MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 515 Thirteen Realms 5

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  This world has a collective name called Thirteen Realms. As the name suggests, this world is divided into thirteen large realms.

   And the place where they are now is the forbidden area of ​​the sword **** domain in the realm of Daluo.

Legend has it that Sword God Realm was not what it looks like in the past, but because a dominant swordsman was obsessed with cultivation here, he did not know the enlargement of his own field. Over time, everything in Sword God Realm was destroyed. Then it became the appearance of that swordsman's field. As for where the swordsman went, no one knows.

   And how big the scope of this field is, no one knows except the current ruler of the Thirteen Realms.

  The reason why countless swordsmen come to Sword God Realm every year is because of the Guiyuan Sword that dominates.

According to records, the Guiyuan Sword used by the Sovereign is a treasure of the Primordial Spiritual Treasure level. If he can obtain the Master Guiyuan Sword, he might be able to cover his swordsmanship cultivation secret from it, thus breaking through into Dominant swordsman!

   Therefore, even if countless swordsmen die in Sword God Realm every year, this still cannot stop the determination of these monks to hunt for treasures.

Thinking that the Guiyuan Sword is a magical weapon of the Hongmeng Spirit Treasures, Bei Gongxue's eyes light up. She doesn't need a sword, but it doesn't mean that she is not interested in the Guiyuan Sword. Now that Xiao Hei is in a coma, he needs the Hongmeng Spirit Treasure. When the Qi of Hongmeng is present, if he can find the Guiyuan Sword and deprive it of the Qi of Hongmeng, Xiao Hei may be able to wake up!

  Because the swordsman duo in front of him had limited knowledge of the Guiyuan Sword, Bei Gongxue planned to meet the old man with a scar.

When the Swordsman duo saw that they couldn't ask anything from Bei Gongxue's mouth, their expressions were stern, but at this time, Bei Gongxue looked at the Swordsman duo with a pitiful look, "Two Big brother, can we follow you? It's so dangerous here!"

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the swordsman duo looked happy. Although they couldn't ask the secrets of how to avoid the sword wind from the mouths of several people, they completed the task explained by the master effortlessly.

   "Well, we have a place to rest here, you can go there with us. As for whether you can leave the Sword God Realm, it depends on your good fortune."

   No. 1 Wentian and the others did not make a sound, they all followed the swordsman duo forward.

   However, the two of them obviously didn't give up on the fact that several people avoided the knife wind so much.

   Bei Gongxue and others pretended not to know, letting the wind pressure on their bodies get stronger and stronger.

   Seeing this, the swordsman duo could not help but show frustration. It seems that the reason why these people avoided the attack of the sword wind was purely coincidental. Maybe they were too lucky, so the last knife wind would disappear automatically.

   Then, the swordsman duo led the two to walk towards the short grass area. After walking for a few days, Bei Gongxue and others saw mountains.

   "This is our resting place, let's go!" When the swordsman duo reached their destination, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

   Fortunately, these young people are easy to deceive, otherwise, their mission this time would not have been completed so quickly.

   And the old man with scars had been waiting for a long time. Before the swordsman duo brought six people into the water curtain cave, the old man with scars flew out and stood in front of the swordsman duo.

   Seeing the old man with scars, the two of them immediately saluted, "Meet the master!"

   "Very good, you two go down to rest first, you did a good job this time!" said the old man with scar.

   The two of them immediately glanced at Bei Gongxue and the others, and then entered the Water Curtain Cave.

   Bei Gongxue and others did not panic when they saw the old man with scar, "Who are you?"

  The old man with the scar squinted and looked at a few people, "Who am I? Here, I am the boss! Those who are sensible, tell the secret of how you avoided the knife wind!"

   Bei Gongxue sneered, winked at Lan Xueqin, and said, "So the two people just now were sent by you! If we knew what secret you were talking about, would we still be trapped here?"

  Lan Xueqin received Bei Gongxue's gaze, and gently stroked the mind-reading beast in her arms.

   This Scarred Old Man's mental power is too strong, if he doesn't divert his attention, I'm afraid he will discover the movements of the mind-reading beast.

   As for Bei Gongxue's words, the old man with scar is naturally unbelievable. He can see clearly on the water curtain these days. Whenever the sword wind gathers to a certain level, these people will stop and rest for a while.

   Said that they didn't know the secret of Daofeng, and the ghosts wouldn't believe it!

  's expression turned a bit ferocious, the momentum of the old man with scars changed, and he swept a few people coldly, "I don't eat or drink for a toast! It seems that you won't say it without showing you some color!"

  The words fell, the left and right palms of the old man with scars opened at the same time, the left hand sucked in the direction of Ian, and the right hand grabbed in the direction of the first question.

  Obviously, the old man with scar wanted to hold Ian and the first Wentian in his hands, threatening Bei Gongxue and others to tell secrets.

   As everyone knows, this time, the old man with scars kicked the iron plate firmly.

   It's not good for him to arrest anyone, but he wants to touch Ian!

Is   Ian something he can provoke? Moving Ian is the same as hurting Bei Gongxue in front of the first question, which is equivalent to provoking Yun Zhengran.

   Besides, Yun Zhengran, the wife-protecting madman, Ian felt very distressed when he lost a single strand of hair. Now that someone wants to hurt Ian's life, how could Yun Zhengran stand still?

   hugged Ian in his arms tightly, Yun Zhengran's face turned cold, his right hand opened, and a black magic vine swooped in front of the old man with scar.


   The magic vines danced wildly, and the old man with the scar changed his face greatly, so he had to scramble to avoid the magic vines that attacked him.

"You actually want to hurt my Ian, huh, you think you have a long life!" Yun Zhengran's face was cold and his fingers swayed flexibly, the magic vine instantly changed from one to countless roots, and soon it was in the scar of the knife. The old man had holes in his body.

  Scarred old man was horrified, took out his holy sword and tried desperately to cut off the magic vine that attacked him.

   But how does he know that these magic vines are all condensed from negative energy, which looks tangible, but is actually illusory. Unless it is a sacred artifact of the spiritual system, otherwise, it is impossible to cut off these magic vines!

   "Ah! Who the **** are you?!" The old man with scars screamed, his right eye, which was already injured, was pierced by a magic vine, and his blood was blurred.

   At this time, if he doesn't understand that these people's origins are not simple, he will be stupid!

   He is also a Rank 7 Supreme, and if he can play a Rank 7 Supreme like this, he has at least the strength of a Rank 8 Supreme!

   suppressed the horror in his heart, and the old man with a scar couldn't help crying: "Stop! I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

   He knew that the scarred old man was still useful to them, so after Yun Zhengran snorted coldly, he closed his right hand and let him go.

   And at this time, it was the best time to read the mind of the old man with scars, so Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin immediately seized the opportunity and successfully invaded the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness of the old man with scars.

   But after all, the other party is a seventh-rank supreme, and the spiritual invasion of the mind-reading beast made him feel it very quickly.

   " have invaded my spiritual consciousness!" The old man with scars looked at Lan Xueqin and Bei Gongxue's two little beasts in horror, and finally understood what was going on.

   But it was too late. Although his spiritual power was strong, he could not resist the simultaneous invasion of two adult mind-reading beasts.

   A few minutes later, Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin looked at each other, and then let the little guy in his arms go back to the magic pet space to rest.

   It was the first time to read the heart of the Seventh-Rank Supreme, and the mental power of the two little guys was also spent a lot.

   After the old man with scar felt that the mysterious spiritual power in his brain disappeared, the whole person was paralyzed on the ground.

   is too scary. It turns out that the legendary mind-reading beast really exists!

   "Who the **** are you?" The face of the old man with a scar was no longer the ruthless and powerful at the beginning, and some were just timid and frightened.

  Why, he has never heard of someone in the Thirteen Realms owning a mind-reading beast?

   Moreover, I still have two heads at once! ?

This unscientific!

   Such a big news, it is impossible to hide it!

Looking down at the old man with scars, Bei Gongxue said lightly: "This is not something you can intervene! If you are obedient, we can save your life. If you intend to resist, how are you going to treat us... What will we do? Give it back!"

  This old guy, he can't imagine how vicious his heart is. Anyone caught by him will die very miserably, and his corpses are basically eaten by his magic pets.

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, the old man with scarred body trembled slightly, but his head was lowered, but his face was full of unwillingness and resentment.

   He has been in the Sword God Domain for half a million years!

   I managed to survive in this ghost place, figured out some of the rules of the Sword God Realm, and became the tyrant here, but now I am being served by a few guys who don’t know the origin!

   How could he take this breath? !

  Bei Gongxue and Lan Xueqin naturally sensed the resentment of the old man with scars, but neither of them opened their mouths to remind him that they were all clear about what he was thinking now.

  Since he wants to die himself, there is no need for them to stop him from dying?

   "Let's go! Let's go to rest for a while!" Bei Gongxue took the arm of the first questioner and said with a smile.

   After knowing the rules and levels of this world, her dangling heart finally fell.

   At first, she thought that people in this world were very strong, so she was a little uneasy about their future situation.

   But after reading the relevant information from the swordsman duo and the old man with scars, she realized that the level of this world is actually the same as that of the Seven Domains, but it's just a different name.

   Their so-called holy monarch is called the supreme in this world, and the person above the ninth-rank supreme is the ruler.

   In the Seventh Domain, except for an old man of Tianyuan, they have never seen a monk who has broken through to the Ninth-Rank Supreme, so they don't know what will happen after the Seventh Domain has broken through to the Ninth-Rank Supreme.

   As for now, all they have to do is to quickly improve their strength and find a way back before the destruction of the Seven Domains!

   Their relatives are still in the Seven Domains!

   After arriving at the Shuilian Cave, several people rarely relaxed.

   And the swordsman duo, seeing that the old man with scars who had crushed them to death was easily subdued by Yun Zhengran, they were shocked and only panicked.

"Several, he asked us to arrest you here, it doesn't matter about us!" The swordsman duo never thought that the man who always looked at the woman in his arms like a spring breeze would be so terrifying. one side.

   Hearing the words of the swordsman duo, Bei Gongxue and others just glanced at them lightly.

   "The old man outside will be handed over to you to guard, do whatever you want with him." Lan Xueqin looked at the two with a smile, and pointed to the old man with scars who was brought in by Feng Yiyang.

   This old man cannot be kept, he has no humanity at all. Even dogs do not eat bones of the same kind, but he treats living people as food.

   Hearing Lan Xueqin's words, the swordsman duo showed hesitation.

   It's not that the two of them are loyal, but the old man with scars has accumulated power for a long time, and they dare not act rashly.

   In case they released the old man with a scar, and he turned around to find the two of them to settle accounts, isn't it the two of them who are unlucky?

Seeing this, Lan Xueqin's smile became more gentle, "Don't worry, he doesn't dare to hurt you with us here, don't you two want revenge? Are you so willing to be bullied by him for the rest of your life? Not good Take revenge and vent your current depression, but it's not good for your Taoism!"

   These two seem to be honest and honest, but watching the old man with scars kill so many people with their own cruel methods, it's no wonder that their hearts are not twisted!

It's just that the old man with scars is too strong, and they have no way to retaliate, so they have to tolerate it in order to survive, and now, she has given them a chance for revenge, and the two of them will definitely be ten times the pain they have suffered over the years. Back to the old man with scars.

   Sure enough, when they heard Lan Xueqin's words, the expressions of the two of them changed and changed. The eyes they looked at the old man with scars were not as shrinking as before, but full of hatred and resentment.

   It’s all about him, if it weren’t for him, would they be reduced to where they are today? ! As for watching so many people being eaten alive by his magic pet? ! As for being forced to eat human flesh with him? !

  The old man with scars saw the fierce expressions of the two, and now he snorted, "Bold! Don't forget, if it wasn't for me, you would have been killed by the knife wind long ago!"

Hearing the words of the old man with scars, the two of them sneered, "Even without you, we can stay safe for another 100 miles! However, you treated me as a slave and used us for 100,000 years! Forcing me to eat five Sixteen thousand pieces of human flesh! Damn you!"

   Seeing this, Lan Xueqin waved his hand and said, "He'll leave it to the two of you. Find a place to avenge yourself, don't try to escape with him! Otherwise, your end will be miserable!"

   After hearing Lan Xueqin's words, the two nodded immediately, then grabbed the old man Scar's hair and arms and walked towards the cave beside Shuilian Cave.

  The old man with scars has been sealed with aura and sea of ​​consciousness by them. What to do next, they don't care about their business.

   And the old man with a scar, his face finally changed completely, "You said you wouldn't hurt my life! You go back on your word!"

  However, the roar of the old man with scars only attracted the savage ears of the swordsman duo.

   "Shut up! You are not as good as a beast, leaving your life is a scourge to the world!" A man twisted his face and smashed the arm of the old man with the scar.

  Today, they are supposed to eliminate harm for the people!

   But Bei Gongxue and the others searched for a cave each and then relaxed.

   After clearing out all the things that belonged to the old man with scars in the cave, the first question day took out the bedding and other things he carried with him from the space, and rearranged the cave.

   Then, he placed a barrier at the entrance of the cave.

   At this moment, in the cave, behind the beautiful screen, the hot tub is placed in the corner.

   "Xue'er, come take a bath." First Wentian took off his robe and accepted it with a smile to Bei Gongxue.

   Since they left the Seven Domains, they have never had such a relaxing bath.

   Bei Gongxue heard the call of the first Wentian, and immediately sat up from the soft couch and walked towards the back of the screen.

   The slender fingers deftly and skillfully lifted the robes on Bei Gongxue's body. After the robe slipped, the first question asked Tian to pick up Bei Gongxue horizontally and gently place it in the warm bath tub.

After    fingers lingered on Bei Gongxue's skin for a while, the first question started to gently rub her silver hair.

  After washing the wet hair, the long hair was skillfully coiled up, and then, the thumb of the first question landed on Bei Gongxue's temple, pressing it lightly and heavy.

   Bei Gongxue closed his eyes, the whole person completely relaxed, and soon fell asleep.

   Seeing this, No. 1 Wentian laughed helplessly. After drying Bei Gongxue's long hair with spiritual energy, he wrapped her in cotton cloth and gently put it back on the bed to cover the quilt. Then take a bath by yourself.

   In another cave, since Ian came in, he has been sitting on a chair without moving, and in front of her, there are a lot of snacks.

   As for Yun Zhengran's wife control, even if he only lives for a short period of time, he must give Ian the best living environment.

After    arranged, Yun Zhengran glanced around and nodded with satisfaction.

   "Ian, are you too tired? Why do you only eat so much?" Yun Zhengran frowned when she saw that Ian had only eaten a little of the food in front of her.

  Ian only has the strength of the fourth-rank supreme, but he has accompanied him away from the Seven Domains for so many years. He could understand that he only ate a little during the trip, how could she still only eat so much now that she has found a safe place to stay?

  Ian looked at Yun Zhengran's worried look, and smiled slightly, "A Zheng, I'm fine, it's just that you are working too hard."

   She is not as strong as Sister Xueer and Aunt Lan. She accompanies Zheng to leave Qiyu, but she has been dragging him down.

   However, he never felt the slightest impatience. Instead, he always put her first. Even the things that should have been done by his daughter's family, such as decorating the room, were done by himself, so that she would not be overworked.

   She, Ian, how could she be able to meet such an affectionate man in this life?

   And when Yun Zhengran heard Ian's words, he stepped forward and hugged her on his lap and kissed her, "It's not hard work, I'll do anything for you, I'll be happy!"

   This is the lover he created and raised with his own hands, and he is willing to do anything for her.

  Ian was moved to hug Yun Zhengran's waist, his cheeks pressed tightly against his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.

   "I'm so moved, you have to perform well today." Yun Zhengran stroked Ian's hair, his voice hoarse.

  Ian understood what Yun Zhengran meant by coming over, his cheeks flushed immediately, and then he replied softly like a mosquito: "Well, I see."

  What Yun Zhengran couldn't stand the most was Ian's shy look, he clasped Ian's head and lowered his thin lips.

   And the next day, when Feng Yiyang wondered why the four of them didn't go out after noon, Lan Xueqin gave him an angry look, "You're stupid, you don't know this?"

   Feng Yiyang was still confused, looking at Lan Xueqin in confusion.

  Lan Xueqin looked at Feng Yiyang's clear and black eyes, and suddenly choked, well, she knows too much.

   But that's true, Feng Yiyang, for so many years, seems to have never had contact with any woman other than cultivating. It seems that he really doesn't know why the two couples haven't gone out yet.

"Cough, you think, they are husband and wife, there must be a lot of self-confidence to say, everyone is worried along the way, they have no time to talk about love, and now they have finally found a safe place, they will definitely Confess it well!" Lan Xueqin said a little embarrassedly.

  A long absence is still better than a newlyweds, not to mention that these four people have only been able to watch and can't eat them all these years. Now they have calmed down for the time being.

  Feng Yiyang listened to Lan Xueqin's words, but was puzzled: "Is there anything I can't say all night?"

   Moreover, neither Xueer nor Wentian are talkative people.

  Lan Xueqin couldn't help holding her forehead, what kind of weirdo is Feng Yiyang, she didn't even know what she meant.

   In this world, how can there be such an innocent man? !

   However, his appearance is really cute.

   couldn't help but glance at Feng Yiyang, Lan Xueqin suddenly realized that Feng Yiyang was so good-looking!

   His black eyes are clear, his face is as sharp as a knife, and his expression is cold. At first glance, he looks like a proper ascetic male god.

   How did she discover this now?

   Seeing Lan Xueqin's gaze lingering on his face, Feng Yiyang couldn't help frowning, "What's the matter? What's on my face?"

   Hearing Feng Yiyang's words, Lan Xueqin hurriedly looked away, and then said with red ears: "Oh, nothing, just suddenly found that you seem to have no expression all the time."

  Oh my god, what happened to her? Why does she feel that her heart, which has not been touched once in hundreds of millions of years, suddenly has a faster heartbeat?

   It must be because there are too many people around showing affection! Caused her to have an illusion!

  It must be like this!

   Feng Yiyang glanced at Lan Xueqin's red ears strangely, and said lightly, "I'm used to it."

   Maybe from the moment his father raised him as a machine, maybe from the first time the evil poisonous old man took him as a test subject, he forgot how to laugh.

  If he hadn't met Cher, he might have become a puppet by now, the sharpest knife in the empire.

   However, when Lan Xueqin heard Feng Yiyang's understatement, she suddenly felt a suppressed discomfort in her heart.

   Frowning slightly, Lan Xueqin wondered about her psychological changes.

  Why does she feel a little distressed when she hears him say this?

  Shuiyan couldn't help but swept towards Feng Yiyang again, Lan Xueqin strangely discovered that Feng Yiyang's face, how could she find it more eye-catching the more she looked at it?

   She didn't think there was anything different about this face before, did she?

   And Feng Yiyang saw that Lan Xueqin was looking at himself, and was a little puzzled, "Aunt Lan, is there anything you want to say to me?"

  Otherwise, why do you always have an expression of hesitating to speak?

   However, Feng Yiyang's "Aunt Lan" instantly shattered Lan Xueqin's newly-rising mind.

  's cheeks twitched fiercely, Lan Xueqin couldn't help shouting: "Don't call me Aunt Lan in the future! I'm not much older than you!"

   But when she said this, Lan Xueqin was still very guilty. When she became an eighth-rank sage, Feng Yiyang probably hadn't been born yet! When he called her Aunt Lan, he made her younger.

Feng Yiyang didn't know why Lan Xueqin yelled at him suddenly, but for so many years, he and Lan Xueqin were quite familiar with each other, so when Lan Xueqin suddenly lost his temper, Feng Yiyang was not angry, but looked at him with confusion. She, "It's not Aunt Lan, what's your name then?"

  Xueer and Wentian, that's what they are called.

  Lan Xueqin blushed and said hesitantly, "I... you can call me Sister Lan, or just call me by my name!"

   Feng Yiyang couldn't help but look at Lan Xueqin strangely, "But, Xueer, they all call you Aunt Lan?"

   He and Xueer Wentian are both of the same generation. They both call her Aunt Lan, but he calls her Sister Lan. Isn’t this a mess of generations? Moreover, when Aunt Lan said this, why did she hesitate and seem a little guilty?

   Counting on Feng Yiyang's enlightenment is no different from waiting for the stone to bloom. I think when he said he wanted to marry Bei Gongxue, it was because he didn't want to be separated from Bei Gongxue, not because of the love between men and women.

   Moreover, although he chose the Youqing Dao later, it was also out of his friendship with Beigongxue and others, his family and love, but it was completely irrelevant to him.

   Therefore, it is basically impossible to expect Feng Yiyang to discover Lan Xueqin's changes.

   And being asked by Feng Yiyang, Lan Xueqin only felt that her old face could not be hung up, and at the same time she couldn't help laughing at herself: The old girl who has lived for so many years is actually a little tempted by a hairy boy, she can't be funny anymore!

   However, fortunately, this silly boy didn't find something wrong with her, otherwise, her old face would have been left without a trace.

With a light cough, Lan Xueqin concealed her embarrassment and said, "It's nothing, I just said that I was still young and asked my Aunt Lan to call me old. Women, they like to be called by others when they are younger, don't they?"

   Feng Yiyang was a little bit incomprehensible. They were cultivators with permanent faces, and Aunt Lan looked very young.

   Besides, they called her Aunt Lan, which was also out of respect for her.

  If Lan Xueqin knew what Feng Yiyang was thinking at the moment, he would definitely vomit out a mouthful of old blood, respect your size, Nima! Looking at the juniors around you, you are gracious to me, and the old lady also wants to move and talk about love again! You Feng Yiyang is good-looking and innocent, isn't she stupid if she doesn't get there first?

   However, Lan Xueqin only dared to go wild and complain in her heart, after all, she still has a face.

   At this time, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian finally went out.

   As expected by Lan Xueqin, today's Bei Gongxue, with a face like a peach blossom, looks very gorgeous, and the eyes are full of soft colors.

   "Cough, you guys came out!" Lan Xueqin coughed lightly when she saw the two of them.

   Bei Gongxue nodded, not realizing that Lan Xueqin was wrong, and sat down with No. 1 Wentian.

   And not long after the two were seated, Yun Zhengran led the ruddy Ian out.

   The corners of his lips were raised, and Yun Zhengran greeted everyone with a smile, "Morning!"

   Bei Gongxue and First Wentian gave him an angry look, "It's still early."

   Hearing this, Ian's cheeks turned even redder, but Yun Zhengran nodded in a good mood, "If I wasn't afraid that Ian was hungry, I really didn't want to get up."

  Lan Xueqin suddenly gave Yun Zhengran a mournful look, is it suitable for you to abuse single Wang like this? The old lady is still single!

   Yun Zhengran keenly found that Lan Xueqin's eyes were wrong, "Aunt Lan, what's wrong?"

   How did he find out that Aunt Lan's eyes were a little strange?

  Lan Xueqin hurriedly retracted his gaze, and then coughed lightly: "It's nothing, you are not restrained, but also think about Xueer and Ian's bodies! I'm hungry, you guys go and cook!"

   It's really dangerous, I was almost discovered by this kid, Zheng, that something was wrong.

   Yun Zhengran didn't think too much, but Ian and Bei Gongxue both showed embarrassment.

   After the first Wentian and Yun Zhengran looked at each other, they both got up at the same time and went to prepare lunch.

   And after the two left, Lan Xueqin said, "The old man has been tossed all night, do you want to go and see?"

   Bei Gongxue nodded, and then several people walked towards the cave where the swordsman duo went yesterday.

   And after this, several people were surprised to find that there was such a large torture field in this cave.

At this moment, the old man with scars was dropped on a shelf by the swordsman duo, but after all, he is a seventh-rank supreme, and his body is very strong, so after a night of tossing, the swordsman duo failed to do anything to the old man with scars. serious injury.

   On the contrary, the two of them tried the torture tool on the old man with scars, but they were tired and out of breath.

   Seeing Bei Gongxue and others coming in, the swordsman duo immediately shook their spirits and looked at them cautiously.

   "The two of you can toss yourself like this for revenge!" Bei Gongxue sneered.

  The swordsman duo heard Bei Gongxue's words, and bowed their heads in shame, "The skin on this beast is too thick, we can't hurt him at all."

   Bei Gongxue was speechless, "If the divine weapon can't hurt him, use the holy weapon! We didn't take his sword!"

   As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the two of them suddenly lit up, and then a man rushed out of the cave and swept out of the water curtain cave.

   Sure enough, the sacred artifact of the old man with scar was still inserted in a stone, and it was not taken away at all.

After    the big man pulled out the holy sword inserted in the stone, he returned to the torture tool field in a hurry.

   Seeing his holy sword, the face of the old man with scar changed, "Hu Wei, you dare?!"

   Although his body is strong, he won't be injured by the torture tools here, but he can't resist the sharpness of the holy weapon!

Hearing the old man Scar's words, the man named Hu Wei gave a grim smile, then slashed the old man's arm with a knife, cutting off a piece of his flesh, "Why don't I dare?! When the meat slices came down and stuffed into my mouth, did you ever think that I would have today too!?”

   Looking at the blood left on the scarred old man, Hu Wei's face was full of happiness.

   Then, Hu Wei knelt down in front of Bei Gongxue, "Several heroes, I have something to ask for, please help me!"

   There is no need for Hu Wei to say it himself, Bei Gongxue also knows what he wants to do.

   This Hu Wei wanted them to help him capture the giant eagle of the old man Scar, and let him watch his flesh be eaten by his pet.

   Looking at the resentment in the eyes of the old man with scar, Bei Gongxue nodded, "Tell me."

"What the hero does not know, this beast's magic pet, the vulture, is extremely ferocious. It is the one who monitors the grasslands of the Sword God Realm for this beast! That vulture is not a good bird. He likes to eat human flesh the most and is a monk who entered the Sword God Realm. , was basically eaten by that vulture!" Hu Wei's chest heaved violently.

   They have surrendered, they are not good people, but they will never be as inhumane as Scar! How many times thought that their own stomachs had digested the flesh and blood of their brothers, and they wanted to kill Scar.

   But they also know that they can't kill Scar by themselves! Also, they don't want to die! I don't want to die and be eaten by a vulture!

   It’s okay to say that they are greedy for life and afraid of death, or that they are not worthy of being human beings. To live to this day is the time they stole from the **** of death!

The old man with scars listened to Hu Wei's words, looked at him viciously and said, "Hu Wei, even if you betray me, you won't be able to live for long! You two have been poisoned by me long ago! And you, I The contract between you and my magic pet has already been lifted, as long as you stay in Sword God Realm for a day, you will never escape their pursuit!"

  Humph, his vulture, having eaten so many sage monarchs' dao fruits, is much stronger now than him! As long as the vultures don't die, these people can't rest in peace!

   The look of the swordsman duo changed, but after a while, Hu Wei burst into laughter, "Hahahaha, even if you die, I will pull you on the back!"

   After that, Hu Wei raised the holy sword and said, "Zhang Qing, we can't live anyway! It's better to torture him before he dies!"

   Zhang Qing nodded, and with blood-red eyes, he stepped forward and slapped the scarred old man's ears heavily.

   "Several heroes, go out first, it's not good if your eyes are stained." After slapping the old man with Scar twice, Zhang Qing said to Bei Gongxue and others.

   Bei Gongxue and the others didn't plan to continue watching, otherwise, it would be a problem whether they could eat after a while.

The old man with scars stared at the backs of Bei Gongxue and others, and cursed loudly: "I tell you, I am the elder brother of the domain master of Daluo Realm! If you kill me, there will never be a good end. My brother will never let you go! You will all die!"

  The words of the old man with scar made Hu Wei's hand holding the knife tremble slightly. He didn't expect that the old man with scar was so big.

   But soon he calmed down, so what if he was the elder brother of the Daluo Realm Lord! ? Who knew they killed him? And, they wouldn't survive anyway.

   One or the other, Hu Wei stabbed the old man's thigh with a knife, and the **** piece of meat slipped off instantly.

   "What if your vulture breaks the contract with you?! Wherever there is carrion, it will go! Your flesh will still be eaten by him!"

Read Celestial Bloodline
Read My Space-Time System
Read I'm an Ordinary Returning Student at the Academy
Read Cursed Immortality
ActionAdventureXianxiaMartial Arts
Read Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert