MTL - The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters-Chapter 9

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Shen Qinyan's hair was still semi-wet, and the drops of water glowed slightly under the light, making his face even more beautiful.

Seeing the large, small, and two people standing in front of the desk, he paused slightly and walked towards them.

Shen Qinyan: "What are you doing?"

The child Shen Mian was a recidivist. When he saw his father, he jumped off the small stool and kicked the pen that fell on the floor to an inconspicuous place with a sweet smile. Visit the study. "

This is the first time Ye Qing has done such a thing as a shame pen.

Her old face was a little reddish, and she felt like she had been taken away by a three-year-old baby girl?

What kind of tragic childhood she had in the memory she didn't remember? So that everyone is an adult, and just playing games with children?

Disrespectful of the old! Disrespectful of the old!

Ye Qing introspected himself, and then naturally looked at Shen Qinyan's eyes, boasting with a smile: "Your study is quite big, and I also like the style."

"Oh, thank you very much." Shen Qinyan said in a faint tone, stopped three steps away from Ye Qing, lowered his head, and his eyes fell on the pen beside Ye Qing's feet.

The kid next to Shen Mian murmured, thinking badly. Before the game started, she forgot to remind her mother to pay attention, so that her mother could not hide the evidence for the first time, she had to expose the cat in front of her father!

The child Shen Mian's bad habit of throwing things off the table and listening to the noise is inherent.

Every time my father meets, he will definitely criticize her.

She also changed a lot, learned to control herself, and no longer dared to lose everything, but still sneaked into Dad's study and secretly played with Dad's pen.

Then before Dad came back, put the pen back, pretending that nothing had happened.

Everything is fine, Dad never found out!

And now! Meow is about to be exposed!

Will she not even be able to play with a pen in the future?

As a kitten, Shen Mian feels that this is a bit cruel to it

But think, in sight, her kind, gentle and intelligent mother, without any confusion, looked down at the pen with a little surprise, "Yeah, Mr. Shen, your pen has dropped."

Shen Qinyan had a glamorous face, expressionless, and looked at Ye Qing coldly. Although her tone was not heavy, she took a somewhat daunting chill: "When I left, my pen seemed to be caught in a notebook."

"Oh, maybe it just came out accidentally." Ye Qing said casually.

The child Shen Mian, who was worried about her mother, stayed, blinking her eyes and looking at her poorly.

Mom, this is it, have you given it up?

"Children of this age are very lively. I didn't think I found them when they hit them." Ye Qing bent down, picked up the pen naturally, and put it back on the desk. "The child is young, don't be too kind. Care about it. "

Shen Qinyan listened coldly, but did not express his position.

Ye Qing didn't care how Shen Qinyan responded. After speaking, he walked to the side and rubbed Shen Mian's head, and said softly, "Mian Mian, your father is back to work, shall we go back?"

The mother's hand above her head was warm and powerful.

The children of Shen Mian returned blood instantly and left behind the words of the mother and father.

That was not a confession, but a stopgap!

Mom is so good!

Shen Mian focused his head and waved at Dad: "Dad, let me go to sleep with my mother first."

After talking, he followed Ye Qing away.

Shen Qinyan looked cold: "Wait."

The mother and daughter stopped.

Shen Mian, who had just done a little bad thing, was suddenly nervous. What did his dad do? Is Dad going to settle the bill after the fall? Is she forbidden to enter the study room to play with a pen?

Ye Qing calmly touched the child's head, turned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Qin Yan leaned slightly at the table, holding the picked up pen in his hand: "There will be a dinner tomorrow night. The two of you will be with me."

Business trip in the city?

Ye nodded slightly, and spoke well: "Okay."

The child Shen Mian has attended several dinners, and when she heard that she was relieved, she naturally nodded: "Oh, good."

She thought about it, and felt that the hard-working father was a bit pitiful, and she was very intimate before leaving: "Daddy, don't work too late, rest early, good night ~"

Shen Qinyan's face slowly eased: "Well, good night."

As soon as the mother and daughter left, Shen Qinyan looked back.

He took the picked up pen back to the office chair and sat down.

The locker at the bottom of the desk was locked with a combination lock. He pressed a few numbers and the combination lock opened in response.

There was nothing but two boxes of pens inside.

A box of pens that had been thrown away so that the ink would overflow after opening and needed to be cleaned before being reused.

A box is brand new.

Shen Qinyan threw the pen in her hand into the waste box, and extended her hand to pick up the pen that was kicked to the corner by her daughter, and threw it in.

Then he took two brand new ones and locked the cabinet.

Abandoned pens will be cleaned away regularly by the aunt Yin, and after cleaning, donate no bad donations to Hope Primary School.

This project has been going on silently for some time.

no way.

Raising a daughter is trouble, and raising a cat daughter is even more annoying.


It's not too late after coming out of the study.

The children of Shenmian are well educated, and many things are done by themselves.

Brush your teeth, wash your face, and change your pajamas.

Ye Qing supervised for a while and saw that Shen Mian climbed to bed and lay down obediently, then turned off the lights and left.

As soon as she left, the child lying on the bed instantly became a little milk cat.

Shen Mian's room, in order to satisfy her hobby, put a lot of small wooden boards on the wall, which looked like a decoration.

But in fact, this should be called a cat climbing frame.

This distorted cat climbing frame is on the wall throughout the room.

The little milk cat happily walked along the small wooden boards on the four walls, jumping around, crawling around, and when he was exhausted, he fluttered on the bed, turned over so tired that the fluffy Small belly.

The little milk cat remained motionless with its four claws facing up. After a minute, it might be tired, and then rolled on the bed a few times, turning into a person.

She is tired, she really wants to sleep.

But she doesn't want to sleep alone, she wants to sleep with her mother!

The little girl immediately held her fish doll, climbed down from the bed, opened the door, and knocked on the door of Ye Qing's room.

Ye Qingshu was finished washing, just lying on the bed and turning on the tablet to follow the drama.

After just watching for three minutes, I heard a knock on the door.

Tap three times, stop one stop, tap three times, stop again ...

This familiar knocking rhythm seems to be that her work object has not run away.

Ye Qing was a bit desperate.

She wants to chase dramas!

But now there is a contract in hand, Ye Qing can't ignore it, he can only press the pause button first, then get up, and open the door carefully.

Sure enough, the little girl wanted to squeeze in as soon as the door opened.

For Marshmallow, it is her specialty to drill into a small gap.

But Ye Qing had prepared early, and blocked the little girl tenderly and powerfully, with a gentle smile on his face, rubbing the girl's messy hair, and asked softly: "What's wrong with cotton? Look for it so late Is there something wrong with me? "

The child Shen Mian subconsciously rubbed his mother's palm and said sweetly, "Mom, Mian Mian wants to sleep with you tonight ~"

Ye Qing blinked softly, looked down at the little girl, and nodded the girl's forehead with her index finger: "No."

Shen Mian hesitated: "Why? Mom, you used to sleep with your dad!"

Why can I sleep with my dad but not with her?

Because she is not a 24-hour work system, she sleeps at night, it is her personal time.

There is still a difference between work and life.

But it is impossible for Ye Qing to tell the innocent and lovely girl.

She gently touched the little girl's head: "Because both parents are adults, adults can sleep together. But adults and children cannot."

Shen Mian felt that something was wrong, but she was too young and could not tell what was wrong, and only nodded poorly: "Well then ... wait for Mian Mian to grow up, and sleep with her mother!"

Ye Qing's mouth flared up: "Mian Mian is really good, Mum and Mian Mian will grow up."

"Well! That mother is good night!" The child Shen Mian was immediately encouraged and hugged her mother, then stepped back to her room with her short legs.

Ye Qing watched the girl go back before closing the door.

Then she lay back on the bed and continued to watch the palace fight she was chasing.

Coincidentally, the heroine of this palace drama is the heroine of this book, Lin Su.

Coincidentally, Ye Qing saw this at the dinner the next night.


Lin Su is charming and attractive, with a good figure.

Wearing a tight red dress, she walked through the dinner and attracted countless lights.

Seeing the crowd of people around Shen Qin feast, Lin Xumei moved her eyes slightly, took a glass of wine and walked over.

This man, she was extremely interested. She saw her heart at first glance a while ago.

But the man was unmoved.

But that's okay. When encountering such a difficult thing, she was very excited, and licked the corner of her lips gently, and her eyes were like a prey.

"Mr. Shen." Lin Su raised a confident smile and walked across the field with full openness. "Coincidentally, we met again."

Shen Qin Yan nodded his head, his expression was dull: "Miss Lin."

When several men around Shen Qin feast saw Lin Xu, they all had their eyes brightened and greeted Lin Xu.

Lin Su laughed and echoed a few words, and then turned the topic to Shen Qinyan: "General Shen, I'm coming to you today. I have something to ask you."

Shen Qinyan shook his glass slightly, and didn't talk much about him.

Lin Su: "You recently invested in a movie. I have auditioned for this movie. The director is very satisfied with me. I talked with the director about the willingness to cooperate some time ago. But he said to me a few days ago that you are not very Agree with me? "

The reason she can guess seven or eight is probably because she doesn't want to contact her and wants to avoid her.

After all, the night she first saw him, she threw him a room card, but they didn't come.

Several times after that, she also basically returned home, and learned that the man had a three-year-old daughter.

It's a pity to have a daughter. It was like a tempting cake, but it was bitten beforehand.

However, after all investigations, she concluded that men should be single.

Just be single.

In terms of feelings, Lin Su never treats himself.

It's not feudal society. What's wrong with her opening up?

The next few men heard it, staring at each other, looking at Shen Qinyan in amazement.

This forest scum is a natural stunner!

Looks good. Which man doesn't love and doesn't want to have it?

And, aside from this, people have strong abilities, good acting skills, and the plays they play are basically popular.

Everyone was eager to have a relationship with Lin Su, but in the end, President Shen was so cruel?

Shen Qinyan was bland and didn't feel that he needed to explain to the other party, so he planned to leave.

As a result, the voice of a little girl sounded, "I told my father not to play you!"

Everyone froze slightly and looked down subconsciously.

Then she saw a female doll wearing a pink princess dress, who did not know when it came in, and stood beside Shen Qinyan, looking at Lin Su with vigilance.

Shen Mian did not like this aunt very much.

She had followed Aunt Yin before the dinner party, and she had seen this aunt go to her father several times.

Shen Mian felt that the other party wanted to be her stepmother!

But she has her own mother. She doesn't want a stepmother!

So a few days ago, when she was playing in the study, she heard a video conference with her father and people, and mentioned the heroine's candidate.

She told her father what she liked, and her father removed the aunt.

As a daughter, she's going to help her mother guard her father!

Lin Su stared, and looked up and down at the little girl.

This is Shen Qinyan's three-year-old daughter, right?

It looks cute, but it's too arbitrary.

A miserable and powerful young lady, a bear child who is free.

Lin Su dislikes children very much, and especially hates creatures like bear children.

She didn't like it, and she didn't show her face. After all, as acting, she still had some acting skills.

Lin Xu didn't bother talking to a bear child, and asked the child her father directly: "Mr. Shen, what does Qian Qianjin mean?"

When the daughter leaned on her lap, Shen Qinyan reached out and touched her daughter's head, and casually helped her daughter translate it: "She means, she doesn't like you."

Shen Mian nodded and recognized Dad's translation: "Yes, aunt, I don't like you."

Lin Su continued to ignore the bear children and did not lose his principle because he was interested in Shen Qinyan: "General Manager Shen, because of the preference of a non-sensible child, don't you think it is too hasty? "

Shen Qinyan said lightly: "No way, biological. If you don't follow it, it will cry."

Rolled over his laptop keyboard, meowing melancholy, not letting him work without promise.

What can he do?

Hearing Dad's shortness, Shen Mian blushed, and pulled on Dad's sleeves, and then thought of his mother who wasn't following her, standing outside.

She just saw that aunt was looking for her father again, and hurriedly pulled her mother over, but was blocked from the circle with her mother, so she had to get in first.

The child Shen Mian glared at the aunt fiercely, and then screamed with a tiptoe: "Mom? Mom? What about you? Come on!"

Standing outside, drinking orange juice and smiling at Ye Qing, watching the show: "?"

Countless eyes gathered towards her, the deepest of which came from the female heroine Lin Su in the book.

The author has something to say: Ye Yeqing: Silly child, don't cue me.


* Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during the period of 2019-11-2619: 02: 07 ~ 2019-11-2717: 08: 55

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of sea views in this life; 3 bottles of bananas for snacks; 1 bottle of dantrian;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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