MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 536 end 2

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   "Huh, you won't be open if you don't open up? In these thirteen realms, it's not your turn to speak up!" The flame master said insidiously.

   As soon as the Daluo Domain Lord saw Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian, he shot hard at them.

   But he didn't expect that in millions of years, Bei Gongxue had already realized the conditions for becoming a master. And fighting him like this, Bei Gongxue's feeling instantly deepened a little bit again.

   She is sure that as long as she touches that level again, she will be able to break through!

   The first Wentian originally wanted to help Bei Gongxue to deal with the Daluo Domain Lord, but Bei Gongxue did not agree, "Wentian, I will come by myself, this is an opportunity!"

Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, he knew what she meant by the first question, but even if he knew what she meant, he was still a little worried, so his eyes kept staring at the movements of the Daluo Domain Lord, for fear of him It will hurt Bei Gongxue.

   Seeing that Bei Gongxue was able to tie the main battle of Da Luoyu alone, the other domain owners were very surprised.

   You must know that in order to enter the crown of the Hongmeng Tree and break the barriers of space, this time, they all came here, not the spiritual body!

   What made the rulers feel **** is that, beating and beating, Bei Gongxue actually showed signs of advancing!

   Seeing that Bei Gongxue was about to be promoted, Xuanyuan Yinyue immediately took over to replace her and confront the Lord of the Daluo Region.

   "Boom", after the two palms were facing each other, the Daluo Domain Lord actually stepped back!

   This time, the rulers couldn't help but glance at each other, and then prepared to destroy a few people with more and less.

   But, how could the tree spirit of the Hongmeng Tree allow it? Xuanyuan Yinyue, but his great benefactor.

  So, just when the rulers were about to make a move, a tall young figure appeared in front of them, and the young man waved his hand and suppressed a few people.

   "Since you have become masters, it's time to leave! This Hongmeng Tree can no longer hold you, so let's go!"

   Hearing the words of the spirit of the Hongmeng Tree, the masters panicked, "No, my lord, we don't want to leave the Thirteen Realms!"

But the spirit of the Hongmeng Tree ignored it, "You have stayed in the Thirteen Realms for so long, but you are only thinking about how to deprive me of the Qi of Chaos, I have accommodated you long enough, then, you will go The place to go!"

   After saying that, the Spirit of Hongmeng Tree left a fan in his right hand, and the thirteen people disappeared in front of Bei Gongxue and others.

After Bei Gongxue successfully broke through, the spirit of the Hongmeng tree said: "I'm just a Hongmeng tree wandering in the dark territory. After you have broken through the dominance, you must not be like them, just for fun, in a corner, outside. The world is actually very big, and that's where you belong!"

   After that, the sight of the spirit of the Hongmeng Tree deliberately fell on Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian, "Do you two have godheads?"

   Thinking that the Lingzhu mentioned by Huanling is the Godhead, Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian nodded, and then summoned the Lingzhu.

Seeing this, the spirit of the Hongmeng Tree nodded gratified, "It turns out that the two of you have obtained the godhead. After you become masters, you can try to integrate the godhead, but I want to tell you in advance that the person who integrates the godhead is the creator. Guardian of the World God! This is your inescapable responsibility."

   Bei Gongxue and First Wentian looked at each other, and finally nodded, "We got it, thank you senior for your advice!"

   "You don't have to thank me, this is your fate! Well, let's go!" The Spirit of the Hongmeng Tree said after taking a deep glance at a few people.

   Bei Gongxue and others nodded slightly, and then left the Crown of Hongmeng Tree.

   After returning, Bei Gongxue told Xuanyuan Yinyue and the others the news she had obtained from the ghost.

  Xuanyuan Yinyue and the others thought for a long time before saying solemnly: "It seems that we still need to work harder. I thought that the Thirteen Realms were the highest plane, but I never thought that there is a sky beyond the sky!"

   Bei Gongxue nodded in agreement, "Maybe the old man Tianyuan went to that dark territory!"

After some scrutiny and speculation, Bei Gongxue and others temporarily stayed in the Thirteen Realms. First, they were waiting for others to break through the realm of domination. Second, they didn't know what the situation in the dark realm was. Take advantage of the opportunity now to get along with your relatives and friends. After all, whether there will be a chance to meet again in the future is still unknown.

   After saying goodbye to Xuanyuan Yinyue and others, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian went to find a pair of children.

  Because Bei Gongxue is already the master, it is no longer difficult for her to open the space barrier. After searching for many planes, the two finally found the first Jinghong and the first Ziluo and others.

   Fortunately, both of them have become extremely capable under the guidance of the first question, so even in unfamiliar environments, they live well.


   Time is like water, flowing forward slowly but without stopping.

   After the first Wentian and others had broken through the master, Bei Gongxue knew that it was time for them to leave.

   Unlike the heavy heart when he left last time, this time, Bei Gongxue and others were more curious.

   With a heart of exploration, Bei Gongxue and others broke through the space barriers and left the Thirteen Realms.

   And when they left, what they saw was a mysterious and starry dark territory.

   As for them, behind them is an ancient and luxuriant tree, and on the leaves of the tree, there are droplets of crystal water droplets like dew.

   Now Bei Gongxue and others already know that the bottom of the water is the so-called small world!

After    and the group bowed to the body of the Hongmeng Tree, they took the flying boat and sailed towards the depths of the dark territory.

   In the vast darkness, there are countless spots of starlight. When Bei Gongxue and the others thought they would soon arrive at the place where the starlight was, they would find that the starlight was actually far away from them.

   And after reaching the dark territory, the little black cat became extraordinarily active.

   "I tell you, I was born in Hongmeng, and I don't know if the mother goddess has returned now." The little black cat jumped up and down, wishing to fly to some goddess immediately.

   Bei Gongxue's face was helpless, "Calm down, aren't we going where you said?"

  According to the description of the little black cat and the ghost, as long as you pass through this dark territory, you can enter the origin world.

  The flying boat moved forward smoothly along the way. After flying for tens of thousands of years, Bei Gongxue and other talents finally saw a huge black vortex.

   As soon as the little black cat saw the black vortex, he jumped on Bei Gongxue's shoulder excitedly, "It's there! It's there! Come in!"

   Bei Gongxue held down the excited body of the little black cat, and then everyone drove towards the black hole.

   When approaching the black hole, the little black cat's body once again turned into a huge sphere and swallowed the flying boat.

   "Master, you must have a Hongmeng Lingbao-level spiritual weapon to enter the Siyuan Realm. Wait a moment." The little black cat passed it on to Bei Gongxue with his divine sense.

   Bei Gongxue asked worriedly: "It won't hurt you, will it?"

   Last time, Xiao Hei almost died.

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the little black cat immediately replied: "Master, don't worry, I'm fine! This black hole needs to be verified, as long as it is a Hongmeng Lingbao, it can pass smoothly, and it will not affect me in any way."

   As soon as these words came out, Bei Gongxue's heart was finally relieved.

   Then, with the help of Xiao Hei, the flying boat flew for another half a month, and Bei Gongxue and others saw the light of day again.

   But this time, what they saw was no longer darkness, but blue sky and white clouds, which was clear and bright.

   The aura here is also very rich, and almost every breath is filled with aura.

   Apart from the little black cat, the most exciting thing is the ghost.

   "Oh my God, I'm back! I'm really back in the source world!" The ghost was a little unbelievable.

   He did not expect that these humans from low-level planes would actually have the ability to reach the Origin World!

   You must know that the Origin World is the birthplace of the world. It is more difficult for people from low-level planes to enter the Origin World than to ascend to the sky!

   However, before the ghost can recover from the shock, he was caught by the first questioner in the palm of his hand.

"You are most familiar with this place. What should we pay attention to? You have to say it word for word!" Although the tone of the first question was calm, the ghost was already shocked by him and did not dare to resist, so when he heard the first question God's words, he couldn't help but fear in his heart.

   "I know, I never dare to hide it!" The voice of the ghost was a little trembling.

"The Origin World is divided into five areas, namely the central area and the four areas of north, south, east, and west. Except for the central area, the other four areas are governed by ten great emperors! I used to belong to the northeast area governed by the phantom gods! Every great emperor controls a temple, and apart from the ten major temples, the most powerful one is the Hongmeng Temple in charge of the God of Creation, which is said to be the core of the entire Origin World."

   After the ghostly spirit said a lot in trepidation, Bei Gongxue and the others also had a basic understanding of the Siyuan Realm.

   In the end, the group decided to explore the current situation in the Siwon world before considering what to do.


   But what Bei Gongxue and the others did not expect was that not long after they entered the Siyuan Realm, someone knew of their arrival.

   It was night, Bei Gongxue and others were just about to fall asleep when a dark shadow appeared.

   "Xixue, Ziyue, you shouldn't stay here for a long time, leave this place with me first!"

   A voice that made them both unfamiliar and familiar resounded in the minds of Bei Gongxue and Xuanyuan Yinyue.

   The two of them were shocked, but after thinking back for a while, they realized, "Senior Tianyuan?"

   Seeing that the two of them did not forget themselves, a gratified smile appeared on the lips of the old man Tianyuan, "Yes, it's me, you really came! But your whereabouts have been exposed, so please leave here with me!"

   Hearing the words of the old man Tianyuan, Bei Gongxue and Xuanyuan Yinyue hesitated and agreed.

   Then, the two called others, how to take the black cloak handed over by Tianyuan old man and put it on them, and leave with him.

Not long after everyone left, a dark figure quietly emerged from the ground. Seeing that there was no one in the room, the black figure smirked and snorted coldly: "Hmph, it runs quite fast! However, just Even the God of Creation and the God of the Underworld have the Tao of the deity, let alone you!"

  Hmph, the shadow suddenly disappeared from the house, and then chased in the direction Beigongxue and the others fled.

   Bei Gongxue and the others, under the leadership of the old man Tianyuan, madly traversed the space all the way, flickering from left to right, and their forward direction was disordered.

   "Senior, why are you in such a hurry?" Bei Gongxue asked puzzled.

  The face of the old man Tianyuan has been tense since he smiled when he saw a few people, as if he was guarding something.

Hearing Bei Gongxue's question, the old man Tianyuan said while waiting for everyone to dodge, "If you don't leave, the Soul Emperor will chase after him! There is a Godhead owner who is on the Soul Emperor's side now, and there is a mutual relationship between Godheads. Induction, so as soon as you come, the Soul Emperor will know."

   Bei Gongxue nodded, and then asked: "How did the senior know that I was waiting?"

The old man Tianyuan glanced at Bei Gongxue and explained: "Because I have left a special mark on the spirit bead, once you arrive at the source world, I can immediately perceive where you are, so I can Find you one step faster than the Soul Emperor!"

   Having said that, the old man Tianyuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, he found a few people first, otherwise, once Bei Gongxue and others were caught, with their current methods, I am afraid they would not be able to keep the spirit beads.

  If the Spirit Orb is taken away by the Soul Emperor, then the owner is really helpless.

   Hearing the words of the old man Tianyuan, Xuanyuan Yinyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Why does the Soul Emperor want to chase and kill me?"

"Of course it's because you have a godhead! You didn't know when you first arrived that the creator **** who was going to transcend the tribulation was actually trapped in the source space by the soul emperor. The God of Creation is out of the source space!" Tianyuan old man said helplessly.

  If he had known this earlier, he would definitely not have listened to the words of the **** of the underworld and escaped with the godhead.

   But what he said made Bei Gongxue and Xuanyuan Yinyue both alarm bells in their hearts. Is the old man Tianyuan planning to let them save the God of Creation? What is his plan?

Seeing the defensive expressions on their faces, the old man Tianyuan's expression sank, and he said, "You don't have to be so defensive about me, let me tell you the truth, this godhead was originally placed in your small world. Since you have obtained Godhead, you are the guardian of the God of Creation, and you are obliged to save her!"

   Elder Tianyuan said these words, Bei Gongxue and others were immediately shocked.

What? The godhead was deliberately left by the old man Tianyuan?

   "Dare to ask senior, what is the relationship between you and the God of Creation?" Bei Gongxue asked.

   Looking at the changes in the expressions on the faces of several people, the old man Tianyuan replied: "The God of Creation is my Lord!"

   Hearing this, Bei Gongxue and the others immediately looked at each other in dismay. They always knew that the origin of the old man Tianyuan was mysterious, but they never thought that he was actually the subordinate of the God of Creation.

   While several people were talking, the old man Tianyuan suddenly changed his face, "Damn! The Soul Emperor is chasing after him!"

   After the words fell, the nerves of Bei Gongxue and the others suddenly became tense. The person who can make the old man Tianyuan so nervous is by no means an ordinary person!

   After a while, Bei Gongxue and others knew that what the old man Tianyuan said was true, because those who possessed spiritual beads clearly sensed the approach of other spiritual beads!

   Bei Gongxue and the others took their breaths and watched the old man of Tianyuan use his supernatural powers to quickly pass through the gates of space.

   But even so, he still couldn't stop the Soul Emperor from chasing after him.

In the end, the old man of Tianyuan gritted his teeth and said, "I will take you to the source space now! Don't be afraid of those who have Lingzhu, as long as the God of Creation is safe and sound, you will be safe and sound! If you are unwilling, then hand over Out of the Spirit Orb, I will let others bring the Spirit Orb into the source space!"

   Bei Gongxue and others could see that this matter was very urgent, and they didn't even have enough time to think.

   But in the end, several people nodded and said: "If you are a guardian, you have the responsibility of a guardian! Let's go!"

The old man Tianyuan listened, and nodded with relief, "Don't worry, the Underworld God has also entered the source space, and some time ago, the ancient well of chaos also appeared, and now with the help of the spirit beads, I believe that the master and you will definitely You can come back safely!"

   During the conversation, time passed quickly.

   When the old man Tianyuan stopped, Bei Gongxue and others went to the so-called Hongmeng Hall.

   It was too late to observe the surrounding scene, and several people sacrificed spiritual beads according to the request of the old man Tianyuan.

   Bei Gongxue was originally suspicious. After all, she could not completely believe the words of the old man Tianyuan.

   But after arriving at Hongmeng Palace, Bei Gongxue strangely felt a mysterious connection with him!

   And it was this mysterious connection that was so weak that he almost didn't notice it that made Bei Gongxue's heart strangely quiet.

   At this time, with the sacrifice of the spirit beads, several pillars in the center of Hongmeng Hall lit up.

After the    pillar lit up, the Lingzhu immediately flew into the pillar.

  Because each pillar corresponds to a spirit bead, and the first questioner has three beads of blood spirit bead, soul bead and magic bead in his hand, so he can only choose one column.

   Seeing this, the old man Tianyuan said: "Choose quickly, the remaining two beads will come from others!"

   First Wentian nodded, and then chose the Blood Spirit Orb, which has always been connected to his own bloodline.

   And as soon as he got close to the pillar, the whole person disappeared in place.

   At this time, the old man Tianyuan looked at the others, "Whoever has stronger mental power, go to control the Soul Soul Orb! Those who are good at illusion, control the Illusory Soul Orb!"

   After the words were finished, Jun Wugou and Fengjianche nodded, and then walked towards the pillar where the Soul Soul Orb was located, while Yun Zhengran, after kissing Ian, walked towards the pillar where the Illusory Spirit Orb was shot.

   When the Soul Emperor came, the light in the Hongmeng Hall instantly shone brightly, and outside the Hongmeng Hall, there was an extra layer of barrier, which blocked the Soul Emperor from the main hall.

   Seeing this, the old man Tianyuan's legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground.

   Xuanyuan Yinyue's eyes were quick and he immediately supported him.

Outside the    hall, the Soul Emperor's face was distorted, and he frantically urged his spiritual energy to attack the barrier.

   But the attack that was enough to destroy the world was swallowed up by the barrier one by one, and even the slightest wave could not be turned up.

   Seeing this scene, Tianyuan old talent took a long sigh of relief.

   "Fortunately, you both appeared together! The sky has eyes, and the sky has eyes!"

   When he learned that the Godhead could help the God of Creation escape from the source space, he was extremely annoyed, but the Soul Emperor stared at him closely, and he did not dare to retrieve the Spirit Orb.

  Fortunately, he did not disperse the spirit beads in different realms. Otherwise, how could he gather several godheads at once today to help the creator gods get out of trouble?

   Outside the hall, the Soul Emperor was still frantically attacking the barrier, while inside the hall, Xuanyuan Yinyue and the others' hearts were all in their throats.

   The old man Tianyuan was staring at the white light group in the center of the pillars of Hongmeng Hall.

   Time passed bit by bit, and outside the Hongmeng Palace, many masters gradually gathered.

   Everyone joined forces and launched an attack on the Hongmeng Hall, trying to break through the barrier and prevent the God of Creation from leaving the source space.

   Seeing this, the die-hard fans of the God of Creation fought against it. For a time, apart from the fact that the Hongmeng Hall was relatively clean, the world outside the hall was instantly covered with blood and broken limbs.

   As for the Soul Emperor, he stared at the Hongmeng Palace, urging his spiritual energy to attack the barrier again and again.

   This protracted war lasted for nearly three months, and within these three months, countless guards of the Hongmeng Temple were tragically killed by the Soul Emperor.

   Fortunately, after three months, the original space finally changed.

   The first person who appeared in front of Xuanyuan Yinyue and the others was a handsome young man they did not know. Seeing everyone, the young man folded his fists and smiled gratefully, "Thank you all! Downwind Ruize!"

  The old man Tianyuan was stunned, what about Feng Ruize, his master?

   "You... Who are you? Where is my master!?" The old man Tianyuan shook his body, a little shocked.

  Feng Ruize saw his appearance of being beaten, and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, old man, I was only sent out first, and there are people behind!"

  The old man Tianyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then stared at the light group.

   After a while, another little boy appeared. After the boy appeared, he walked towards Feng Ruize and became very close to him. Obviously, the two knew each other.

  Tianyuan old man's eyes were disappointed for a while, and then he continued to wait, while Xuanyuan Yinyue and others were also watching the light group closely.

   The third person to appear was Long Qingya. Seeing the appearance of an acquaintance, Xuanyuan Yinyue and the others were all relieved.

   The first Jinghong saw Long Qingya and immediately stepped forward and hugged her tightly.

   Immediately afterwards, the first Wentian, Yundu, Jun Wugou, Bei Gongxue and others all returned.

   Until everyone who entered just now appeared, the person Tianyuan waited for finally appeared.

   Seeing the other party, Tianyuan old man's eyes suddenly turned red, "Master, you are back!"

   It was an extremely cold black-haired woman. Her coldness was different from Xuanyuan Yinyue's inaccessible coldness, but a kind of indifference that could not help but give up.

   And beside him, stood a tall, handsome and extraordinary man. The man was different from the evil charm of the drunk in the wind and the elegance of the first question, and his eyes were full of majesty.

   When the woman saw the old man Tianyuan, the corner of her lips twitched slightly, "Housekeeper, you've worked hard!"

  The old man Tianyuan immediately shook his head and said excitedly: "It's not hard, it's not hard, for the master, everything I do is worth it!"

   After talking with the old man Tianyuan, the woman swept towards Bei Gongxue and others, her tone slowed down, "Thank you for your help!"

  Beigongxue and the others shook their heads, "You're welcome, Senior Tianyuan is kind to us, and since the spirit beads have been obtained by us, we are naturally obliged to take action."

Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the woman and the domineering man smiled at Bei Gongxue at the same time, while the man said to Bei Gongxue with a smile: "You don't know anything about the girl, apart from this kindness, you have nothing to do with me. The husband and wife also have a great kindness!"

   After saying that, the man hooked his hand towards the little boy who appeared first, "Niangui, come here!"

   Feng Niangui immediately stepped forward when he heard the man's words.

   "Don't thank this sister! If she hadn't rescued her back then, you and your mother would have left me," said the man.

   Feng Niangui immediately knelt down towards Bei Gongxue after hearing this, so frightened Bei Gongxue hurriedly said, "Hurry up, please, I don't even know when I will be kind to you!"

   This is too weird, right? When did she save them?

   Seeing Bei Gongxue's confused face, the black-haired woman, the God of Creation, immediately stepped forward and explained to Bei Gongxue with a smile: "Do you remember when you dropped a drop of blood in the ancient well of chaos?"

   Chaos Ancient Well?

   Bei Gongxue tried hard to think about when and what well had she seen, and when she thought about it, she suddenly realized, "Oh... Are you talking about the ancient well that exudes the aura of Hongmeng?"

   God of Creation nodded lightly, "Yes! You don't know something. If you didn't drop a drop of blood essence into it that day, I'm afraid I'd already be dead!"

   Bei Gongxue instantly understood what was going on. Unexpectedly, the drop of blood she had dropped into the ancient well for the contract played an important role in saving the God of Creation? !

   Seeing that Bei Gongxue understood, the God of Creation smiled again, and at this time, the attack from outside the hall finally broke a crack in the barrier of Hongmeng Hall.

   Seeing this, the Soul Emperor immediately ordered people to speed up the attack. He had to take control of everything before the God of Creation appeared.

  The God of Creation looked at everything outside the door with a sneer on his face, while the tall man beside her said calmly: "Agui, you refine the godhead first, leave it to me here!"

  The God of Creation nodded, then waved his right hand, and an ancient well appeared in the temple.

  After the appearance of the ancient well, the God of Creation jumped into the ancient well, and the godheads embedded in the pillars flew out one after another and flew towards the ancient well.

   "You all enter the source space, that is the safest place!" The man said to Bei Gongxue and others after the God of Creation entered the ancient well.

   "Don't you need our help? There are too many enemies!" Bei Gongxue said.

Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the tall man, Feng Qingkuang, glanced at everyone with deep eyes, then nodded to Bei Gongxue and said, "Nine-Rank Supreme can come out for a fight, as for the others, it's best to leave them alone. Go to the source space!"

   After that, people who were less than Rank Nine Supreme obediently went to the source space, because they knew that it would be a burden to stay.

   And after the others settled down, the barrier outside the hall was also broken.

  The enemy outside rushed in immediately. Seeing this, Feng Qingkuang stepped forward and punched the crowd.

   "Boom boom boom!"

The monks within    were bombed directly under Feng Qingkuang's fists, and the men who watched the first Wentian and Fengjianzui were all excited.

   Good skills!

   A group of men immediately geared up, and then faced the enemy one after another.

The moment the Soul Emperor saw the ancient well of chaos, he knew that he was late, but thinking that the godhead had not yet been fused and refined by the **** of creation, he killed her with a sullen face, wanting to kill her before the **** of creation successfully merged with the godhead. .

   But where is Feng Qingkuang allowed? The two immediately fought and fought to the death.

   Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian were facing each other back to back as before, and blood was everywhere where the sickle and long sword passed.

   "Our reinforcements are coming soon, everyone stand up!" Seeing that the enemy was outnumbered, the old man Tianyuan immediately shouted loudly, inspiring everyone.

   For this day, he waited too long, how could he not be prepared at all?

   As old man Tianyuan said, after Bei Gongxue and others had killed them for more than an hour, there was a thunderous cry from outside the Hongmeng Hall.

   The difference from the people brought by the Soul Emperor is that all the people mentioned by the old man Tianyuan are the powerhouses above the ruler. Although the number is not as good as that of the Soul Emperor, each of them is enough to equal ten!

  The Soul Emperor saw this scene, his face became more and more ugly, and finally, his face turned cold, and he shouted angrily: "Take it!"

  In an instant, the scene in the hall changed!

  The strong men on the Soul Emperor's side fell to the ground after he shouted angrily, and their Nascent Soul flew in the direction of the Soul Emperor!

   Yun Zhengran was the person who knew the most about the soul. Seeing this scene, he immediately understood the plan of the Soul Emperor.

   "Wentian, stop him!" Yun Zhengran shouted at the first Wentian.

   He knew that the first question day had learned a lot of soul-related secret techniques from Soul Lead!

   The first Wentian listened to the secret technique of activating the soul, and joined forces with Yun Zhengran to prevent the many powerful Yuan Ying from gathering towards the Soul Emperor.

  The Soul Emperor did not expect that his means would be blocked by two people he didn't know at a critical moment. At that moment, he glared at them fiercely, wanting to kill them.

   But where did Feng Qingkuang allow him to kill two people in person?

   The spear in his hand smashed fiercely at the Soul Emperor, and Feng Qing madly wrapped the Soul Emperor to the death.

   For a while, the three of them joined forces to temporarily suppress the Soul Emperor.

   At this time, light has appeared in the wellhead of the ancient well of chaos, which is a sign of the smooth integration of the godhead!

   The Soul Emperor became more and more anxious when he saw this. Once the God of Creation successfully merged with the Godhead, he would no longer be her opponent!

   Never let her merge successfully!

After   's face was ruthless, the Soul Emperor bit the tip of his tongue and performed a secret technique.

  In an instant, his cultivation level soared, and with a flip of both palms, he patted the first Wentian and Yun Zhengran.

   No. 1 Wentian and Yun Zhengran could not resist the attack of the Soul Emperor, they both vomited blood and flew out backwards.

   Bei Gongxue felt a pain in her heart, and hurriedly took it to the body that flew upside down for the first question.

   As for Feng Yiyang, after beheading the enemy in front of him neatly, he took it to Yun Zhengran.

   Seeing that No. 1 Wentian was injured, No. 1 Jinghong hurriedly approached the two of them to prevent someone from attacking.

  Beigongxue anxiously squeezed the wrist of the first questioner, and the back turned pale, "Damn, he hit so hard!"

   The first Wentian's injury was worse than the one she faced Kunyang!

   Thinking that there is still a lotus seed of chaotic green lotus in the space, Bei Gongxue's heart is relieved, but seeing Yun Zheng who was also slapped, Bei Gongxue took a deep breath and decided to divide the lotus seed into two.

  Wentian was injured so badly, Yun Zhengran's injury would definitely not be much better, and she couldn't watch Yun Zhengran's accident.

   After giving the first Wentian and Yun Zhengran half a lotus seed each, Bei Gongxue gave the two of them the elixir refined from the five-color lotus that evolved into the six-color lotus.

   In this way, the injuries of the two have improved a lot.

   But apart from the two, everyone else was also more or less seriously injured.

   And at this moment, the creator **** in the ancient well of chaos finally appeared.

   The difference between the God of Creation and the God of Creation that I have seen before is that the God of Creation at this moment has completely turned into pitch black eyes. Those completely black eyes are like two black holes, making it impossible for people to look directly.

   Seeing the Soul Emperor, the God of Creation waved his right hand lightly, and a white light struck the Soul Emperor.


   Soul Emperor's chest was immediately pierced by that white light!

   Seeing that the God of Creation had regained his former strength, the Soul Emperor no longer wanted to fight, and hurriedly wanted to escape from here.

   But how can it be that easy?

  Under the surprised gazes of Bei Gongxue and the others, as soon as the God of Creation retracted his right hand, the Soul Emperor flew upside down towards her palm.

  The universe in the palm of your hand, everything seems to be nothing in the eyes of the God of Creation.

  The Soul Emperor was quickly pinched by the God of Creation, but his face was full of unwillingness, "I'm not reconciled! I am the master of the world!"

  Why, he has been planning for countless years, and finally had the opportunity to kill the God of Creation and master this source world, and now he has fallen short, how can he be reconciled?

   But no matter how unwilling he was, he could only roar twice before dying.

  Because the God of Creation pinched his finger lightly, the Soul Emperor died.

   And after the Soul Emperor died, the right hand of the God of Creation waved again, shedding countless brilliance.

   In just a split second, all the stumps and broken arms everywhere were purified by the falling brilliance, and the broken souls of those who died tragically also slowly gathered together under the brilliance, giving them a chance to reincarnate again.

   Bei Gongxue and the others couldn't get involved in the next thing. She picked up the first question and entered the space, preparing to take good care of his body.

   And when the two came out again, the outside world had come to an end.

There was a lot of chaos caused by the rebellion of the Soul Emperor, so Bei Gongxue and others helped her deal with many things at the request of the God of Creation, and Bei Gongxue and others also understood in their hearts that it was the God of Creation. Give them a chance to reorganize the forces assigned to them.

   Bei Gongxue and others were not hypocritical. After accepting the request of the God of Creation, they left and took over their own sphere of influence.

   And the sphere of influence that the two took over was the northwest area that belonged to the Temple of Darkness.

   Looking at the magnificent dark temple not far away, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian smiled at each other, and after clasping their fingers, the two flew towards the temple not far away. Here, it will be their home in the future!

  【It's really the end! According to my outline, the follow-up content could have been written in hundreds of thousands of words, but Qian Qian had to concentrate on preparing for the exam, and it was not good to break it every three days, so it was simply finished at one time. Although the ending is in a hurry, all that should be explained has been explained. The new article, Hei Mengbao Gao Leng Niangqin, will resume the update on November 1st, try to update it every day, and make up for the updates in September and October! I am really sorry that Empress Huang is often interrupted in the follow-up. If the new article cannot be updated again, I will say it in the article. Thank you again for supporting me to the end of the sister paper! mwah! ps: Qianqian's Weibo "zi does not say anything without saying a word", those who have Weibo can pay attention! 】