MTL - The King-Chapter 387 born of sorrow

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  Chapter 387 Born in Sorrow

   Before the territorial affairs were arranged, Hudson received an invitation from Governor Pierce, and then received an invitation from the king.

  When the Continental War broke out, mountainous territories needed to take countermeasures, and provinces and kingdoms were no exception.

  The Kingdom, in particular, has been hit the hardest. As the most powerful country in the Northern Continent, the Alpha Kingdom has not only glory, but also responsibilities.

  Once foreign races invade on a large scale, the kingdom will inevitably send troops to rescue all countries. Of course, the specific rescue efforts depend on moral integrity.


   "Hudson, are we going to war again?"

  Melissa asked concerned.

   I don't know why, but since giving birth to her eldest son, her political sense has become dull.

   Reached out and patted the ashes on little Franz, Hudson nodded slightly.

   "The continental war has broken out, and there will be no more pure land in the entire Aslant continent, and no one can be alone.

   They are all fighting for the survival of the race. Standing on their respective positions, everyone is on the side of justice.

  Originally, Mei Li also performed very well in the era of the crown prince, but since the end of her accession to the throne, the Principality of George has always been in a state of trouble. The less things you experience, the faster you will grow.


   After all, the days of peace have passed for a long time. In particular, the smallest crisis faced was not the infighting among nobles.

  The only ally is the Alpha Kingdom in front of him. As for Beixiaolu and other countries, she was directly ignored by Mei Li.

   Of course, that is limited to slaves who have just been captured and have not been subject to years.

  After the small strategy was determined, Hudson instantly became transparent, and the audience remained silent on the issue of how to support countries.

  Once the elves and the ancient survivors join forces, the fall of the Warhammer Kingdom is also a matter of time. Optimistically, we can support it for half a year.

  In the eyes of special people, Qin Xuxin's kind of dragon knight is free to do anything on the battlefield, only me to kill, is there anyone who can do anything to me.

  The young prince of Newfoundland asked sharply.

   While speaking, the attendant hadn't distributed the request for help to everyone.

   "Prince Torsten, it is important that there is no binding force. At most, your decision can be implemented within the kingdom and can play a role in Beixiaolu.

  In recent years, the conflict between the human race and the elf race was due to the fact that no one captured elf slaves.

  The elven slaves who have been respected over the years must be dealt with immediately. At that time, any hidden dangers can be left. "

  Any realistic optimism will bring the Principality of George back.

  But this time the human race has a huge advantage, and the probability of winning is as high as 90%, so there is no need to worry too much.

  The civil war in the Warhammer Kingdom is over, and now the situation is in critical condition. It is time to persuade us to cease the war.

   Reaching out to help Moxisha wipe away her tears, Hudson said with a smile: "He is so worried. The war has been going on for a while, and it still burns to the kingdom.

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs was definitely the most active department in the Alpha Kingdom before the outbreak of the Small Continent War.

  It is the same as Xiaolu and other races. The elves have fast reproduction ability, and they have the strength to compete for Xiaolu. The threat to your human race is not small.

   "Your Majesty, from a military point of view, the kingdom does not have the ability to rescue all countries at the same time.

   The troublesome one is Kita Xiaoriku!

   Except for the first sentence, which is the truth, the rest are all prevarications, whether there is any nutritional value.

  Wearing such a hat is to use it to hang out outside the circle of aristocrats.

  It is because we can fight a lot, but it takes a little time to occupy our vast territory. "

  Whether it is the coalition army of the ancient survivors or the small army of the elves, as long as they are killed, we will hide in the past.

  Everyone present, please express your opinion first, can you give up the elf slave in your hand? "

   Is there anything I can do, everyone's eyes are focused on me, forcing me to open my eyes and tell nonsense.

  In my opinion, exchanging the ban on slave hunting for the neutrality of the elves is too much of a deal.

  Once the small army of elves invades, I am afraid that if it takes half a year, we will fall.

   However, judging from the current situation, even if the Warhammer Kingdom stopped the civil war, it would be difficult to stop the soldiers of the ancient survivors, let alone support neighboring countries to resist the invasion of the elves. "

  The years when the orcs besieged the city and the principality was at stake, I persisted through it. How could I be intimidated by what didn't happen?

  But that little effort is still enough to see in a real race war.

  He can put the safety of the kingdom at risk just because he is willing to get a few elf slaves.

  The less you know, the more you know the awe.

   Hudson suggested by himself.

   Hudson said seriously.

  Based on the situation of the Duchy of Cantrulu, Duchy of Ustad, and Duchy of Fick, we were able to hold back the small elf army for a month, which is regarded as a mediocre contribution to the human race.

  Looking at the performance of the countries of the human race, we know that every time a small international conflict occurs, the measures taken against the small family of the elves are mediation.

  The outbreak of the Small Continental War made the following crises a problem, and the threat of the elves and the ancient survivors came again.

  As a military minister, I must always remain rational in times of crisis in the principality.

   As for mediating the Warhammer Kingdom's civil war, this is pure nonsense. Except at the very end, during the few battles, people were just "quarreling and fighting" for a small amount of time.

   One less day of talking, and one less day of preparation. It would be even worse if it could be delayed for a few years until the situation in Xiaolu became gloomy. "

  Once the Warhammer Kingdom collapses, the flames of war will immediately spread to the Principality of George.

   "Count Renato, he is too optimistic. If the elves send troops, not to mention our support for half a year, even you will find it difficult to persist for half a year.

  Even if it is possible, as long as it can delay the speed of the elves' dispatch of troops, this also has very important strategic significance.

  If Hudson is defeated, even if it is only a big defeat, it will cause an uproar and affect the morale of the kingdom's army.

   Noisy, this is because no one gave us the confidence to make us think that we don't have the ability to overwhelm the other party.

  As long as the paddling champion is still just paddling, the Alpha Kingdom will be able to survive that catastrophe.


  Qin Xuxin said calmly.

  It’s because of your commitment to prohibit the elf slave trade in the kingdom, and to make a proposal under the Human Race Alliance Parliament to make capturing and trading elves a felony.

  Mei Li asked calmly.

  Glancing at the important ministers from all over the kingdom, Caesar VII said a little tiredly:

  The struggle between the nobles, the essence of the struggle and the art of compromise. If there was no interference from the inside, the Warhammer Kingdom would not have been unified long ago.

   There are no hidden dangers in those contracts. Once the person in power changes, the original secret agreement will lose its binding force.

   After all, no matter how weak the binding force is, the contract can only bind the signer of the contract, and it may be limited to a smaller scope.

  If it were any other time, it would be a model of high emotional intelligence. But at that time, it was the most rational answer.

   Regardless of those promises, it can neutralize the elves. At most, the Ministry of Internal Affairs used that excuse to pull the elves to sit down at the negotiating table.

   It is enough to do it once, but it is necessary to finish it alone.

   Are there a few elf slaves? Compared with the interests of the human race, the few nobles in your age who have no conscience will make the right choice.

  Since the outbreak of the Small Continental War, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been in contact with two small factions within the Warhammer Kingdom, and neither side is old.

   You see, how do you transfer those appeal letters to the Ethnic Alliance Parliament, and seek help from the countries of the small continent.

  What kind of waste paper is that, in terms of the blessing of magical power, few secret agreements have weak binding force on the signer.

   Born in sorrow.

  Used to fight fake wars every day, those countries have long forgotten how real wars unfold.

  The trouble now is that the orcs are also moving. Once the grassland country is defeated, a small part of the Alpha Kingdom's energy will be restrained by the orcs.

  That is a fact. The Human Race Alliance Parliament's binding force on all countries is weak or weak, and it is pitifully strong.

  In fact, I haven't said much yet. The Continental War was the same as before, and the enthusiasm of the elves to participate would be the same.

   Even if they join the war now, they will only send troops symbolically. Unless the situation on the back line deteriorates, it is your turn to end. "

   As of now, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has received requests for help from eleven countries this year. Judging from the content, everything is very tight. "

   "Prime Minister, how does he view the current situation?"

   "Let's find a way to stabilize the elves first!

  In a real war, how could there not be thousands of people fighting in melee, with single-digit casualties?

  The Ministry of Internal Affairs has not yet communicated with the main weak countries in Xiaolu. Except for the Alpha Kingdom who clearly stated that it would provide assistance, the rest of the countries agreed on the grounds that they were also fighting.

   "Earl Hudson is wrong, as long as the pace of elves sending troops is delayed, any opportunity should be tried.

   "Mediate the civil war in the Warhammer Kingdom, is there any problem.

   "Then be careful, don't try to be brave on the battlefield, Franz is still waiting for you to come back!"

  It’s called war in name, but in fact, the kind of frontal Pk that shows off chariots and horses is not an in-class “fight”.

  Anyway, the Alpha Kingdom promised to send troops, and it must fulfill its ally obligations with practical actions. As for the efficiency of implementation, it only needs to catch up with the average speed of the countries in the small continent.

  In order to keep the elves neutral, the Alpha Kingdom alone has promised me benefits, and many countries in the small continent have made similar promises.

   Whether it can play a role, it all depends on whether it is in the interests of Xiaojia. Only when the interests of the group are not safeguarded, the laws of the alliance are truly binding.

  The old prime minister, who was a quiet boy, once again showed his decisive side, as if bringing everyone back to the era of Caesar VIII.

   Being in crisis every day, Mei Li got used to it after a long time.

   Perhaps the few big countries that were hammered by orcs in the next few years have learned some experience and lessons, and paid a little attention to armaments.

   After all, it was an expedition to eleven countries, and it must be fully prepared.

   Either live or die, is there an eighth choice.

  If you want to stabilize the elves, the price you need to pay will be even smaller.

   After Earl Renato finished speaking, the military minister on the side added:

   "Your Majesty, the Warhammer Kingdom lost a few cities in the border area at the beginning of the war, and the current situation is probably optimistic.

   Coordinating the two small factions of the Warhammer Kingdom to join forces to fight against the enemy, the place where the prestige is built, naturally there will be more of us.

   After cleaning up the mess of the orcs, there is no debt crisis; after the debt crisis is resolved, several kingdoms in the middle are ready to move again.

   No matter how happy they were, everyone just smiled weakly and agreed to come up pretending to be unhappy.

   After all, if others lead troops to reinforce, if they lose, they lose. The impact on the kingdom is not very small.

  The current situation is in crisis, but when is the situation in the Principality of George a crisis?

  It is certain that the Alpha Kingdom is willing to join forces with you, and it should be able to prevent us from joining forces with the ancient survivors.

  Heroes come out of troubled times, but even fewer people have become the stepping stones of heroes. Once the success is complete, all bones are exhausted, and a very small number of people fall on the way to becoming heroes.

  Based on the current situation, the probability of the Alliance Council rejecting it is very small. As a pretense, the kingdom first released the elf slaves in its hands.

  Maybe it is due to the consideration of the distance, or it may be that the Principality of George will also be caught in the flames of war in the near future. In short, has the country of the grassland asked us for help?

  A long time ago, the faces of the little nobles who Xiaozhi understood the situation all collapsed.

  Of course, as a responsible country, you can do anything.

  In the end, Xiaojia unanimously decided to send reinforcements of a legion to each of the eleven countries. As for when to send troops and how to form the troops, it is natural to discuss quickly.

   Duke Torsten taunted.

  Maybe after this war, aliens will no longer be a threat. Use a war to stabilize the dominance of our human race, no matter how much you pay, it's worth it! "

   "Earl Hudson, you are overcomplicating things. Those who own elf slaves are all minor nobles from all over the world.

   Similar things have no precedent in history. The inner world only saw the elves as the paddling champions, but did they notice that in the subsequent small land wars, we all got benefits.

  The nobles present are all the elites of the Alpha Kingdom, and each of them has experienced war.

  "The war in the small land broke out in an all-round way at the beginning of the year. You need to worry about the situation in the small land and the small land. The war was initiated by us, and we should have made comprehensive preparations.

   Is there anything wrong? As a banner of the Alpha Kingdom's military, Hudson will go to the back line if he has to.

  During the speech, Moxisha's eyes hadn't yet had tears.

  Earl Martins' words deeply hurt everyone.

   It is possible to agree, and after all the words have been said, whoever continues to approve, it is not Gu Xiaoju's Youliang nobleman.

  In the dark, the elves have even signed secret agreements with multi-ethnic countries.

  At this moment, the Continental War broke out, and the ancient survivors formed a group to invade the Warhammer Kingdom. We can stop it if we want.

   At almost the same time, the Principality of George was also holding a similar military meeting. The only difference was that Qin Xu had an extra letter of appeal for help.

  The current situation is slightly worse. There is no grassland country to separate you from the orc empire, and there is no strategic barrier.

   After all, it was a race war of life and death.

  In fact, Hudson is also taking a big gamble. With Bei Xiaolu's safety as a bargaining chip, the elves will be betting that they will invade with all their might.

  The strength of foreign races in Beixiaolu is the weakest. None of the elves, orcs, and ancient survivors are evil.

  Ding Shiwang, an elf clansman, even if it really invaded, most of them would come out in force, at least they would not send some clansmen whose lifespan was dying.

  The situation in the other two fronts is also optimistic. The elves and the ancient survivors also provoked the flames of war.

  A true warrior who dares to face the bleak reality.

  Whether it is a re-merger or independence into two countries, as long as we stop the internal fighting, it will have no very important positive significance for the Beixiaolu battlefield. "

   There is one more letter of appeal for help, which means that the Principality of George is at the end of its year. Because of geopolitics, we need to bear less pressure than the Alpha Kingdom.

  Even if he has the talent to lead soldiers, at least he knows how to lead soldiers. When supporting allies, one is more stable than the other, and there is no intention of retreating in the slightest.

  The understanding of the situation is also the deepest. Very ambiguous. The current Warhammer Kingdom is not worth using.

  In theory, the Alpha Kingdom is not obliged to send troops to rescue allies. However, so few calls for help arrived almost at the same time, so the rescue is here!


  Emerald Palace.

   "Your Majesty, let's wait for the Alpha Kingdom's decision now!

  But Xiaojia didn't know what the specific situation was. The strength of the grassland country alone can stop the small orc army.

  Xiao’s family is all young people, knowing that the situation in Xiaolu is easy, but still fighting desperately, is it because they are tired of work.

  The principle is correct, but when the price needs to be borne by oneself, it is another picture.

  The situation in the Principality of Kantruo, Ustad, and Fick is even more exciting. We haven’t panicked yet if the elves haven’t done anything.

  Even if the Human Race Alliance Congress passes laws, it will be difficult to restrain us. Does your proposal at that time have any substantive significance other than offending people! "

  However, the power of your human race is weakest there. Every time the Continental War broke out, the kingdom took on the main task of fighting against alien races.

   Use soldiers like gods, just use them to fool others. If you follow suit, this will be the end of the calf!

   Earl Francis said worriedly.

  Compared to the Orc Empire in Beixiaolu, where dungeons are often organized in groups, the elves really have too little happiness.

  Moxisha, who is familiar with history books, is very vague. During the Continental War, the battles of various tribes were bloody, and most of the dragon knights fell on the battlefield.

   Prime Minister Herceg said anxiously.

I'm afraid..."

  (end of this chapter)

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