MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 118 Three external articles: evil friends

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The next morning, Wei Wuzhen was hard to wake up earlier than the blue forgetting machine. Throughout the day, both legs were shaking.

The scented incense burner was taken over by them and turned over for a while. Wei Wuzhen took it apart and loaded it back as it was, but he could never find the mystery.

Wei Wuzhen sat on the shore of the book and sighed: "It is not a problem of incense, it must be that the problem of the incense burner has not ran. This thing can be really ugly, immersive, even if it is empathy, it is almost the same effect. Have you ever recorded your family library?"

Blue forget to shake his head.

Since he shook his head, it was really not recorded by the predecessors. Wei Wuwei said: "Whether, the incense burner has passed, it is better to temporarily accept it, don't let people accidentally touch it. If there is a master of refining the door to visit in the future, then come out and ask."

They all thought that the incense burner had passed the effect. Who knows, things were unexpected.

In the middle of the night, Wei Wuzhen and the Blue Forgetting Machine, as usual, went to sleep after a cloud in the quiet room.

After a while, he opened his eyes and found himself lying under the magnolia tree outside the library.

The sun shines through the flower branches and sprinkles on his face. Wei blinks his eyes, raises his hand to cover it, and sits up slowly.

This time, Blue Forgot is not around.

Wei Wuzhen right hand on his lips and shouted: "Blue Zhan!"

No one answered. Wei Wuqi is strange: "It seems that the effect of the incense burner has not yet passed. Where can I go to Lan Zhan? Is it only me who is affected by the residual mana of the incense burner?"

In front of the magnolia tree, there is a white stone path. A group of white-skinned Gusulan's children passed the book in twos and threes. It seems that they are going to do morning classes. No one has given Wei Wuyi a look. He still can't see him. Wei Wuzhen turned to the library and glanced at it. The blue forgetting machine was not inside. No matter whether it was big or small, it was not inside, so he went downstairs and wandered aimlessly in the cloud.

After a short time, he suddenly heard the voices of the two teenagers whispering. After approaching, one of the teenagers’ voices was very familiar: “ one used to raise it in the cloud, but it’s not in compliance.”

Silence for a moment, another teenager sullenly said: "I know. But... I have made a promise, can not be trusted."

Wei Wuzhen’s heart moved and sneaked away. Sure enough, standing on a green lawn, it was Blue Lanchen and Blue.

When the spring is over, the breeze bursts, and the juvenile's blue scorpion, such as the innocent jade in the mirror, is a sleek, snow-covered, wide-sleeve and wiping, like a scroll. At this time, the blue forgetting machine is also the appearance of fifteen or six years old, and the eyebrows are contemptuous, which seems to be troublesome. He was holding a white rabbit twitching his pink nose. And he also had a white rabbit on his feet, his long ears erected, and the man stood up and licked his boots, as if he wanted to climb up.

Lan Yuchen said: "How do you judge the jokes between teenagers? Is it really because of this?"

Blue forgot to talk about it.

Lan Yichen smiled and said: "Well, then if the uncle asks, you have to explain it with him. These days, the time you spend on them is slightly more."

Blue forgot to nod and nodded, said: "Thank you brother." Suddenly, he added: "... does not affect the coursework."

Lan Yuchen said: "I know that you will not forget the machine. However, you must not tell your uncle who is sending you this. Otherwise, he will be furious and will let you send them out anyway."

It is said that the blue forgetting machine seems to hold the rabbit in his arms a little tighter. Lan Yichen smiled and raised his hand, and the fingertips got the pink nose of the white rabbit and gave it away.

After he left, the blue forgetting machine stood thoughtfully for a while, and the white rabbit licked his ears from time to time in his arms, a look of coziness. The foot was getting more and more eager, and the blue forgot to look down, bent over and hugged it, put both white rabbits in the arms, gently touched, the movements on the hands were completely different from the look. Gentle.

Wei Wuzhen saw that his heart was itchy, and he came out from behind the tree and wanted to get closer to Xiaolan. Who knows, the blue forgets the white rabbit in the arms, the body suddenly changes, suddenly look back, see who the people are, only blink of an eye immediately stunned: "!"

He was shocked, Wei Wuzhen was more shocked than him, and said: "Can you see me?"

This is really amazing. It is reasonable to say that the person in the dream can not see his own talent. Can forget the machine but still look at him, said: "I can see it naturally. You are... Wei Ying?"

In front of this young man, he went up to more than 20, absolutely more than fifteen years old, but he did indeed have the same face with Wei Wuzhen. It is difficult to judge the identity of the person, and he is very vigilant. If he wears the sword at this moment, the dust has been squirted. Wei Wuzhen reacted very quickly and immediately said: "I am!"

He replied in this way, and the blue forgetting machine looks more vigilant, but instead goes back two steps. Wei Wuzhen had an injured expression and a tone, saying: "Blue Zhan, I have to work hard to find you after all the hardships, how can you do this to me?"

Blue forgets the machine: "You... really Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuwei said: "Nature."

Blue forgets the machine: "Why do you look different?"

Wei Wuwei said: "This is a long story. In fact, this is true. I am Wei Wei, but it is Wei Wuzhen after seven years. After seven years, I found a magic weapon that can be Traveling back and forth in time and space, I am studying it carefully, and if I accidentally touch it, it will not come back!"

This ridiculous speech is almost ridiculous, and the blue forgets the machine cold channel: "How to prove?"

Wei Wuwei said: "How do you want to prove? I know all about you. Only the rabbit you hold in your arms, and the one at your feet, isn’t it that I sent it? I was so reluctant to accept it now, now you Brother, let you not raise you, don't you like it. Do you like it?"

Hearing the words, the blue forgetting machine looks slightly changed, and the words are stopped, saying: "I..."

Wei Wuzhen took two steps to him, opened his arms and smiled and said: "What happened to you? Shy?"

Seeing his behavior is very different, Blue forgets the opportunity to face the enemy, face full of alert, and step back a few steps. Wei Wuzhen hasn't seen the blue forgetting attitude towards him for a long time. He has a heart in his heart and is angry on the face: "What do you mean by this? What are you hiding? You are a blue-clad, have been with me for ten years. , turning your face will not recognize people!"

As soon as this sentence comes out, the blue forgets a beautiful face like ice and snow, and it instantly splits.

He said:

"You and I?"

"... ten years?"


Six words, divided into several paragraphs with difficulty and difficulty, only to say. Wei Wuzhen seems to suddenly realize: "Oh, I forgot, now you still don't know. Calculate this time, we seem to have just met soon? Did I leave from Yunshen? I don't mind, I will quietly Tell you, in a few years, we will become a Taoist soon."

Blue forget the machine: "...the Taoist?"

Wei Wuzhen proudly said: "Yes! The kind of double-education every day. The three media are hiring the Ming media, we have also worshipped the heavens and the earth."

Blue forgot the engine's chest slightly ups and downs, half a slap, a few words between the teeth: "...nonsense!"

Wei Wuwei said: "I will say more if I say a few words. I like to talk nonsense. When you sleep, you like to hold me tight, and you must hold me on your body, or you can't sleep; every time you go I have to kiss my second time for a long time. At the end, I like to bite me and then separate. Oh, yes, you like to bite me when you do something else. I am from..."

Starting from the phrase "tightly glaring at me", the expression of Blue Forgetting Machine could not bear to watch it. The more intense it was, the more he looked like he couldn’t wait to cover his own ears and isolate these swear words. Road: "Nonsense!"

Wei Wuzhen jumped away and said: "It’s nonsense, change a word! And how do you know that I am nonsense? Don’t you be like this?”

Blue forgets the word and says: "I...have not can I know how I like it..."

Wei Wuzhen thought for a moment and said: "Yes, you have never kissed someone at this age. Naturally, I don’t know how to like my loved ones. Or do you try now?"

"..." Blue forgets that he was so angry that he even called the students to arrest the suspicious person and forgot to take his hand and take his veins. But at this time he was still young, Wei Wuzhen was much faster than him, and he avoided it easily. He still had leisure time, and he was arrogant. He pinched somewhere in his arm, and he forgot the opportunity. Wei Wuyi kissed him on his cheek.


After the kiss, Wei Wuzhen released the arm of the blue forgetting machine and loosened the clamp.

The blue forgetting machine has been left in place, and it has been a long time since returning to God. The whole person is sluggish.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Wei Wuzhen woke up from his dreams.

He smiled too hard and almost rolled off the couch, so fortunately, the blue forgot arm was hugged around his waist. He smiled so much, and when he woke up, he trembled, and when he woke up, he forgot to wake up from sleep. The two sat up together.

Blue forgot to bow, stretched out a hand, gently pressed the temple, said: "Fangcai, I..."

Wei Wuzhen went on the way: "Well, did you have a dream, dreaming that when I was fifteen, I met me in my twenties?"

"..." Blue forgot to look at him and said: "The incense burner."

Wei Wuqi nodded and said: "I thought I was more affected by the remnants of the incense burner before I fell into a dream. Who knows that you are actually more affected."

Tonight's situation is different from last time. The young Lan Zhan in the dream of the dream is the blue forgetting machine.

Dreamers often don't know that they are dreaming, so the blue forgetting machine in the dream really thinks that they are only fifteen years old. Originally, it was a serious dream. When I read the walk and raised the rabbit, I was sneaked into the dream of Wei Wu, who was sneaked into it. It was a good match.

Wei Wuwei said: "I can't do it, Lan Zhan, you don't let the rabbit hold your hand, for fear that your brother's uncle will not let you raise, love me. Hahahahaha..."

Blue forgets the machine and said helplessly: "...the night is deep, laughter should not disturb others."

Wei Wuwei said: "The movements in our daily night are still small? Why are you waking up so early? You wake up later, I will drag you to your home to do bad things, to the fifteen-year-old Xiao Lanji My brother opened the door, hahahaha..."

Blue forgot to watch him roll around and not say anything. After sitting for a while, he suddenly reached out and held Wei Wei, and he bullied him.

The two thought that after the second night, the mana of the incense burner would have dissipated. Who knows, the third night, Wei Wuzhen woke up in the dream of the blue forgetting machine.

He was dressed in black and leisurely walking on the white stone path that was not only in the clouds, but the red ears of the sorrowful stalks swayed. After a while, a burst of humming sounds came.

That direction is the blue room. Wei Wuzhen swayed and went outside, and surely saw several blue children reading in the evening, Lan Qiren was absent, and the blue-forgetting machine was responsible for supervision.

The blue forgetting machine in the dream tonight is still a teenager, but it is almost the same as that seen by Wei Wuzhen at the bottom of the Tuoba Xuanwu Cave. It is about seventeen or eight years old, and his eyebrows are handsome and handsome. He still has a young man. The spirit of the green. Sitting in front of the hall, concentrate on the gods. Some people have doubts about reading, come up and ask, he glimpsed a glimpse, and can immediately answer, awe-inspiring and the green spirit formed a strong contrast.

Wei Wuxi leaned against the pillars outside the blue, looked at it for a while, and flew silently on the eaves, sending the feelings to the lips.

In the blue room, the blue forgets the machine slightly. A young boy asked: "What about the son?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Who is playing the flute at this time?"

The teenagers face each other. Speaking, one person said: "I didn't hear the flute?"

Hearing the words, the blue forgot the look of the machine, and got up and the sword went out. It coincided with Wei Wu's collection of the flute, and jumped and slid gently on another eave.

Blue forgot to notice the change, whispered: "Who is coming!"

Wei Wuzhen sneaked out two whistle of Qingyue, and his voice was already a few dozen feet. He smiled and said: "It’s your husband!"

Hearing this voice, Blue forgot to change his face, not sure: "Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuzhen did not answer, Blue forgot to take out the dust on the back and chased it up. A few fluttering, Wei Wuzhen has fallen on the high wall of the cloud deep, and stood up on a tile. The blue forgetting machine also fell below him at the opposite side of the scene, avoiding the dust and holding it in his hand. The wiping, sleeves and plackets fluttered in the night wind, and the fairy was stunned.

Wei Wuzhen took the hand and smiled: "A good and handsome person, a handsome and handsome man. The feelings of the scenery, if you can have a pot of handsome and handsome, then it will be perfect."

Blue forgot to look at him, half a sigh, said: "Wei Ying, don't ask for it, visit Yunyun at night, I don't know where to go."

Wei Wuwei said: "Guess?"

"..." Blue forgets the machine: "boring!"

Great harmony of life. Blue forget machine (attack) x Wei Wuzhen (accepted)

After a long while, Wei Wushao sanded the scorpion: "......... hurts........."

After the second release, the blue forgetting machine seemed to have restored some calmness and intellect, and pressed on him. Some of them were helpless: "...what hurts?"

Wei Wuzhen: "..."

He can't always say that his **** hurts, only whispered: "Blue Zhan, you kiss me soon..."

Seeing him squinting, uncharacteristically docile appearance, the blue forgetting machine's white earlobe was covered with pink, and he clung to him with his words, covering his lips and kissing delicately.

When the lips were separated, the blue forgetting machine really bite on Wei's lower lip.

Then both of them woke up.

Lying on the wooden couch in the quiet room, the two eyes staring at each other for a moment, and the blue forgetting machine would smash Wei Wuyi.

Wei Wuzhen was kissed by him in his arms for a long time. He was stunned and squinted: "Blue Zhan... I asked you a question. Every time you shoot in, I want you to give birth to a little blue son." ?"

He couldn't be shackled in his dreams, and when he woke up to see the blue forgetting machine, he couldn't help but start talking nonsense. Blue forgetting is not as annoying as it was in the past, just saying: "How can you live?"

Wei Wuzhen moved his soft arms and put his head on it. He said, "Hey, if I can live, you will never do it all day and night, and you will have a lot of sprints for you."

Blue forgot to listen to such lascivious words, said: "... Don't say it."

Wei Wuqi raised his leg and smiled and said: "Is it shy? I..." I didn't finish it. I suddenly felt that Blue had forgotten a pat on his buttocks. Wei Wulu almost rolled down the couch. :"what are you doing!!!"

Blue forgets the machine: "Look."

Wei Wuyi climbed up, regardless of the two legs trembled, said: "No, blue Zhan, you can remember what good things you have done in your dreams, no one has ever been to me since childhood!!!! You are not allowed to do this. I told you that if you want to squat, you will open your legs and let you do it. Don't beat people!!"

Blue forgot to pull him back to the couch and said: "Do not fight."

He promised that Wei Wuyi let go of his heart and said: "With the light, you said."

Blue forgets the machine: "Well."

After three nights of tossing, the ups and downs of the storm surged, and Wei Wuzhen could not toss up. He re-entered the blue forgetting machine and said: "No one has ever been to me since childhood..."

Blue forgot to touch his hair, kissed him on his forehead, shook his head and smiled.