MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1470 Dealing with Ningcheng

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I am looking at the power of the sorrowful confidant, knowing that it is the open iron mother, why is this brother who is tying the power of the king to hold him?

Power Road Jun spit out a depressed turbidity, said dignifiedly, "Teacher, do you know what this person did before the opening of the chaos?"

"What?" asked the subconscious.

Power Road Jun said with a deep voice, "He defeated the mysterious yellow geese, easily repelled the five-color prince, and even played with the chaotic road, and did not fall into the wind..."

冼懋 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸 吸

Don't say that the mysterious geese are the five-color princes, and I am afraid that they will not be weaker than him.

As for the chaotic Tao Jun, I am sure that even if he and the brothers and sisters add up, I am afraid that they are not opponents. Chaos Daojun and Power Daojun are one of the ten avenues, but the ten avenues also have strong and weak points. Chaos Dao is obviously a strong among the ten avenues.

"He really is so powerful?" The heart is full of doubts. Although his relationship with his brother is not very good, he also knows that the brother should not lie to him on this.

Power is simple and straightforward. "He is really so powerful."

Seeing the look of the sorrow, the power of the road suddenly smiled. "But you don't have to worry, we have a way to deal with him."

"If he can really compete with the Chaos Daojun, we both probably have no way to do it." He calmed down.

"Not the two of us..." Power Daojun raised his hand and played an acoustical ban. "In addition to the two of us, there are also Xuan Huang Gu Yan and Wu Se Dao Jun."

"They will help?" He became more and more puzzled. Before the strength of the Xuanhuang Guyan was not damaged, it was one of the five great saints, that is, the chaotic Taojun could not help him. To be honest, even if you are a powerful man, I am afraid you will not be able to move such a strong person. Such a person, do not say that there is no advantage, that is, the benefits are a little worse, and people will not help.

Power Road Jun knows what it means, and sighs and said, "We have practiced for many years, how many treasures have been seen in the void, but it is not as good as a descendant you said. You think that Ningcheng only has that one. Mother and a magical gun? He also has five-color cracking stars and Xuanhuangzhu..."

Sweat up the air, how can there be so many treasures in this guy. Then he understood why Xuan Huang Gu Yan and Wu Sedao Jun would help, and the two wanted Xuan Huangzhu and the five-color cracked star.

Although these two things, he also wants, but he is very clear that these two things are originally the mysterious yellow geese and the five-color princes, and he will not be able to live after he has.

"Well, then we both have to open the sky, one for the gun, and the other two for them. Where is the Xuan Huang Lord and the Five-Colored Road? Let us stop Ningcheng together, even if he is The great ability can't go away." I immediately made up my mind.

In his view, with the Xuanhuang Guyan and the five-color Daojun shot, plus him and the power of the king, that Ningcheng is strong and can only wait to die.

Power Dao directly waved his hand. "If we four people really join hands to stop him, I am afraid there will be no chance."

"Where are the four of us joining forces, isn't it his opponent? Is he a five-line lord or a Panshi?" Power Road Jun frowned.

Power Dao smiled slightly. "The Five Elements of the Lord and the Panshi have already invaded the universe. He is not natural. But if the four of us face him directly, even if we can defeat him, we can't do it. He grabbed it before." With a rhyme, you know how strong his strength is..."

"Ningcheng grabbed the glory of Hongmeng?" The hustle and bustle behind him, he conceited himself, and did not dare to say that he and the strong to rob the Hongmeng rhyme. If Ning Cheng really grabs the rhyme of Hong Meng, then Ning Cheng may have the strength to kill him.

Power Road Jun said affirmatively, "Yes, he did grab a rhyme."

Suddenly, the heart suddenly became hot. If there were Hongmeng Junjun in Ningcheng, the four of them joined forces to kill Ningcheng. Even if it was only a quarter, he was enough.

"Senior brother, what do you say?" He no longer cares about anything, and he has any good scruples in the face of Hongmeng rhyme.

The strength of the road is slightly sneer, "This person is extremely conceited. We four people don't have to face him directly. Only sneak attacks, four consecutive sneak attacks, even if the five elements of the Lord's resurrection, he will stay in this chaotic inner world. Eat it, I want him to spit it out."

冼懋 slightly frowning, how can Ningcheng such a strong attack?

Power Road Jun continued, "You don't have to worry about it here. Now the inner boundary of the chaos has just started. It is the time to find treasures. We will first look for treasures. In the end, there will be Xuanhuangguyan, we can only assist from the side."

He nodded slightly, no more.


Even if the void of the inner world of chaos is bigger, so many powerful people come in, and the competition is fierce. Every treasure that appears here is rare and rare. There are struggles and crazy competitions everywhere.

The speed of chasing cattle is too slow, Ning Cheng simply will chase the cattle into the Xuan Huangzhu, it is also the same in the chaos of the inner world to find treasure.

In just half a day, in his mysterious yellow beads, all kinds of top refiner materials were piled up. Even the tears of chaos, he also found a drop.

The tears of Chaos are nothing compared to the treasures of the open iron mother. This is the first time when the chaos is formed at the beginning of the chaos. In other words, if Ning Cheng re-integrates his mood with the tears of Chaos, or if it is sunset, the power is several times stronger than it is now.

Mo Xiangyi, who has been merged by the tears of Chaos, may become the first supernatural power of Ningcheng, and it is likely that the broken and the empty void will fall into the wind.

Such a thing, once Ningcheng gets it, is naturally a treasure.

In just one day, the top treasures of the inner world of chaos have been searched by many powerful people. In addition to the strong who have fallen here, those who have won the treasure have withdrawn.

It is the strong person of Chaos Daojun, who also withdrew in the first time.

Although there are still many things not found here, Ning Cheng also decided to leave. He has already gotten the money he got, and there is no need to stay here.

Ning Cheng just turned around and took a fragrant time, and once again felt the breath of tears of chaos.

Getting a tear of chaos is a great joy for Ning Cheng. Now I feel the tears of chaos again, Ning Cheng rushed over without hesitation.

Just a moment later, the breath of tears of chaos disappeared. Ning Cheng’s doubts stopped, and he just felt the tears of chaos.

In the same place, I waited for half a column of incense time, and the vague tears of chaos appeared This time Ningcheng’s knowledge directly locked the place of tears of chaos, he saw clearly Here is a somewhat broken natural hideout. No wonder no one has found that this makes Ning Cheng happy.

In this broken natural hideout, there are some top refining materials. If someone finds tears of chaos, these materials will certainly not exist.

Ning Cheng did not hesitate to rush to this ruined natural hidden array. Before leaving, I got a tear of chaos. What more happier than this? His artistic conception is not only Mo Xiangyi, the Wangxiang Bridge in the Seven Bridges and the sunset dusk are all artistic concept.

No, Ning Cheng suddenly rises into a hidden array, and suddenly a sense of alert rises in his heart.

The monastic nature naturally has a gas transport, but Ning Cheng knows who can come here. Which one is not a powerful person? Why did he feel the tears of chaos? Didn't others feel it? Even if there is a broken natural concealment, the knowledge of so many powerful people should be aware of it.

Thinking of this, Ning Cheng suddenly stopped, and the gods swept out at the same time.

Ning Cheng’s strong sense of knowledge, even if it is the most hidden corner, can penetrate. Soon Ning Cheng was convinced that there was really no one in the vicinity of the ten, and there was no arrangement for any sleepy.

Is it your own heart? Ning Cheng slightly frowned.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night!)

...... [to be continued] []