MTL - The Last Cat in the Universe-Chapter 20

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This person should not be here.

The marshal looked at each other calmly.

The research minister is still wearing the same clothes as the court today, but it is much cleaner than some embarrassing instruments at the end of the court. It has been taken care of, and even the hairstyle has been deliberately overwhelmed.

But anyway, this person shouldn't be here.

This is a military residential area. Without the approval of the people inside, even the Minister of Scientific Research has no right to enter.

After all, the empire's military and political separation and mutual restraint, the military position is sensitive, in the hands of a huge military force, as a restraint, you must leave your family in the emperor star in the center of political leaders. Under the eyes of the political side, the military people naturally want to give their families the tightest protection.

So this person is definitely not here.

Ji Xiuyi glanced at the Minister of Scientific Research and the direction in which he came. He thought about the distribution of households in this residential area, and immediately understood where the other party came from.

He was flat-spoken, as if stating a fact: "Find Marshal Kevin."

The research minister standing in front of him looked a little more ugly.

After all, it is still a scientific researcher. For a marshal who is well versed in interrogation methods, putting pressure on this person to increase psychological hints is like playing.

Most of the soldiers at the interrogation are dark and dirty inside, and they know very clearly how to slowly and if they slow down, they impose pressure on the interrogated subjects by hinting.

The marshal's believable look was as if he knew everything.

The research minister couldn't help wondering if any manpower had been placed around him.

His face was very ugly.

Ji Xiuyi knew that he was right when he saw his face.

Unfortunately, this person did not know that Marshal Kevin was with him.

Yue'an looked at some small obese humans in front of him, and then turned to look at Ji Xiuyun in a black military uniform. After thinking about it, he walked back to Ji Xiu's feet and gently rubbed his opponent's trouser legs to show his closeness.


It's my family anyway.

No one except me is allowed to bully Ji Xiuyuan.

The Field Marshal dropped his eyes, watching Yuean Meow purging at him, leaning over to pick up the small white hairs, and let Yuean crawl along his arms to his shoulders and squat.

Nor does it mean that the sleeves of the abandoned military uniform have been trampled by small paws.

He patted the dusty place gently, then stretched his long legs and jumped straight over the research minister who stayed tightly in place.

"Where to go?" Mr. Marshal asked.

"Meow!" Yuean pointed to the road on the right.

Marshal nodded slightly, turned and walked along the path of Yueanzhi.

Yue'an looked back at the man who was still there, thinking about it, stretched his claws, waved aura of energy, hung on the opponent, and made a mark.

If Ji Xiuyu felt it, he turned his head slightly but didn't find anything abnormal: "What?"

"Meow." Yue'an perfunctured Mr. Marshal's face.

The fluffy touch also brings the warmth of the sun.

So the perfunctory marshal did not ask.

He just reminded: "It's not a good guy in that uniform, I saw it later ..."

The Marshal thought for a while and said, "Either knock them over or run."

The uniforms of ordinary researchers in the scientific research department are not the same as the uniforms of high-level scientific research personnel.

No matter where and in what era, something that represents privilege and a sense of superiority will always exist.

Even the research department is the same.

The content of their work is only overlapped, and most of the ordinary researchers are still conducting research in a regular manner and contributing to human society.

To give the simplest example, the takeaway lunch box used by Yuean earlier was the invention of a group of plant science research groups from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

After all, the Imperial Scientific Research Department is still a sacred place for biological scientific research students in major universities. It gathers the top biological science researchers in the entire eighteenth galaxy of the Hinters Empire. In terms of achievements in biological science, the Imperial Scientific Research Department says that they are second No research institute dares to recognize it first.

But no matter what kind of industry, there will always be such crazy people who are desperate to pursue the ultimate, they don't care about humanity and the law, and they don't care about reaching out and touching taboos.

Imperial law stipulates that, except for those criminals who have been sentenced to death by the most serious crimes, living research on other innocent and intelligent lives is strictly prohibited.

Cloning is never allowed to happen anyway. In order to prevent the cloning technology from becoming a popular technology, even after the stability of the human living environment, even the cloning technology for livestock was directly destroyed.

There are always people who want to touch things that should not be touched. Once a mature related industry chain is developed, it will be accompanied by a large number of population transactions, human rights, human relations and social issues.

Manipulating the lives of others is taboo.

Once the arrogance hidden in human nature is released without any fear, it will become Pandora's magic box, bringing near-destructive disaster to this world.

Even with the rapid development of life sciences today, human beings cannot lose the basic awe of wisdom and life.

Those in the scientific research department who are immersed in the forefront of biological science and eventually fall into the magical scorn, scoff at these legal provisions and human morality.

The huge population of the Hinters Empire has always lacked criminals with death penalty, but most of the criminals have nothing special to praise.

-Such as SS-level genes.

The marshal then slammed into their muzzle.

How precious is the SS-class gene body, enough for the group of mad men who have been tired of human science research to get rid of their skin and care, and rush to the military to grab people.

Ji Xiuju didn't want to remember what happened in the two months after being taken away by the research department.

He overturned the test rig and finally made it back to the army. Since then he has always gnashed his teeth and rushed to the front of the battlefield, but in his seventies he became a marshal of a country. This was the year of the Hinters Empire. The founding emperor did not have such a combat effectiveness.

Even Marshal Kevin, who supported an era, was promoted to Marshal only when he was 122 years old.

What is Ji Xiuyu so desperate for?

In the beginning, it was not to keep himself—at least he was outstanding and attracted the attention of the people. The group of people in the research department who had been thinking about his ideas all day couldn't directly strike him, but had to figure it out from the left.

Therefore, the Marshal knows very deeply and clearly what the group of people standing at the top of the contemporary scientific research department are doing privately.

None of the experiments were explicitly prohibited.

If they hadn't studied the SS-level genome, and it wasn't clear what his physical strength was, Ji Xiuyin felt that he would definitely hit the street directly on the test bench. How could there be a chance for him to observe the situation and secretly flop.

Ji Xiuyu doesn't exclude those who are full of sincerity and seeking truth, but he hates those people in the Imperial Ministry of Science and Research, even when he looks at the whole Ministry of Science and Technology.

In addition to all the people in the Imperial Research Department, no one dared to run in front of him to brush his sense of existence.

"Those people are also working on your idea." The marshal moved forward, thinking of the hard-lined document sent to him in the name of the scientific department, reminding him, "If you go out alone, be careful One point, don't capsize. "

Yuean jumped down from Ji Xiuyu's shoulders, turned to look at the other person's solemn look, and couldn't help sitting upright.


Mr. Marshal is quite satisfied with his cat listening to him.

I was even more happy to find that my cat took him out to enjoy the food.

Over the years, the Marshal has cultivated a good technique for quickly adjusting emotions. At this moment, the unhappiness facing the nasty face disappears all the time. With the rise of delicious food, it is the uneasiness of the high-rises. Generated pleasure.

Ji Xiuyu couldn't help but rub a handful of Yuean's head and was pushed away by Yue'an's paw buried in his food.


Eat when you eat, what you do with your feet!

The Field Marshal looked blankly at the lower head and slowly tasted Yue An, reaching out and pulling the plate in front of him.

Yuean :? ? ?

"I feed you." The marshal said so, then picked up the knife and fork action extremely skillfully and cut the meat in the plate to the size of the little thumb cover, then poked a piece and handed it to Yuean.

Yuean drank a small piece of meat, and then repaired it again, then stretched his head to hold the piece of meat.

The restaurant that can be recommended by those overlord VIPs tastes pretty good. The marshal is very restrained without overeating, but Yuean has eaten the recommended dishes without any ambiguity.

The universe is so big, eat this one today, eat that tomorrow.

There are other cities after eating Emperor, and there are other planets after eating Emperor.

Yueanwo licked his paw in Mrs. Marshal's pocket and felt that it was heaven.

Mr. Marshal returned home with his cat.

The sky had already darkened, the light of the stars was a little dim, and the small stone lamp in the yard exuded a light and soft light.

At this time, Mr. Marshal should be galloping in a virtual training room or on various battle platforms.

But today he wanted to rest delicately.

Yuean was put into the bedroom directly by Mr. Marshal in his pocket, and then thrown on the bed with a cat and clothes.

The small white fur ball nest forced for a while in his pocket before struggling to pop a small head from under the military jacket with excellent texture.

He glanced at the empty room, and then looked at the bathroom door where the sound of water was heard, and then ran to the side of a rotten box where he tore, and pulled out a spirit stone.

Then he went to the living room and got the light brain.

When Marshal Ji stepped out of the towel, he saw the small white hair group sitting on the carpet obediently, looking up, and the blue cat eyes met his gaze.

Yuean's cry was squeaky and sticky: "Meow."

Whenever meowing with such a delicate voice, most of them ask for something.

Ji Xiuyu, who has made rapid progress in cat language, stared at Yuean calmly.

Yuean patted the spirit stone next to him, then stretched his paw to push the light brain forward.

Then again, sweet and greasy sprinkled Jiao.

Mr. Marshal looked at the energy spar, glanced up and glanced at it in the morning. At this moment, there were not many broken boxes left, and he immediately understood the meaning of Yuean.

"Want to buy energy spar?"

Yuean's ears were suddenly raised!


To buy energy spar, you have to go to the offline black market.

The Marshal glanced at his schedule, "Tomorrow."

Yuean stepped into the marshal with his short legs and slammed his opponent's bare calf: "Meow ~"

The Marshal said, "You are not allowed to go."

Viet Nam's movement stopped suddenly.

He looked up at Mr. Marshal without making a noise, turned around, jumped onto the bed and rolled into the soft quilt.

Early the next morning.

Mr. Marshal just changed to the uniform and walked to the door, Yue'an kicked his legs.

Ji Xiu's footsteps stopped at the door.

Mr. Marshal watched holding his arm tightly and not clawing his paw, and when he touched it, he sent a heartbreaking tragic sorrow as if he was cruel to the cat, silent.

Yue'an met his calm eyes, licked his little nose, and as he dried out, he quietly clasped the four claws tighter.

No one can refuse a cute little cat!

nobody! !!

The author has something to say: Marshal: Can flex and stretch, is a good cat.

Yuean: ...