MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 461 past life

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   This is also one of the reasons why Xixue was able to win the throne after she died.

  Because after Xixue died, there was no one in the entire Protoss whose blood was purer than her!

"Hmph, but don't forget, I'm the patriarch of the Protoss now! And you, at best, are just a stranger who doesn't know where you came from! The Protoss will never know of your existence, you rest in front of the elders' meeting !" Xixi said suddenly proudly.

   After the words fell, she couldn't help but have another thought in her heart, that is, Holy Monarch Wuxin deliberately hid her here in order to prevent the elders from discovering the existence of Bei Gongxue.

  Yes, it must be so!

   Wuxin is trying to keep her position, so she won't let anyone know of this woman's existence!

  Thinking like this, Xixi just felt that what she did just now was really disrespectful to the Wuxin Holy Monarch.

   Wuxin Shengjun was all for her good, but she forcibly invaded his territory and insisted that this Bei Gongxue be exposed!

   Hearing the sound of fighting outside, Xixi immediately shouted, "Stop this Gong!"

  The people outside, because they were afraid that the hall of the Wuxin Holy Monarch would collapse, all fought with their bare hands, and did not dare to recklessly use their spiritual energy.

   Even if it is an order from Xixi, the person who does it does not dare to be too presumptuous, because the Holy Monarch Wuxin is really terrible!

   After the Snow God left that year, the Wuxin Holy Monarch somehow broke through the level of the fifth-level holy monarch and became one of the top masters of the Protoss.

   And in the countless years that followed, he broke through the first level and became the sixth-level saint!

   The entire Protoss, no, the entire Seven Domains, and now there are not many sixth-level holy monarchs.

  Because all those who disappeared together with the Snow God were all holy monarchs above level 6!

  No one knows where they went and how they died, but since then, there has been a situation in the Seven Domains where no one has broken through the seventh-level holy monarch for ten thousand years!

   And Wuxin Shengjun is one of the most powerful monks in the Seven Domains today!

   But soon, Xixi knew that she was completely self-indulgent.

   The fighting outside didn't stop because of the rude words, but because of the return of the Wuxin Holy Monarch.

   "Who allowed you to appear here?!" Seeing the outsider, Sage Wuxin showed cold anger on his face.

   "The Holy Monarch Wuxin, the patriarch..."


   Before he finished speaking, Sage Wuxin fanned his sleeve.

  The bodies of those people fell heavily on the pillars of the main hall, but the master was not broken, but his waist was broken.

   Seeing Sage Wuxin's anger, the guards of Bei Gongxue immediately knelt down, "My subordinates are not doing well, I beg the Sage to calm down!"

   "Go to the Cold Pond and bring it with you for 10,000 years!" Sage Wuxin said coldly, and then strode towards the inner hall.

   And at this time, Xixi was already walking towards him with a clever smile.

   However, Wuxin Shengjun directly ignored the smiling Xixi and walked directly towards Bei Gongxue.

   "Did she bully you?" He looked at Bei Gongxue with concern, looking up and down, as if to see if she was injured.

  Xixi saw that the Holy Monarch Wuxin ignored him directly, and the smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

   "Wuxin, you..."

   "Go away! Who allowed you to enter the Snow Palace privately?! It seems that you want to get out of the position of the patriarch!" Facing Xixi, the Wuxin Holy Monarch was extremely indifferent.

   Xixi was shocked, "Wuxin, you can't do this, I will listen to you carefully, don't let her be exposed, okay?"

  If the elders knew that there were people with purer blood than their own, no matter how much they supported her in the past, they would pull her down from the position of patriarch after seeing Bei Gongxue!

   The gods have been like this since ancient times. Although she has already won the support of many clan elders, once it is related to the issue of pure blood, these people will immediately turn their faces!

   She hated this rule to death, but she also relied on this rule to become the patriarch.

Wuxin Shengjun sneered again and again: "I didn't intend to expose her, but you have to find fault yourself! You should swallow the bitter fruit of your own sins! You should think about it carefully, without the position of the patriarch, you Will those who entered the curtain leave you?!"

   Hearing Wuxin Shengjun's words, Xixi's face turned pale.

   "So, you all know..."

   She always thought that she was hiding it well, but she didn't expect that Wuxin would have known about those things long ago.

   "Go away!" Wuxin Shengjun roared again.

  Because the scandal was exposed, Xixi was a little frightened and panicked, so she couldn't hear it at all. When the Wuxin Holy Monarch roared, something was wrong.

   But Bei Gongxue, who was on the side, heard it.

   And right after Xixi left, Holy Monarch Wuxin immediately took out a mirror from his arms.

   It was a stone mirror, which looked like a disc made of stone. Wuxin Shengjun carefully handed the stone mirror to Bei Gongxue with a look of hope on his face.

   Bei Gongxue looked at his cautious appearance and sighed slightly, "Are you injured?"

   Holy Monarch Wuxin suddenly lit up, "Master, are you caring about me?"

Master    still cares about him. She is the cultivation base of the Holy King now, so it can be seen that he is injured.

   If she didn't care about his physical condition, how could she see it?

  Thinking of this, Sage Wuxin only felt that it was good that he was injured this time, and the master cared about him!

   Bei Gongxue didn't even look at the Wuxin Sage, but said helplessly, "Is it worth it?"

   Wuxin Shengjun nodded immediately after hearing this, "It's worth it!"

   Bei Gongxue finally raised his eyes to look at him, those sterling silver eyes that looked at Xixue, made the heart of the Wuxin Holy Monarch thump nervously.

   stretched out his right hand, Bei Gongxue took the reincarnation mirror handed over by Wuxin Shengjun.

   But after Bei Gongxue's face and the mirror of rebirth were facing each other, the originally dull stone mirror suddenly emitted a white light, and its surface became bright and smooth like a layer of mercury.

   On the smooth mirror surface, the figure of Huang Ranqiu first appeared on it.

   Seeing that the reincarnated Bei Gongxue paid so much for Sikong Hao, the Wuxin Holy Monarch simply wanted to take Sikong Hao out of the mirror and shred his body into pieces!

   That man is really ungrateful, the master treats him so well, how dare he hurt the master!

   But when he saw the appearance of the first question day, his heart ached even more!

  Master admits the wrong person, but in the end he is still with the first question!

  Why does the master fall in love with others, no!

   After the picture about Huang Ranqiu finished playing, the rebirth mirror began to show the stories of Bei Gongxue before he was reincarnated into the Huang family.

  She and a group of children were locked in a cage to kill each other. Bei Gongxue was like watching a movie, watching Xiao Xiao at that time bite someone else's wrist and drink blood.

  This life is still very short, time continues to replay, and finally it reaches the trace of Bei Gongxue or Xixue Shengjun.

   Bei Gongxue's life is very long and very long, but the two of them still started from Xixue's birth and have been until the end.

At this time, Wuxin Shengjun knew that it turned out that the master he admired and loved had a time of despair and loss, and at that time, not only did he fail to find the master's strangeness, but he even caused her trouble all day long and made her worry.

  Isn't it true that if he discovered the master's change earlier, she wouldn't give up on love and take the ruthless way?

   Time flies by in the fast playback of the screen, and after a few days, the screen finally reaches the scene where Bei Gongxue made a promise before leaving.

   "Master, where are you going? I want to go with you!" Wuxin Shengjun's infatuated eyes fell tightly on the cold Xixue Shengjun.

   "Don't be self-willed, what you are going to do for the master this time is very dangerous, you just stay in the clan and wait for the master to return!" Xixue Shengjun said.

   "I don't want it, it's because of the danger that I want to stay by the master's side to protect the master!" Wuxin Shengjun insisted stubbornly.

   In the picture, Shengjun Xixue's indifferent gaze fell on Wuxin, and then asked, "I heard that Xixi confessed to you? She wants to marry you?"

Wuxin Shengjun's face suddenly turned red, but instead of avoiding Xixue Shengjun's gaze, he looked straight into her eyes and said, "Yes, because I like you, master! Even if I want to marry, I will I just want to marry a master!"

   If someone else heard the words of the Wuxin Holy Monarch, he should be punished for a great disrespect.

But Shengjun Xixue did not do this, but said to Wuxin: "Okay, if this palace can come back alive, I will give you a chance, this Snow Soul Orb has a trace of spiritual thoughts left for the teacher, which can be sensed. For the existence of a teacher, if one day this spiritual sense is gone, it means that the master is dead, and if this spiritual sense is still there, it means that the teacher is still alive."

   "Xixi is a thinker. If something happens to her teacher, she will definitely take action."

   After the words fell, the Wuxin Holy Monarch immediately said: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely take your position closely, and no one can take it away!"

  Xixue Shengjun nodded lightly, the position of the patriarch is only a position, but the rights of the Protoss are scattered on each clan elder.

The    clan elders had to push the pure bloodline person to the position of the clan chief due to clan rules, but this does not mean that they will not be the clan chief!

   After some arrangements, Shengjun Xixue said to Wuxin: "Wuxin, you are the only person who can be trusted by the teacher, don't let the teacher down!"

   Holy Monarch Wuxin nodded excitedly, "Master, I will not disappoint you, but you must promise me that you must return safely!"

   Xixue Shengjun nodded and left.

   And the last picture is the gathering of Xixue Shengjun and other famous saints in the Canglan world at that time, including her friend Ziyue Shengjun, and even the strongest masters of evil and demons!

   The faces of this group of people were all tense, and no one showed even the slightest smile.

   They looked like a group of warriors ready to die generously.

   The picture of the mirror of rebirth stopped abruptly, and then the water light on the surface of the mirror faded away, and a stone mirror appeared again.

   After watching these pictures, Bei Gongxue said: "I didn't seem to promise you in my previous life, I will definitely marry you?"

   Holy Monarch Wuxin came back to his senses from the past life of Holy Monarch Xixue, and insisted: "No, Master, you meant to marry me at that time!"

   How could he misunderstand?
