MTL - The King-Chapter 323 Home

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  Chapter 323 Home

"finally came back!"

  Looking at the mountainous area ahead, Hudson couldn't help expressing emotion.

  After the ship docked, like all the nobles, Hudson, who was eager to return, also declined Earl Pierce's retention, and went straight to the territory without stopping.

  Looking at the welcoming team led by Baron Redman ahead, the corners of Hudson's eyes couldn't help getting wet. Fortunately, this kind of emotional outpouring was quickly restrained by him.

  As a prince, no extra affection is allowed. Even if it is just nostalgia for "home", it must be restrained, otherwise it will become a "short board" exposed to the public.

"came back?"

"came back!"

  The dialogue between father and son is so simple and unpretentious. All emotional exchanges are contained in these simple three words.

   It can be seen that Baron Redman has aged a lot. A lot of gray hair has been added on the top of the head, but the mental state is very good.

   Not only has to worry about his son who is fighting far away, but also worry about the development of the mountain territory. It can be said that in the past two years or so, he has not had a few days of comfortable life.

  The happiest time is undoubtedly when the good news comes from the front line. For a father, watching his son continue to succeed is the greatest spiritual comfort.

   "Just come back, you'd better take over the affairs of the mountain leader yourself, I'm about to die of worry!"

   Baron Redman said with a look of embarrassment.

   Originally, he always thought that he could not ride the wind, mainly because of bad luck and not high enough background. After taking over the affairs of the Mountain Territory, he quickly shattered Redman's fantasy.

  Being a vassal and governing a small town are two completely different concepts.

  Even if Hudson established a system in advance, he just acted according to the established rules, which still made Baron Redman tired of coping.

   As for the assistant left behind by Hudson, it is a pity that Redman cannot be trusted at all. In fact, for those guys of unknown origin, Hudson defined them at the beginning as transition.

  If it weren't for this sudden war, these guys should have been replaced one after another in the past two or three years.

   If there is no time to change, then you can only make do with it. As the acting lord, Redman had to watch more in normal times.

  Limited by his own abilities, Baron Redman has had a hard time in the past two years.

"Ha ha…"

   A burst of laughter concealed Hudson's inner embarrassment. Throwing the territory to Baron Redman is indeed a bit of a rush.

   But there is no way, who can let him completely trust the person, that is, Baron Redman?

  If it were someone else who took charge of the mountain lordship for more than two years, God knows what would happen. Hudson doesn't want to come back and clean up the mess.

   Facts have proved that his choice is very correct. Baron Redman is a little tired, but the Mountain Territory has been operating normally until now.

   Reunited after a long absence, Hudson is pleasing to the eye in everything, including a few cheap brothers. Of course, the unsightly Lysul did not appear.

  The better off Hudson is, the harder life will be for that hapless boy. Now it has developed to the stage where no one dares to return home. The baroness is afraid that Hudson will do something to him, so she sent Lesoul out of the southeastern province early.

   It seems to be done very covertly, but in fact, it has not escaped Hudson's eyes from beginning to end. It wasn't that he paid attention deliberately, but the person in charge of the **** mission actively reported relevant information to him.

  This is the benefit of power, no need to do anything, someone will take the initiative to send the information up.

  If Hudson wants to shoot him, it only needs a hint, and someone will immediately make an accident for Lesser.

  In fact, at first he wanted to use Laisul as a window dressing to prove his ability to accommodate people. Just looking at Baron Redman's face, he finally chose to let him go.

   After all, things like facades are not easy to support. Once this kind of tainted chess piece is pushed out, after the value of possession is lost, it is doomed to a miserable end.

  After greeting everyone symbolically, Hudson led the team directly and continued on the way home.

  Looking at the changed mountain collar, Hudson was delighted, but at the same time worried.

  In the past few years, the mountain leaders have desperately smelted steel, and the price they paid was the devastation of the environment.

  The billowing smoke and the bare hills are the price of the rapid development of the mountainous areas.

  It is easy to destroy the environment, but it is difficult to control the environment. Even in the extraordinary world, it would take a considerable price to restore the original ecology.

  But compared with the harvest, everything is worth it. Looking at the changes in the mountain territory, we can see that the wide road is enough to accommodate four carriages, and the road extends all the way to the lord's mansion on the top of the mountain.

   Originally, it was just a rudimentary castle, but now it has become a city. Although there are still some buildings, they are still under construction; the streets in the buildable area have shown some signs of prosperity.

  The new fertile land is in the millions of acres. Even with the most traditional rotation system, the food self-sufficiency of the territory has soared.

   All these changes occurred during the war. With the end of the war and the normalization of the economy, the development of the mountainous territory will be even faster.


   Let go when you say let go, as if throwing a hot potato. Hudson had just settled down, and Baron Redman couldn't wait to leave a bunch of affairs to him.

   Originally Hudson wanted to discuss with him and ask him his thoughts on the future development of the territory, but he never expected Baron Redman to directly say: I have no idea.

   It can be seen from his eyes that Baron Redman really has no idea, not a so-called routine.

   Obviously, the incomplete aristocratic education of the Koslow family directly constrained the thinking of the previous generation.

   Governing a small town, they have rich experience. But it would be too embarrassing to plan the future development of an earldom.

   Before the rise of Hudson, the biggest dream of the Koslow family was to return to the ranks of middle-class nobles. It is unthinkable to become a great noble in the kingdom.

   Watching Hudson get to where he is today, Baron Redman’s only thought now is—lay flat!

  All life goals have been fulfilled by his son, so there is really no need to continue to struggle. Rather than being busy all day long, it is better to enjoy life.

   Now the only thing he can miss is Zudi. However, since Hudson is too capable, this thorny issue was handed over to Hudson, the new patriarch, early on.

  Frankly speaking, Hudson's patriarchal position does not conform to the traditional inheritance etiquette. Whether it is from the perspective of bloodlines or clan seniority, it is not Hudson's turn to be in charge.

  All branches agreed that the person who regained the ancestral land would be the patriarch, and Hudson was not able to complete it.

  The main reason for being promoted by everyone is due to the interests of the clan. Only the Koslow family, which is twisted together, can go further in this world.

  Before this, the branches were ready to compromise, but it was a bit embarrassing. It dragged on until Hudson stepped into the ranks of the great nobles, and everyone couldn't help it.

  Originally, the background of the Koslow family is shallow. If the various branches don’t seize the time to unite together, how can they support the lintel of the great noble family?

   You must know that the beneficiary of this class leap is not Hudson alone, but all members of the entire Koslow family.

   After taking this step, everyone becomes the children of the great nobles. Regardless of how far this relationship is, with such a background, the ceiling of everyone's development potential has been greatly raised.

  Theoretically speaking, any member of the Koslow family who enters the officialdom may become a minister in the court; if he enters the army, he may also have the opportunity to become a commander.

   This is a privilege exclusive to the great nobles. All the high-ranking members of the kingdom are either descendants of the royal family, or they were born in the families of the great nobles.

  The middle and lower class nobles, no matter how well they are in the court, they can't be the chief official. Even the king cannot break the unspoken rules of officialdom and forcibly promote him.

  Similar grade divisions are also reflected in all aspects. In the continent of Aslante, the more noble one was born, the better off one would be. In front of birth, ability has become a secondary factor.

  Common interests break all constraints. The original patriarchal succession rules have also changed due to the appearance of Hudson.

   Looking at the various documents piled up in front of him, Hudson felt his scalp go numb. Obviously, these are specific matters that the territory has accumulated over a long period of time and needs to be handled or understood by him personally.

   "Tom, notify the management of the territory to come to a meeting."

   Hudson said helplessly.

  As soon as he threw something in front of him, he excused himself from feeling unwell. Facing his own father's wayward performance, Hudson was powerless.

  The person in charge has left. If you want to know the details of the major events that happened in the territory in the past, you can only find the management of the territory to find out the situation.

  Vaintly, Hudson found that Baron Redman seemed to be implying him: the people in the management who cannot be sure of their loyalty need to be dismissed.

   But this kind of thing must be done beautifully. In any case, these people have made outstanding contributions to the development of the mountain territory.

   Taking people down without any evidence of their betrayal can easily cause panic.


  In Beda City, Earl Pierce, who stepped into the city lord's mansion, decisively stopped the celebration banquet. There are no important guests, and continuing to hold the banquet will only waste time.

  Just walked down from the battlefield, and fought wits and courage with a group of provincial nobles along the way, Earl Pierce, who was physically and mentally exhausted, just wanted to have a good sleep.

  Reviewing his performance in this war, he couldn't help but want to give himself two slaps.

   First, he released the dragon of Hudson and cultivated an opponent for himself; then he defeated the family's painstakingly accumulated foundation, and incidentally offended all the nobles in the province.

   Before recovering his vitality, he stepped on the pit of reselling military supplies, and almost lost his own life.

  Connecting all these scenes together, Earl Pierce found helplessly that the situation was deteriorating all the way, and he was purely doing evil on his own.

   Hudson soared into the sky, and even the upstart Koslow family couldn't suppress it.

  Even if he wanted to take restrictive measures, he didn't know where to start. After all, the most important strategy of the Koslow family at present is to open up wasteland.

  Everyone is nestled in the territory and buried in farming, and if they want to target the layout, they don't know where to start.

  Different from the northern aristocrats who were outsiders, the nobles below spontaneously blocked them after only one round of fueling the flames.

   As a family that has been rooted in the southeast province for many years, the Koslow family is still their own in the eyes of the nobles of the province.

  Because of too many mouths, he is related to many nobles in the province by marriage. With these relationships as bonds, no one would be foolish to tear them apart easily.

  Especially when he was in trouble before, Hudson really helped.

  Whether it’s taking care of you when arranging errands, or helping to purchase supplies to fill in holes later, it really makes everyone feel the importance of having a good relative.

   If there is no accident, the frequency of marriages between nobles in the same province of the Koslow family will continue to increase.

  These are things that the Dalton family cannot emulate. After all, monogamy is prevalent in the Alpha Kingdom, and if you want to have a large number of marriages, you must have more children first.

  In fact, even if he has many heirs, it is impossible for Earl Pierce to wantonly marry the nobles in the province.

  The Koslow family did this because they hadn't really integrated into the circle of great aristocrats. Except for Hudson himself, the other children of the Koslow family are still out of everyone's eyes.

  The existing circle of contacts determines that the Koslow family is now the most suitable for marriage with these small and medium-sized nobles in the province.

  The Dalton family is a veteran aristocrat, and their relationship network level is obviously much higher than that of the Koslow family.

  The political marriages of the younger generations are naturally carried out in the circle of the great nobles. It is impossible to lower your status and run to compete with the Koslow family for the small and medium nobles in the province.

  Looking at his son and nephew in front of him, Earl Pierce could only comfort himself: the competition among nobles is not only based on quantity, but also on quality.

   It can be said unceremoniously that these two people in front of them can beat all the children of the Koslow family except for Hudson.

   "The situation is changing a bit quickly. The rapid rise of the Koslow family has already affected the family's status in the province.

  However, this impact is long-term, and it will not have much impact on us in a short period of time.

  The main reason is that I made a wrong judgment on the battlefield before, which brought a lot of meaningless casualties to the family and offended a lot of provincial nobles. You have to learn from it.

   In future competitions, if the Koslow family faces each other, military measures should be avoided as much as possible. Since his debut, Hudson has gone through countless battles, no matter what kind of enemy he encounters, he has never lost a single one.

  This kind of ability to use troops to fight, I am afraid that there are few comparable in the whole continent. Now that he has become the fourth dragon knight in the mainland, it is even more difficult to deal with.

   Faced with this kind of enemy, unless he can be killed with a single stick, it is best to pull him into the circle of rules.

   The battle between the great nobles has always been long-term, and there is no need to care about temporary gains and losses. You must correct your mentality.

  The Koslow family is strong because of Hudson, and it will also decline because of him. The individual is too strong, and everyone lives in his shadow, which will inevitably affect the growth of other members.

  You don't have to fight Hudson directly, just wait for him to make mistakes. Generally speaking, this kind of nouveau riche will not last long.

   If you can’t wait, then spend time with him. As long as you live longer than Hudson, you can see the decline of the Koslow family.

  If you can't survive him, then let your son continue to suffer. This is a competition of patience, whoever persists longer will win the final victory. "

   Earl Pierce was powerless to say such cowardly words.

  Young people are inevitably angry. If you don’t give psychological counseling in advance, if your younger generation is provoked by others and runs to confront Hudson, it will be easy to suffer a big loss.

  The so-called forbearance is pure nonsense. If there is a conflict of core interests, every minute is the rhythm of turning faces.

  If there is no conflict of core interests, and everyone is not crazy, how can the two big forces have conflicts for no reason?

  A neighbor is never a reason to become an enemy. The only thing that can really turn the two big families into enemies is hatred and interests.

   Between the Koslow family and the Dalton family, it is obviously not up to that point. First of all, there is no deep hatred between the two, and secondly, the conflict of interests between the two parties has not yet intensified.

  This means that everyone can wait first, wait until the opponent makes a mistake, and then wait for the opportunity to make up the knife.

   "Uncle, don't worry! We won't do things we are not sure about."

   Viscount Cayo replied cautiously.

  It’s all the truth. He has been beaten by the society, but now he really can’t bring up the courage to face Hudson.

   Earl Pierce nodded slightly. As long as the nephew doesn't do anything, basically nothing will happen.

  As for his own son, he is still a brat at the moment, and he can’t even get out of Beda City. He won’t have any contact with the Koslow family at all, so it’s hard to do anything.

   "Both of you, prepare well, my flame lion is about to give birth. Although it is not as good as Hudson's dragon and earth bear, it is also a rare high-quality mount.

   If you can complete the contract with the cubs, it will definitely be of great help to your future development! "

  While speaking, Earl Pierce still couldn't help showing envy and jealousy. Regarding Hudson's relationship with Warcraft, he really doesn't know how to complain.

   When the votes are cast, the double monthly pass cannot be missed. Those readers whose monthly tickets have expired, Haiyue is so distressed!



  (end of this chapter)

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