MTL - The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic-Chapter 8 8. New elements

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   Chapter 8 8, New Elements

   For the next week, Rorschach was busy with the paper on the new element.

  During the period, Peter Parker came to Rorschach when he had nothing to do. At first, he wanted to thank Rorschach for saving Uncle Ben, and then asked about the technology of the spider launcher on the sidelines.

Of course, Peter did not directly state that he wanted to develop the spider silk launcher, but disassembled it into several parts, and then said, "I have a friend". He is researching a similar subject, and now he encounters some technical difficulties. Please let me know. Consult an authoritative teacher Rorschach.

  A typical 'friend' born out of nothing.

  Rorschach hadn't studied Spider-Man's technology, so he went directly to the system mall and exchanged the relevant technology.

  Spider launching and spider silk are not advanced technologies. Even if Peter can research it by himself, it won't take long to develop it. Therefore, the price of similar technologies is not high.

"Using this spider silk launcher, the spider silk can be sprayed at a distance of about 300 meters. The spider silk is as tough as steel wire, and it will automatically dissolve after being exposed to the air for two hours... If you want to speed up the dissolution, you can use dissolving acid Or a special protease dissolving agent."

   Rorschach gave the design of the spider silk launcher to Little Peter in a serious manner, and the latter was directly petrified on the spot.

   "Mr. Luo Xia, I don't understand why you gave me this..."

  Little Peter still wanted to continue pretending to be a fool, planning to just fool around like this.

  Rorschach glanced at Peter, "Combined with the technical questions you have asked me these days, I think your friend should need this thing, and I would like to give you a little suggestion for that friend..."

  Rorschach pointed to the red rash on Peter's face, and said, "The uniform can be replaced by spandex. The weather is hotter recently, and the uniform made of spandex will be more breathable, so you won't get a rash after covering it for a long time."

  Little Peter's face turned green, and he said anxiously: "Mr. Luo Xia, you already know, you won't tell me Uncle Ben, will you?"

Seeing Little Peter's nervous face, Rorschach smiled: "First of all, it doesn't matter if you take my class. It's better not to be late and leave early for other teachers' classes. Secondly, if you encounter problems that you can't solve by yourself, you can call my class." Support. Finally, no matter what, you must protect yourself. Can you promise me these three points, fellow Spider-Man?"

   "OMG, Mr. Rorschach, when did you find out that I am Spider-Man... Wait, someone helped me get rid of a few gunmen the day before yesterday. That person must be you, Ms. Rorschach!"

  Little spider Peter Parker was very excited, and looked at Rorschach with adoring eyes: "Mr. Rorschach, so you are also a superhero?!"

Super hero?

   Luo Xia smiled, he just happened to pass by, and it happened that the system also sent a task.

   Solved those gunmen easily.

  Rorschach slowly discovered a pattern, the tasks of the system seem to be largely related to his desires.

  The more I want to pretend to be B...ahem, I should ask someone to show up, the more the system will issue similar tasks.

   So, what a superhero I am.

  I am a ruthless task-completion machine.

   "Ahem, if you insist that I am, then I'll be considered a superhero!" Rorschach said modestly.

"Wow, cool! Teacher Luo Xia, what is your code name? Can I form a team with you when encountering difficult events in the future? In addition, I still have a lot of things that I don't understand. Can I ask you in the future? If The two of us form a team, can we have another team name, what do you think about calling it Guardians... No, this name is too rustic, or we can call it The Extraordinary Shuangxia..."

  I felt like I had found Peter Parker, who was of the same kind, and suddenly became talkative, chattering endlessly.

  Rorschach flicked his forehead with his fingers, "Do whatever you want, I have no objection to you being a friendly neighbor Spider-Man, but you have to get an A+ in every subject."

"No problem, Mr. Luo Xia, my equipment for monitoring the police wanted channel is in the basement. Uncle Ben is going to clean up the house recently. I am worried that he will find my equipment. Can I put those equipment in your place first? Or we can find a As our base of operations, this place is like a watchtower for the Justice League!"

  Little Peter looked expectantly at Rorschach, who stared at him for a while.

Just when little Peter thought he would be rejected, Rorschach couldn't hold back and laughed: "Of course, besides, I'm researching a new element recently. If you have nothing to do, you can come and give me a hand. I will talk to you." Your uncle said yes, you can rest assured about this."

   "Nice! Teacher Rorschach, you are so handsome! We will be a team from now on." Little Peter was very excited.

   "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the task, 'Spider-Man's Mentor', the host provides life experience and technical support for Spider-Man Peter Parker, becomes his most admired person, and rewards 20,000 task points."

  The system prompt sounded in Luo Xia's mind.

   This mission is the second mission that jumped out when I helped Spider-Man fight criminals a few days ago.

   After deducting the thousands of points spent on exchanging Spider Technology, now that the mission rewards are paid off, Rorschach has netted more than 15,000 mission points.

  Being able to act as a B in front of the little spider Peter Parker and get mission points is such a good thing, Rorschach just wants to say to the system, please give me more.


   After a period of time, little Peter will use after-school and weekends to find time to study new elements with Rorschach.

  In the plot of Iron Man 2, Tony Stark used a small particle collider, a prismatic accelerator, and a supercomputer to create new elements.

   Some professional equipment may be needed. If you can’t buy it, Rorschach can directly exchange it with points.

  For example, the small particle collider has to be redeemed with points.

In the main plot, Iron Man Tony Stark can complete the production of new elements by himself, while Rorschach has complete technology and equipment, and with the help of Little Peter, after a period of cooperation, there is no suspense. Made it out.

   On this day, after the particle collision ended, a new element with a triangular shape emitting white light appeared in front of Rorschach and Peter.

  This is the pure, efficient, safe and stable new element of the same model created by Tony in Iron Man 2 through the reminder of the video left by his father Howard.

  The emergence of this new element will completely revolutionize the world's energy industry.

   "Unbelievable, Mr. Rorschach, you created a new element, you will win the Nobel Prize, and you will become the greatest scientist today, none of them..."

  Little Peter saw the new element produced by Rorschach, and he was excited and incoherent, but Rorschach was much calmer, because he knew how insignificant a new element was in the Marvel Universe.

   "Peter, we created it together." Rorschach said with a smile.

   Three days later, Rorschach sent the paper on the new element to the journal Natural Science, and the paper was signed by both Rorschach and Peter Parker.

  (end of this chapter)

Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert
Read Celestial Bloodline
Read The Last Adventurer
Read Level 4 Human in a Ruined World
Read Damn Necromancer
Read My Space-Time System