MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 36

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The tube of emerald reagent sprayed a rug when the kitten kicked its legs. Water-resistant plush carpet was scattered with round emerald water drops, and its volatilization speed was extremely fast. Incomparable.

Yue'an found that the catnip reagent tossed out by the military science class was completely different from the reagent concentration in the scientific research group.

It's almost eighteen thousand miles higher than the research department!

There was a strong smell of catnip in the air, and it was as thick as if the room was full of catnip.

Yue An couldn't help recalling the fear that a group of nine-tailed cats fluttered in the bird and flower market surrounded by catnip.

He stretched out on the cat's climbing frame, lying softly there, with four claws wide and his tail hanging down, squinting his eyes against the soft velvet pad of the cat's climbing frame, a small one, a pair Young pitiful and helpless.

In any era, the group with the quickest actions and the most sensation is always the one who knows from which angle the big news can be made. It is always the group engaged in the media industry.

The strength of the first bite of high-concentration catnip on the side of Yue'an hasn't slowed down yet. The media over there, just like the artillery fire that has been lit, has crackled all over.

What makes the precious ancient earth treasures fragile enough to rely on hallucinogens to relieve stress!

What did Yuean experience in the research department!

The Marshal of the Empire sued several people in the confidential laboratory of the Ministry of Science to the Supreme Court. Is it because they have snooped into the anger?

There are all kinds of speculations about the current situation in Vietnam on the Internet.

It's not just people inside the Hinters Empire who are interested in the high-level rollover news of such an imperial secrecy agency.

Many foreign media have also paid close attention to the news of the Hinters Empire, which is one of the tops of the contemporary combat pyramids. Almost the entire interstellar will not be easily let go-especially related to Ji Xiu.

The audience in the Yue'an live broadcast room reached a new high, breaking through the 100 billion mark, and still rising linearly.

The platform side had to follow overtime to prevent the server from crashing.

The imperial supreme court will be held at Hinters Star Emperor Time at 10 am.

The time difference between the major galaxies is very large, but this does not prevent people from staring and staying up all night waiting to see the big news.

The trial process at the Supreme Court is completely public.

Those who choose to sue from the Supreme Court will also sign some agreements. The various items are divided in detail. Before the formal hearing, the court will conduct certain privacy and evidence confidentiality according to the reasonable requirements of both parties.

Ji Xiuzhen is absolutely opposed to publishing the details of the experiment.

Even if this would lead to the jury's misunderstanding of the defendant's responsibilities, the sentencing may be reduced to a certain extent, and Ji Xiuhuai did not agree to make the content public.

After all, this is a matter of the image of the entire scientific researcher and the public's trust. In any case, it is inappropriate to disclose the details to the public.

Marshal Ji is quietly waiting for the trial, and the two chiefs who accompanied him occasionally whispered two sentences.

The requirements of the Imperial Supreme Court are very strict. After entering the waiting room, all their communication tools were blocked, and they could only choose to wait quietly.

The lawyer next to him looked at the material silently and seriously, preparing for the next tough battle.

Yue'an is not clear about human legal processes at any time and is not very concerned about it.

He didn't even turn his head to look at his live commentary, but instead lay on the cat's climbing frame and lay down for an entire hour.

He didn't get up slowly until he heard the whole newspaper in the room, holding the regretful mind to open the window of the room to smell.

On the side of the holographic projection, Ji Xiuyu has appeared in front of the camera.

Today's Ji Xiuyu is completely different from what he saw in Yuean weekdays.

He is very tall in military uniform, a medal that symbolizes the honours obtained for many years of expedition. It is decorated with a **** badger, with a straight military cap, a calm and cold look, and dark eyes like a quiet universe.

——It was just like when the communication was sent out after the poor star and the contact channel number was obtained, the silent and oppressive momentum almost penetrated the projection.

Yue'an shook his tail and felt that although Ji Xiuyu was a bit ugly, it was harder to find the second one among humans.

I am very obsessed with the ugly little hair group in the dream of the empire's billions of young girls. At this moment, when I saw that the drama was finally about to open, I came back from the ventilated window and packed Marshal Ji the night before. The snack box was pulled out.

Marshal Ji didn't buy a housekeeping robot. He didn't come back to live very much. On weekdays, he basically opened a closed dust-free mode. On the other hand, his family didn't like robots since his parents.

It is said that sharing the housework can make the family more harmonious-the specific effect Ji Xiuhua didn't feel, but it still inherits the good family tradition of doing it yourself.

Yuean opened the box and jumped in to scoop out the snacks.

The bubbles in the live comment area have never stopped. Before, I was madly condemning the scientific research department, and now I am crazy about smashing gifts.

That posture is the same as going directly to the Jinjiang platform server and exploding the background balance of Yuean.

Looking at the comment area, it seems that they think that humans have done wrong. As the same race, they hope that they can make up for this.

Yue'an bit open the snack bag, turned his head and glanced at the comment area, retracted his gaze and turned his head to look at it.

[Woohoo Xiaoyue'an sorry QAQ]

[Most humans are good people, Xiaoyuean, do n’t ignore us Q ^ Q]

[Xiao Yue'an looks at us at QvQ, the hallucinogen is not good enough. ]

[Xiaoyue'an, I'll give you careful heart and wallet. Don't take hallucinogens, if you take too much, you will be mentally disturbed

[Not bad for the body, isn't hallucinogen listed as a special medicine for treating extreme mental illness ...]

[Wow! !! !! QAQ is sad! !! ]

[Just eat snacks, don't smoke hallucinogens _ (: з 」∠) _]

[Xiaoyue'an Xiaoyue'an looks at me, I'll recommend some delicious snacks for you! !! ]

Yuean: ...

Yuean :? ?

Yue'an looked blank.

What the hell?

He looked down at the snack under his paw. Is this a hallucinogen?

Isn't it the snack that he usually sips?

Yue'an turned back to his head in doubt, and "meowed" at the camera.

[Meow meow meow meow! ]

[Meow meow! ]

[Meow! ]

[Xiao Yuean, we are all good people! !! Don't misunderstand our QAQ because of the research department. ]

Seeing this comment, Yue'an mewed towards the camera twice, although he didn't understand why the other party said so.

On the screen that belongs to Ji Xiuhuan, all parties have been seated, and the court will be announced soon.

Yue'an held the snack in her arms and lay down on the sofa while hesitating, with a holographic projection over the court in front of her eyes.

It just couldn't be more comfortable.

The Empire's Supreme Court has few cases, but each time it begins, it is a long tug of war.

For a charge, they need to be confirmed repeatedly, and the witnesses and physical evidence are repeatedly checked to ensure that it is absolutely true and effective. Therefore, their trial efficiency is not high, but since there are records, there has not been a case of unjust, false or wrong.

The credibility of this court is notably high throughout the interstellar.

In the history of the Hinters Empire, this supreme court has tried an emperor and sentenced the emperor to defeat, which directly led to the abdication of the emperor and the new emperor to ascend the throne.

In everyone's eyes, the Imperial Supreme Court of the Hinters Empire is absolute justice and absolute truth.

There is too much helplessness and shady in this world. For those who are at the bottom but suffering grievances, it is like a beam of light that supports them in their efforts to go on.

It is also one of the reasons for the imperial military and political parties to tighten their skins and not dare to let themselves go.

Because once you get imprisoned in this court, basically you will die or I will die.

Ji Xiuxiu was ready to get stuffed up as soon as he came up.

Because the more powerful they are at the beginning of the prosecution, the more intense the opposition's resistance, and the jury and the public's impression of the defendant will become extremely poor.

They can't accumulate slowly, one by one. In the early stage, they used the weak charges that did not constitute the death penalty to make the other party plead guilty, giving the jury and the masses "the defendant has a good attitude in confession and has realized his guilt. And hopefully correct it. "

The people in the Imperial Scientific Research Department are cutting-edge talents. Most of the ordinary people look at cutting-edge talents with filters.

Anyone who has been exposed to public opinion work will not make this silly mistake.

Therefore, the guilt of the defendant stated by the prosecution on the first day of the trial is an illegal experiment.

The scope of illegal experiments is quite broad.

In this wide range of experiments, the lawyers on the side of Ji Xiuyu took the lead in identifying the one that was least likely to be touched.


Cloning is not a very difficult technique.

With the rapid development of life sciences today, it is very simple to want to toss out cloning technology by yourself, so simple that graduates who have not yet entered the formal research institute can start to make it.

But all-interstellar has been holding on to this technology, saying nothing to do, and indeed there is no one to do it, because in the era of the universe, there is one in the interstellar code that is universally admired by mankind, which clearly states This technology does not allow experiments in any way under any conditions, and the offender will be sentenced to death.

Over the past millennium, how many unbelieving scientific researchers have to challenge the authority of the Code, and as a result, they have perfected the streets one by one, adding a lot of prestige to those items specified in this Code.

The jury was shocked by the audience watching the broadcast.

The reason for banning this technology is very simple.

No one can accept that there is another identical self in this world-just imagine if one day when you return home and find that your home is occupied by someone who is exactly the same as yourself, it is extremely frightening thing.

Going deeper, it is difficult to define the value that these artificially created life forms can create.

Labor, creativity, human trafficking, and even the inferiority of marking these living organisms as wild animals are generally arbitrary.

What if one day suddenly saw a slave with exactly the same face and gene as himself?

No one can accept it.

Anyone with a brain knows exactly what kind of chaos society will fall into if such a situation really occurs.

Without the binding force of thought and morality, human beings would become no different from the beasts.

The entries in the interstellar code are to suppress these thoughts that have lost basic awe to life because of rapid technological development.

But now, they have always admired, worshipped, and regarded it as the light of human progress, but they have taken the lead to break this imprisonment!

This will not work.

Absolutely not!

Researchers are different from ordinary people like them. They have superhuman wisdom and amazing vision.

From an ideological level, some ordinary people will even admit that excellent scientific researchers are first-class ordinary people.

But this does not mean that they can arbitrarily break the taboo that all human beings are not allowed to touch.

Human beings have a keen sense of crisis.

This perception made the audience and the jury aware of the situation very anxious.

Yue'an looked at the few people in the research department who fiercely resisted the charge. They didn't seem to tell them about the lawyer they hired. At this time, the lawyer's expression was very wonderful. His employer's eyes almost looked like To eat people.

Ji Xiuzhen came prepared here, witnesses and physical evidence were taken out one by one, and what the other party rebutted, they would produce what kind of evidence.

A clone of thirteen intelligent races with special talents.

Illegal experiments were conducted on intelligent life, including Ji Xiuyu himself.

For ...

One count after another.

Even in the No. 1 ladder laboratory, the memory chips of the robots responsible for the mechanical and complicated basic experimental operations were also presented as physical evidence.

The specific content shall be disclosed at the request of the prosecution, and only the outline of the entry will be disclosed. The specific content will not be announced to the jury and other audiences.

The Supreme Court of the Empire made absolutely authentic guarantees on physical evidence and witnesses.

The prosecutor's lawyer has charged two people in the Ministry of Scientific Research's No. 1 Lab for up to two hours.

Ji Xiu's expression was always very cold during the period, and he was not shaken because the experiment involved him.

When Yuean saw his live broadcast room, the comment bubbles refreshed almost so quickly that he couldn't see clearly.

I just saw the long list of various exclamations and a lot of blocked swear words, but I could very clearly feel what is group excitement.

Not just the Hinters Empire range, the entire interstellar exploded.

The name of the Silver Blade of the Hinters Empire did frighten nearby nations, but other nations and federations had praised this fruitful general when he was young, except for the country where Ji Xiusheng had shattered a galaxy. The experience of being taken to an illegal experiment is distressing.

SS-level genomes are not only valued by people in the Hinters Empire.

If Ji Xiuyi doesn't want to open a treason one day, most of the places want to accept him-this is why the imperialists have the courage to take action against Marshal Kevin, but say that they dare not interfere too much with Ji Xiuyu.

The first day of the trial lasted just four hours, of which three hours were the case statement plus the prosecution's charges.

After this session, the defendant's lawyer has not been able to say a few words. On the jury seat, the angry people can no longer control it.

That is our hero!

Laid a galaxy for us, a hero of all directions!

How dare you? ? ?

Ji Xiuyu couldn't return home all the year round, he has been hovering in the universe to eradicate star pirates, he constantly refreshed his undefeated record to show his strength.

What for? ?

For the peace of the empire!

It's to deter those bad neighbors!

How dare you guys! !!

The red-eyed people on the jury seat are almost overwhelming!

This is not the first time such a scene has been seen at the Supreme Court of the Empire.

Because the cases that can be accepted by the Supreme Court are basically big cases and injustices, when judging the case, the jury blows hair or stuns in the past.

Yuean watched the group in the picture who almost jumped up and rushed to the jury for beating the defendant. He sighed that human emotions were so rich that he couldn't hold out, and then stretched out his fluffy little paws from the box under the sofa. Picked up another bag of snacks, bite it, and watched it while eating.

The slick blue eyes stared at the jury that almost broke through the security. Yuean felt that if it was not for the experienced Supreme Court, it was very wise to take away what could be the murder weapon before the jury was seated. The person standing on the dock now is estimated to have been dead on the spot.

The jury, however, insisted that he should not wear heavy jewelry, and only wear soft clothing.

Do not even wear high heels and hard-soled shoes, you must wear soft!

This is all to prevent the defendant or the prosecution party from being killed by an angry jury using his jewelry or shoes before the case is completed.

Ji Xiuyu and his two legionnaires stood still in the chaos, like three sculptures.

But their calmness didn't bring any soothing effect to the angry jury. The jury looked at them and did not know what the brain had made up.

The scene was so chaotic that Security couldn't push the angry jury back to his seat, and the Justice had to announce the end of the first day.

Yuean saw that the holographic projection disappeared, ate the last little snack, turned off her live broadcast, and ran to the entrance of the porch to squat.

When Ji Xiuzhen came back, his mood returned to the usual flatness, and it even went up.

The anger of the jury in the court and the ugliness of the people on the defendant's stand clearly pleased him.

"Vietnam." Marshal Ji walked into the door, not surprisingly seeing Yuean squatting on the low cabinet at the door waiting for him.

He put the thing in his hand on the counter.

"It's delicious," he said.

Yuean tilted her head and confirmed that Ji Xiuyu was really in a good mood before jumping out of the low cabinet and climbing to the dining table. She couldn't wait to pat the table with little paws.


Marshal Ji walked in with the food container and opened it on the dining table. He brought out a small stack of pastries from the inside, put it in front of himself, and pushed the rest to Yuean.

Yue'an headed together, just ready to eat, and suddenly remembered what Ji Xiuyu said before going out today.

The white-haired dumpling looked up at Marshal Ji who was already on the fork, turned around and jumped off the dining table, opened his mouth on the sofa, and bit the cushion on the big sofa.

Marshal Ji tilted his head to watch his family suddenly become a demon cat, his expression was still very calm.

Yuean dragged a two-meter-long doily to the side of the dining table, released his mouth, raised his head and whipped twice at Ji Xiuyu, and then got under the doily.

Ji Xiuzhen looked at the small ball under the cloth, and the fork in his hand stamped the pastry on the plate.

Yue'an arched under the cushion, and after arching to a similar position in the middle, he slightly recalled the know-how of becoming a human, and then mobilized the aura flowing in his body.




Marshal Ji watched the boy with his head covered with a cloth, and was shocked to fork the dining table out of a huge hole.

The author has something to say: Marshal: I may have a fake cat.

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