MTL - The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic-Chapter 394 188, the age of the gods

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   Chapter 394 188, Age of the Gods

  The moment Darkseid was reborn.

  Rorschach's divine power of destruction, speed power, and three-color emotional energy erupted at the same time, like a meteor falling to the ground, and punched the huge figure that suddenly appeared in midair.

  Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Shazam, Supergirl and others followed closely behind and rushed towards the reborn Darkseid together.

  Dakseid, who has just been reborn, has not yet had time to understand the anti-life equation that suddenly appeared in his body, because the anti-life equation and the omega effect will interact, so at this moment, Darkseid is extremely weak.

   Right at this moment, an incomparably bright light burst out in front of Darkseid's eyes.


  Rorschach's figure teleported over, trailing a long lightning bolt behind him, as well as the light of three-color emotional energy, he appeared in front of Darkseid's eyes instantly, and punched out.

  There is mental arithmetic but no intention.

  Dakseid didn't react at all, Rorschach's punch had already landed.


Rorschach hit Darkseid's chest with a punch, and a burst of golden light burst out suddenly. Darkseid spurted out a big mouthful of blood, and the anti-life equation and omega effect in his body rioted at the same time, and the energy spilled out, turning into a frenzy The thunderous thunder enveloped the entire battlefield.


  The thick thunder net spread out, and all the creatures in the center of the storm were instantly torn apart by this violent energy.

  Countless dark creatures and demon-like legions were torn apart, and Superman, Wonder Woman and others were also shrouded in this violent energy, making it impossible to move.

   "Clark, Diana, come here quickly."

At first, Rorschach's hands seemed to be tearing something. Superman and the others looked around and saw Rorschach suspended in the center of the storm. His left hand was holding a mass of brown-red quicksand, and his right hand was holding a mass of scarlet light. group.

   This is clearly the anti-life equation and the Omega effect!

   And in the middle of the two is naturally the concrete light group of Dakseid's godhead.

   As long as this light group is smashed, Darkseid's godhead can be divided.


Superman was the first to resist the thunder storm and came to Rorschach's side. Diana and the others also surrounded him one after another. Seeing this, Rorschach didn't hesitate any longer. He immediately burst out thermal vision in his eyes. Cooperating with the divine power of destruction, he shattered the huge monster directly in front of him. light cluster.


  The light cluster shattered, Darkseid let out an unwilling roar, the energy of the light cluster escaped, and Superman and the others hurried to catch the escaping light.

  When Superman came into contact with the ray of light, golden flames burned all over his body.

  Superman gets godhead.

   Become the **** of power!

  Diana also captured a ray of light, but Diana originally possessed a godhead, so this ray was absorbed by Diana's godhead, making it a bit stronger.

  Next, is Sea King Arthur.

  Sea King Arthur gained the godhead and became the **** of the sea.

  Shazam became the **** of gods.

  Kara also obtained a godhead and became the **** of light.

  The age of the gods has come!

  The remaining part of the light group was also absorbed by Rorschach's Godhead of Destruction, but Rorschach didn't dare to absorb too much, because if he absorbed too much of Darkseid's Godhead, it was very likely to be invaded and corrupted by the opponent's will.

  Distributing Darkseid's godhead to everyone is the best choice.

  After dealing with Darkseid's godhead, Rorschach began to absorb the anti-life equation and the Omega effect!

  Multiverse level!

  Once Rorschach successfully absorbs the anti-life equation and the Omega effect, he will officially step out of the single universe level and become a real multiverse level powerhouse!

  After obtaining the godhead, the members of the Justice League have greatly improved in strength.

  Superman glanced across the sky, and countless dark creatures and monsters were burned. Wonder Woman, Shazam and Aquaman also took action one after another, quickly destroying the alien creatures that invaded the earth.

  The **** of death, Flash, stood motionless in place.

  The Flash still has the energy of the Anti-Life Equation on his body. He was controlled by the Anti-Life Equation. At this moment, the Anti-Life Equation has gone through several twists and turns, and finally fell into the hands of Rorschach, who is being absorbed by Rorschach.

   Wait until Rorschach has completely controlled the power of the anti-life equation before he can cancel the influence of the anti-life equation on the Flash.

  In the battlefield.

  Green Lantern Hal Jordan is also using the energy of will to constantly fight against dark creatures.

  Suddenly, Green Lantern's green light ring flickered rapidly, which was the distress signal of the Green Lantern Corps.

"Too bad, because of Darkseid's death, the slaves of Apocalypse launched a riot, countless demons poured out from Apocalypse, destroying everywhere, and OA was surrounded by thousands of demons." Green light Xia's face was serious.

  In the plot of the Darkseid War, Green Lantern briefly used the power of the Mother Box to become the God of Light.

  However, the first thing Green Lantern does after becoming a **** is to order the mother box that endowed him with godhood to start the self-destruct procedure.

  Green Lantern has the purest power of will, so he doesn't need external powers to help him become stronger...even if it is to make him a god.

Batman controlled the Mobius chair and landed beside Green Lantern: "Green Lantern, you can go to assist OA star, but others cannot, because the Anti-Monitor will make a comeback soon. There's a tough fight to be fought."

  The others in Batman's mouth naturally refer to the members of the Justice League who have obtained the godhead.

   These people will become the mainstay in the next battle.

  Green Lantern nodded: "I understand, I'm sorry, I really can't help enemies like the Anti-Monitor. Compared to the earth, the Green Lantern Corps needs me more."

   After speaking, Green Lantern opened a portal with the energy of his will, and then rushed in.

  After Green Lantern left, Batman looked at the antimatter wall in the sky.

   "He is coming, the Anti-Monitor, he has awakened, and he is ready to come to this world again..."

  As soon as Batman's voice fell, the antimatter wall began to tremble. A pair of huge palms passed through the antimatter wall, and then held tightly to the edge of the wall, forcing his body out of the antimatter wall.


   There was a huge roar, and the huge figure of the Anti-Monitor appeared in front of everyone.

  At this moment, the anti-monitor is no longer hideous and ugly. His skin is pale, and on his bald head, black runes form two lines, extending from above the eyes to the back of the head.

  Although his appearance can't be called handsome, at least he looks much better than the previous face that only stopped crying at night.

  After the arrival of the anti-monitor, more dark creatures from the anti-matter world followed behind him, washing down mighty as if the waves were crashing on the shore.

"You haven't been on my throne long enough to understand his true calling, get off my chair!" The Anti-Monitor re-descended on Gotham City's Narrows Island, directly on Batman's Said in front of him.

  The Anti-Monitor, formerly known as Mobius, is the owner of the chair Batman is sitting on now.

  The purpose of the anti-monitor to create this Mobius chair is to guide the crisis energy, and the most typical representative of the crisis energy is the anti-life equation.

   "Have you had plastic surgery, Mobius?"

  Of course it is impossible for Batman to be obedient, he controls the Mobius chair and flies out backwards.

   "You can't escape!"

  The Anti-Monitor took a step forward. He wanted to take back the Mobius chair from Batman first, and then went to kill Rorschach and take the Anti-Life Equation back.

  From behind Batman, two fiery rays of light pierced the sky and shot towards the Anti-Monitor.

  The anti-monitor raised a palm, blocking the two scorching rays.

  A red figure flew from the distant sky, and appeared in this world in an instant. The thermal vision swept across, and countless dark creatures that had just stepped into this world and had not yet begun to invade were burned to ashes.

  At the same time, dense lightning condensed in the sky, like a sky net, falling from the sky, and all the dark creatures touched were all turned into coke.

  Accompanied by a thunderbolt, it turned into a figure.

  God of the gods, Shazam!

   Immediately afterwards, Diana, the **** of love and peace, Arthur Curry, the **** of the sea, and Kara, the **** of light, also appeared in front of the Anti-Monitor one after another.

  In the past, they were not qualified to fight the anti-monitor at all. Now that they have obtained the godhead, they barely have the ability to stand in front of the anti-monitor.

  But... that's all.

The anti-monitor indifferently glanced at the few people in front of him, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "You have divided Darkseid's godhead? Hehe... Even if Darkseid himself appeared in front of me at this moment, I wouldn't mind it at all." If you are afraid of him, you dare to stop me...Go to hell!"

  Accompanied by the roar of the anti-monitor, everyone present felt an extremely powerful force.

  The anti-monitor waved his fist like a meteorite, and slammed towards Batman.

   "Batman, stand back!"

  Superman is burning with red energy clusters all over his body, which is the divine power of the God of Strength. With the blessing of this divine power, Superman has obtained a power increase several times stronger than normal.

  He stood in front of Batman, intending to face the attack of the Anti-Monitor head-on.

  The huge fist fell, and Superman stretched out his hands and smashed forward.

   There was only a loud bang, and the collision of the two fists produced a violent shock wave, which spread in all directions.

  The ground collapsed, Superman's face was ugly, and his body moved backwards uncontrollably.

   "You are too weak, an ant!"

  The Anti-Monitor laughed and said that after getting rid of the control of the Anti-Life Equation, the power of the Anti-Monitor has returned to the multiverse level. Even if the superman at this moment adds the increase in power and godhead, he can only reach the level of the dimensional lord.

  How can it compete with multiverse-level powerhouses.


  Superman was thrown backwards by the anti-monitor punch, and the anti-monitor stepped out again, reaching out to grab Batman again.

  He wants to yank Batman off his Morbius chair.

  Shazam, the **** of the gods, and Arthur Curry, the **** of the sea, suddenly appeared on the left side of the anti-monitor. One held a thunderbolt, and the other waved a golden trident, and attacked the anti-monitor.

  Diana and Kara cooperate with each other and attack the Anti-Monitor from different angles.


  A powerful roar erupted from the center of the battlefield, the light was extremely dazzling, and a strong shock wave was felt from the periphery, as if a nuclear bomb had exploded, and its power was soaring.

  Even Sinestro and Atoshitas, who deployed defensive lines around the perimeter, could not suppress this terrifying shock wave.

   Cracks appeared one after another on the huge energy defense, as if it might break apart at any time.

   "Ants, you are too weak!"

  The anti-monitor waved his fists, and Diana's divine shield showed signs of being broken. Kara even vomited blood and flew backwards. Shazam and Aquaman were also shocked by the powerful force to vomit blood.

  Easily repelling the Justice League members, the Anti-Monitor quickly rushed to Batman, raised his hand, and wanted to tear Batman off his chair.

  The moment the Anti-Monitor touched Batman, a life-destroying force suddenly erupted on the battlefield.


A beam of life-destroying beams shot towards Batman and the Anti-Monitor, but Batman sat on the Mobius chair, completely exempted from this attack that destroyed all life energy, and it was possible to stand with Batman The Anti-Monitor had no such luck.


  The anti-monitor was shrouded in this destructive brown-red quicksand-like light beam. This force seemed to carry strong corrosive energy, and it actually smashed the corrupted flesh and blood of the anti-monitor at the multiverse level.


  Anti-monitor roared furiously, his figure retreated violently, and escaped from the destructive energy beam.

  The eyes of the crowd caught up with the figure of the anti-monitor again, only to see that the mighty anti-monitor who was still aloof just a second ago was covered in cuts and bruises at this moment, the armor on half of his arm was shattered, and hot blood flowed down.

   "Damn it, it's you, it's you again..."

  The anti-monitor let out an extremely angry roar, because he knew that what hurt him was none other than the forbidden force, the anti-life equation.

  The crowd followed the source of the light beam and saw Rorschach standing in place. At this moment, he raised an arm and aimed at the anti-monitor.

   Above Rorschach's arm, there was still a wisp of green smoke rising.

  Rorschach has not fully absorbed the Anti-Life Equation and the Omega Effect, but he has already absorbed most of it, and he can barely exert a part of the Anti-Life Equation's power.

   "That's right, it's me, Mobius, you dare to come back here, you'll go back to **** right away, and see Darkseid."

   While speaking, Rorschach continued to absorb the anti-life equation crazily, and at the same time, a brown-red quicksand-like substance appeared on his palm again, which was the energy of the anti-life equation.

"you wanna die!"

  The anti-monitor seemed to be completely enraged by Rorschach, he took huge steps and charged towards Rorschach.

  The sky trembled because of the running of the Anti-Monitor. Batman sat on the Mobius chair, suspended in the air, watching the entire battlefield silently. He suddenly shouted at Superman in front of him:

   "Superman, be careful, the target of the Anti-Monitor is you, he wants to kill you, because it will take at least a minute for Rorschach to absorb the Anti-Life Equation, as long as he kills you, no one can hold him back for a minute!"

  Hearing this, Superman, who was recovering from his injuries and strength, immediately became fully alert to guard against the Anti-Monitor as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

  Diana, Kara and the others all approached Rorschach and Superman as quickly as possible.

   "Stop prying into my mind!"

  The Anti-Monitor waved at Batman angrily, and a mass of anti-matter energy poured out, but the Mobius chair was still unable to be damaged by the anti-matter energy, and Batman completely ignored the attack of the Anti-Monitor.

  The Mobius chair can guide crisis energy, whether it is anti-life equation or anti-matter energy, it can be exempted from its damage.

  The only way to hurt Batman sitting in the Mobius chair is to pull him off the chair.

  Rorschach once again exerted the power of the anti-life equation.

  But this time, he controlled the energy of the anti-life equation remaining in Death Lightning, "Death Lightning, assist Superman and the others, hold the Anti-Monitor for a minute."

"it is good!"

  Received Rorschach's order, Death Lightning finally acted, his figure turned into a black lightning, and stood with Superman and others.

   Confront the Anti-Monitor.

  (end of this chapter)

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