MTL - The King of Special Warfare-Chapter 11 : Code Dead

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As the official start time is getting closer, the interior of the sky college campus has gradually become lively.

It is lively, but it is also relatively speaking.

The campus of Sky Academy is huge. It has dozens of kilometers in length from east to west or from south to north. Nuoda University has less than 3,000 teachers and students scattered on the site. It's no exaggeration.

In the absence of unified action, it seems empty for most of the day and night. Fortunately, the residential area in the school is relatively dense. All teachers and students are concentrated in one area. As more and more new students enter the school, when they eat every day, the continuous stream of new students directly adds a lot of noise to this school. atmosphere.

This is almost a scene that Li Tianlan has never seen since childhood.

In addition to seeing so many people at the station when he first arrived in Huating, he was the first time to be exposed to such an environment.

Unlike the boring border, it faces the sea and the spring flowers bloom; here the sun is gentle and the breeze is blowing; the grass is green and the flowers are blooming; the smile is bright and the youth is flying.

The competitive environment inside Sky Academy is extremely cruel, but for Li Tianlan, everything here is like heaven.

For the rest of the world, peace and joy are at the heart of it.

Admission is already the sixth day.

For almost a week, Li Tianlan took time out every day to take a look.

When I first arrived, he almost instinctively wanted to know more about this legendary special war school. In the subconscious, he liked the feeling of mastering everything and knowing everything. He didn't know what these would be for his subsequent studies. , But at least there will be no harm.

Attentive and cautious, Li Tianlan has a near-morbid pursuit of details from an early age.

The only thing that regretted Li Tianlan was that he still had not seen his other two roommates the day before the official start of the school.

The dormitory Qin Ke changed for him is still a three-bedroom and one-living hall structure, but it is larger and more luxurious than the previous dormitory. It's not just this dormitory. In the accommodation area, the building where Li Tianlan is located seems to be more glamorous than other residential buildings. Li Tianlan has paid special attention to it. So far, less than twenty-four before the official opening of the school. In the hour, he was still the only resident in the building.

This also makes Li Tianlan feel a bit bitter. It is not because of loneliness, but from the entrance time of the freshmen in this building, it can be clearly seen that these freshmen who have not yet arrived at school are different from others. At least this arrogance is not. Extraordinary sound. How many of these classmates can talk well? This group of people gathered together, I am afraid the whole building will be quite lively in the future, Qin Ke arranged himself here, made it clear that he was uneasy.

The woman seemed to hate herself.

Standing in front of the window, combing everything that came to the Sky Academy for six days, Li Tianlan shook his head helplessly, walked out of the bedroom, and prepared to go out for dinner.

A crisp sound that sounded familiar and strange at the door suddenly sounded.

Then there was the sound of the door lock unlocking.

Li Tianlan, who had just stepped out of the bedroom, frowned. In his sight, the security door of the dormitory opened, and a tall figure entered the dormitory.

That's right, just one figure, or one.

Because this person is really too thin.

At least close to the height of one and eighty-five, but the whole body seems to have few or two flesh. Standing tall, there is no deterrent, but like a bamboo pole, it feels very weak.

He was wearing a black sportswear that looked as if he was wearing a robe, empty, and a dark brown wooden box slung behind him, but his back was so narrow that the box was shaking. The somewhat decadent young man with long hair temperament was stunned when he saw Li Tianlan, and a smile appeared on Bai Jing's skinny face, and he reached out his hand enthusiastically, "Hello, I am Li Baitian."

"I'm Li Tianlan."

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand and shook him. The palm of his opponent was the same as his figure, and all the bones were gripped.

"Li Tianlan? Well, my family, brothers, our two names are the same. It ’s true, there was an old Taoist priest who went to my house earlier this year and said that I could meet nobles, mother eggs, Ching Ming Festival Ah, noble? At that time, I almost drew a sword and slashed the entire family of the old king bastard. This is not a curse. What did I believe? I only believed when I saw you. If you are noble, do not say it first, just by the name, you know we have Fate, hey, why do n’t I change my name? My name is Li Tianbai. Will others think we are brothers when we go out? "

"Forget it, Li Tianbai's name is awful. How domineering Li Baitian is? You say yes, or you change your name to Li Lantian, that's good."

Li Baitian grabbed Li Tianlan's hand and shook it vigorously. His thin face was smiling brightly, and he could not stop talking.

Li Tianlan's expression is stiff. This super-familiarity is the first time he has seen it in his life. He has quite a lot of knowledge, but the other person's self-familiarity is always better than his expectation. It's much accepted.

The corner of his mouth moved, and he laughed: "It is not necessary to change the name. Even if we do not change the name, we have enough fate, and ..."

Li Tianlan hesitated. In the end, he still couldn't turn a blind eye to such an obvious slot, and spit out: "And if I change my name to Li Lantian, what is the sky you want to worship?"

"Well, that makes sense."

Li Baitian thought for a while, and nodded in approval: "If you want to change the name, I will become a joke. Where is my room?"

For this kind of jumping thinking, Li Tianlan could barely keep up, and pointed his fingers at the other two rooms and said, "Here we are now, and you can choose the remaining two rooms."

Li Baitian was really casual, dragging his body that was estimated to be 100 kilograms dead, and walked into the room closest to him.

He put the long box behind his back on the bed, and threw the weekly notebook in his hand, not even looking at the student code on the bed, and laughed casually: "Brother, have a meal together? I saw this when I came. There are a lot of broken local restaurants. You came earlier than me. Is there a good place to introduce? I invite you to wait until the official school starts tomorrow, and then you want to go to the hotel, then you have to pay for the credits, and then I ca n’t afford it.

"I'm all nearby."

Li Tianlan has a calm tone. He doesn't have any particulars about the meals. If he has meat, he can suffice. The meals in the cafeteria may be ordinary to others, but to him is a real gourmet.

"You don't understand life too much."

Li Baitian rolled his eyes and pulled out his mobile phone: "Wait a minute, I'll drag a girl, let's have a good meal together, I'll let her fix the position first. Three people, right? Do you have any friends? "

When Li Tianlan moved, he suddenly thought of Yu Qingyan. Although Qin Weibai and Yu Donglai were related, he and Yu Qingyan were not too familiar. For six days, they only had a meal together. That's it, she should be called now, but looking at the giggling bamboo pole in front of her, Li Tianlan is a little tangled, called Shang Yu Qingyan, won't she enter the tiger's mouth?

He shook his head subconsciously, and before speaking, the dormitory security door rang again.

A young man, about twenty-three years old, came into the dorm with a big bag.

Compared with a bamboo pole-like Li Baitian, the new roommate looks more reliable at least, with a medium build similar to Li Tianlan's short hair, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the bronze skin looks very manly.

His looks are not handsome, but they are sharp-edged and have a very hard taste. What is more different from Li Tianlan and Li Baitian is that he is wearing a dark green military uniform, and he is straight and goes to that one. Station, has its own strong aura.

Li Tianlan nodded at him, and said, "Hello, I'm Li Tianlan."

The military man nodded, his face cold.

Li Baitian, who heard the voice, came out of his room, looked at the new roommate, raised his eyebrows slightly, paused his eyes on his epaulets, and smiled, "Nice brother, is this a major for such a young man? Look It ’s not older than me, which army? ”

"Border Army, Ning Qiancheng."

The major cherishes the words as gold, and when he mentions the Frontier Corps, the lines are full of pride that is so clear.

Li Tianlan's eyes narrowed slightly. He was at the border all year round and knew little about the outside world, but the Border Guard Corps probably knew some. The full name of the Border Guard Corps is the Mid-Continent Border Guard Corps, which is responsible for the deployment of all borders in Central China. It guards border security with a total number of nearly 600,000 people. It can be said that it is the most elite large army in the entire Mid-Continent. The combat effectiveness is well deserved. Once the war breaks out, the entire Frontier Corps is located in the entire Mid-Continent. front!

The camp where he lived from an early age was near the border between Central Continent and Annan, and was tens of kilometers away from the camp. He was also stationed by the Border Prohibition Corps.

"Well, terrible, Major of the Frontier Legion, full of gold. Which brother's army?"

Li Baitian was amazed twice, and he hurriedly reached Ning Qiancheng.

"Xunlei Army, Deputy Battalion Commander of the Guards Battalion."

Ning Qiancheng's tone was light, but the pride was more and more obvious.

"People around Dongcheng Marshal?"

Li Baitian froze, the expression of the hippie smile finally converged, and asked in a solemn tone.

The Thunder Army of the Frontier Guard Corps, which is a direct army of the Commander of the Border Guard Corps, the invincible Marshal of Dongcheng, the Thunder Guard ’s guard battalion is responsible for protecting the safety of the Thunder Army ’s senior officers. It is the confidant of Marshal Dongcheng, and the young talent who is most valued by the Marshal of the Central Army.

The total size of the Border Guard Corps is nearly 600,000, and the combat troops are nearly 550,000. They are stationed in the provinces at the borders of Central China and other countries. The internal institutions are complex and the real power is very heavy. Isn't the young man the leader of the legion fancy?


Ning Qiancheng glanced at Li Baitian, his tone became more indifferent.

Li Baitian raised his eyebrows slightly, and then thoughtfully, murmured to himself: "Border Army, Ning Qiancheng, Ning Qiancheng, this name sounds familiar ..."


Ning Qiancheng raised his eyebrows slightly, looking at Li Baitian proudly.


Li Baitian slammed his head: "The border banning army Ning Qiancheng, pretend to force the city! Pretend to force the city is not you?"

Pretend to force the city ...

On the sidelines, Li Tianlan pumped his mouth hard, almost couldn't help laughing.

Li Baitian ignored Ning Qiancheng's gaze of spitting fire, with a look of excitement and chattering: "I've heard of your name already, is it you to pretend to be a city? I heard that you love pretending to be a city. Pretend to be a pretending to be a city, or a brother, for a long time to see his name. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation. "

Ning Qiancheng has a black line and is well-known? What the **** does that mean? Isn't he acting pretentious just now? How did this **** bamboo pole hear the nickname? Shouldn't that nickname be spread only in a small circle?

"who are you?!"

Ning Qiancheng gritted his teeth and looked at Li Baitian, waiting for his skin to be cut off.

"I? Oh, I'm Li Baitian, you must have never heard of me."

Li Baitian patted Ning Qiancheng on the shoulder and greeted him casually: "Come here, Tianlan, let me introduce you. This man is called Pretend City. You can also call him to force his brother to make him famous. One must, of course, the strength is also unfathomable. One of the top ten masters of the younger generation is much stronger than me. "

"My name is Ning Qiancheng!"

The muscles of Major Ning's eye were beating madly, almost roaring. What is this **** introduction?

"Yes, it's the same for pretending to be a city. You don't pretend to force me, brother. The first time you met, Tian Lan was very subtle and couldn't understand your profound artistic behavior."

Li Baitian laughed and shook Li Tianlan's shoulders.

"Hello, Major Ning."

Li Tianlan stretched out his hand with a smile, his eyes were mild and clear. For the real soldiers, and the soldiers who dare to kill at the border, he would never mind taking 12 points of respect to treat.

"Hello, Tianlan."

Hearing that Li Tianlan didn't tell him to force his brother, Ning Qiancheng's face suddenly eased, and his heart also had a good impression on him.

Pretending to be a city, he was really annoyed by this name. It was his friends who called him like this in the past, and he was not easy to turn his face. In his opinion, this was just a dark history.

"I said, pretend to be a city, you ..."

"Don't ask me to pretend to be a force!"

"That line, forcing brother."

"Don't call me brother! I'm not your brother!"

Li Tianlan shook her head with a smile, but she didn't move, but felt the mobile phone slightly shake in her pocket.

He took out his mobile phone and turned it on. On the screen, a picture of him and Qin Weibai snuggling their fingers together appeared in front of his eyes.

Li Tianlan's eyes softened suddenly.

On the screen, there was a message from Qin Weibai.

Not using text messages, but WeChat, which seems quite high-end to Li Tianlan.

"I've arrived in Billy. Brussar is very airy and the sunset is beautiful. We should take a look together."

Li Tianlan's eyes were gentle, his fingers were beating on the screen for a long time, but he didn't know what to return.

He suddenly discovered that Qin Weibai didn't know when he had changed his head.

Her former head was a white snow and pale glare, but now her head has become a pale white paper.

Li Tianlan subconsciously enlarged Qin Weibai's head.

On the avatar's paper, two lines of light and graceful words are written with a pen, as if the small characters are flowing.

At this moment, all of Li Tianlan's mind emerged, all of which were Qin Weibai's intoxicating appearance of these two lines.

"Who are you from me?"

"You are mine."

Li Tianlan took a deep breath. At this moment, others were in the sky academy, but the whole person's mind seemed to have flown to the country of Billy, thousands of miles away, and to the sunset of the capital of Brusel.

The setting sun was beautiful there, but the beauties beside him were more beautiful.

Really is...

It's weird and very comfortable.

He held his mobile phone and looked at Qin Weibai's new avatar.

Around him, Li Baitian's chattering voice still surrounds his ears.

"It's okay not to ask you to pretend to force the city, but pretend to force you to refuse such an affectionate title, which makes it difficult for me to understand. You said, let me call you! By the way, I heard The officers of the Forbidden Legion on your side are all coded? Tell me what your code is? "

Li Baitian, Ning Qiancheng's breathing was stagnant.

He calmly glanced at Li Tianlan holding his mobile phone, and said lightly, "My new code is a dead man."

"Pretend to force the city, you start pretending again."



King of Special Wars Reader Group: 670548567. The group file contains the first two chapters of the King of Special Wars. Brothers who are interested can add a new book ...

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