MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 524 Ask the Heavenly Blood Festival

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Seeing that the two had left the Misty Mountain, the little green snake turned his head and glanced in the direction of the Poisonous Mist Swamp, his dark round eyes flashed with excitement, and then continued to chase Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian. .

  Although Chaos Qinglian was stolen by these two humans, if it wasn't for this, he would not have left the Misty Mountain.

   He has never left the Misty Mountains since he was born.

But at this moment, in the poisonous fog swamp, seeing Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian escape, and he was still entangled by the ancient crocodile unable to escape, the gray-robed old man was cruel, and he directly called out his poison pill and bit him. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "Blast!"


   A loud bang shook the mountains, and the poisonous mist all over the sky floated wildly, causing the ground to be corroded and cut down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   And the ancient crocodile let out a scream, and the proud defensive armor was instantly blown to pieces.

   Taking advantage of the time when the ancient crocodile was seriously injured, the gray-robed old man blew the five poisonous toads up and sucked away the poisonous pills that Bei Gongxue took away, and then quickly disappeared near the poisonous fog swamp.

   He has stayed in Misty Mountain for many years and is very familiar with the environment here, so the route he chooses is naturally safe and secure.


   And after the gray-robed old man left, in the gray forest, the ancient crocodile's roar shook the misty mountain a few times.

After    left the Poisonous Mist Swamp, the gray-robed old man chased in the direction Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian left with a gloomy face.


  In Wushan Mountain, which is thousands of miles away from Misty Mountain.

   At this moment, the two are in a tense confrontation.

  Because the little green snake is immune to the profound meaning of the law and is not afraid of aura attacks, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian can only fight with him.

  Xiao Qing Snake's body movements are extremely flexible, and it is almost impossible to guard against Bei Gong Xue and the first question.

   Fortunately, the two of them have never relaxed their requirements over the years, and in a short period of time, they can still deal with the little green snake.

   However, the grey-robed old man would obviously not give the two of them a chance to continue dealing with the little green snake.

   Seeing the two of them, the gray-robed old man who escaped after losing countless years of cultivation of poison pills, immediately slapped two palms at them: "Hand over the Chaos Qinglian!"

   was fighting with the little green snake, and Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian were not distracted at all, so they had to put some thought into taking precautions.

  However, how can you be distracted by fighting with a strange monster like Little Green Snake?

   Just when the first question day took time to resist the palm of the gray-robed old man, the little green snake aimed at Bei Gongxue's wrist and bit it!

   A slight stinging pain like being bitten by an ant called Bei Gongxue's complexion slightly changed, her silver eyes sharply looked at Xiao Qing Snake, Bei Gong Xue gritted her teeth, and grabbed her right hand towards Xiao Qing Snake with the momentum of thunder!

  What the hell, her right hand was bitten anyway! Don't be afraid of getting bitten twice!

   Just after successfully biting Bei Gongxue, Xiao Qing Snake didn't have time to be proud, and Bei Gongxue's hair-like body was pinched between her thumb and index finger!

   Even the little green snake that was born with the chaotic green lotus, seven inches is his cover. Now that Bei Gongxue is so pinched, the little green snake who is not in the world suddenly panics, "Sisi!"

  Human, let go of me!

   Little Green Snake kept twisting his body, and for the first time felt scared.

   Bei Gongxue sneered, "Let you go?! Weren't you very cunning before?"

   "Also, I have heard that snake gallbladder can detoxify snakes. When you are crushed to death, I will take your gallbladder out and take it!"

   Xiaoqing Snake listened, and his body twisted even more, so he didn't want to be taken with snake gallbladder!

   At this moment, Ziyun Miner, who had been clutching Bei Gongxue's clothes, suddenly came out and bit the tail of the little green snake with one mouth.

   "Sisi!" The little green snake looked at Ziyun Sable in horror.

   Ziyun Sable's round eyes met the frightened eyes of Little Green Snake, not afraid of it at all.

   Both are holy beasts, although the little green snake has been born since the birth of Chaos Qinglian, and has its own prestige, but Ziyun Sable has never been afraid of things smaller than himself.

   Among the monsters of the same level, he was afraid of giants like the ancient crocodile, but he was not afraid of something as small as the little green snake that was about the thickness of his hair.

  Beigongxue watched this scene, stretched out his left hand and touched Ziyun Sable's head, "Good job! Bite him and don't let go! Let him run away, only you are asking!"

   Ziyun Sable squinted her eyes and nodded in enjoyment, her small mouth biting the body of the little green snake more and more powerfully.

   And Bei Gongxue, only then began to save himself, and having personally experienced the pain of being bitten by a little green snake, Bei Gongxue knew how terrible the toxin of this little guy was.

   In less than a second, the poison spread almost all over her body at a terrifying speed!

   If it weren't for the Black Spirit Orb, what happened today would be really tricky.

   On the other side, the first Wentian saw that Bei Gongxue's right hand was black, and immediately knew that she was hit.

   Thinking that all this was caused by the gray-robed old man in front of him, the first questioner was furious.

   madly stimulated the spiritual energy in the body, and the first Wentian waved the Chengying Sword and danced a sword net.

   His aura can't deal with the little green snake, can't he still deal with this person? !

   Countless sword qi slashed towards the gray-robed old man one after another with unparalleled aura, and the gray-robed old man's complexion suddenly changed, "Aren't you the sixth-rank supreme?!"

   No wonder, no wonder these two people were able to get Chaos Qinglian away under the eyes of the ancient crocodile and the little poisonous snake? !

  It turns out that they concealed their strength from the beginning!

   Feeling that his life was in danger, the gray-robed old man said while using his supernatural powers: "Stop, I am the seventh elder of the Kunlun faction!"

   The first Wentian and Bei Gongxue listened to it, and only then did they know that this person was the one who released the scumbag task of hunting the five poisonous toad poison pills!

   "Oh, so it's you!?" The first questioner sneered, and his attack became more and more ruthless.

"What are you doing?! Boy, kill me, the Kunlun faction won't let you go!" The gray-robed old man threatened fiercely, and his palms with only one layer of gray skin were suddenly pale. Changed into a pair of shiny black iron claws!

   And his aura also climbed a lot when he showed the pair of sharp claws, obviously higher than the level of the eighth-rank supreme!

   In the face of an eighth-rank supreme like the first Wentian, the gray-robed old man had to come up with his trump card.

   On the surface, he is a poison cultivator, but in fact, he is a genuine ninth-rank supreme! And the eight-pin drug repair is just a smoke bomb he showed to the outside world!

   In addition to the head, even the other elders of the Kunlun faction do not know that he Kunyang, in fact, has already stepped into the ranks of the ninth-rank supreme!

   Poison cultivation is another cultivation path that he has re-chosen after he has never been able to step into the master level!

   Who would have thought that Kunyang was actually a double cultivator? !

   His hands were hooked, and Kun Yang grabbed it with both hands at will. The sword net woven by the first questioner would be like a fish net by him.

   "You are the ninth-rank supreme?!" The first question asked with a solemn expression on his face. Such a thing completely exceeded his expectations.

"Hahaha, not bad! Boy, didn't you think of it?! But you should be honored, because you are the first person to know that I am a dual-cultivator of poison and martial arts! Go to hell!" Kunyang smiled happily, his hands frantically Grab it towards the first question day.

   The first question is, the dark eyes are cold, to die? !

   You should die!

"God said that anyone who hurts my son will go through nine or nine thunder tribulations, will go to Abi hell, and will be punished in six ways!" The first Wentian's right fist slammed into his own heart, and a strong aura slammed into his heart. Essence and blood spurted out from his thin lips.

   Bei Gongxue turned pale when she saw this scene, "Ask Heaven!"

   Wentian, was forced to the point of offering sacrifices!

   This time, how many years of life will he lose? !

   First Wentian did not look back, but waved the Shadow Bearing Sword in his hand, pooled his own blood into mysterious characters, and then smashed into the void.

The moment the    blood talisman disappeared, a thunderbolt like a dragon crashed down from the nine heavens, slamming down towards Kunyang!

   When Kunyang saw the terrifying Thunder Dragon, the wild smile on his face stopped abruptly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

   "Are you actually a favored one?!" Kun Yang's tone was angry and shocked.

   Just like the first questioner who did not expect Kunyang to be a ninth-rank supreme, Kunyang also did not expect that the first questioner was still a goddess, a goddess who was born with the power of words!

   Once the first questioning day uses this magical power, as long as his request can be accepted by the heavenly way of this world, and the influence is within the scope that he can bear, no matter what conditions he says, the heavenly way will satisfy him.

   The so-called darling of God is probably like this.

   But now, the first question still needs to sacrifice blood essence and use supernatural powers. It can be seen that the divine metaphors he said are beyond the scope of his strength.

   But he knew very well that if he didn't do his best right now, he might be difficult to deal with the Nine-Rank Supreme Kunyang!



   Amidst the harsh explosion, Kun Yang rushed towards the first question with anger in his eyes.

   "Boy, you die for me!"

   Ninth-Rank Supreme is worthy of being the Ninth-Rank Supreme, even if he was hit by Thunder Dragon, Kunyang was still not afraid!

  Kunyang, who was swept away by anger with his body covered in thunder and lightning, even had a hint of thinking that he would die with the first question!

  It's hard for him, and this kid can't live well!

   The first Wentian had just sacrificed, and his body was weak. How could he stop the angry blow of a ninth-rank supreme being in Kunyang?

   Seeing that Kunyang's iron claws exuding the coercion of the sacred artifact were about to grab the body of the first Wentian, Bei Gongxue's eyes were about to split.

   At this moment, it was too late to use the Spiritual Qi to mobilize the Holy Artifact to deal with Kunyang. In a panic, Bei Gongxue stopped the action of expelling toxins from the body with the Black Spirit Orb, and directly drove the Black Spirit Orb to smash Kunyang's chest!

   Didn't the phantom say that the Black Spirit Orb is a godhead? ! Isn't the holy artifact incapable of harming it? Then, she uses the black spirit bead to block the holy artifact, and it will not cause any damage to it!

  The Black Spirit Orb is connected to her spirit, and she only needs to move her mind to activate it instantly.


   A black light instantly disappeared into the air, and Bei Gongxue's body also flashed towards the first Wentian at the same time.

   No. 1 Wentian would naturally not sit still and endure the weakness of his body, so No. 1 Wentian constantly summoned out guard puppets and magic talismans, intending to block the first block.

   At this moment, a black light flashed across his eyes, and then hit Kunyang's black claw towards his heart with a "bang"!

   This claw was Kunyang's strongest blow when he was furious. He believed that even if the first question was a ninth-rank supreme, once it was hit by this claw, he would not die or be injured.

   But all things are afraid of the words "never thought"!

   The first questioning day did not expect that Bei Gongxue would actually smash the Black Spirit Orb out as a weapon. After all, Bei Gongxue had a lot of holy artifacts on his body.

  Kunyang didn't expect that his claws were about to pierce into the chest of No. 1 Wentian, but a black lump appeared halfway through, almost breaking his arm!


   Just as the Black Spirit Orb collided with Kun Yang's black claws, Kun Yang felt that his right arm instantly lost consciousness, while Bei Gongxue's brain suddenly buzzed.

  The black spirit bead is connected to her spirit, and it is shaken, so naturally she will not feel well.

   Fortunately, the roar of the brain only appeared for a moment, otherwise, Kunyang only lost an arm, she and Wentian still could not escape the disaster today!

   Dodged to the side of the first Wentian, Bei Gongxue held his body distressedly, reached out and gently wiped the blood on the corner of his lips, "Wentian, you have suffered!"

   No. 1 Wentian's lips curled slightly, "I'm fine, be careful."

  Beigongxue nodded, but then he directly shoved the lotus seeds of the chaotic green lotus into the mouth of the first questioner. "You heal, I will protect you!"

   Then, she looked coldly at Kunyang who was hit by the second Thunder Dragon, and when Kunyang was hit, she mobilized the Black Spirit Orb to attack him with her mind.

   First Wentian looked at Kunyang's embarrassed appearance, and finally nodded.

   Right now, only if he gets better quickly, the hope of him and Cher getting out will be greater.

   And the little green snake, as soon as he smelled the scent of the chaotic green lotus, immediately stared at the two of them.

   Seeing that the lotus seed of Chaos Qinglian was actually taken by the first question, the little green snake was very distressed.

   Chaos Qinglian has only three lotus seeds in total. He has slept on the lotus pod for countless years, and he is not willing to eat one!

   But these two humans swallowed a lotus seed so quickly!

   Violent death of heavenly things, it is simply violent death of heavenly things!

   And this baby is his!

   Ziyun Sable ignored Xiao Qing Snake's excitement, the more he struggled, the tighter he bit.

   Xiaoqing Snake hated his teeth and wanted to bite Ziyun Sable to death. However, like him, Ziyun Sable was poisonous. If the two of them bit each other, he couldn't be sure who would die first.

   Although he was born in the Poisonous Mist Swamp, he was also born with poison, but since he was born, he has eaten the spirit dew gathered on the lotus leaves of the Chaos Qinglian, and has never eaten any poison. And this Purple Cloud Sable is different. He has eaten so many poisons, and the poison in his body still doesn't know how strong it is!

   "Sisi", let me go!

   Little Green Snake yelled anxiously at Ziyun Sable, feeling very unwilling to his current situation!

   Ziyun Sable gave him a small look and snorted.

   He won't let go! That woman saved his life, he has to repay, right?

   Besides, he just likes to bully holy beasts smaller than him, so what?

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