MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 42

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I'm most afraid of the sudden quiet of the air.

Yue'an waited for a while and didn't wait until people nodded and said yes, feeling a little confused.

Speaking is still in a state of pure imitation, kittens and cats who have not bargained for shopping at all, don't even know what it means to wipe zero.

He just remembered the three sentences that Ji Xiuyu said when he bought the Lingshi, and then recounted it completely.

How many advanced energy spar?


All necessary, wipe zero, 1.2 million.

You can understand both Yuean in the front, and Yuean in the back. You know the first two characters.

Yue'an looked at the silent businessman silently, faintly feeling that he probably made some mistake.

He didn't speak.

I don't know what to say.

There was nothing he could say at the moment, after all, he just learned how to pronounce yesterday.

The businessman always feels that the conversation they just heard is a bit familiar-the last person who was asked by him was very impressed. Think about it carefully, isn't this the original word of the person before?

He hesitated for a moment, carefully looked at the teenager in front of him, and tentatively said, "Guest, the price of high-quality energy spar will change."

Yue'an tilted her head slightly, didn't understand what this had to do with him.

The businessman was a little confused by his reaction.

Then he tried again and said, "Will give you ten thousand as usual, this is the highest discount, 1.35 million."

After he paused, he added, "One."

Yuean heard what he said, and immediately knew where he had gone wrong.

The kitten was silent for a while, holding his completely expressionless face, and stunned Ji Xiuyu's original last sentence, leaving what he understood, and simply said, "All you want."

The two sides of the transaction reached a consensus perfectly, and the businessman's expression relaxed quickly.

This person did not deny his previous statement, nine out of ten is the former patron.

Good customers.

Be generous, swipe the card simply and neatly, not bad money.

The businessman happily took out the credit card machine from under the counter, pressed the number, and said, "The deposit is 540 million."

The black market is a little better, there is no tax.

One big transaction is enough for the entire store's industry chain to eat for a long time.

This year's luck is really good, two big orders in a row.

You should know that they purchased 800 high-quality energy stones at one time. According to the sales volume of previous years, it was enough for him to sell in the store for one year.

The businessman looked at the teenager who had taken the card out of his pocket, and smiled, his eyes paused as he scanned the card face.

This card noodle is exactly the same as the soldier who bought all the remaining stocks in the store last time.

It's not that there are any special signs on the top, but that the black market businessmen will habitually leave a trace of each place where they can recognize each other.

——After all, people who enter and exit the black market are always different in their face, skin color, and even race, and they must have a way to recognize them.

The businessman was accustomed to leaving a slight scratch on the guest's magnetic card surface.

The materials of this ancient magnetic card are very ordinary, leaving a special scratch on it is very simple and cannot be repaired. It is very recognizable to their big shoppers.

Sure enough, it was the patron who came last time.

The businessman thought while swiping his card. This time he looked at the appearance of Yue'an in a generous manner.

The image of this guest is much better than last time, especially pleasing to the eye, but I don't know which actor is based on the image, I have never seen it before.

After swiping the card, the merchant returned the card to Yuean, and then led him into the warehouse.

He pushed out a box larger than the previous one, opened it, and it was full of energy spar emitting light lilac light.

"Check it out, guest," he said.

Viet Nam counts faster, especially when you count spirit stones and tails.

In just ten seconds, he had already counted it very quickly.

Completely intact, eight hundred, not one.

Yuean nodded in a very happy mood, brushed the last paragraph, skillfully locked the box and locked it. As soon as he patted a button on the top, the wheel under the box was pushed out again.

The businessman looked at his skilled posture, and as the boy turned his head towards the exit, he followed.

Yuean glanced at him.

The businessman still had the smiling face on his face. When he saw it, he asked, "The energy crystals you bought last time have run out?"

Yuean looked at him and nodded slightly.

The businessman looked at Yuean's laziness without the gesture of the last soldier, and suddenly realized that the last time the man came, he might have deliberately disguised himself.

Thinking of the news that he had spread, he was a little hesitant: "Are you not from the military?"

Yuean heard the words and shook his head.

The businessman rubbed his hands and asked him, "Could you take the liberty to ask, where did you buy the camouflage equipment?"

Yue'an had already reached the door of the elevator, and he heard the merchant's question asking for a moment.


"It looks good!" The businessman exclaimed, praising such a thing as praising patrons, "It has been a long time since I have seen such a beautifully disguised camouflage device with special features."

Yuean remembered the disguise in his mind, pushed the box into the elevator, turned around and looked at the businessman whose smile hadn't changed. After thinking about it, he nodded.

The merchant understands the meaning of being comfortably photographed for bullshit.

Yuean watched the elevator door close, and put his hand on the box next to him. One second before the elevator door reached the exit, the person disappeared in the elevator with the box.

Not surprisingly, this time the exit was still ambushing and trying to eat black.

The news of the black market spread quickly, and Yue'an did not hide anything, so many people came to squat.

Yuean floated slightly with the box, quietly and swiftly drifted across this ambush aisle, then kept walking, and went back to his parking place generously.

Yuean felt that this trip went smoothly.

——Get in the car, go home, and wait to nail Ji Xiu's teeth down and nail the wall.

Yuean happily floated to the busy parking lot outside the mall.

There are countless people coming and going around, some of them are empty-handed, and some are pushing the same box as Yuean.

Yuean landed on the ground, opened the car door and drilled into it, released the invisibility and human figure, got out of the clothes pile, and dragged the box into the car.

But he never expected that he had just adapted to the keen response of the prototype, heard a footsteps, and rushed forward very quickly.

Yue'an raised his ears alertly and reached out his paw to directly pull up the door.

But when the last seam was left, the door was ripped apart, a teenager with a flustered face and tears on his face rushed in, and then turned around and came to the door with a bang.

"Hurry and drive! Hurry!" The teenager turned his head in a crying voice and saw the white cat crouching and looking up at him, one person and one cat staring at each other for a second, then wow A cry came out, panicked and hugged the milky white kitten, "You save me, please contact Ji Xiuyu !!"

Yuean: "..."

? ? ?

Marshal Ji always felt that his eyelids were jumping today, from the beginning of the court to the end.

——It is clear that the defendant has completely given up the struggle. During the court session today, Ji Xiu's lawyers have thoroughly announced all the charges, and the few standing on the defendant's bench have conducted experiments on their own. Confession and no regrets.

This undoubtedly offended the jury and onlookers.

People fought against them. The angry jury was in chaos, mediation by the judge, and two more crimes of intentional harm and illegal imprisonment were added to the charge of violating the interstellar code.

After the trial, Ji Xiuxiu did not need to appear.

Things are clearly going well.

But Marshal Ji's eyelids kept jumping.

He stepped out of the Supreme Court, was activating the light brain, and was stopped just by taking a step.

Marshal Ji looked at the man who stopped him, the Emperor's secretary.

At this moment the man was anxious and motioned for him to walk to the side.

Ji Xiuyu touched his eyelids, inspected his light brain, and pondered to be in such a hurry, wouldn't something happen to the little emperor.

While thinking about it, Marshal Ji suddenly saw in his mailbox that there was a set of records of up to one billion transfers, and the goal of the transfer was a blank.

One billion.

Turned to a blank.

Ji Xiuyu: "..."

It seems that my cats are starting to buy cat food by themselves.

Ji Xiuyu didn't worry about what happened to Yuean. After all, the combat effectiveness was there.

Marshal Ji thought of this, paused slightly, always felt that there was something wrong.

At this time, the secretary had pulled him into the corner, and hurriedly lowered his voice, saying, "Your Majesty is gone!"

Ji Xiuyun's thoughts flying around in an instant returned to his cage.