MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 526 Cher seriously injured

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   As for Kunyang, at the moment when Bei Gongxue stopped, he stomped the soles of his feet against the ground, and charged towards Bei Gongxue again with thunder and lightning all over his body.


   Kunyang stomped a deep pit in the ground, and his body, like a spring compressed to the bottom, rushed out at once!

   At the same time, thunder dragons continued to descend in the sky, and the thunder dragons after the split were like the Milky Way flowing down from nine days, bursting with countless dazzling thunder lights.


  Kunyang's body was completely shrouded in countless thunder lights, and the lightning on his body was constantly making scalp-numbing explosions. However, Kunyang didn't care about this.

   His eyes were bloodshot, and Kun Yang's blood-colored claws once again grabbed Bei Gongxue. With this blow, he didn't even leave the slightest means of defense for himself!

   Obviously, Kunyang is determined to kill Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian here!

  Beigongxue just stood firm when she saw Kunyang approaching her, seeing that Kunyang's right paw was in front of her, Bei Gongxue knew that this time, she was afraid that she would not be able to escape.

   However, this does not mean that she will be seriously injured by Kunyang obediently!

  The silver eyes gleamed faintly with blood. At this moment of life and death, Bei Gongxue's blood and viscera dissipated, turning into hundreds of essences and blood into her body, and then forming a network!


   The next moment, Kun Yang's **** hand pierced through Bei Gongxue's chest, and a stream of blood spurted out from her back.

   But before Kunyang had time to be proud, he was surprised to find that he was talented and never broke Bei Gongxue's heart!

   Just when Kunyang was puzzled, Bei Gongxue's eyes widened suddenly, and a cold smile formed on the corners of his **** lips, "Next, it's your turn! Heaven and Earth!"

The originally dazzling silver eyes turned into dazzling scarlet in an instant, Bei Gongxue stared at Kun Yang with a stern expression, and her heart that was pierced by Kun Yang merged together in an instant, and she couldn't see any more. Traces of injury!

   And Kunyang was about to retreat, but found that his body was trapped by some dense silk threads, and he couldn't move at all!

   "Bitch, what have you done?!" This knowledge completely destroyed Kunyang's pride, and the whole person was furious again.

   Bei Gongxue sneered with a pale face, her bloodless thin lips slightly opened, and only said one word, "Break!"


   With the landing of another Thunder Dragon, the space around Kunyang instantly turned into a huge black vortex, swallowing it up!

   Bei Gongxue used blood as a guide to spread a net of heaven and earth, waiting for this moment! The space of the Thirteen Realms is strong enough, but she doesn't believe that the power of her entire **** body will explode directly, and it will not blow up his Kunyang!

   At the moment when the space collapsed, Bei Gongxue held her last breath and returned to the Misty Mountain with the collar of the first question.

   Kunyang's blow just now actually shattered her internal organs, but she didn't dare to let Kunyang see that she was seriously injured, so she deliberately used a trace of blood essence to repair the surface wound.

   And the rest of the blood essence, she really threw them all out as dynamite.

   Seeing that Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian returned to Misty Mountain, Ziyun Sable immediately bit the little green snake and followed.

The reason why Bei Gongxue chose to return to Misty Mountain was because the poisonous mist here was a natural protective barrier for her and First Wentian. If she were in other places, she could not guarantee that after she fainted halfway, the two would not survive. What danger will be encountered.

   After half an hour, Bei Gongxue only felt that her vision became more and more blurred, and the first question in her hand became heavier and heavier.

   Not long after, Bei Gongxue's hand that was holding the first questioning day began to soften, and his body began to fall toward the ground.

   Knowing that he couldn't hold on anymore, Bei Gongxue hurriedly made the final arrangement, "Liu Liu, find a safe place to hide, big eyes, and protect Wentian!"

  Big eyes suddenly appeared from mid-air, and the earth element spirit was still on his shoulders. Seeing that the two were falling, he hurriedly caught them and landed steadily!

   Feeling that the poisonous mist in the Misty Mountain is highly corrosive, Big Eye becomes more and more careful.

   And when Ziyun Sable, who was following Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian, found the big eyes, the small body suddenly stopped chasing.

  Er God, why does this woman still have such a huge wild beast and magical pet!

  The little paw stroked his little heart, Ziyun Sable couldn't help clenching his teeth, and his whole body became vigilant.

   And this is a miserable little green snake that was bitten by it.

   "Sisi!" Tap!

  His waist, this **** purple cloud sable, what's wrong with biting him, but it bit his seven inches!


  After the appearance of the Earth Elemental Spirit, the big eyes immediately noticed the existence of the Purple Cloud Sable and the Little Green Snake.

  Because Bei Gongxue was so seriously injured that it couldn't feel her breath, Big Eye became extra cautious at this moment.

   No longer suppressed his own strength, his big eyes burst out with the aura of beastly beasts only when he was at his peak, and then gave Ziyun Sable and Little Green Snake a warning glance.

   Then, he held Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian, and strode towards the Misty Mountain.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   As Big Eyes ran, the entire Misty Mountain seemed to be in a terrifying shaking.

   It wasn't until the sound of his footsteps drifted away that Ziyun Sable came back to his senses, then wandered around in place for several times, and finally decided to chase after him.

   As for the little green snake, he didn't dare to talk at all. After all, if the little green snake escaped and let the ancient crocodile come to him for revenge, he would be miserable!

   But what Ziyun Sable didn't expect was that when he chased after him, the auras of Big Eye, Bei Gongxue and the others suddenly disappeared.

   Ziyun Sable, who was so distressed, had no choice but to bite the little green snake and spin around in place.


   And at this moment, at the bottom of the misty mountain.

The moment the    Earth Elemental Spirit suddenly shrank the big-eyed body, he took two people and one beast into the ground.

   After sneaking on the ground for hundreds of thousands of miles, and after finding a treasure land rich in spiritual energy, the earth element spirit dared to stop.

   After placing Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian on a natural lotus pedestal in this treasured land, the earth element spirit hurriedly set up a barrier around them to prevent outsiders from sensing their aura.

   I have to say that after staying by Bei Gongxue's side for a long time, the earth element spirit that used to be naturally sluggish and childish in the past has also become a lot more mature.

   After confirming that the barrier he laid was perfect, the earth element spirit sat in a pool of milky white bell lotion, and then drank the spiritual liquid in the pool.

  After the stomach was full, the earth element spirit waved to Big Eye again, "Boss, the spiritual liquid here is delicious, come and taste it!"

  Good things are naturally to be shared with the boss.

   In normal times, Big Eye will definitely lift the Earth Elemental Spirit out of the stalactite pool, but at this moment, Big Eye is not in the mood to play with him.