MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1491 Shi Xiang?

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"You know the mother, who are you..." The sharp, sharp voice was a bit clearer, but with a kind of fear.し

Sure enough, there was no guessing. Ning Cheng snorted and rolled up a turbulent rhyme. After the commemoration stage was smashed by him, the reincarnation channel began to crack.

The sound of "咔咔" came, the rhyme in this passage began to break, and everything began to collapse.

"Stop..." The tremulous voice was sharp again, not only sharp but full of fear and fear.

stop? Ning Cheng sneer, no matter what the other person is Shi Qionghua, let Qionghua squander and condense into a statue, he will not stop.

"Booming..." The collapse of the lyrical reincarnation is getting denser and denser. At this moment, not only is the rhythm scattered, but the passage is collapsed, and the rules are beginning to shatter.

"Please spare me... Leave me a nine-turned holy road pool..." The voice knew that its strength was far from Ningcheng and began to beg for mercy.

Ning Cheng sees it clearly. This soul remnant is hiding in a bronze mirror and spares her? Ning Cheng not only wants to destroy the reincarnation channel of the nine-turned holy road pool, but this mirror, including the soul in this mirror, will also be destroyed.

"Boom!" Ning Cheng was another shot, and the passage near the mirror followed the fragmentation. The bronze mirror fell and floated in the void.

There is a panicked image in the bronze mirror, and the image seems to be constantly begging for mercy.

Ning Cheng guessed that this mirror is likely to be the magic weapon to turn to the holy road pool, even if it is a nine-turn holy channel pool, he will not care. Still raising his fist, the rhythm of the fist is sweeping, and it is necessary to blow it down.

When Ning Cheng’s fist was about to slam, he suddenly stopped and looked at the rear and said faintly. “Since it’s coming, there is something to say, hurry up, I don’t have time to marry you.”

"Thanks to Ning Daojun for his mercy..." An anxious voice came, followed by a voice that appeared in a slim figure.

"Shi Xiang has seen Ning Daojun." When the figure fell to the ground, he greeted Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng just nodded casually. No nonsense. If Qionghua has nothing to do, he will give the teacher a few points of face. Now Qionghua is transformed into a statue by the illegitimate daughter of Shi Xiang, can he let go? Even the teacher Xiang Yu came. He should kill if he kills.

The realm of Shi Xiang’s has not changed. Ning Cheng knows that her strength is more than double when she first saw it. Not only that, but her body rhyme is more solid and clear, showing that the future will be higher. It seems that her benefits in the inner world of chaos should not be small.

When Shi Xiangqi saw Shi Qionghua in the hands of Ning Cheng, he immediately understood why Ning Cheng had respected her so much. Also called her predecessor. What people respect is not her teacher, but because her descendants have a relationship with Ning Cheng.

Now the descendants of the division who have a relationship with Ning Cheng were injured by her daughter. It would be a strange thing for Ning Cheng to simply let go. She has experienced chaos in the inner world and has clearly cleared the inner world of Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng not only took away a rhyme of Hongmeng, but also calmly receded under the shadow of four superb powers.

"Autumn Xi, you are too much, in order to enter the avenue, even the future generations of the teacher used to gather lyrics for you..." Shi Tianhe ignored her in Ning Cheng, and her heart was very clear. Ning Cheng is waiting for her to handle this. If the woman in the hands of Ning Cheng can't wake up, I am afraid that even if she is talking about Tian He, it is useless.

The shadow in the mirror, after seeing the teacher’s incense, suddenly stopped shaking and fearing, but cried with a vague voice. “I am too much? What did you do to me that year? I am just greedy for you. Leave it alone, you will discard me for the avenue. If it is not to make up for your embarrassment, let the avenues have traces, will you leave me the nine-way holy road pool? I swear that I will tell you one day. No one I care about me, I can step into a powerful road..."

Because it was too excited, the figure in the mirror became more blurred.

Shi Xiang’s face became a little pale, and she raised her hand to make dozens of rhythms. Hold the bronze mirror on it. The image in the mirror gradually disappeared.

Shi Xiang’s words were not made, and the slaps continued to beat. Soon the mirror changed and slowly turned into a pool surrounded by smog.

This pool reminded Ning Cheng of the pool he had seen when he went to the nine-way channel.

Shi Xiang’s face was pale. After the appearance of the nine-turned holy road pool, she said to Ning Cheng, “Ning Daojun. What is her name? You give her to me.”

Ning Cheng has already understood what Shang Xiang has done. This is to regain the soul of Shi Qionghua from the magic weapon of the nine-way Shengdaochi.

Ning Cheng was so excited that he didn't even think about it. Fortunately, the teacher Xiang Yu came, otherwise even if he thought of this point, he knew this, and he could not find the soul of Qionghua.

Even his abrupt daughter, Shannon’s daughter, did not help. This mirror, in addition to Shi Xiangxi, can be retaken from her daughter without any accident, I am afraid no one can do it.

The nine-turn reincarnation pool is almost equal to the part of Qiu Hee. Once he refines, or once he is in control, any of his minds will disappear. At that time, Shi Qionghua was really devastated.

"She is called Shi Qionghua." Ning Cheng finished, carefully and prudently took Shi Qionghua to the teacher.

Shi Xiangxi took care of Shi Qionghua as carefully as she could feel the position of Shi Qionghua in the heart of Ning Cheng. At this moment, she even has some envy. At the beginning, she abandoned everything and sought the avenue. In addition to her relationship with the avenue of cultivation, she also had a relationship with the man who abandoned her.

Shi Xiangqi forcibly cut off these messy memories and sent Shi Qionghua into the smog over the nine-turn holy channel.

After the layers of smog wrapped up in Shi Qionghua, Shi Xiangyu continued to smash the handprints.

Although Ning Cheng did not practice the nine-turn holy pilgrimage, his vision and avenue were far better than the teacher's fragrant scent. After counting the interest, he understood the practice of Shi Xiang. Shi Xiangxi was in the nine rounds of the pool, looking for all the ideas of Shi Qionghua and the soul of the sun.

Although Ning Cheng did not continue to work, the rhyme that Ning Cheng had previously shot still affected this lyrical round. The rhythm and rules of the reincarnation in the reincarnation are still continually fragmented and collapsed.

In the forty-ninth day, Shi Xiangyu finally stopped his handprint and raised his hand to send Shi Qionghua to the hands of Ning Cheng. "Ning Daojun, Qionghua's avenue was destroyed. I am still here. There are nine turns of the Holy Path..."

Ning Cheng took over Cheng Qionghua and shook his head to Shi Xiangxi, stopping the Shixiangyu to continue.

At this time, Qionghua is still in a closed position, but she is no longer the cold before it is like a sculpture, but there is a breath of life. The whole person is soft, but just doesn't open his eyes.

Ningcheng understands the situation of Qionghua. Although Qionghua’s soul is back, it is seriously damaged and needs to be warm. It is best to stay between the heavens and the earth, absorb the rules of the heavens and the earth, and then use the best of the warmth to raise the soul.

For Ning Cheng, there is a way to warm up the soul. Shi Xiang also apparently knows that Ning Cheng will do better than her, and there is no explanation.

Ning Cheng’s heart sneered at the nine-turned holy road that Shi Xiang’s said. Qionghua has gone through all the hardships, and it has been almost smashed several times because of the practice of practicing the nine-turn holy road. There are no nine turns of the holy road. Where does Qionghua have so many things?

"Thank you for your friend, as for the nine-turned holy road, huh, this kind of practice will not be brought out to Qionghua. Qionghua is now rooted in damage, I will give her other exercises."

Shi Xiang’s body was a gift to Ning Cheng. “Although it’s all my teacher’s This is the biggest responsibility of Shannon. Shannon does not dare to ask Ning Daojun if Daojun wants to bring Take Qiu Xi, the toon will leave the nine to the holy road pool magic to the king..."

Ning Cheng said indifferently, "You can get there in time to let Qionghua not be devastated. I am very grateful to you. As for your unsightly woman, you are still bringing it back to educate yourself."

"Thank you for the generosity of Ning Daojun, and the singer’s resignation..." Shi Xiangyu once again thanked her. She originally came to the Wutaijie plane not for this daughter, but for Ningcheng. I want to go behind Ning Cheng and go to the door of creation.

Now that this is the case, even if she is thicker, she is too embarrassed to continue to raise this matter.


Ning Cheng did not pay attention to the teacher Xiang Yu, he took Shi Qionghua directly to tear the Taiyi void, almost one step fell on the Taisu world.

(The second chapter is estimated to be very late today, because I don’t know when I will be home.)

(To be continued.)
