MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 520 The real role of Lingzhu

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   But the first question only thought it was Hua Mingyuan's breath left on the Phantom Spirit Orb, and didn't think of anything else.

   And after the Magic Spirit Pearl left Hua Mingyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, Bei Gongxue realized why Qiuqiu's mind-reading technique just didn't work.

   This Hua Mingyuan's primordial spirit is hidden in the Illusory Spirit Orb. When Qiuqiu explores his sea of ​​consciousness, there are not many things he can see.

   "Qiuqiu, changed his memory!" Bei Gongxue understood that Qiuqiu's mistake was because of the Phantom Pearl, so he was not polite, and directly let Qiuqiu change Hua Mingyuan's memory.

   Qiuqiu opened his one eye and looked at Hua Mingyuan's eyes.

  Hua Mingyuan's eyes quickly became dull, and after a while, his eyes became much clearer, and when facing Bei Gongxue and the first question, there was no hostility before.

   Outside the barrier, the barbarian city lord was already waiting anxiously.

   Naturally, he was not worried about what Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian would do to Hua Mingyuan, but because he didn't see the mind-reading beast for such a short time, he panicked, worried that the mind-reading beast would disappear in the blink of an eye.

  The world thinks that he is looking at the same beasts, so he built this barbaric city to protect those weakly racial monsters. As everyone knows, he has never had such a thought!

   He is not full, he has nothing to do! Not his own kind, why should he protect them? !

   When he was bullied by a powerful cultivator, no monster was willing to stand up and help him!

   The reason why he built a barbarian city and absorbed those rare and weak monsters was just because he got a magical deprivation skill that could deprive other monsters of their life skills for his use!

   The mind-reading skill of this mind-reading beast is a magical power that countless people dream of!

   After he is deprived of this magical power, even in the face of the master, he still has some confidence and is no longer afraid!

   "Have you finished talking?!" Seeing that several people in the enchantment were still talking, the **** bear couldn't hold back.

   If it wasn't for the fact that Qilin had helped him when he was down, and he cared about his hard-earned reputation, he wouldn't care about the life and death of this kid Hua Mingyuan!

   Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian heard the roar of the **** bear, put away the magic spirit orb, and then removed the enchantment.

As soon as the    barrier was removed, the **** bear's sight immediately began to search for the whereabouts of the ball.

Ninth-Rank Supreme is an existence stronger than Qiuqiu. Bei Gongxue did not dare to let Qiuqiu read his heart, so the two of them at the moment did not know that the seemingly honest and affectionate giant was in front of them. Black bear, in fact, his heart has turned black!

   And no one in the Thirteen Realms has ever thought about why those rare beasts who entered the barbarian city never left the barbarian city!

   If someone investigates in detail, they will find that those monsters are all idiots, idiots, idiots, and dead because of conflicts with other monsters in the barbarian city!

   And those magical beasts who were lucky enough to survive were taken good care of by the **** bear!

   As a result, when the other beasts saw this scene, they felt more and more that the Lord of the City was a good person and really wanted to protect these beasts. And this has also led to more and more monsters coming here!

   But who would have thought that this city lord who usually protects them like a calf, is actually cunning in mind and cruel and outrageous? !

   Didn't see Qiuqiu, the **** bear's eyes suddenly widened, "What about that little one!? Where is that little beast?!"

Ran! ?

  Impossible, he didn't find any sign of the little beast escaping?

   Bei Gongxue looked at the strangely anxious appearance of the **** bear. The silver eyes were slightly deep, and the **** were not his thing. What was he doing in such a hurry?

  Looking at him like this, it was as if the fat duck he got flew away again.

   "You mean that little guy just now, it just slipped away?" Bei Gongxue said innocently.

   "What did you say?!" The **** bear's voice was so loud that he really ran away? !

Bei Gongxue pretended to be shocked by the other party's loud voice, nodded reluctantly, and then glanced at Hua Mingyuan, "Yes, if you don't believe me, ask him! That little thing is moving too fast, I haven't done it yet. In response, he was gone in a swish!"

   Big Black Bear didn't believe Bei Gongxue's words, but he believed Hua Mingyuan's words.

   "Is everything she said true?" The **** bear stared at Hua Mingyuan.

  Hua Mingyuan nodded subconsciously, "Yes uncle. What she said is true!"

   He didn't know why he said this, but he said it uncontrollably.

   The **** bear glared angrily at several people, "Which direction did it run?"

   Bei Gongxue pointed in one direction, "There, just leave, just leave, it's just a small beast."

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the **** bear glared at her fiercely, "What do you know as a human?! You two get out of the barbarian city immediately!"

   After saying that, the **** bear's huge palm swung down towards the two of them, and slammed the two of them out of the city.

   Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian did not resist. After protecting their bodies with spiritual energy, they drifted thousands of miles away from the barbarian city with the strong wind.

After    glanced at the barbarian city from a distance, the two smiled at each other and walked towards the space teleportation array.

There was a slight fluctuation in the    space, and when the two reappeared, they were already in the center of a square.

   And shortly after the two left, the figure of the **** bear chased after the teleportation formation.

   "Damn! How dare you lie to me?! Don't let me find you, or I'll cut you to pieces!" The **** bear roared angrily, and the roar scared the beasts in the barbarian city into their homes in a hurry.

  He chased in the direction of Bei Gongxue's finger for a long time, and he didn't even notice the slightest breath of the mind-reading beast, okay?

   smashed the space teleportation array with one punch, and the **** bear turned to look for Hua Mingyuan, "Mingyuan, did you really see that little beast escape?"

   At this moment, Hua Mingyuan's memory has been tampered with by Qiuqiu, and naturally it is based on the memory that Qiuqiu instilled in him.

   nodded his head fiercely, and Hua Mingyuan said with certainty: "Yes, uncle, I saw that little beast fly away with my own eyes, and even the world can't trap him!"

The **** bear was completely disappointed. At first, he didn't catch the aura of the mind-reading beast. He thought it was Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian who were deceiving him, but Hua Mingyuan said so, the mind-reading beast must be ran away.

  Thinking that the mind-reading beast might have read his mind, so he ran away in fear, and the **** bear showed a twisted and annoyed expression.

   Knew that, he should have caught it in the first place!

   It's a waste of his cleverness, he didn't expect that mind-reading beasts can also read his heart and know his most secret thoughts!

After    and remorse, the **** bear soon showed a fierce light. Since he has been made aware of the existence of the mind-reading beast, it will never escape his palm!

   This mind-reading skill is bound to be deprived of him!


   After arriving at the new place, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian did not rush to complete the next task, but entered a training room here.

   Almost every town in the Thirteen Realms has a place for monks to practice. As long as you can afford the primeval stone, everything is easy to say.

   After the two entered the same training room, the first question was how to set up layers of barriers and spiritual formations.

   "Wentian, what's wrong?" Seeing that the first Wentian was so cautious, Bei Gongxue couldn't help but ask him what was going on.

   No. 1 Wentian glanced at her and took out the Phantom Spirit Orb vigilantly, "This Phantom Spirit Orb is weird."

   Bei Gongxue immediately looked at the Phantom Spirit Orb in the hands of the first questioner, "Is there something wrong with it?"

   No. 1 Wentian nodded, and then took out the vibrating buckle to urge him.

  Zheng buckles golden light, and immediately clings to the surface of the Phantom Spirit Bead.

   After a long time, the two were surprised to find that on the surface of the Phantom Spirit Orb, there was a black figure struggling to be sucked out.

   "Stop! What do you want to do!?" Sombra yelled in horror.

How could this be? He has been hidden in the Illusory Spirit Orb for countless years, but no one has ever discovered him on his own initiative!

Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian looked at the black shadow with a grim expression. Seeing that the body of the black shadow could not be pulled out by the soul-suppressing beads for a long time, the first Wentian no longer had any reservations, and urged the power of the soul-suppressing beads to Extreme.

Originally, it was impossible to force the shadow inside the Illusory Spirit Orb with the power of the Soul-Suppressing Orb itself, but the Soul-Suppressing Orb after being refined by the goblin tribe has the ability to actively absorb the soul, so it is not natural to deal with this shadow. Next.

   Seeing his body spouting out uncontrollably, the shadow couldn't help but say, "I am a ghost! I am the ghost of the ghost! If you hurt me, the ghost will be useless!"

   Now, that's all he can say. I hope these two can listen to his words and give up their suppression of him.

But Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian are not as simple and easy to deceive as Hua Mingyuan, No. 1 Wentian smiled coldly, and Zhenkou instantly became as dazzling as a small sun, "If it fails, it will fail! We are not bad. You Lingzhu!"


   He never knew there was a spirit body in the spirit bead.

   At least all the spiritual beads he knew had no spiritual body in them.

Seeing that the first question was not deceived by himself, the ghost was completely panicked, "Wait! Don't you want to know what the role of the Lingzhu is? In this world, no one but me knows what the role of the Lingzhu is. of!"

   This is his only chip!

  Before he was lucky enough to enter the Magic Spirit Orb, he was just an ordinary illusionist under the Magic Emperor. If the Godhead just fell in front of him when the Magic Emperor fell, he would have died in that battle long ago.

   Over the years, he has gone through countless masters with the Phantom Spirit Orb, but no one knows what the Phantom Spirit Orb is.

   And for countless years, he has never heard about other spiritual beads other than Phantom Spirit Beads.

   Originally, he thought it was because the other great emperors who possessed Spirit Orbs had not fallen, so the other Spirit Orbs did not appear, but he did not expect that this time other Spirit Orbs not only appeared, but three appeared at once!

   Originally thought that these two people would be easy to deal with, and he could easily get the other three Spirit Orbs and devour them, but who knows, these two people are just pretending to be pigs and eating tigers! The two of them are much stronger than him back then.

   Like a wisp of black smoke being blown away by the wind, the ghost was forcibly pulled out of the ghost bead by the soul-suppressing bead.

   At this moment, Bei Gong Xuexian grabbed his hand and imprisoned the phantom spirit.

   "After all, what secret does Lingzhu have!" Bei Gongxue asked coldly.

   "I... I can say it, but you must let me go!" The ghost said tremblingly.

   The imposing manner of these two people is too terrifying. When they are stronger, this terrifying coercion is estimated to be comparable to that of the Phantom Emperor.

"You are not qualified to talk to us about conditions! And, even if you don't say it, I have a thousand and ten thousand ways for you to say it!" Bei Gong Xueyin said cautiously, and at the same time, he pointed out a faint sigh at his fingertips. blue flame.

  The Phantom was licked by this string of blue flames, and then screamed miserably, "I said! I said!"

   These two people are so difficult to talk, they don't even give him a chance to tell him the conditions!

  Beigongxue put away the blue flame in her palm, "Tell me, what's going on with the Lingzhu?"

  Huan Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and then said carefully: "Actually, this is not called Lingzhu, it is called Godhead!"

   "Godhead?" Bei Gongxue had never heard of such a thing.

Huan Ling also knew that there was no godhead in this world, and for fear that Bei Gongxue would burn him with the blue flame again, he immediately explained: "The godhead is the entity that cultivates the law to the extreme! For example, if you cultivate the illusion to the extreme, you can form an image. Crystals like the Phantom Spirit Orb! This Phantom Spirit Orb is the godhead that appeared when the God of Creation was born, and was later bestowed by the God of Creation to ten great emperors!"

   Bei Gongxue and First Wentian couldn't help but look at each other. Although their expressions didn't change much, they both saw a touch of confusion in each other's eyes.

   "As far as I know, there is no such thing as a great creator **** in this world, only a master!" Bei Gongxue stared at the ghost and said.

Hearing this, Illusory Spirit shook his head and said, "This world is just one of the small worlds created by the God of Creation, it is nothing, the place I am talking about is the Origin World, which is the birthplace of countless small worlds, but I told you that you still don't understand!"

  The Origin World is the place where all things were born, including the God of Creation, which were all born from the Chaos Well in the Origin World.

  It's a pity that the God of Creation seems to have emotions and desires and has no choice but to go to the tribulation, so after she left, the Siyuan Realm would quickly start a melee, and it was shattered. Even the Great Emperor died a lot.

   Bei Gongxue saw Huan Ling's attitude of "I told you that you don't know", and immediately raised a flame on Huan Ling's body.

   "Ah!" Huan Ling screamed while covering his butt, why did this woman burn him again? !

   "Pay attention to the tone of your speech. If you don't know now, it doesn't mean we won't know in the future!" Bei Gongxue said coldly.

   The phantom shrank for a moment, only then did he know where he had caused Bei Gongxue.

  Sansan smiled, and the ghost looked at Bei Gongxue with some ingratitude, "What else do you two want to ask?"

   As for the gathering of the ten godheads to be able to repeat their true bodies and become a being like a creation god, they didn't ask, and he didn't say anything.

   This is an extremely hidden matter, but he heard about it from the Soul Emperor after hiding it in the Illusory Spirit Orb.

   But since the Soul Soul Orb is in the hands of this man, it means that the Soul Emperor is also dead.

   Bei Gongxue looked at Phantom's flattering smile and snorted coldly, "What's the use of a godhead?"

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's question, Huan Ling suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, thinking of what is coming, what is this, can he not say it?

But seeing the flames jumping from Bei Gongxue's fingertips, the ghost had to roll his Adam's apple, and said with some difficulty: "In legend, only the ten godheads that appeared with the God of Creation are the most perfect crystals of laws. The ten godheads can be refined!"

   Bei Gongxue squinted his eyes slightly, refining Godhead?

   In other words, the spiritual beads in their hands are actually the crystals of various laws and profound meanings. After refining, they can have complete laws and profound meanings?

   No wonder when she was sprinting for the eighth-level holy monarch, the Black Spirit Orb took the initiative to help her consolidate the avenue.

   "Other than that, what is the role of Lingzhu?" Bei Gongxue asked again when the ghost was relieved.

   "No more, no more, I only know so much!" Phantom said hurriedly.

   It is absolutely impossible to say that the top ten godheads can devour and merge with each other!

   "Hmph, it seems that the lessons I have taught you are not enough! You were the one who instigated Hua Mingyuan to exchange our spirit beads, right? If you don't tell the truth, I will let your soul be burned to ashes!" Bei Gongxue sneered.

   When she is stupid?

   Looking at Bei Gongxue's fingertips, the flames suddenly became bigger, and the body of the ghost shuddered.

   "I...I said, don't burn me!"

   He managed to survive that battle by luck, but he didn't want to die like that.

   "I also heard that after the top ten godheads are refined by the same person, they can become an existence comparable to the creation gods, step into the realm of eternal life, and be with the chaos of heaven and earth!" Huan Ling said with some depression.

For the other world mentioned by the ghost, Yu Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian are just like the Thirteen Realms they just arrived in, they are unfamiliar and novel, but now they are even in the Thirteen Realms. I haven't figured it out yet, and naturally I don't have the heart to care about the origin world.

   "For the sake of your honesty, spare your life!" Bei Gongxue snorted coldly.

  If they can leave the Thirteen Realms and return to the Seven Realms one day, and relieve the crisis of the Seven Realms, they can go to the Origin Realm he said.

   As for now, they still have to make a foray in the Thirteen Realms and find a way to save the Seven Realms.

  Huan Ling heard Bei Gongxue's words, the big stone hanging in his heart finally fell, "Thank you two for not killing! Now, can you let me go?" Huan Ling asked cautiously.

   "Let you go? When did I say I would let you go?" Bei Gongxue asked back.

  Phantom couldn't help screaming suddenly, "You promised me, I'll let me go if I say it!"

   Bei Gongxue looked at the excited Phantom Spirit's silver eyes sank, and when the Phantom Spirit saw it, he immediately shrank back, "I've told you everything you want to know, why don't you let me go?"

   "You will find out in the future. If you are acquainted, just stay in the Soul Soul Orb."

   Having said that, Bei Gong Xuexian released his hand and lifted the restraint.

   The first questioning day urged the soul-suppressing bead, and instantly inhaled the ghost's soul into the soul-suppressing bead.

  If it is possible for them to go to the origin world that the phantom said, then he is the best navigator.

  After resting in the town for two days, the two set off for the Poison Mist Swamp.

   The seven elders of the Kunlun faction who issued this task are said to be practicing a poison art, and desperately need the beast pill of the five poisonous toads to help him improve his poison art.

According to the map of the Poison Mist Swamp purchased by the two from the intelligence organization, the Poison Mist Swamp is located in the center of the Misty Mountains, and the Intelligence Organization can only provide them with the approximate coordinates of the Poison Mist Swamp, but cannot determine where it is. Location.


  Because the Misty Mountains cannot see sunlight all the year round, the mountains here are shrouded in heavy fog, and the road ahead cannot be seen at all.

   Without the strength of the third-rank supreme, entering the Misty Mountain can only end in courting death!

  Because there are poisons everywhere on Misty Mountain, and even the outermost flowers and plants are poisonous, so the endless fog here also contains a lot of poisons.

   And the most terrifying thing is, because the poisonous mist here is caused by the toxins of countless poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers mixed together, so once you accidentally inhale the poisonous mist in Misty Mountain, it is basically half a foot into the gate of hell.

   The poisons on the periphery are okay. After all, the poisons are composed of ordinary poisonous weeds and poisonous flowers. If you take the detoxification pill in time, you will still be saved, but the interior of Misty Mountain is different.

   Inside the Misty Mountain, there are many poisonous weeds that are highly poisonous, and because the internal environment is darker, the mist formed is not gaseous, but liquid!

   Once the liquid mist is inhaled, the internal organs will be quickly corroded! Even the primordial spirit cannot escape the erosion of these poisons!

   At the foot of Misty Mountain, the two of them only saw a foggy gray in front of them.

   Released their divine sense, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian were surprised to find that the poisonous mist here even had the effect of corroding spiritual power!

   No wonder there are so few monks who dare to come to this misty mountain. Once the spiritual power is exhausted, it is still a problem to be able to leave this misty mountain!

   "Wentian, let's go in!" Bei Gongxue said while looking at the vast fog.

   No. 1 Wentian nodded lightly, then took Bei Gongxue's hand, "Don't let go of me."

   Bei Gongxue's lips pulled up, "Hmm."

   Then, the two of them held hands, wrapped themselves in aura, and swept toward the center of Misty Mountain.

   At this moment, on a mountain peak that pierced the sky like a blade, in the middle of a steep cliff, an old man in gray robe was sitting cross-legged on a boulder extending from the cliff.

   The shrewd eyes of the gray-robed old man were staring at him tightly at this moment, where a huge bronze medicine cauldron was placed.

   Inside the medicine cauldron, red flames were running around in the medicine cauldron, and when the gray-robed old man added a herbal medicine to it, the original red flame changed its color instantly, and turned into a luscious green color.

   And in the green flame, several beast pills are slowly melting, and black bubbles are constantly emerging when the melted liquid blends.

  The old man in gray robe stared at the medicine tripod for a while, and determined that there would be no problem for the time being, so he slowly closed his eyes and waited for the fusion of the medicinal liquid.

  Suddenly, the tightly closed gray eyes of the gray-robed old man suddenly opened, the corners of his lips twitched slightly, and a terrifying light flashed from his eyes.

   "Jie Jie, someone is coming so soon!" The voice of the gray-robed old man had a hint of gloomy excitement.

   Suddenly stood up from the boulder, the gray-robed old man summoned his magic pet giant python, and said to him: "I'm optimistic about the medicine tripod, I'll go back when I go!"

  The giant python nodded its huge head, then quietly crawls on top of the boulder, guarding the medicine tripod in front of it.


  The inside of Misty Mountain is extraordinarily quiet, and even monsters are not common. Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian flew for a long time according to the instructions of the map, and only saw a few monsters.

   But not long after, the two discovered a trace of a fight.

  On the ground full of dead branches and leaves, only **** rags were left at the moment, and the surrounding trees were destroyed and broken by the fighting.

   If it weren't for the fact that the leaves of the bushes on the side had dried up black blood, and the broken branches had not yet died, it was really difficult for the two of them to infer that there was a fierce battle here not long ago based on the sight of the ground.

  In the fog with visibility less than half a meter, the two separated the poisonous fog with spiritual energy. After checking the surroundings, they all looked very solemn.

   Based on the inferences of the two, at least one of the people who had fought fiercely here before was stronger than the seventh-rank supreme!

   "Be careful!" First Wentian clenched Bei Gongxue's hand, and a trace of unease appeared in his heart.

   Bei Gong Xuehui held the hand of the first questioner, "Well, it really can't be done, it's a big deal to give up this mission."

  Although the reward given by the seven elders of the Kunlun faction is attractive enough, what is the reward compared to life?

   If the previous strong man above the seventh-rank supreme really died here, then this time, they will not do the task.

   The first questioner made a light hum, and then the two continued to move towards the approximate location of the Poisonous Mist Swamp in Misty Mountain.

  Because the poisonous mist has a corrosive effect on the spiritual power, the two did not put too much spiritual consciousness, and only covered the area of ​​​​tens of thousands of miles.

   As the two were heading towards the Poisonous Mist Swamp, the figure of the gray-robed old man appeared on a mountain peak.

   After a while, a large eagle swooped down, landed firmly in front of the gray-robed old man, and turned into a man.

   "Is the person who came here who took over the mission?" the gray-robed old man asked.

The    man nodded loyally, "It should be, the people here are a man and a woman, and they are heading towards the Poison Mist Swamp at the moment!"

   "Very well, the five poisonous toads have been seriously injured. When the pair of men and women entangle him, you will take the opportunity to catch them!" The gray-robed old man ordered.

   "Yes, Master!"

   "Go, this time, never fail again!"


The    man responded, and then suddenly turned into a giant eagle and flew high into the sky.

   After the eagle flew away, the gray-robed old man swept down the mountain, and then began to head towards the Poisonous Mist Swamp.

   Bei Gongxue and Shi Yi Wentian's nerves have never relaxed since they entered the Misty Mountain.

   As the two of them moved forward cautiously, countless thorny vines suddenly sprang out from the bushes beside them.


  The rattan rolled towards the bodies of the two like a flurry of poisonous snakes. The two took out their weapons and immediately attacked the rattan under their feet.


   A strange thing happened. After the green rattan was cut off by the two of them, it was like an earthworm, still twitching and twisting frantically on the ground.

   After a while, the canes that were originally cut off by the two of them quickly grew longer as they twisted and twisted, and then turned into more and more dense canes and attacked them frantically.

   "It's the magic vine!" Bei Gongxue drank lightly, back to back with the first question, and kept waving the sickle in his hand.

   And the fog around the two of them was blown away by the strong wind brought by when they swung their weapons.

   However, Yingxue and Chengying Sword, who had lost their primordial spirit, had already fallen to the level of divine weapons. They could cut off the magic vine, but they could not destroy the vitality of the magic vine.

   Therefore, as the number of times the two cut off the magic vines increased, the number of magic vines that attacked the two also increased.

   Endless reproductive power made Bei Gongxue lose the patience to cut off the magic vines, stimulated the spiritual energy in her body, and she directly waved a few terrifying cold beams.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  A huge explosion sounded around, and a strong rancid smell came from the explosion.

   And those magic vines that were bombed could no longer reproduce.

After    dealt with the magic vine, the two quickly left the place.

   In order to prevent the sudden attack of the magic vine again, the two did not dare to relax for the next moment.

  The mist covers the eyes, and the wind blows.

   Bei Gongxue and First Wentian shuttled between the mountains and forests, taking every step carefully.

  Suddenly, a slight wind sounded towards the two of them.

   No. 1 Wentian conditioned reflexively to protect Bei Gongxue, and then slashed in the direction of the sound!



   let out a terrified scream at what the two of them were attacking, and then fell to the ground with a clatter.

   The faint smell of blood wafted through the woods in an instant, and the thing that was slashed kept twitching on the ground, making a slight noise.

   The two of them leaned forward vigilantly, and then peeled off the fog in front of them.

   But on the ground, a small purple mink the size of a slap was twitching in pain, and half of his belly had been cut off by the first Wentian sword, and even his internal organs were clearly visible.


   Seeing the two of them, Xiao Sable squeaked with difficulty, and her jade-like purple eyes were full of horror.

   "Purple Cloud Sable?" Bei Gongxue looked at the dying sable lying on the ground in surprise.

  This purple clouded sable is said to grow in the most poisonous place, and its blood can detoxify hundreds of poisons, but its teeth are highly poisonous, and almost no one who is bitten can survive.

   Seeing Ziyun Sable's painful appearance, Bei Gongxue frowned slightly, and finally squatted down and looked into Ziyun Sable's eyes, "Don't move me if you don't want to die!"

   After saying that, she took out an elixir and handed it to the corner of Ziyun Sable's mouth.

   And at such a close distance, once Ziyun Sable suddenly attacked, Bei Gongxue would most likely be bitten and poisoned by her.

   However, when he smelled the scent of the medicinal herb, Ziyun Mink just moved his nose slightly, and then opened his mouth with great effort.

   After stuffing the elixir into Ziyun Sable's mouth, Bei Gongxue used his spiritual energy to help it dissolve the medicinal power. He didn't take it until he saw that Ziyun Sable's belly that was cut off by the first question was intact.

   "It's your luck this time. If it weren't for the rare occurrence of Ziyun Sable in the world, you would be finished this time." Bei Gongxue looked at Ziyun Sable's trembling body and stared into his eyes.

   She is not a good lady of the Holy Mother, and she rescued him with a soft heart. First, because Ziyun Sable was too rare, and secondly, because it lay dying on the ground, it reminded him of Xiao Hei's weak and powerless appearance at that time.

   Ziyun Sable's head shrank slightly, looking a little scared.

   Bei Gongxue slowly got up, and then said to the first Wentian: "Wentian, let's go."

   No. 1 Wentian nodded, looked at Ziyun Sable coldly, then led Bei Gongxue carefully and continued to move forward.

   Seeing that the two of them just left, Ziyun Sable froze in place for a while with her hind legs on.

   Then, it looked at the half of its belly that had been cut off, and quickly dug a hole in the ground to bury it.

   After doing this, it tangled in place for a while, and then "swish" and chased in the direction where Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian left.


  Although there are a lot of poisons in Misty Mountain, but all things interact with each other, and where there are poisons, there are naturally also elixir.

   As an alchemist, when he arrived at Misty Mountain, Bei Gongxue naturally wouldn’t just come to complete one mission.

   Along the way, once Bei Gongxue encountered any spiritual medicine poison that was not in the space, he would transplant them into his own space.

   As the two of them slowly marched towards the Poisonous Mist Swamp, the grey-robed old man who was following them was getting closer and closer to them.

   Just when Bei Gongxue was planting a poisonous weed, she was keenly aware of a faint sound of breaking wind.

   Divine sense locked the place where the sound of breaking the wind came from, and after discovering that it was the Purple Cloud Sable who was following them, Bei Gongxue squinted slightly, but did not make a sound to startle him.

   And in her heart, she thought: If it dares to attack them again, next time, she will show no mercy!

   Ziyun Sable did not know that Bei Gongxue had discovered it. Seeing the two of them getting closer and closer to the Poisonous Mist Swamp, his expression became more and more nervous.

   Finally, when Bei Gongxue stopped to pick poisonous weeds again, Ziyun Sable couldn't help but swooped in front of Bei Gongxue and pointed fingers at her.

   Bei Gongxue did not expect that this Ziyun Sable followed them to remind them not to move on.

   "Do you know what's ahead?" Bei Gongxue stared at Ziyun Sable and communicated with it in animal language.


   Ziyun Sable looked terrified, waving her little paws desperately, making an action not to move forward.

"You little sable know the gift of gratitude, but don't worry, we are here to enter the poisonous fog swamp. If you are afraid, leave now." Bei Gongxue understood what Ziyun Sable meant. , the tone slowed down.

   "Squeak!" Don't go, there are terrible things there!

   Thinking of the monster hidden under the swamp, Ziyun Sable's small body trembled slightly.

   Bei Gongxue frowned slightly when he saw this, and then summoned Qiuqiu, "Qiuqiu, ask him what is under the Poisonous Mist Swamp."

  What Ziyun Sable said in panic, she didn't understand at all.

After    Qiuqiu appeared, Ziyun Sable's eyes froze for a moment. He thought he was beautiful enough, but he didn't expect that in this world, there are more beautiful monsters than him.

   However, when Qiuqiu's one eye opened, Ziyun Sable's expression clearly showed signs of shattering.

   Knowing what Ziyun Sable was thinking, Qiuqiu rolled his eyes in disdain, and then said to Bei Gongxue: "Master, he said there is a huge monster under the swamp!"

   "Oh? Besides the five poisonous toads, there are other monsters under the poisonous fog swamp?" Bei Gongxue was slightly surprised.

   After all, the five poisonous toads alone already have the strength of the fifth-rank supreme.

  If there are monsters under that swamp, it must be a monster even more powerful than the five poisonous toads.

   Thinking of the news they got from the intelligence organization after taking this mission, Bei Gongxue couldn't help being a little stunned.

It's no wonder that the masters who took up this task have gone back and forth. Who would have thought that in the poisonous fog swamp, in addition to a fifth-grade supreme five-poison toad, there is also a monster that is even more powerful than the five-poison toad? Woolen cloth!

Moreover, the more powerful the beast, the stronger the territorial awareness. Since the five poisonous toads can live in the poisonous fog swamp together with the beast, doesn't it mean that the five poisonous toads are just those hidden under the poisonous fog. A follower of Warcraft?

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Read The Last Adventurer

Chapter 99

30 minutes ago

Chapter 98

30 minutes ago