MTL - The King of Special Warfare-v7 Chapter 530 :recover?

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Before Lin Fengting arrived, Lin Su came to the dormant cabin and pressed a red button on the dormant cabin.

The space in the cabin covered by the glass shield immediately released a large amount of airflow, which stirred the nutrient solution in the cabin, and more and more foam began to surge, completely covering Qin Weibai's body, only showing his face.

Lin Su pressed the blue button again.

The light was turned on in the dormant compartment, and then pieces of alloy metal that looked extremely thin began to rise from the bottom, covering most of the dormant compartment, leaving only a small part of the visible space.

During the three years from the chaos in the Snow Country to today, it is naturally impossible for Qin Weibai, who has been lying in the dormant cabin, to wear clothes. This series of measures can completely isolate the prying eyes of the opposite sex.

In fact, in this field, men do not have an advantage. Hundreds of years ago, the little princess of the Wang family of the North Sea stumbled and finally researched the potion of immortality and the body of the God of War.

Hundreds of years later, the Beihai Wang's biological laboratory is still controlled by Nalan Shiying, who is also a woman.

Now, Nalan Shiying is in charge of the biological laboratory of the East Imperial Palace, and the directors of the biological laboratories of the Beihai Wang family and the Lin family are also women.

This is a field where women hold up half the sky, or even most of the sky. Some authoritative organizations have published unreliable statements. It is said that the reason why this field can make women's status so brilliant is because many genetic medicines are available. It has the effect of greatly delaying aging.

Most of the two treatment groups that the Lin family is in charge of looking after Qin Weibai's condition and proposing treatment plans are female members. A few male members are not allowed to enter the laboratory at all on weekdays. Even if they do, the dormant chamber will start a series of measures Out of sight.

For experts in this field, the superficial condition of the injured person's body is not important, even the gender is not important. The data collected by countless instruments at all times is the most important.

Lin Su turned on the anti-spying equipment in the dormant cabin to isolate the inside and outside, and finally turned off the lights in this area.

In the darkness, even if Lin Fengting came, he could not see the situation in this area.

Lin Su, with countless thoughts stirring in his heart, gathered all the members of the medical team and stood beside the elevator door, waiting anxiously for Lin Fengting.

She held a glass of clear water in her hand, and the clear water was constantly turbulent in the paper cup.

The elevator numbers are going all the way down.

The further down, the more obvious Lin Su's arm trembled.

The elevator doors opened.

Wearing a thin windbreaker and pajamas underneath, Lin Fengting strode out of the elevator.

He came here in a hurry, with a serious face. After seeing Lin Su, he didn't talk nonsense, and asked directly, "What's going on?"

Lin Su smiled wryly, her face became even paler, and she said weakly, "I don't know either."

Lin Fengting's face turned even darker.

Recently, he has gradually stopped paying attention to this place. Although Qin Weibai's condition is very bad, the report he received was that her condition is indeed improving. If there is no accident, Qin Weibai's injury will be stable within two years Come down, soon five years, at most ten years, she should be able to wake up.

It's been a long time, but at least it can be regarded as definite news. Before that, the medical team didn't even dare to give this news.

Now that he has understood Qin Weibai's situation, it is naturally not suitable for Lin Fengting to pay close attention to the movements of the biological laboratory, but regarding this matter, he has indeed relaxed a lot in his heart.

Unexpectedly, when he was relatively relaxed, there was an accident here.


This place is at the core of Wangyou Mountain Villa, and the dormant warehouse is extremely advanced, what surprises can there be? !

Lin Fengting took a deep breath, looked at the restless medical team gathered around Lin Su, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone go to the conference room to rest, Lin Su stays here."

The members of the medical team froze for a moment, then walked slowly towards the conference room, and everyone's expression became more disturbed.

Lin Fengting let them enter the meeting room, not let them leave the laboratory.

What this means is already very clear.

Although I don't know the final result, but at least now, they are completely controlled.

After everyone disappeared, Lin Fengting took a look at Lin Su.

His eyes were neither sad nor happy, calm and deep, and his tone was even more indifferent: "Tell me, what's going on."

Lin Su's body trembled, and she was even a little unsteady.

"I do not know either."

Her voice was a little hoarse: "Someone put a rabbit in the dormant cabin, and the highness in the dormant cabin hugged the rabbit, and she moved... Her current physical condition is unable to move..."

Lin Fengting was stunned for a moment.

He looked at Lin Su in a daze: "What are you talking about? What kind of rabbit?"

He subconsciously wanted to walk in the direction of the dormant cabin, but then realized something was wrong and stopped.

"A rabbit entered the dormant compartment?"

It seemed that he couldn't believe it, and he confirmed it again.

Lin Su's face was bloodless, and he nodded with difficulty.

"What are you suspecting?"

Lin Fengting suddenly asked, in Lin Su's report to him just now, what was said was that she dared not speak, not that she didn't know anything.

Lin Su shook his head and murmured: "I dare not say."

"You think it's okay if you don't dare to say it? If you don't say anything, the family can only think that what happened this time was your mistake, and you will know the consequences when the time comes."

Lin Fengting narrowed his eyes.

"It has nothing to do with us."

Lin Su smiled wryly: "The medical team doesn't have the password to open the dormant chamber, and neither do you, the patriarch. There are three passwords. Neither the medical team nor you have the ability to open the dormant chamber, so who else can it be?"

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Fengting said something subconsciously, and then realized Lin Su's pointing, and he became even more speechless.

Qin Weibai here and Qin Weibai outside are twin sisters.

This is just to fool the medical team.

Lin Fengting naturally knew the relationship between the two Qin Weibai, it was completely one person.

Kill yourself?

It's all a mess.

If Qin Weibai outside wants to kill Qin Weibai here because of Li Tianlan's relationship, then judging from their relationship, it can only mean that Qin Weibai inside also thinks the same way.

how can that be?

"You're out of your mind."

Lin Fengting was silent for a while, and said calmly.

"I am a woman."

Lin Su's voice was calmer: "I understand better than any man how exaggerated a woman's jealousy can be, that kind of possessiveness is completely irrational.

And this is the only explanation, none of us can get the third password, but in fact, the hibernation compartment has indeed been opened.

What else can be explained?

Only the spiritual power of transcendence can hypnotize us silently, get the password, and then do this kind of thing.

Patriarch, jealousy is my speculation, but that rabbit is fact.

The facts are already in front of us, does it make sense for us to talk about anything else? "

She looked into Lin Fengting's eyes: "What I want to know is, under the cover of the supernatural spiritual power, do you think you can maintain your sanity, Patriarch?"

Lin Fengting did not speak.

He also had nothing to say.

If he can maintain his sanity, he is a Tianjiao-level figure.

In the face of the spiritual explosion in the transcendent realm, the only thing he can do is to protect himself. It is impossible to protect some information.

"She is not the only transcendent in the dark world."

Lin Fengting said lightly: "There is still a holy emperor in the sanctuary."

"But Qin Weibai outside is in a transcendent realm."

Lin Su repeated a fact.

This fact is very obvious.

Sheng Huang did have the ability to hypnotize the medical team and Lin Fengting, but they were both in the Transcendent Realm, so what did he use to hypnotize Qin Weibai?

If Qin Weibai can't be hypnotized, then he won't be able to get the third password, and he won't be able to open the dormant chamber.

The nearly perfect defense mechanism of the dormant compartment, plus the three passwords, all combined, all the spearheads seem to be directed at Qin Weibai outside.

Because only she has the strength to get the three passwords.

"You mean..."

Lin Fengting said something thoughtfully, then came back to his senses, and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense like this."

"The patriarch doesn't believe me?"

Lin Su's eyes were sharp: "Do you think I'm shirking responsibility?"

"I just believe that Qin Weibai would not do such a thing."

Lin Fengting rubbed his forehead, feeling a little helpless: "There are some things you don't quite understand, so you can trust my judgment.

As for the jealousy and possessiveness you mentioned, don't put your past experiences on others.

After the chaos in the Snow Country, it wasn't just the reincarnation palace master who had been lying down for several years.

Dongcheng Rushi has always been in the East Palace, and it is still there now, but is it safe and sound? Your speculation makes no sense at all. "

He waved his hand: "If you want to continue to show off your reasoning talent, we might as well change the topic.

Call up all her body data, and I will contact Beihai Wang to study it together. "

Beihai Wang also knew of the existence of two Qin Weibai.

Especially Xia Zhi, she was the first to know about it.

And she also knew very well what it would mean to the Beihai Wang family once Li Tianlan knew the existence of the two Qin Weibai.

So in the past few years, Beihai Wang has been trying her best to rescue Qin Weibai, and part of her body data can be shared with the other party.

The corner of Lin Su's mouth twitched, he hesitated to speak, and finally walked to the instrument silently, and called up Qin Weibai's latest body data again.

Various symbols with unclear meanings reappeared on the instrument.

Various thoughts flickered in Lin Su's mind.

She just felt that the world around her seemed to be spinning.

In the growing dizziness, she casually glanced at Qin Weibai's latest body data.


Lin Su was stunned for a moment.

Then glanced a second time.

Then she froze again.

She stood there, staring at the flashing data on the screen with a dazed expression, as if she had turned into a statue.

"Why are you in a daze?"

Lin Fengting came over and looked at the screen with her.

His heart also began to sink. Seeing Lin Su's dumbfounded appearance, he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The situation is bad?"

"Lin Su!"

He raised his voice.


Lin Suru woke up from a dream: ""

"To be clear, how bad is the situation?"

Lin Fengting said in a deep voice.

"Well, bad..."

Lin Su's voice was almost dreamy: "'s not very bad...this data..."

She stared blankly at the screen, as if sleepwalking: "Maybe, the equipment is malfunctioning..."

Lin Fengting frowned, a little dissatisfied.

"Because according to the latest data..."

Lin Su smiled wryly: "The one in the hibernation cabin, not only hasn't gotten worse, but judging by the data... she's even almost recovered now."