MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 483 haven't seen you for a long time

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  The roots of the dragon's blood tree quickly removed the sea beasts surrounding the sea burial ground, and Bei Gongxue, with a smile, took the hand of No. 1 Wentian and quickly swept towards the sea.


After    two sounds of water breaking, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian left the sea at the same time.

   At this time, on the seashore, a huge tree like a horned dragon was standing on the shore, and most of its roots had already penetrated into the seabed. Beside him, there are still five humanoid monsters.

   Seeing Bei Gongxue, the dragon's blood tree stretched out its branches toward her.

   Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian let the dragon's blood tree roll them to the shore. After reaching the shore, Bei Gongxue looked at the old man in front of him with a smile and said, "Long time no see, Dragon King!"

  The Dragon King who turned into an old man also smiled at Bei Gongxue and said with emotion: "Yeah, long time no see, I thought I would never see you again!"

   In those days, all the saints who went to fight in the Seven Regions had no return, but fortunately their sacrifice was worth it, because after the war, the Seven Regions were not destroyed.

   Now that I see my old friend again, although it is a reincarnation, the heart of Dracaena is still extremely comforting.

   "I'm fine, but you seem to be weaker than before!" Bei Gongxue looked at Dragon Blood Tree and said.

   "It's hard to say, let's go to the old place to talk." Dragon Blood Tree said.

   Bei Gongxue nodded, "This is my husband's first question, not an outsider. Let's go together!"

   Then, several big beastmasters in the Vault of Heaven Forest protected the dragon's blood tree and walked towards the interior of the Vault of Heaven Forest.

   After arriving at the site where the dragon's blood tree lives all the year round, Bei Gongxue keenly discovered that the soil quality nearby had suffered very serious damage.

   "Dragon King, has this place been attacked before?" Bei Gongxue asked with a condensed voice.

  The Dragon King not only plays an extremely important role in the entire Sky Forest, but also plays an important role in the safety of the Seven Domains. If someone dares to attack the Dragon King, Bei Gongxue will never stand by.

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, Dragon Blood Tree shook his head and sighed: "This is caused by my failure to break through the level."

   Bei Gongxue was stunned, "You failed to level up?"

   In the entire Seven Domains, the most promising person to become a seventh-level holy monarch is the Dragon King, but she did not expect that the Dragon King would fail? !

"how so?"

  The Dragon King couldn't help laughing when he heard it, "What's so strange about this? You know the risk of breaking through the seventh-level holy monarch. It's rare that I can still have such strength now."

   When you reach the level of the Holy Monarch, the higher you break through, the more difficult it will be and the greater the risk. Some people fail to break through, but they even lose their lives.

  Beigongxue herself has also broken through the seventh-level holy monarch, and she naturally knows how big the risk is. At the moment, she couldn't help but look a little serious, and then stepped forward to check the dragon's blood tree.

After    withdrew his fingers, Bei Gongxue looked at the dragon's blood tree with resignation and joy, "It's also fate, I just got the ghost flower, I have to use it now!"

   Hearing Bei Gongxue's words, Dragon's Blood Tree's beard trembled, "Xiao Xue'er, what did you say?!"

   Ghost Flower! ?

  This kind of plant can only grow out of a pile of bones.

   However, although its growth environment is extremely terrifying, its effect is also quite against the sky!

   The ghost flower can not only nourish the soul, but also repair the Dao injury caused by the failure of the calamity and breakthrough!

   Although it took a lot of hard work to find a ghost flower, but the ghost flower is only a hundred years old, and it doesn't have much effect on him at all!

   The beastmasters who were still guarding Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian around the dragon blood tree were surprised and excited when they heard Bei Gongxue's words.

   Bei Gongxue took out the ghost flower with a smile and handed it to the Dragon King, "Dragon King, this ghost flower is hundreds of millions of years old!"

  Rao is the Dragon King, and when he heard Bei Gongxue's words, he couldn't help shaking his face, "Xiao Xue'er, you are really my lucky star!"

After the words fell, the Dragon King carefully took the ghost flower, then took off a petal, and returned the remaining ghost flower to Bei Gongxue, "Give me one piece! With this ghost flower, I will become a seventh-level holy monarch. , just around the corner!"

  The Dragon King's words made Bei Gongxue heave a sigh of relief, "That's good!"

   Saying that she doesn't hurt is a lie, but compared to protecting the Seven Domains, a ghost flower is really nothing.

   You must know that in case the ancient beasts of annihilation and chaos come again one day, and they have no seventh-level holy monarch to support, then don't say anything about ghosts, all of them have to die!

   She didn't know that since their group of saints died, the Seven Domains had successfully broken through several seventh-level saints, but if the Dragon King could successfully break through, it would definitely be a pillar!

   With one more seventh-level holy monarch, in the battle against the world-destroying chaotic ancient beasts, the greater their odds of winning in the seven domains.

And the other beast kings saw that Bei Gongxue gave the ghost flower to the dragon blood tree without hesitation, and there was no trace of hostility on their faces anymore. Even the empty shadow snake, who always liked to hide in the air, couldn't help it at this moment. Looking at Bei Gongxue, he said, "We also thank you for the Dragon King! If you have any requests in the future, we will never refuse!"

Bei Gongxue looked at those grateful eyes, and smiled slightly: "I believe you have all heard about the ancient beasts of annihilation, the Dragon King's strength is related to the future of the Seven Domains, and it is nothing but a petal. ."

   However, the more Bei Gongxue said this, the more the beastmasters felt that they had really treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

   Bei Gongxue couldn't help but secretly felt funny when she saw this. However, it was a good thing that these beast kings felt ashamed of her. After all, the main purpose of her visit to Tianqiong Forest this time was not to find Ghost Flower.

   She is here to store blood for her second heart!

   And a drop of blood from these beastmasters is of great benefit to her.

   "Dragon King, why don't you go to retreat now, I just have to practice in the Sky Vault Forest, and I won't leave for the time being." Bei Gongxue said.

  Dragon Blood Tree listened and nodded, "Well, this time I have 80% confidence that I can break through. After I retreat, I will trouble you to tell them about the ancient chaotic beast that destroys the world."

   Regarding the existence of the ancient chaotic beasts, the Dragon Blood Tree chose to tell them after their strength reached the corresponding level, so these beastmasters all knew the crisis of the Seven Domains and the horror of the ancient chaotic beasts of the world.

   It's just that the dragon's blood tree has never seen a real world-destroying chaotic ancient beast, so he can't tell them what this world-destroying creature looks like.

   But this does not prevent the Beastmasters from knowing the horror of the ancient beasts of annihilation and chaos, and the monsters that can make all the top saints in the Seven Regions have nowhere to go. Think about how terrifying it is!

   Bei Gongxue condensed a screen in the air with a wave of his hand after he went to retreat in the dragon blood tree.

   This screen shows exactly the picture of that battle that Bei Gongxue still remembers in his mind.

  In the beginning, the Beastmasters only saw a cold air of Dawson. Wherever the cold air passed, many holy monarchs were directly frozen into ice slag!

   Immediately afterwards, they saw a giant palm attacking, and the magnified golden body of Sage Xixue was like a small ant in contrast to the giant palm!

   "Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?" Kongying Snake looked at the huge palm on the screen and couldn't help exclaiming.

   "It's terrifying, is this the ancient chaotic beast that destroyed the world? Judging from the size of this palm, his body length should be as big as several planets?" The Bear King couldn't help but guess.

   At this moment, the screen suddenly turned, and half of the face of the Ancient Chaos Ancient Beast of Destruction began to appear on the screen.

  In an instant, several Beastmasters took a deep breath.

   They finally know what kind of terrifying monsters those holy monarchs are facing. An eyeball of that ancient chaotic beast is probably the size of a planet!

   It is no wonder that so many top sages have all died. Such a monster, I am afraid there is only one way to drive it away!

   Unsurprisingly, before all the memory images of Xixue Shengjun disappeared, a seventh-level holy gentleman had already started to explode himself!

   After the scene stopped abruptly, the Beastmasters sullen and serious expressions.

"These are all the pictures I remember about the ancient chaotic beast. I believe you now have the most intuitive understanding of it. According to our test, this ancient chaotic beast is probably a ninth-level holy monarch. Strength! And the Seven Domains, the only eighth-level saints, have all died in that battle!"

After a pause, Bei Gongxue said again: "But you don't have to worry too much. In the last battle, although we perished with the ancient beasts of the world-destroying chaos, we finally researched the power of the ninth-level holy monarch. Way! So don't put too much pressure on yourselves, as long as you cultivate well and break through to the next level, then you will be able to exert your super power!"

The Tiger King heard this and looked at Bei Gongxue gratefully, "Thank you, Shengjun Xixue! If you didn't bring back such precious memories, we wouldn't know how terrifying the monsters we will face in the future! Don't worry! , we will definitely cultivate well, and then, if this guy dares to appear again, we will never let him go!"

   "Yes! This guy must not be allowed to destroy the Seven Domains!" The Crane King said loudly.

   It's no wonder that this guy is called "Ancient Chaos Beast Destroying the World". With his size, destroying the planet can't be like shooting a ball! As long as he casually pats two claws, that good planet will have to collapse directly!

   Seeing several beast kings with sullen faces, Bei Gongxue said: "We have to go to other places in the sky forest for a while, you should guard the dragon king here!"

  Dragon King retreated, and she didn't know when she would come out, and she also had to collect blood essence, so that her blood organs could store more blood essence.

  Although she won't move a few beastmasters, she won't let go of the other holy beasts.

   "Go ahead, benefactor! If you need anything, just talk to us!" Tiger King said cheerfully.

   Even though he is already in human form, the mind of the monster is still much simpler than that of a human being. From the monster's point of view, Bei Gongxue has already become his own person.
