was Marshal Kevin's intention to make Yue'an aim at Kaiers, but even he did not expect Yue'an to be able to use the manual exercises skills directly after hearing the theory.


Going to the military academy is another legendary genius.

However, people with such talents are actually thrown into the military academy instead.

In the end, it ’s better to take the battlefield directly to watch the rapidly changing battle situation, and directly learn from the actual combat experience.

While thinking, Marshal opened the mech cabin, jumped down, and said to Prince Kells, "No matter how good the old man is, he will be many times better than you who are too late to hide."

Prince Kells wiped his face and got angry in his eyes.

Pooh! Kevin old man!

Marshal Kevin looked at Prince Kells with a grin on his face.

Pooh! Old Kaiers!

Ji Xiuyu finally looked away from the mech, and also picked a beginner's mech, and drove to Yue'an with the mech driving.

Marshal Kevin seemed a little upset and frowned slightly.


And Prince Kells grinned at the look of him.

When Kevin was unhappy, he was so beautiful.

"Marshal Ji's strength is undoubted, and being able to get his teaching is a good thing for children." Kells said.

Nonsense, is this for you?

Marshal Kevin sat on the side of the field, clutching the two mechas on the field, intently, as if guarding Ji Xiuxun against his cub.

"Let me tell you, you have taught your children too gradually." Prince Kells continued, "when Marshal Ji followed you, he went directly to the battlefield."

Marshal Kevin frowned.

This sounds terrible?

Do you still want my students to dig into my corner?

"The ability to fight in the military can only be stimulated and mastered quickly after playing in person." Kells was justified, and Kevin couldn't help feeling that he was eating out of his mouth. This is more ironic. It was as if his old friend was talking to him.

However, in reality, the two men can't wait for each other to plunge into each other's heart, pull out each other's lungs, and strangle each other around their necks.

Yuean opened the mecha's radio system and listened to the conversation over there clearly.

Ji Xiuyu is briefly demonstrating how to operate the mech's whole body activities, looking up at Yue An's absent-minded look, reminding him, "Don't worry about them."

Yuean turned his head back, and Ji Xiuhua with beautiful blue eyes looked at the communication window in the corner of the screen.

"There are many political plays," Ji Xiuyu explained briefly, "don't bother."

"Oh ..." Yuean answered.

He was not very interested in mechs, and after the initial curiosity he became very boring.

But after all, others taught him very well. Yue'an turned his head and looked at the two rivals again, and looked back to prepare to learn Ji Xiu's explanation to manipulate the mech.

As a result, the next second, he heard the conversation again over there.

"I think that your child can only get enough exercise under Marshal Ji." Kells said, "Just so, Your Majesty told me two days ago that he wanted to emulate the emperor himself and go out in person. Even if you do n’t take part in the battle, you want to be able to take a look at the front line. "

Marshal Kevin and Ji Xiuzhen together.

Will the little emperor want to go to the front?

Just his guts?

Who is stupid?

Both Marshals stared at Prince Kells with silly eyes.

Prince Kells smirked in the expression of Marshal Kevin.

The military doesn't believe it, it doesn't matter.

As long as the little emperor nodded, they still had to be ordered-of course, mainly because Xi Xiu had the next.

Prince Kells has also begun to reach old age. He has never stood in the position that symbolizes the highest authority in his life. As he gets older, he can't control his desire.

"Kevin, your child's age is not much different from your Majesty, and the company is just right." Prince Kells said slowly. "It's better to wait for Marshal Ji to take the child out by the way. "

He didn't say a word, the mech on the field raised his arm again, and his backhand blasted over.

Shut up you!

Yue An was mad.

Let me get on with me?

What do you count?

Which cat have you seen on the battlefield!

Also followed Ji Xiuyu on the battlefield!

Do you think he was not miserable enough?

Believe it or not, this cat will touch your house tonight and pluck your hair!

Ji Xiuyu stopped the action that Yuean wanted to continue.

In fact, Kells's statement is for him and Marshal Kevin to be a pillow that he sent when he was dormant. Ji Xiuyi definitely took Yuean out. Marshal Kevin also felt that actual combat is the fastest way to improve-- Except that a little emperor should not appear.

Little emperor, they can't take it with them. In case there is a short and long one, the military can't bear this pot.

Especially let Yuean protect the little emperor.

what does this mean?

This means that something happened to the little emperor. It wasn't Ji Xiuyu who carried it, but Marshal Kevin who was on the same account book with Yuean.

This matter is obviously directed at Marshal Kevin, Ji Xiuyu is not easy to come forward.

He looked at Yuean. Although the boy was blank and expressionless, the beautiful blue eyes were full of unhappiness.

"Unhappy?" Marshal Ji asked.

Yuean nodded and said, "Yes."

Marshal Ji paused, recalled what Prince Kells said just now, and asked, "Unhappy to join me?"

Yue'an stunned Ji Xiuyu for a long while and hummed and said, "Neither."

Ji Xiuyu looked at him quietly, posing a pair of ears.

"I don't want to fight anymore," Yuean said, and stretched out his two arms. "It hurts all over."

Unlike the pain of a mental wound in a virtual training ground, that pain is a bit more dull than it is in reality, and it can recover quickly after the outcome is divided.

The soreness and fatigue caused by realistic training is real and long.

His cat is so big that he hasn't suffered the pain and grievances yet.

If you don't clearly feel the effect of Ji Xiu's training method, and the other party is really good for him, Yue'an will surely scratch this person's face.

"It hurts, I don't want to fight." Yuean said again.

He had a soft voice and a small nasal sound, which sounded extremely wronged.

Yue An's grievance did not feel that he could gain anything--after all, Ji Xiuyu was a straight steel man who carried him in the eighteenth style and was unmoved.

However, in the past, the coquettish tone of repeated defeats, this time the cat unexpectedly played a role.

... Although there is only so much to lose.

"Then rest today," said Marshal Ji. "Just today."

Yue'an stunned for two seconds, and after going back to God, she felt no grievance immediately.

"Then I'm going out to play today!" He said cheerfully, "and have something to eat!"

"..." Marshal Ji, who was conscious of his routine, was silent for a long while, then nodded, "Yes."

Yuean hit the snake with a foot on his feet: "You still need to accompany me."

Just when Marshal Ji wanted to refuse, he met Yue An's pair of bright eyes. If he refused, he would be choked back.

Just accompany him.

Anyway, today ’s fish is also hooked, heading for Marshal Kevin.

In this case, naturally, Marshal Kevin is the main player, and Marshal Ji is responsible for secretly cooperating.

And there is no need to continue the practice training today, it is nothing to accompany Yuean to play.

Ji Xiuyu thought about it for a while, and found that he hadn't taken his cat out and played with him since he returned from the imperial capital.

Marshal Ji pursed his lips and nodded, "OK."

Yuean's entire face became bright and lively as she froze.

You should pick a time to teach Yuean to control his expression-he must look good when he laughs.

Marshal Ji thinks this way, it seems that he did not realize that it was because his own expression was too scarce, that led to Yue'an, who had been with him for a long time, couldn't follow his expression.

Today is the day when Yuean came to Hinters Star and had the most fun.

On the one hand, Ji Xiuhuan's short-lived practical training of Ji Xiuyu's ghosts was on the other hand.

Although both were wearing camouflages, Yuean was also very happy.

He used to be envious when watching other cat owners willing to buy a space backpack to travel around the world carrying his own cat, but unfortunately he turned away from humans after he opened his mind.

Now it's hard to find a second owner, but the other side has never been free to accompany him to play, making Yuean always feel a bit regretful.

At this moment Ji Xiuyu finally accompany him out of the house, Yue'an couldn't be happier.

Today he was willing to accompany him to play, that distance from traveling around the world ... No, can it be far from traveling around the world!

Of course not far away!

The more beautiful, the more they jumped along the way.

When it was dark, the two returned home with the big bags they bought—mainly some small snacks bought by Yuean temporarily.

Before getting on the bus, Yue An was still alive and lived. He just lay on the sofa as soon as he entered the door.

"Go wash first ..." Ji Xiuyu got stuck in his throat before he finished talking.

Such pictures seem to have appeared frequently in this house.

His father, after walking with his mother through the streets, always urged her to take a bath first to the mother who had flung on the sofa before even taking off her makeup.

Marshal Ji stood in the doorway for a long while, put aside all the mess in his hand, closed the door, walked to the sofa, and put the sofa back down.

Yue'an rolled on the trend and rolled directly into the middle of the sofa bed.

"Get well." Marshal Ji removed the camouflage cuffs on Yue An's wrist and patted his head.

Yuean opened his eyelids and yelled at him: "Huh?"

"Isn't it painful?" Marshal Ji also took off his camouflage and jacket, "Come on, press for you."

The author has something to say: Kevin: Yuean, I'm going to burst the dog head repaired by Ji Xiu, you are here, don't move around.

Ji Xiuyu :? ? ? ?

Read The Duke's Passion