MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 481 ghost flower

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"Wentian, this is the end of the sky! There are at least five million aquatic creatures discovered in this sea!" Bei Gongxue looked at the sea with no edge in sight, and shouted to the first Wentian in the sound of the waves. said.

   First Wentian looked at the sea in front of him and felt so small for the first time. He couldn't help thinking: Is there an end to this world? If so, where is the end of the world?

   "Let's go find the ghost flower now?" After the first question day came back to his senses, he looked at Bei Gongxue.

   Bei Gongxue nodded, with a serious look on his face, "The ghost flower is in the sea burial ground at the bottom of the sea, where the yin is very strong, you should be careful."

   This is also the reason why she was so relieved to leave the ghost flower in place.

   Don’t say that few monks dare to come here, even if there are monks who come here, few dare to sneak into the sea burial ground!

   Back then, she was just a sea burial ground that she discovered by chance by relying on her being a **** race and diving into the bottom of the sea to catch white sharks.

  The two held hands, and under the leadership of Bei Gongxue, they quickly jumped into the sea.

   But what the two of them didn't expect is that besides them, there are other strong people near the sea!

  When the figures of the two disappeared into the sea, a grey-white figure instantly appeared in the air.

   The man was thin and his skin was a little pale, and those inverted triangular eyes gave him an evil taste.

   Looking at the place where the two disappeared, the other party changed and turned into a shadowy snake that could barely see its deity and swam towards the sea.

In the sky forest, there are many kinds of monsters that are very good at using the surrounding environment to disguise themselves, but this shadow snake is different. This kind of monster is naturally transparent, almost the same as the air, and it is born with the control of space. In terms of natal skills, this empty shadow snake has become one of the ten most difficult monsters to deal with among all the monsters in the sky forest.

   Even Bei Gongxue and First Wentian did not discover the existence of the Kongying Snake, which shows how deeply this guy has hidden!

   On the bottom of the sea, Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian wrapped themselves with auras and quickly shuttled across the bottom of the sea.

   Behind the two of them, the Sky Shadow Snake was drifting with the current, using the fluidity of the seawater to perfectly conceal its own existence.

   And after Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian advanced on the seabed for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at the sea burial ground that Bei Gongxue said.

   Bei Gongxue is no stranger to the environment of sea burials.

   Because this place is exactly the same as the underwater city of Yuncang Continent.

  In the sea burial ground, time also stands still!

   However, facing such an environment now, it is no longer possible to bring any threat to the two of them.

  Mysterious sea burial ground, as its name suggests, is a tomb of underwater creatures!

  Here, the skeletons of countless dead creatures are piled up on the seabed into mountains, and they are immortalized by the stillness of time. In addition to the corpses, there are only white bones!

   And the accumulation of countless corpses also caused the environment around this sea area to look gloomy.

  Because he is a pure yang body, the first Wentian felt the yin qi of the sea burial ground most obviously. After arriving here, he felt that his whole body was surrounded by a cold air.

   Those air currents, like poisonous snakes, were looking for a breakthrough in his body, trying to erode his body.

   First Wentian's face turned pale, and his body felt a little bit colder.

   And the Sky Shadow Snake, who was following the two of them, also trembled slightly because of the cold breath.

   However, the slight fluctuations were enough for Bei Gongxue and First Wentian to discover its existence!

   The two did not turn around to look for each other, but looked at each other quickly and continued to walk forward.

   "Xue'er, where is this place? It's so gloomy!" Inside the aura hood, the first question asked deliberately.

   "I don't know either. The treasure hunt map left by the ancestors finally pointed to this place!" Bei Gongxue responded very quickly, and instantly made up a pretense of treasure hunting, and took out the map of the tombs of the gods.

   "Really? But I see, there's nothing here except corpses and bones!" The first question asked after glancing around.

   Bei Gongxue also nodded in distress, "I don't know either, but if we look around, we will always find something."

   Then, the two of them wandered around as if they didn't know where to find the treasure.

After    did not find anything, Bei Gongxue angrily shredded the map in his hand, "What kind of broken map is this? It's useless at all! Didn't we say there is treasure? Why haven't we found it yet!"

   First Wentian silently praised Bei Gongxue's acting skills in his heart, and then comforted: "Xue'er, don't worry, let's look for more, maybe we'll find it!"

   "But the yin here is so heavy, we won't be able to find it for long before we leave!" Bei Gongxue said.

   When it comes to Yin Qi, Bei Gongxue's expression suddenly changed slightly.

   Wrong! It doesn't feel right!

   When she came to this place before, the feeling of Yin Qi was very unforgettable, but this time, she just felt a little gloomy here, and there was no feeling of discomfort!

   The first questioner was keenly aware of Bei Gongxue's changes, "Xue'er, what's wrong?"

   Bei Gongxue was just thinking hard, and then she opened her eyes in surprise.

   Nodding the eyebrows of the first question, Bei Gongxue said with a smile: "I'm fine, let's continue to look for treasures!"

   Then, Bei Gongxue casually dropped the map that was torn apart by her, and walked to other places.

   Shortly after the two of them left, the torn pieces of the map moved spontaneously in the sea, and were quickly assembled into a complete map.

   However, after the map was completed, Kongying Snake immediately realized that he had been deceived.

   But it's too late.

   First Wentian had already set up an enchantment here, and this enchantment was learned from the seal enchantment in Paradise Village!

   Kong Ying Snake saw the two, and immediately twisted his body and fled towards the periphery.

   However, he just dashed for a moment, and a dense wall of talismans suddenly lit up in front of him.

   He immediately changed direction again, however, no matter which way he fled, the space in front of him was blocked by the full spell.

   Bei Gongxue and No. 1 Wentian stood there calmly, watching the Empty Shadow Snake fleeing and crashing into the barrier.

  Although they couldn't see the deity of the Void Shadow Serpent, they both knew that the mysterious stalker had been trapped in the barrier.

   "You still refuse to show up? You can't do without this barrier!" Bei Gongxue said coldly.

  The Empty Shadow Snake did not appear because of this, but instead used magical powers to forcibly attack the enchantment.

   However, he soon realized that what Bei Gongxue said was true.

   He really couldn't break through this terrifying barrier!

   In desperation, the Kongying Snake had no choice but to transform into a human figure, with a pair of gloomy inverted triangular eyes looking at the two of them coldly. "You all lied to me just now?!"

   Bei Gongxue had a thoughtful look on her face after seeing it. After a while, she looked at the gray figure in front of her and said, "Are you Xiaokong?"

  Dragon's Blood Tree once told him that there are several geniuses in the sky forest who are very likely to break through the seventh-level holy monarch in the future. If Shengjun Xixue's group were killed in battle, then the few demon beasts in the Vault of Heaven Forest would be the backup force for the next battle!

   In order to make Shengjun Xixue fight with peace of mind, Dragon Blood Tree specially introduced her which monsters were.

   Among them, there is the Sky Shadow Serpent, a magical beast who is naturally very good at space.

   Kongying Snake, like the Void Divine Beast, is a leader in the space one, but the Kongying Snake is born a holy beast, and it is a bit stronger than the Void Divine Beast.

   Kongying Snake said his name when he saw Bei Gongxue's mouth, and looked at Bei Gongxue with alarm and surprise.

   "Who are you? How did you know my name?" Kongying Snake stared at Bei Gongxue defensively.

  His name is only known by the tree king and several beastmasters, other than that, no one has ever known its name!

   Bei Gongxue just smiled, "Is the Dragon King okay?"

   These words made Kongying Snake change his face completely, "How do you know the tree king's name?!"

Since the failure of the tree king to break through the seventh-level holy monarch, Xiuwei has been beaten back to the second-level holy monarch. In order to protect the tranquility of the sky forest and hide the collapse of the tree king's cultivation base, these beast kings are personally responsible for the sky. Patrol the forest to deter those holy monarchs above the fourth level.

   And he will appear in the end of the sky today, because he felt that there was a saint here, so he came to see it.

"You don't have to be so wary of me. I'm the reincarnation of Holy Monarch Xixue. You can go back and tell the Dragon King. If he wants to see me, you can come to the sea burial ground to find me! Wentian, please withdraw the barrier!" Bei Gong snow Road.

   First Wentian nodded, waved his sleeve robe, and the countless spells in front of him disappeared instantly, while Kongying Snake looked at Bei Gongxue in shock, "You said that you are the reincarnation of Xixue Shengjun?"

   Regarding the reincarnation and return of the Holy Monarch Xixue, although the Protoss concealed it very strictly, it is not difficult for Tianqiong Forest to know this.

  After hearing about this, the Dragon King always wanted to see this Sage Xixue again, but his cultivation had dropped so much that he couldn't leave the Vault of Heaven Forest at all.

   Unexpectedly, he met her here today.

   However, Kongying Snake is not stupid. Although he was surprised, he did not believe him because of Bei Gongxue's words.

   "You said that you are the reincarnation of Sage Lord Xixue, how do you prove it?" Kongying Snake stared into Bei Gongxue's eyes and asked.

   "Dark Spirit Orb, can you prove it?" Bei Gongxue took out the Dark Spirit Orb and said generously.

   Who does not know that the Dark Spirit Orb is the token of the Protoss Patriarch?

   And the current Protoss patriarch is Beigongxue, the reincarnation of Holy Monarch Xixue!

At this moment, Kongying Snake already believed Bei Gongxue's words seven or eight points in his heart, but he still said vigilantly: "Seeing you depends on what our Dragon King means. I will tell the Dragon King now, If he wants to see you, I will come to you."

  The tree king is of great significance to the Vault of Heaven Forest. Just in case, he needs to take some time to recall several other beast kings.

  Only when they were all beside the tree king, would he dare to let Bei Gongxue see the tree king with confidence.

   Bei Gongxue nodded after listening, "Well, you go first! We will be at the sea burial for the time being."

  Empty Shadow Snake hesitated for a while, but after a while, he couldn't help but ask, "How did you find it here? Is there really a treasure here?"

   Bei Gongxue couldn't help laughing, "There are treasures of course, if you want to know, just turn around and turn around."

   This is called Kong Ying Snake without saying a word, he turned his head and left, he had already expected that Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian had discovered his existence long ago, so he was deliberately bullying him just now!

   As for the treasure, it was just made up by the two of them!

   As soon as Kongying Snake left, Bei Gongxue immediately threw the Dark Spirit Orb out of his hand, as if he had taken it, like some hot potato.

   Seeing this, the first questioner hurried forward and grabbed Bei Gongxue's hand to check.

   Seeing this, the first question was also taken aback, "Xue'er, what's the matter?"

  I saw Bei Gongxue's hand. At this moment, it had turned from a white jade finger to a black one, and there was still a dark mist on it.

   "Damn, the Dark Spirit Pearl was absorbing the yin qi here spontaneously just now, and Lao Tzu's hand was eroded by the yin qi!" Bei Gongxue scolded.

   is really abominable, you have to absorb Yin Qi, so give her some time to prepare!

   First Wentian was very distressed, and hurriedly helped Bei Gongxue to dispel the yin qi from his hands.

   After Bei Gongxue's right hand finally recovered, the two breathed a sigh of relief.

   And because of this accident, Bei Gongxue also realized how terrible the yin here is!

   The reason why she didn't feel the invasion of Yin Qi before was probably because the Yin Qi was absorbed by the Dark Spirit Orb.

After being thrown out by Bei Gongxue, the Dark Spirit Orb began to frantically absorb the Yin Qi of the sea burial ground.

   Centered on the Dark Spirit Orb, one after another substantial black airflow continuously rushed towards the Dark Spirit Orb in a spiral shape.

   "Wentian, let's find the ghost flower first!" Bei Gongxue glanced at the dark spirit bead and asked the first question.

   Putting the Dark Spirit Orb here, she is extremely relieved.

  Because whoever dares to get the Dark Spirit Orb at this time is equivalent to dying!

   Even her master has been eroded, let alone others!

   This time, the two of them did not beat around the bush, but went straight to their destination!

As Bei Gongxue expected, the ghost flower is still in place, but compared to before, this ghost flower has grown to more than one meter in diameter, and the skeleton on the flower looks more terrifying and realistic. .

   The dark three petals are gathered together to form a circle, and in the center of the petals, the white traces are perfectly spliced ​​together to form a white skull.

   After seeing the ghost flower, Bei Gongxue did not rush forward to pick it, but told the first questioner to be careful.

   Plants that grow in such a yin atmosphere cannot be just ordinary flowers at all!

   stretched out his right hand, Bei Gongxue wrapped his right hand with aura, and grabbed the rhizome of the ghost flower.

   And just as her hand was about to touch the stalk, the ghost flower suddenly moved, and the skeleton above the petals twisted and opened her mouth to bite at Bei Gongxue's hand!
