MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 474 deduction avenue

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   Seeing No. 1 Wentian's actions, the Shura pointed at him earlier and said, "Look, Your Majesty, he is digging the memory fruit tree! The memory fruit can restore the memory of the previous life, he must not be at ease!"

  No need for the other party to remind him, Mo Yan also knew the use of the memory fruit, and immediately, he made a movement of wiping his neck.

   Seeing this, many ugly Asuras rushed towards the first question as if they had been beaten with blood.

   However, the first question was just a wave of his hand, and the Asuras who were rushing towards him slammed into his barrier.

   "Forwarders, die!" After saying a few words coldly, the first questioner continued to carefully dig the memory fruit tree.

   Mo Yan's complexion changed drastically when he saw the first Wentian's hand, and he immediately understood that the opponent's strength was far superior to him!

   "Who is Your Excellency? What is your relationship with Brahma?" Mo Yan stared at the first question.

   First Wentian glanced at him lightly, "I don't know!"

   "Then what do you want this memory fruit tree to do?!" Mo Yan didn't believe it.

   The first questioning day ignored Mo Yan, and after carefully taking the memory fruit tree by its roots, it was time to transplant it.

   However, as soon as the memory fruit tree leaves the soil, the only green memory fruit left will instantly turn from green to yellow, and then quickly wither!

   The face of the first question changed greatly, what's going on?

   turned his head in vain, and the first questioner stared at Mo Yan, "What's going on? Why did this memory fruit suddenly break?"

   Hearing the words of the first question, Mo Yan was slightly relieved. He didn't know that the memory fruit tree could not leave the yellow spring soil. It seemed that this person should have nothing to do with Brahma.

  Thinking of the powerful method of the first question just now, Mo Yan said cautiously: "The memory fruit tree cannot leave the Yellow Spring soil. Once it leaves the Yellow Spring soil, it will not bear the memory fruit."

   After listening to the first question, he felt extremely remorseful in his heart, and finally found the memory fruit, and he actually caused the memory fruit to wither because of such a reason!

   Seeing No. 1 Wentian's face was cold and he didn't speak, Mo Yan immediately continued: "I don't know what you want to do with the memory fruit? I still have a memory in my hand..."

   Before he finished speaking, the first question day rushed over to stare at him and asked, "You said you still have a memory fruit in your hand?"

Mo Yan was stared at by the first question day and his scalp was numb, although he was much taller than the first question day, but being stared at by the first question day, he always had a feeling that he was being stared at by the first question day. The feeling of looking down.

   swallowed his saliva, and Mo Yan replied, "Yes, I still have a memory fruit."

   The first question was relieved, and then he said coldly: "I have nothing to do with Brahma, give me the memory fruit, spare you from dying! Otherwise..."

   Threats don't need to be spoken out, the killing intent on the first question day can make the Asuras hairy.

   Although they like to fight fiercely, they seem to be fearless, but when facing a real strong person, it is false to say that they are not afraid!

   And he was relieved, and Mo Yan, after seeing the method of the first question, he was worried that he was with Brahma.

  If the other party is really with Brahma, then with the other party's means, he is probably going to die this time!

   Therefore, Mo Yan was relieved to hear that the other party had nothing to do with the first question.

   "This is the memory fruit, you can take it!" Mo Yan simply took out the memory fruit, but his face was slightly tangled.

   The first questioner knew that the other party had something to help him.

   "After all, what are the conditions? If it is within my bottom line, I can agree." The first question was Tiandao.

When Mo Yan heard this, his face was overjoyed, "Your Excellency is indeed a cheerful person! This is the case, this king has just ascended the throne, but many people have been making troubles behind the scenes. This king hopes that your Excellency can take action and help this king. Get rid of all these people!"

   The first questioner looked at the light in Mo Yan's eyes and sneered in his heart, but since he promised the other party a condition, he would naturally do it, "No problem."

   Seeing that the first question is so refreshing, he agreed to it, and Mo Yan immediately smiled.

   But what Mo Yan didn't expect was that the first person to take out the operation on the first question day was the Shura who had just tipped off.

   With a wave of the Chengying Sword, a thin bloodstain was sprayed from Shura's head, and then his head moved!

   Such a ruthless and swift method made Mo Yan stunned, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

   As for the first question, he looked at Mo Yan and said, "This seat has urgent matters to leave. Who else, please point out!"

Mo Yan was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately said in a hurry, "Thank you, Your Excellency! There are still a few stubborn resisters hiding in the corner, and every time this king went to catch them, they were cunningly escaped! "

   The first Wentian nodded indifferently, killing a few Asuras in exchange for a memory fruit, for him, there is nothing wrong!

   However, the first question is not like Mo Yan, who uses cruel methods to directly make the other party lose his soul, and he has no chance to be reincarnated. Every Asura who died under his hands was sent to reincarnation by him.

   After that, the first question was about to leave the Asura world.

   However, it’s easy to get in but hard to get out! Just when the first question day was about to leave, a terrifying massacre occurred in the Ashura world!

  Mo Yan was hunted down by a group of mysterious people and died tragically at the foot of Mount Sumeru.

   At that time, it wasn't that No. 1 Wentian had no chance to save Mo Yan, but he didn't take action.

  Why save Mo Yan? He originally betrayed Brahma and ascended to the position of the king of hell. For such a person, he has no reason to help.

   After Mo Yan was killed, the first Wentian quietly followed those mysterious people to find out who was behind the scenes.

   The result was somewhat unexpected for the first questioner. The mysterious black hand who played the Asura world in the palm of his hand was actually from the Yuchi family!

  Although it was not long before the First Asking Heaven recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry, he knew many things clearly under the explanation of the First God of War.

   And among them, the Yuchi family has always been against the first family.

Like the first family, the Yuchi family is a human race. It is said that such a new family would not have the guts to fight against the first family, but no one would have thought that the head of the Yuchi family, Yuchilou, was actually the daughter of the evil clan head. Ming Butterfly took a fancy to it!

   As a result, the backstage of the Yuchi family instantly became a powerful evil clan!

   Although it is said that many human races hate the evil race the most, but since the Yuchi family has this opportunity to befriend the evil race, Yuchi Lou will naturally not let it go.

   And that Ming Die also loved Yuchi Lou very much. It can be said that when the evil little witch of the past met Yuchi Lou, she instantly became a good girl, gentle and obedient.

   And the evil king who loves Mingdie the most, under the soft and hard bubble of Mingdie, naturally will not object.

   Therefore, after the evil clan got married with the Yuchi clan, the waist rod was as if a titanium alloy steel plate was installed in an instant.

   As for the first family, according to the words of the first **** of war, it is not that they are afraid of the evil clan, but they are too lazy to care about the Yuchi family.

   Even with the support of the evil clan, what can you do, the prosperity of a large clan does not depend on the backstage!

   The reason why the First Family has been strong to this day is the result of the efforts of countless ancestors of the First Family! Because of the profound accumulation of family background, more and more strong people have been cultivated, so the status of the first family in Tianyu will become more and more stable!

A first family like    can be fearless even in the face of evil clan, not to mention the mere Yuchi family.

   The reason why the older generation of the first family did not directly suppress the Yuchi family was just to give the younger generation a chance to experience it.

   After all, the growth of the next generation requires a whetstone, right?

   And when the first questioner found out that the Yuchi family was planning to attack the Asura world, he was too lazy to meddle in his own business. He had already obtained the memory fruit, so he should leave.

The first question was waving his sleeves and leaving quietly with a memory fruit, but the Yuchi family still thought their plans were seamless, and were busy preparing for the capture of Brahma, the Blessed One. .

   However, if the Yuchi family knew that while they were busy catching Brahma, another Heavenly Blessed One left under their noses, they would probably vomit blood in anger.


   God Clan, Bei Gongxue's retreat has remained silent for a hundred years.

   You must know that after a hundred years in the outside world, a million years have passed in the time-accelerated cultivation room!

   And when the Holy Monarch Wuxin heard that Bei Gongxue hadn’t come out of the retreat for so long, he felt extremely melancholy in his heart.

   He still thought that Bei Gongxue deliberately retreated to avoid him because he didn't want to see him.

   Little did he know, at this moment Bei Gongxue was groping for his own way of cultivation.

After    retreat, Bei Gongxue began to practice without distractions, and within a few decades, she began to touch the threshold of the avenue.

   However, she forgot all the cultivation experience in her previous life, and now she can only start to **** again, how to turn the law into her own way.

   Bei Gongxue first condensed the Avenue of Time successfully. However, after the Avenue of Time was successfully condensed, she was a little confused as to whether to condense the Avenue of Slaughter or the Avenue of Darkness.

   So, Bei Gongxue simply deduced both of these two avenues.

   In terms of lethality, Bei Gongxue believes that the way of killing is stronger, so at the beginning, she first deduced the way of killing.

   There was no problem during the deduction, but when she reached the end of the deduction, she found that this avenue did not seem to be suitable for her!

   In desperation, Bei Gongxue had to give up the achievements of hundreds of thousands of years, and turned to the dark road.

   The time to deduce the Dark Avenue is as much as twice as long as the deduction of the Killing Avenue. However, even if it took more than twice the time, Bei Gongxue still failed to deduce the result.

   The result was not able to be deduced, so Bei Gongxue continued to deduce, and time passed bit by bit.

   In the millionth year of Bei Gongxue's retreat, she realized that her deduction ability had reached a bottleneck, and if she continued to deduce, there would be no results.

   So, Bei Gongxue decided to give up temporarily.

   At this moment, the Dark Spirit Orb suddenly flew out of her body and entered Bei Gongxue's eyebrows.


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