MTL - The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic-Chapter 374 168, Evil Eternal (4.5k)

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   "What are you messing around with, Divine Power Ring?" Ye Xiao folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the cowering Divine Power Ring displeasedly.

  Divinity Ring explained: "I feel that there are people watching us over there. Do you want to kill them? Kill them all, so that the threat will be lifted and we will be safe."

   "No, you should be most worried about him."

The Super Queen raised the crouching lasso in her hand, and she said: "This guy should have stayed in our world, but in order to deal with the Anti-Monitor, Super King decided to let me bring him here, we'd better stay here first Settle down and slowly take over the world."

   "Let me gather all the super criminals in this world. I can't wait to announce to the world that this world belongs to us."

  The speedster Johnny Quick looked around, but he didn't see his girlfriend Atomic Girl, so he went to the outsider Alfred and asked, "Ah Fu, have you seen Rhonda?"

   "She should be dead." said the outsider Alfred.

   "What, dead... who, who killed my Rhonda?" Johnny Quick suddenly became emotional, and he wanted to rush to Alfred, grab the other party's collar and question him.

  Dang, Grid's sturdy metal body stood in front of Johnny Quick.

  The outsider Alfred said with a smile: "It's the members of the Justice League of this world, the Black Knight and Superman, but these two people have been sent to our world. It is estimated that the Anti-Monitor will kill them in a short time."

   "Damn it, I'd rather kill them with my own hands and let them die in the hands of the Anti-Monitor. It's simply too cheap for them." Johnny Quick said viciously.

  The outsider couldn't help hitting the opponent and said: "Don't think about it, you are not their opponent at all."

Without waiting for Johnny Quick to refute, the outsider began to introduce Grid to other members of the crime syndicate: "This is Grid, a mechanical life occupied by a computer virus, I am his creator, and he listens to me now. "

   "So what, a mechanical life, like replacing Rhonda in the crime syndicate?" Johnny Quick naturally understood what the outsider meant.

   Outsiders want this robot to replace Atomic Girl in the crime syndicate.

Super Queen glared at Johnny Quick: "Stop talking nonsense, Atomic Girl is dead, Johnny Quick, you go to the prisons in various cities now, liberate all criminals, and then call them over, this is what you should do things."

   "I don't want to do anything for you right now!" Johnny Quick refused.

After hearing this, Super Queen, instead of being angry, showed a look of anticipation on her face: "Oh, you refused me, do you want me to use the lasso of submission to you, you want Chaoba to come and chat with you? "

  Hearing the surrender lasso and speedmaster, Johnny Quick shuddered suddenly, and he immediately softened and said: "Okay, I'll go, can't I go!"

  Subsequently, Grid shared a piece of information about all city prisons in the United States with Johnny Quick.

   Among them is Justice League's Super Criminal Prison.

   After obtaining this information, Johnny Quick turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared in front of everyone.

   Before Johnny Quick arrived at the Justice League super criminal prison, Damian Wayne left with a group of super criminals.

  Among them, there are Ocean Lord Orm, Killer Crocodile, Deadshot, and other super criminals.

There were also some stupid criminals who refused to cooperate. Damian Wayne directly detonated the miniature bomb implanted in the necks of these super criminals, so when Johnny Quick arrived, he saw a lot of headless corpses scattered all over the place. Brains.

   "The gift crab, it's disgusting. People who can do this kind of thing are even more cruel than night owls." Johnny Quick complained, and went directly to the nearest Metropolitan Prison.


   At this time, it was already late at night.

  Tonight's moon is buried in the thick clouds, making the whole world plunged into darkness.

  Standing on top of the clouds, one can see a flash of lightning constantly shuttling through the major cities of the American Federation, to be precise, in the prisons of the major cities.

  Johnny Quick broke through the prison's defenses easily, killed the guards, released all the vicious prisoners, and told these prisoners loudly: "Destroy as much as you want. After today, this world belongs to you and belongs to the crime syndicate!"

   Crime and chaos erupted suddenly.

  All the prisoners rushed to the street, smashing, looting and burning everywhere. They seemed to be releasing the evil in their hearts, and they seemed to be holding a carnival.

  Star City.

  Green Arrow rides his motorcycle, and Digger prevents the prisoners from Star City Prison from escaping.

   However, Green Arrow, who insists on the principle of not killing, can't prevent hundreds of people from escaping from prison without killing the rioting prisoners.

   "Felicity, have you contacted the Black Knights? Why is there no response when I call the Justice League?"

  Green Arrow and Digger are in a bitter fight.

   More and more prisoners surrounded him. Even if Green Arrow could fight ten against one, he and Digger could only retreat temporarily when facing the mob rushing out of the prison like a tide.

  In the headset, Felicity's voice came: "I can't contact anyone in the Justice League now. In fact, even the Justice League has lost contact. I'm worried that something is wrong in the Justice League."

  Dig also heard Felicity's voice, he glanced at Green Arrow, and said with some uncertainty: "Impossible, how could there be a problem with the Justice League..."

   "But you can't explain the situation, can you?" Green Arrow hides in an alley, avoiding the crazy prisoners.

  He took off his green hood, panting heavily.

  Suddenly, an electronic storm swept past, and the communicators in the ears of Green Arrow and Digger heard a piercing sound, and then returned to normal.

   "Ward Fa..."

   Before the Green Arrow and the others figured out what happened, an electronically synthesized voice without any emotion came from their communicator: "This world belongs to us..."

   This sentence was repeated repeatedly in the communicator.

  No matter how Green Arrow presses the communicator, Felicity cannot be reconnected, and he cannot even turn off the communicator.

   "That sounds so nasty!"

  Dig dropped the communicator on the ground and crushed it with his foot. He looked at Green Arrow and asked, "Oliver, what should we do next?"

   "I'm going to go directly to the Justice League to see what happened..." Green Arrow said.

   Before Green Arrow finished speaking, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

   "No, you can't go to the Justice League, Oliver, you take Felicity and go to the Star Lab to join us."

   Green Arrow was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the voice, but he soon knew who the voice in his head belonged to, it was Martian Manhunter.

   "Why can't you go to the Justice League, what happened?"

   Green Arrow said to the sky, while Digger stared at Green Arrow with strange eyes. Green Arrow knew that Martian Manhunter only used spiritual dialogue to himself, but he didn't care about explaining at the moment, he was eager to know the truth.

   "An accident happened to the Justice League, time is urgent, immediately take Felicity to the Star Laboratory, and you will know everything by then." Martian Manhunter once again had a spiritual dialogue with Green Arrow.

  Afterwards, Green Arrow immediately jumped on the motorcycle and said to Digger, "Go back to the base, take Felicity with you, and then go to the Star Lab together."

   "Did someone talk to you just now?" Digg asked puzzled.

  Green Arrow started the motorcycle, and at the same time explained: "Yes, something happened to the Justice League. Just now, it was Martian Manhunter who was talking to me in the heart, so hurry up and follow me."

   After finishing speaking, the two went straight to the Green Arrow base to pick up Felicity.

   When Green Arrow picked up Felicity and rushed to the Star Lab in Central City with Digger, a line of defense was established around the Star Lab.

   There are warriors from Amazon and Atlantis patrolling around.

  A female Amazon warrior saw the three Green Arrows and immediately stepped forward to confirm their identities. After confirming that they were the superheroes of the Justice League, they were released.

   "Felicity, how good to see you!"

   Entering the command center of Star Lab, Catherine stepped forward and hugged Felicity, and Green Arrow glanced at the people in the command center.

   A little boy with an eyepatch, a monster that looks like a crocodile, a wanted dead shooter, and…

   "Are you Ocean Lord Orm?"

  Green Arrow recognized the noble man in the corner with his hair combed back and his hands folded on his chest. Isn't this the Orm of the Atlantis royal family who tried to conquer the earth world before?

  Om glanced at Green Arrow, and snorted coldly: "It's me."

  For Aum's arrogant and indifferent attitude, the little boy with the blindfold seemed a little dissatisfied: "Hey, can you talk properly, do you want to die?"

   Being reprimanded by the little boy, the majestic ocean lord Orm was not angry, but was a little afraid of the other party, and stammered to explain: "I...I always talk like this."

   "If you dare to be dishonest, I will blow your head off." The little boy threatened the other party.

   Then he turned to Arrow and Digger and held out his hand: "Hello, Arrow, my name is Damian Wayne, as you can see, there is a little problem with the Justice League..."

  Damian told the three Green Arrows exactly what happened in the Justice League.

  Including Pandora's Box, and members of the Justice League were sent to Earth 3, and the crime syndicate of Earth 3 came to their world.

   "Then... are the Black Knights still alive?"

Felicity asked the question that everyone wanted to ask, Damian didn't speak, and Sisko on the console said firmly: "They must still be alive, the black knight is invincible, I believe they are too. Looking for a way to get back…”

   "But before they come back, we have to find a way to save ourselves." Damian Wayne said.

   "How to save yourself, you said just now that they have an evil version of the Justice League, and we alone are their opponents?" Felicity didn't want to dampen everyone's momentum.

   But according to Damian's description just now, the Superman in the crime syndicate alone is beyond their ability to deal with.

   Not to mention that there are also super queens, magic rings, Johnny Quick, death storm, these powerful superhumans.

  Sisko explained: "We are indeed not their opponents, but don't forget, there are other Kryptonians in this world."

  As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately understood.

  In the Kryptonian base on Mars, there are still a group of Kryptonians living, among them there are many elite Kryptonian fighters like Fio-la and Fura-o.

"However, the news is that the grid has invaded global communication, and we cannot directly contact Mars, so we need Felicity to help us break through the grid's information blockade and get in touch with Mars." Sith Ko looked at Felicity and said.

Sisko saw that Felicity was a little embarrassed, and he encouraged the other party: "But don't put too much pressure on you, we have the technology in the Brainiac mothership, because this technology is still in testing, and there is no It has not been applied to the information network of the Justice League, so we still have a great opportunity to break through the information blockade of the grid..."

   "No, Sisko, I don't feel pressure, I feel excitement and anticipation." Felicity couldn't wait to challenge.

   Arrow shrugged, "So what can we do?"

   "When we break through the information blockade of the grid, it will definitely attract the attention of the criminal syndicate. They will definitely come to stop it at that time. You are responsible for guarding this place until the reinforcements arrive." Sisko said.

   "It sounds like this is not an easy task." Green Arrow clenched the bow and arrow in his hand.

The sea lord Aum on the side said at this time: "If you are willing to let me go back to Atlantis, I can call an army to help you. After all, Arthur was sent to another world, and his life and death are uncertain. I But heir to the throne of Atlantis."

   "Have you forgotten your mother Atlanta?"

  Sisko replied angrily: "You are not allowed to go there, just stay here for me. If you dare to play any tricks, Damian will definitely blow your head off."

   "Okay, okay, I can't listen to you." Aum raised his hands to express his obedience to the order.

  On the wall of the command room, the TV screen flickered a few times.

  A group of people who resembled the Justice League stood in the center of the TV screen.

  The background of the TV screen is the dilapidated Justice League hall. There are corpses and bloodstains everywhere on the ground. These all tell the people in front of the TV network media that a tragic war has just happened here.

   Or should I say... Slaughter!

  Outside the hall, more and more super criminals poured into the Justice League hall. They looked at the few people directly in front of them, the members of the crime syndicate who centered on super powers.

   "Now we're broadcasting live to the world..."

   "Criminals all over the world, hello, the Justice League is dead. Now, we are the masters of this world. My name is Chaoba, and this is the Super Queen..."

   Speedmaster introduced himself to the criminals in the audience, and this scene was broadcast live on the grid to all electronic devices around the world.

  Whether it’s the president sitting in the White House, or Amanda Waller of the Sky Eye Society, General Sam of the military, General Swanwick, and the remnants of the Justice League in the Star Lab.

  They all looked at the live broadcast on the TV screen.

"We are the crime syndicate, we come from another world, where we are masters, but stupid people betray us, so we kill everyone who opposes us, we are always looking for another world worthy of our conquest World, finally, we found you..."

  Speedmaster escaped from the pursuit of anti-surveillance, beautifying them as they came to conquer the world on their own initiative.

  From a fugitive to a conqueror.

  However, a burly criminal below didn't buy it: "Look at your clothes, and the people behind you, you look exactly like Superman, except for the stupid logo on the chest, that's all."

   "So... are you questioning me?" Chaoba looked at the burly criminal who spoke.

  The other party said loudly: "Yes, that's right, just because you pretend to be the same as the Justice League, you want to become the ruler of this world. Are you dreaming..."

   Before the other party finished speaking, Chaoba's thermal vision burst out, melting it into ashes in an instant.

  A person was instantly killed and burned to the point that there was not even ashes left.

  The audience fell into an eerie silence.

   Chaoba looked around the audience and said coldly: "I repeat, this world belongs to us, is there anyone who wants to question me?"

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