MTL - The King-Chapter 384 share the spoils

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  Chapter 384 Divide the spoils

   "The mine has almost been inspected, since no one has found it, let's go back first!

   Although the curse is vicious, it can be subject to great restrictions. After so many years, the power of the curse may have been exhausted long ago. "

   Hudson said calmly.

  It was all what he expected. If it was so easy to find the problem, the Viscount Ottum family would not be in this situation.

  With the blessing of abundant resources, even middle-of-the-road talents can pile up into geniuses. Even with the lifespan limit, the Viscount Ottum's family did not lack masters.

   Now choose to put it badly and no longer mine the magic crystal mine. It is also a last resort after generations of failed efforts.

  Whether it has any effect is still unknown. Anyway, Hudson has never heard of anyone in the Viscount Ottum family holding a 60th birthday.

   "Yes, Lord Earl!"

   Viscount Altum said bitterly.

  If the source of the curse cannot be found, there will be no way to lift it. If the current situation continues, even if this crisis is overcome, it will only be a matter of time before the family is finished.

   Without any nonsense, Hudson led the team away directly. Although he didn't find anything, his intuition told him that something was wrong.

   After exiting the mine and taking another breath of fresh air, Hudson asked with mental strength:

   "Bear Stearns, Maxim, have you found any problems?"

   With regard to the understanding of mysterious power, the long-lived race is obviously more dominant.

  The Blood Moon Sect more than three hundred years ago is an ancient history for human beings, but it is only a short period of life for extraordinary creatures.

  Bear Stearns and Maxim are not knowledgeable masters, but they have finally stepped into the sanctuary level and stood at the pinnacle of the continent.

   Even beings of the same level, it is difficult to hide from them.

  "There is an evil aura hidden under the mine, similar to that horn bottle, as if born from the same source.

   It was just sealed by someone, and this evil aura was firmly locked underground.

   It is best not to act rashly, if any big guy is released, it will not end well. "

  Bear Stearns said with a serious face.

  It's just that cute expression, which destroys the solemn atmosphere.

   "You mean that this magic crystal mine is not naturally generated, but artificially created?"

   Hudson asked in surprise.

  Magic crystal mines can be manufactured artificially. Once the news is spread, the whole world will undergo drastic changes.

   Originally limited by the high price of magic crystals, the magic technology that could not be promoted will surely become popular across the continent in a short time.

   Even the war mode will have to be rewritten from then on.

   "I didn't feel the source of the crystal. There is a high probability that this magic crystal mine was not born naturally. But it is not right to say that it is artificial, it should be a coincidence!

  I have mentioned in my inheritance memory that the burial ground after the fall of the strongest may form a magic crystal mine.

   It's just that certain conditions need to be met, and the probability of birth is not very high. Otherwise, there might be magic crystal mines everywhere on Long Island. "

  As soon as Bear Stearns finished speaking, Maxim on the side jumped out unwillingly to complain:

   "Big stupid bear, you have some knowledge. But there is one thing you said wrong, our Dragon Island has the most magic crystal mines in the world.

  Hudson, what are you looking at me for?

  I warn you, don't make bad ideas.

  Most of the magic crystal mines on Dragon Island are concentrated in the Dragon Tomb, and anyone who dares to approach it will be killed without mercy.

  Even if our dragon gets close, we will be severely punished. Only those ancient dragons and dragon kings can put their lairs there. "

  Hudson rolled his eyes angrily, he is not a fool, how could he go for Long Island's idea.

   Not to mention that there are magic crystal mines everywhere, even if there are artifacts everywhere, he dare not go to pick them up.

   God knows how many old antiques exist in the long-lived race of giant dragons. After these perverts moved to Long Island, there was only one word—invincible.

  Even if the power of all the races in the continent of Aslante is concentrated, they may not be able to touch the door of others. To organize an expeditionary force is to deliver snacks to the dragon.

   "Maxim, I know that your Dragon Island is rich and rich, but this does not affect you as a poor dragon.

   With this time to show off your wealth, why not think about it, when will you be able to pay off the debt you owe me?

  Learn from Bear Stearns. He is still a child, and already owns hundreds of thousands of acres of land, thousands of cattle and sheep...every day there is endless honey and animal milk.

  Look at you again, you are a dragon who is hundreds of years old, and you still can't do anything. Even the resources for daily practice have to be financed by borrowing money.

   If this goes on, your Dragonborn will just find a Warcraft general in the future! No female dragon can take a fancy to a poor ghost like you! "

   Hudson replied unceremoniously.

   If you dare to find excitement in front of him, you have to bear the corresponding consequences. When it comes to stalking people, the fledgling Maxim is still too immature.

   "Hudson, don't go too far. Maxim is still young, only a few hundred years old, and there are still infinite possibilities in the future.

   It is more appropriate to say these words to him after he has passed a thousand years. However, with the lifespan of you humans, there is a high probability that you will not be able to wait for that time.

   But don't worry, Hudson, I have recorded what I just said with a photo stone. When it's his thousand-year-old birthday, I'll show it to him. "

Perhaps seeing Hudson's gloomy face, Bear Stearns, who realized that something was wrong, hurriedly said: "Hudson, don't get me wrong. I don't mean anything by saying this, but I just want to remind you to work hard practice.

  In the history of the human race, it is not unheard of that people can live for hundreds of years. With your talent, there is still hope for hard work. "

  A brat is a brat, and he offended both of them as soon as he opened his mouth. Fortunately, Hudson has developed the ability to "landslide in front of his eyes without changing his face", which can strongly control his emotions.

   Maxim on the side couldn't do it anymore. The successive blows made him suspicious of Long Sheng. If it weren't for Hudson, the master, who was pressing him, he would definitely fight Bear Stearns with his life.

   "Stop talking nonsense, since it is sealed, what is the power of the curse?"

   Hudson asked concerned.

  The "sixty limit" longevity curse seems to be a common thing, but the Viscount Altum family has not been able to solve it for hundreds of years, so he can't help but pay attention to it.

  If there is no way to solve the curse problem, Hudson would rather throw this magic crystal mine out than touch this hot potato.

   "Relax, Hudson.

   The guy below is in a very bad state. He has been worn down by the power of time for countless years. He may be finished at any time, and he has no spare energy to release the curse.

  The so-called curse is nothing more than the evil spirit they exude. Although this energy is very weak, it will still affect longevity over time.

  Those idiots built their homes on the mine, and were infected by evil spirits every day. They only lost some life spans, and they were lucky not to degenerate into dark creatures.

  If they stay here forever, it is estimated that in a few hundred years, they will all become dark creatures.

   But this is not absolute, as long as you break through the limit of life and reach the sanctuary that you humans call, you will basically not be affected by these evil spirits. "

  After hearing Bear Stearns' explanation, Hudson felt relieved. The speed of evil infection is so slow, there must be no problem in a short period of time.

  Anyway, such work as mining does not require him to do it himself. All the problems can be solved by drawing some of the slaves who built the defense line.

  Even if there was a curse, it was given to the orcs. What does it matter to him, Master Hudson?

  The sixty-year-old life limit is only for nobles. Ordinary freemen and serfs, few of whom could live so long, did not feel this kind of trouble at all.

   Polluted blood, that is only a small problem. As long as you leave here, you will be able to get rid of the influence in a hundred or eighty years.

  If the research continues, these secrets of the Viscount Altum family will be discovered sooner or later.

  It's a pity that the location of the magic crystal mine was exposed. Whether it was nationalized or divided up by the nobles in the southeastern provinces, this windfall has nothing to do with them.


   Outside the city of Blood Moon County, in a luxurious tent, the issue of spoils was directly brought to the table.

   Seeing all parties arguing endlessly, Hudson just closed his eyes and rested. Paying attention to aristocratic etiquette is only because the temptation is not strong enough.

  The reserves of the magic crystal mine in front of me are not so rich. If you mine with all your strength, you can easily get a net profit of millions of gold coins every year.

  No one is willing to give up such a large fortune. What's more, magic spar is different from ordinary commodities, it is also an important cultivation resource and strategic resource.

   "Okay, everyone. It is difficult to keep the news of the magic crystal mine secret for a long time. Instead of entangled in the distribution of the magic crystal mine, it is better to think about how to deal with the kingdom.

  According to the laws of the kingdom, all magic crystal mines belong to the central government, and we have no right to mine them. "

   Governor Pierce said with a gloomy face.

  The interests are touching, even if the problem of the curse is not resolved, it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for the magic crystal mine.

  The biggest problem facing everyone right now is the Kingdom, the stumbling block.

  The magic crystal mines discovered in the past are not within the sphere of influence of our own, so everyone naturally supports nationalization.

  This time the Magic Crystal Mine arrived at the door, and it involved vital interests, so everyone couldn't be so magnanimous.

   "Your Excellency, the Magic Crystal Mine cannot be handed over!

  Our southeast province has changed from the rear to the front line. When war breaks out in the future, the demand for magic spar will definitely be a huge number.

   It depends entirely on the deployment of the kingdom, and I am afraid it cannot meet the demand. "

   An impatient young nobleman spoke first.

  Don't care how nonsense the reason is, it's better than having no reason. It's just that these reasons are obviously not sufficient, and they can't convince the kingdom at all.

  If it is strong and the central government grabs it hard, ordinary small and medium-sized nobles may not feel much, but the pressure on Governor Pierce will be great.

   "No, the ownership of the magic crystal mine has been expressly stipulated in the kingdom's laws. It is legally unreasonable to forcibly refuse the kingdom's nationalization.

  Once the matter gets to a standstill, the kingdom's standing army will come in directly and forcefully nationalize the magic crystal mine. We can't raise our troops to rebel! "

   Viscount Kayo hurriedly jumped out and objected.

   Although the interests of the magic crystal mine are great, there are too many people participating in the cake distribution, and the specific distribution is in the hands of individuals, and the number is actually limited.

  For the Dalton family, it is good to have this wealth, and not having this wealth will not affect their status.

  If it is not the boss, it is necessary to protect the interests of the younger brothers. If it is not good, Governor Pierce will just let go.

   There is no other reason, as long as it can delay the development speed of the Koslow family, this strategic abandonment is worthwhile.

   "It is of course not possible to raise troops to rebel; it is also not advisable to hand over the magic crystal mine.

  Now the outside world only suspects that there is a magic crystal mine in Blood Moon County, and there is no substantive evidence, so there is nothing we can do for the time being.

  As long as everyone insists that the magic crystal mine does not exist, it will be difficult for the Kingdom to find out anything in a short period of time.

  With Blood Moon County as a cover, as long as we act carefully and don't sell the mined magic spar, it will be difficult for the kingdom to catch us.

  Or simply use the plague as an excuse to seal off the Blood Moon County for dozens of miles, prohibiting any outsiders from entering or leaving.

   It can be mined for one year, which counts as one year. No matter how long we can hide it, we have made money. "

   Hudson suggested with a smile.

   Without mining the magic crystal mine, everyone refused to let it go. It will be even more difficult for everyone to let go after mining has paid off handsomely.

  Once the fact that the magic crystal mine is occupied and mined becomes a fact, when things go wrong in the future, the central government will still have to be dealt with by the governor.

   It can be said that Hudson's proposal, except for the governor who was slightly injured, everyone present was the beneficiary.

   "Earl Hudson, the kingdom's laws are strict. Private mining of magic crystal mines is a serious crime, and it is definitely not something that can be fooled by a few words.

  The spread of the vision is so wide that once the Kingdom makes up its mind to investigate, it will soon be able to target Blood Moon County.

  The more we cover up, the easier it is to attract the kingdom's attention. It's nothing more than a small fight. Once large-scale mining is carried out, things can't be hidden at all. "

  Governor Pierce said with a look of embarrassment.

  The authority of the central government of the Alpha Kingdom is still there. Even if the authority of Caesar IV is far less than that of the dead Caesar III, it is not easy to shake.

  In recent years, just suppressing the Koslow family has exhausted the Dalton family physically and mentally, and there is really no time to confront the kingdom government.

   "As for the issue of secret mining, then you have to consult Viscount Ottum. They have been able to hide it from us for hundreds of years, which is enough to prove their level of concealment.

  If it weren't for the fact that this animal horde was purely accidental, it might not be discovered in another hundred years. "

   Hudson said with a half-smile.

   It's not that he wants to embarrass Viscount Altum, it's that their problem is too big. If the nobles in the whole province are not dragged into the water, once the news of the magic crystal mine reaches the capital, their family will be completely devastated.

   "Thank you, Lord Earl, for your compliment. We do have some experience in keeping secrets.

  As long as a fully enclosed management with no entry and no exit is adopted, local laborers are not recruited, and slaves are completely used for mining, the news will not spread.

   As for the problem of the previous vision, it is a big deal to make up an excuse to fool. Or throw out a treasure map to draw the attention of the outside world to the Black Rock Mountain Range.

  According to our exploration data, once this magic crystal mine is fully exploited, it can produce 800,000 to 1 million magic crystals every year, of which high-grade magic crystals will not be less than 100,000.

  With this wealth, everyone can recover in the shortest possible time and get out of the financial crisis.

  The future era will be the home ground of the Warcraft Cavalry. The slightly better magic potions on the market cannot be bought with gold coins, but with magic crystals.

  If you don’t reserve some in advance, in case you need it in the future, the quota given by the Kingdom of Light won’t be enough for everyone…”

  Sincere performances are the easiest to move people's hearts. Viscount Altum's efforts to fool him soon took effect.

  As soon as the theory of the importance of the "magic spar" came out, the nobles who were already interested strengthened their judgment and became even more unwilling to let go.

  Even Governor Pierce is in deep entanglement at the moment. The Dalton family also secretly controlled several magic crystal mines, but they were all small mines, and the combined production capacity was less than one-tenth of this magic crystal mine.

  In normal times, it is more than enough for your own use. But once entering the era of Warcraft Cavalry, the demand for magic spar will skyrocket, and it will be difficult to meet the demand.

  Seeing this scene, Hudson smiled at everyone and said: "The biggest problem has been solved, and everyone must have made a psychological decision.

   Then let’s talk about their respective mining investment and the distribution of magic spar. Take it easy, it's not that serious.

  As long as we are united, even if the news of the future is passed out, it can also be done by a cult organization.

  Three hundred years ago, this place was an important stronghold of the Blood Moon Sect. It is very reasonable that they secretly mined the magic crystal mine here. "

  (end of this chapter)

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