MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 506 leave seven domains 5

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   Shortly after the first Ziluo woke up, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian got the news that a new world-destroying chaotic ancient beast appeared.

   The two guards were defeated, Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian rushed over immediately.

  With the previous experience, the two of them had a lot of clever ways to kill the ancient chaotic beast, but what they didn't expect was that they had just killed one ancient chaotic beast, and the other one appeared again!

   The change that was different from the past made the two secretly startled. Fortunately, at this time, other saints rushed over, so that the two would not be tired of dealing with it.

   After dealing with the other ancient beast of annihilation of chaos, the two of them looked at the dark area in front of them with consonance.

   In this area, no one has ever dared to go deep, because those who entered it never came back alive.

   However, the sudden change called Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian realized that the next thing might not be solved by them killing the ancient chaotic beast.

  Since the world-destroying chaotic ancient beasts can appear two at the same time, it means that they can also appear three and four at the same time!

   Then, how will they respond? How should the seven domains protect themselves?

  Thinking of the consequences of a large number of ancient chaotic beasts attacking the world at the same time, both of their hearts sank.

   "Wentian, I want to go into the dark area to investigate!" Bei Gongxue turned to look at the first Wentian.

  First Wentian stretched out his hand and pulled her hair back, then raised his head with a smile, "Well, go if you want, I'll accompany you."

   Even if they don’t go, how long can they survive once a large number of world-destroying chaotic ancient beasts attack?

   Instead of waiting to die without knowing anything, it is better to fight and go to the dark area to see what is going on?

   Hearing the words of the first question, Bei Gongxue looked at each other and smiled, "Well, let's go back and prepare first."

   After I left, I still don’t know if I can come back again. It’s time to clarify what should be explained.

   Then, the two left the border of the seven domains together.


"What? Are you going to the dark area? No! No one has ever come out of there alive, no!" The first **** of war learned that the two were going to leave the Seven Domains to go to the dark area where they didn't even know where there was danger. One spoke out against.

   He finally found his son, how could he watch him go to death?

  Ji Qingkong looked at the first question with a pale face. As a mother, she would rather her son be destroyed by her side and the Seven Regions, rather than risk her son to go to that dangerous area where there is almost no way to survive!

   "Wentian, think about it again? Xue'er, please persuade him." Seeing the first Wentian with a firm expression, Ji Qingkong couldn't help but look at Bei Gongxue, hoping that she could persuade the first Wentian not to go.

   Bei Gongxue glanced at Ji Qingkong apologetically, "Mother, I'm sorry, I want to go with Wentian, Jinghong and Ziluo are there, they will honor you on our behalf."

   As soon as these words came out, why did the First God of War and Ji Qingkong still not understand?

   It seems that the two of them have already discussed it.

"Father, mother, although Xueer and I are not responsible for the Seven Regions, we can't stand by and stay in the Seven Regions. We may be lucky enough to live longer in the Seven Regions, but in this case, we will never leave the Seven Regions. Hope!" The first questioner said in a hoarse voice.

   Guarding the Seven Domains is not his and Xue'er's responsibility, but without the Seven Domains, they will have no home.

   Let the two of them watch their homeland be swallowed up by the ancient beasts of annihilation, and watch their relatives and friends be smashed into pieces by the space storm, they can't do it!

   Going to the dark area to find out, for them, it is also a once-in-a-lifetime hope.

  The First God of War and Ji Qingkong were silent. After a while, the two sighed heavily, "We know, you must come back safely!"

   First Wentian and Bei Gongxue nodded vigorously, they would, no matter how dangerous the situation ahead, they would do their best to survive!

   When Feng Yiyanghuangge and the others heard that the two were leaving, they immediately said in unison, "We will go with you!"

   Yun Zhengran hugged Ian's waist and said solemnly, "Let's go too."

  In their realm, the secrets of the ancient chaotic beasts of the world have long been hidden from them, and every holy monarch knows that the seven domains today may be destroyed by the ancient chaotic beasts of the world at any time.

  Since this is the case, they might as well bravely go for it!

   At least there is still a chance.

   However, Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian categorically rejected the words of several people.

   "You should stay in the Seven Regions first. If we really can't come back, with you here, the Seven Regions can at least last for a while." Bei Gongxue said.

Now there are not many top sages in the Seven Domains, and Feng Yiyang and Yun Zhengran are both top-notch in strength. If she and Wentian leave, the important task of killing the ancient chaotic beasts that invaded the Seven Domains, Give them a few more.

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, Feng Yiyang's hand holding the sword suddenly tightened, but the cold expression on his face as always explained his position.

   As for Yun Zhengran, he even disapproved and said: "They can survive without us. If the entire Seven Regions are separated from us, it will be impossible. It would be better to destroy it earlier."

  This time is different from the past. Now the saints have many times of experience in fighting against the ancient beasts of chaos. Even if they can't kill the ancient beasts of chaos, it is more than enough to drive them back to the dark area.

  If they leave, these people will not be able to do it, then they have really cultivated in vain all these years.

   Seeing that both of them insisted on going with them, Bei Gongxue couldn't help but look at the first question.

   The first questioner thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine. If we encounter danger, we'd better have someone come back to inform us."

   At present, they only have a star map about the dark area from Tianyuan Secret Realm. Tianyuan old man has opened up a passage for them. How to go next depends on them.

   Even if they fail to succeed, with their strength, it is always possible to open up a correct path for future generations.


After    and the people of the first family, Bei Gongxue returned to the gods and told the elders and others about his plans.

   "Lord Patriarch, it's too dangerous!" The Great Elder said in disbelief with his eyes wide open.

   He never imagined that the patriarch was so courageous that he wanted to leave the Seven Domains and enter that restricted area!

   Bei Gongxue smiled slightly, "Elder, after I leave, you will have to worry about the Protoss affairs! Don't worry, I will definitely choose a new Patriarch for the Protoss before I leave."

  The Great Elder saw that Bei Gongxue had made up his mind, and said helplessly: "The patriarch must be careful, in that dark area, even the old Tianyuan, who once covered the sky with one hand, went and couldn't come back."

  What kind of person is Tianyuan old man? When the Seven Domains was attacked by the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast for the first time, it was he who single-handedly killed the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast.

  Because of this matter, the saints at that time thought that the ancient beasts of Chaos Destroying the World were nothing more than you. However, when they really faced the ancient beasts of Chaos Destruction, it was too late to regret it.

Except for the old man Tianyuan, no saint has ever come back alive in the hands of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast, and in the years after that, every time the appearance of the world-destroying chaotic ancient beast will cause the Seven Domains to lose % The top sage of the ninety.

  Except for those holy monarchs who were lucky enough to keep Nascent Soul's proud reincarnation, the rest of the holy monarchs were almost gone, and not even scum was left.

   Bei Gongxue knew that the elder was worried about her, so he smiled comfortably, and said, "Old Tianyuan is not necessarily dead, maybe the end of the dark area is not as scary as we thought?"

   Having said that, Bei Gongxue knew very well that the dark area could not be as stable as she said. After all, the ancient beasts of the world-destroying chaos entered the seven domains from the dark area.

The elder    nodded, "I hope so, all the gods have been arranged in the temple according to your words, shall we go now?"

The    Temple is where the Protoss trains the next patriarch and priest. Because they are about to leave the Seven Domains, Bei Gongxue wants to choose the next patriarch for the Protoss before leaving.

   "Well, let's go."

   Bei Gongxue nodded slightly and walked towards the temple with the Great Elder.

  In the temple, seven gods are waiting for the arrival of Bei Gongxue.

   When Bei Gongxue appeared, the eyes of the seven people all lit up.

   After all, for them, Bei Gongxue is a legend. Not only did she create the second heart perfectly, but she was also the only pure-blooded Protoss bloodline.

   However, not everyone was excited about the arrival of Bei Gongxue, at least one person frowned slightly when he saw Bei Gongxue appear.

   Bei Gongxue let Qiuqiu read the hearts of the seven people without a trace, and then his eyes fell on the woman standing at the center.

   In all fairness, this woman is very beautiful, wearing a pink gauze on her body, which makes her look like a peach blossom, but it is not her appearance that attracts Bei Gongxue's attention, but her memory.

  According to the information Qiuqiu read, this woman suddenly awakened the power of her bloodline nearly a hundred years ago, and before that, her Protoss bloodline was less than 30% pure.

   What's even more amazing is that she doesn't remember how she suddenly awakened her bloodline.

His gaze stopped only on the woman for a microsecond, and Bei Gongxue turned his gaze back and said, "Because this patriarch has important things to do, he can't manage the Protoss for the time being, so I have to choose among you. A patriarch who is most suitable for the Protoss!"

   As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the seven people ranged from surprise, excitement, and doubt.

   Bei Gongxue didn't care what expressions on their faces, and said directly to the elder: "Elder, check the purity of the blood first."

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, a hint of pride flashed in the eyes of the pink-clad woman standing in the middle.

   According to the rule that the person with the purest bloodline of the God Clan is the patriarch, she will be the next patriarch!

   Among the remaining six people, no one's bloodline is more pure than hers!
