MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 88 Dan Xin 19th 10th

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Jiang Cheng accused himself of not being able to justify anything, but he couldn't stand the blue forgetting machine and was swearing. Wei Wuwei said: "Jiang Cheng, what do you listen to what you said? Can you listen? Don't forget your identity. You are also the head of the family. In front of Jiang Shushu, they speak out and insult the family. Bachelor, what is your education and ritual?"

He intended to remind Jiang Cheng that he would have a three-point respect for the Blue Forgetting Machine, but Jiang Cheng is the most sensitive. In this sentence, he faintly heard that he was not enough to be the owner of the house. It seems that the anger of Mrs. and Mrs. is somewhat similar. He screamed: "Who is insulting them before my parents?! I ask you two to figure out who is on the site. It’s enough to pull out and ignore the checkpoints. Don’t come to my house. My parents are in the chaos! Well, they are also watching you grow up, I am sorry for you!"

I never expected that there would be such a slap in the face of a heavy punch. Wei Wuzhen was shocked and angry, and sighed and said: "You shut me up!"

Jiang Cheng pointed out the outside: "How do you love Hu to come outside to Hu, if you are under the tree or on the boat, what are you going to hold! Get out of my house and get out of my eyes!"

Listening to him mentioning "under the tree", Wei Wuzhen screamed in his heart: Could it be that Jiang Cheng saw him in the scene of his blue forgetting machine?

He guessed it well. Jiang Cheng did go out and look for Wei Wuxi and Blue to forget the machine. He followed the direction of the wharf hawker, and there seemed to be a vague voice in his heart to tell him where Wei Wuyi would definitely go and catch up with them for a while. Who knows that Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine are tightly huddled under one tree, and they are not willing to separate.

Jiang Cheng had a goose bump on the spot.

Although he had maliciously speculated on the relationship between the blue forgetting machine and Mo Xuanyu's original body, it was only to make Wei Wuzhen's embarrassing attacking words, not really doubtful. He never thought that Wei Wuzhen would really have anything to do with men. After all, they grew up together, Wei Wuyi has never expressed interest in this area, and has always loved beautiful girls. It is even more impossible for the blue to forget the machine. The famous and innocent, regardless of the man and woman, he seems to be uninterested.

But this kind of cuddling is not normal, at least not like normal friends or brothers. He immediately recalled that after Wei Wuzhen came back, he had been stuck with the blue forgetting machine. The attitude of the blue forgetting machine to Wei Wuzhen was completely different from that of his previous life. It was almost immediately confirmed that the two were really the kind of relationship. . He couldn't turn around and turn back. He didn't want to come out and say anything to the two men. He continued to hide and follow them. Every movement and eyes between them inevitably changed in his eyes. For a moment, the incredible, weird, and slightly disgusting feelings of my heart add up, actually surpassing hate. Until Wei Wuzhen brought the blue forgetting machine into the ancestral hall, the anger that had been suppressed for a long time was reawakened, engulfing his reason and ritual.

Wei Wuqiang insisted on something, said: "Jiang Jiang night you ... immediately apologize."

Jiang Cheng sarcastically said: "Apologize? Why apologize? Is it a good thing to break yours?"

No Xian Wei angrily: "Han Guang Jun is my friend, but nothing more, do you think we are anything I warn you immediately apologize to me Do not make me smack you!!"

It is said that the blue forgetting machine looks a stiff. Jiang Cheng smiled and said: "Then I have never seen such a 'friend.' You warned me? What warnings do you take? But if both of you are a bit shameful, you should not come to this place..."

Wei Wuzhen saw the change of the blue forgetting machine, thinking that he was stabbed by Jiang Cheng’s words, and he was so angry that he shook his body. He didn't dare to think about it. After such insults, he would think in the heart of the blue forgetting machine. His heart was full of anger, his brain was hot, and his hand flew out with a symbol: "You are enough!"

The symbol was fast and embarrassing, hitting a blow in the right shoulder of Jiang Cheng, and he was blown up. Jiang Cheng did not expect that Wei Wuzhen would suddenly shoot, and his own spiritual power did not fully recover, so he was slammed, his shoulders saw blood, his face flashed and the incredible color, purple electric immediately flew from his fingers. Out, screaming and squirming. Blue forgets to take the dust out of the sheath and block the blow. The three men fought in front of the ancestral hall, Jiang Cheng’s eyes bursting with bleeding, and screamed: "Good! I want to hit it! I am afraid of both of you!"

Who knows how many measures were taken indiscriminately, Wei Wuzhen suddenly woke up: This is the ancestral hall of Yunmeng Jiang’s ancestral hall. He just squatted here and prayed to Jiang Fengmian couple for their blessing, but now they are in front of them, and Blue forget to attack their son together!

As if it was poured into the head of an icy waterfall, he suddenly suddenly flickered in front of his eyes. Blue forgot to look at him and jerked and grabbed his shoulder. Jiang Cheng also changed his face and accepted the whiplash. His eyes flashed and his eyes were alert. Blue forgets the machine: "Wei Ying?!"

His low voice creaked in Wei Wu's ear, and the shock was not over. Wei Wuzhen had some doubts about whether his ear was broken and said: "What happened?"

He felt something crawling through his face, raising his hand and touching the scarlet. With dizziness, the blood was still falling from his nose and mouth and fell to the ground.

This time it was finally not installed.

Wei Wuzhen grabbed the arm of the blue forgetting machine and stood barely. Seeing that the white clothes that had just been changed by the blue forgetting machine were reddened by his blood, he could not help but stretch his hand and wiped it. He was untimely guilty: "I dirty his clothes again." It is."

Blue forgets the machine: "How are you?!"

Wei Wuzhen answered the question: "Blue Zhan... Let's go."

Go right now.

Don't come back anymore.

Blue forgets the machine: "Good."

He had no intention of fighting with Jiang Cheng at all, and he did not speak a word. He took him away. Jiang Cheng was shocked and suspicious. The shock was the horror of Wei Wu’s sudden stagnation. It is suspected that this is the way Wei Wuyi pretended to escape. After all, Wei Wuzhen used this trick to prank. See two people to go. , said: "Stop!"

Blue forgets the machine anger: "Get out!"

Along with it, there is also a dust-proof, dust-stricken dust-avoiding dust. A purple electric whirlwind swims out, and two gods fight each other and make a harsh sound. It was shocked by this long sound, as if a candle that would be extinguished was finally extinguished, Wei Wuyi had a splitting headache, his eyes closed, and his head fell. Perceived the weight of the shoulder, Blue forgot to take the time from the scuffle, immediately went to investigate his breathing, and avoided the force of the owner. The purple electric offensive immediately approached. Jiang Cheng did not want to really hurt the blue to forget the machine, immediately withdraw the whip, but it was too late to see. At this moment, a figure jumped from the side and blocked the middle of the two sides.

Jiang Cheng fixed his eyes and saw that the uninvited guest who came in suddenly turned into Wenning, and suddenly became furious: "Who brought you to the lotus dock?! How dare you!"

Other people can still reluctantly tolerate it. This one personally puts Jin Xuan in the palm of his hand and ruins the warm dog of his sister's happiness and life. He is tolerant. It’s just that he has the urge to kill at a glance. He even dared to step on the apprentice inside the lotus dock, really looking for death!

Because of these two lives and various reasons, Wen Ning had a guilty conscience, so he always had a fear of Jiang Cheng, and he consciously avoided him. At this moment, he was blocked by Wei Wuzhen and Blue Forgetting. Faced with him, he licked a whips, his chest crawled over a sultry scorch, and he did not retreat.

I found that Wei Wuzhen was only tired and extremely angry and rushed to the heart, temporarily coma, and the blue forgetting machine turned his eyes. I saw Wenning holding something in his hand and handed it to Jiang Cheng. The purple electric light between Jiang Cheng’s right hand is almost white, just as high as his heart killing. He is very angry and laughs: “What do you want to do?”

That thing is exactly the Wei Sai's sabre. Wei Wuzhen allegedly took the trouble and threw it, and finally threw it to Wenning. Wenning held it and said: "Pull out."

He has a firm tone and a firm look. It’s not exactly what it used to be.

Jiang Chengdao: "I warn you that if you don't want to be frustrated again, you will immediately remove your feet from the land of the lotus dock and get out!"

Wenning almost went to the chest with his hilt, and his voice was high. He said: "Do it, pull it!"

Jiang Cheng’s heart was full of anger, his heart was arrogant and mad, and the ghost made him worse. He actually said what Wen Ning said, holding the casual hilt in his left hand and pulling hard.

A snowy to savage blade, unsheathed from the quaint scabbard!

Jiang Cheng looked down at the shiny sword in his hand, and it took a while to return.

This sword is casual. It is Wei Wu's sword. After the burial of the village, it was collected by the people of Lanling Jinshi. It has long since closed its sword, and no one who has seen it since then can take it from the scabbard.

But why is he □? Did the sword be lifted?

Wenning said: "It’s not that the sword has been lifted! Until now, it is still sealed. If you insert it into the sheath and replace it with someone to pull the sword, no one can pull it out."

Jiang Cheng’s brain and his face were in chaos, saying: “So why can I pull it out?”

Wenning said: "Because this sword, you are recognized as Wei Gongzi."

Blue forgets the machine carrying Wei Wuzhen, who has lost consciousness, and stands up.

Jiang Cheng Li said: "What is it that I recognize Wei Wuzhen? How do I recognize it! Why is it me?!"

Wen Ning even more sternly said: "Because the Golden Dan who is now working in your body is his!"