MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1921 Supreme Ultimate!

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A huge golden axe appeared in the sky. This axe stood on top of the sky, like a pillar supporting the sky.

Seeing such a large axe, many people's eyes are falling out.

But Luo Yan and the Twelve Great Witches are different.

Luo Yan is very excited.

The Twelve Witches were familiar with this axe, but couldn't remember why.

The sky axe stood silently in the sky.

Before long, the Twelve Witches cried.

Everyone hurried to look over to them, and they all got dumbfounded when they saw the situation.

I saw a layer of golden light on the body of the twelve witches, which spread from head to toe, and finally wrapped the entire body.

After a while, I saw that Dijiang's body began to become illusory, starting from the ankle, turning into countless golden particles and flying out.

"I ... Zhu Rong, what happened to me?"

Dijiang reached out and wanted to hold Zhu Rong.

But before his hand touched Zhu Rong, he saw that Zhu Rong also began to turn into golden particles, then Jumang, Gonggong and others.

"catch me."

This is the last sentence of Dijiang.

Several people of Zhu Rong soon disappeared, and countless golden particles disappeared in front of everyone.

"Uh ~~ what's going on?" Asked Black Egg Yefei.

It's just that everyone is confused now. He is almost the most powerful of these people. He's not clear, let alone others.

at the same time.

The first universe, the earth.

Countless high mountains began to turbulence, the trees and flowers on them slowly withered, and finally turned into flying ash and scattered in the air.

Then the huge mountain trembled, then slowly rose from the ground and flew towards the endless sky.

At the same time, the water on several continents on the earth began to evaporate rapidly, and the water in several oceans was exaggerated.

These seawaters seemed to be attracted by some force in the sky, and began to pour into the sky.

Looking down from the sky, you can see that the earth is covered by countless rain curtains.

Countless huge ships and submarines and even aircraft carriers in the ocean are stranded. As the sea water slowly depletes, everything is undoubtedly revealed.


Northeast Sea.

The superiors got the news for the first time. After all, this kind of thing is too big and the mountains and rivers on the earth suddenly disappeared. This is just a sign of destruction.

"What the **** is going on ?!" The superior stood up in shock and asked loudly.

But no one could answer his question, because everyone was stunned.

"In Huaxia, the mountains and rivers have disappeared and Mizusawa has dried up. What's wrong?"

"There are more and more strange things recently, but they are not enough to shake the foundation of China. But now this thing is really too strange. If there is no reason, if the mountains and rivers cannot be restored, the earth will no longer exist.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"Ye Fei? Where is Ye Fei ?!"

Suddenly, I don't know who mentioned Ye Fei.

At this time, if anyone still knows the reason, it is only Ye Fei, after all, his friends are all hands and eyes.

"Contact Ye Fei immediately!"

The superior said, he picked up the phone directly and dialed Ye Fei's number

But after a while he put the phone down again and said, "No, this bastard's phone doesn't work ?!"

"This bastard, I know he's not reliable, now it's time to use him, but I don't know where to run!"

"Shit boy, this joke is not funny at all."

"Ask the Qiuqiu platform immediately, be sure to find out Ye Fei."

After a while, the official responsible for contacting the Qiuqiu platform put the phone down and said, "They don't know where Ye Fei went. He didn't show any signs this time, and didn't tell anyone."


The superior is really depressed and swears.

Riceland White House

"What? All of them suddenly disappeared?" The big rice man's jaw was about to fall to the ground, he asked inconceivably.

"Yes, from the satellite pictures, these mountains and rivers are all retrograde and submerged into the sky." A minister said cautiously.

"No ... not into the sky?"


"What do you mean? Do you want to tell me all these things will fly?"

"... you can understand that."

"I understand a fart, how could that thing fly? They don't have wings."

"... But they did fly away."

"Check, be sure to find out what is going on. You tell me that the National Bank will fly. I believe it, but how can this fly ?!"

At the same time, the nations of the eagle, ??, and Roth, etc., all the big brothers of all countries are aggressive. They never dreamed that such unreliable things would appear on the earth. How can mountains and rivers fly to the sky? Are you teasing me?

Satellites from various countries passed the pictures to the big brothers, and then they stared at each other in astonishment.

When Mount Everest, the highest mountain on the earth, also flew up to the sky, the bosses of all countries didn't know what to say. There was only one question in their minds, which was what happened to the earth.

In fact, it is not just the earth, including the first universe, the second universe, the third universe, and so on. In all universes, mountains and rivers have disappeared, water sources have dried up, and thousands of trees have withered.

Fifth Universe, Pingyun Peak.

With the disappearance of the Twelve Witches into golden particles, everyone was astonished.

But this is just the beginning.

Then they watched as the surrounding mountains and rivers began to fly up, all converging towards the sky.

"What a mysterious incident, who can tell me what I saw?" Drucker madly said.

Zaya was speechless for a long time, and said, "Brother, the mountain streamer flew up."

Bingo didn't say anything, his eyes stared at the mountains and rivers flying to the sky, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The black egg leaves fly, the goddess of death, Zhu Xiang and so on, all the powerful ones can't get up at this time.

Apart from being full of shock or full of shock, they are still full of doubts.

It was just that they did not expect that this shock and doubt was only the beginning.

The next thing is to completely subvert their three views.

I saw these mountains and rivers and other things flying from all directions, directly filled with endless void.

Then slowly creeps and merges in the void, and an endless golden light burst out of Ye Fei's body, and then directly wrapped the boundless mountains and rivers in the void, like a golden egg.

Roar! !! !!

Suddenly, Ye Fei in the sky roared loudly, and saw a golden sound wave flew from his mouth, and rushed directly to Hua Yan's body.

Then such a powerful Huayu, who can mobilize the Huayu of the dark angel **** who is a huge black hole in the endless void, was directly torn and shattered by this sound wave, turned into a fly ash and was blown to the ends of the earth, until he died with a tragic No chance to call.

In the sky, the endless black mist completely stopped surging at this moment, and it just hovered in the sky like that.

In the dark mist, a pair of huge eyes stunned and looked at everything ahead.

"I ... shit! What the **** is this ?!" Luo murmured.

Now in the fifth universe, Luo Yi can be said to be second to none. His magical powers are shaking the world, but even so, everything he looked at was still in a fog.

He had no idea what was going on and how it happened.

Just then, a sound wave rushed in front of him.

At a glance, Luo immediately yelled, and countless black arrows flew out of his mouth. On top of these arrows, a plume of black smoke rose up, and the screaming void faces suddenly appeared. ,

"All souls worship the heavens !!!" Luo shouted.

Puff puff......

These arrows instantly collided with the sound waves, and then directly turned into nothingness, disappearing between heaven and earth.

It's just that these things are powerful enough. Many of them are the souls of Luo Yiji's endless years of superpowers. Their disappearance also intercepts the sound waves, making them much weaker.

But it did not completely resist.

The remaining sound waves hit Luo Yi severely.


As soon as Luo screamed, he saw that dark cloud began to twist violently, and withdrew from the endless distance towards the rear.

Suddenly, a space flashed in the sky, and then a body fell down severely from the air.

Only in the process of falling, this body was motionless, as if it had no vitality.


The body fell fiercely on the top of the hard Pingyun Mountain, and even rebounded.

"Uh ~"

Seeing Ye Fei's roar actually fell from the air into a big living person, Luo Yan's group of people were even more dumbfounded, and said in their hearts what was the trouble of this special cat Who the **** is this? How do you hide in the air?

"Hey, hey, wake up, wake up." The mouth gun ran over and shook the person who had died.

The man was shaken left and right, and finally opened his eyes slowly.

"Am I dead?" He asked.

Mouth fired, "You're not dead, but it's almost the same. Who do I say to you? Are you flying outside?"


The man lying on the ground drew his lips, and said weakly, "My followers call me Supreme."


Hearing that he was supreme ultimate, a bunch of people were all silly.

At this moment, the black egg leaves flew over and said, "I did not expect that the Supreme Ultimate would be you."

Supreme finally looked at the black egg Ye Fei and said, "I didn't expect the black egg to be you."

"Do you know each other?" Duckside curiously.

The Supreme Ultimate and the Black Egg Leaf flew at each other and didn't say it.

"What the **** is this? I can't even bear it." Supreme High stood up from the ground, looked up at Ye Fei in the sky, and asked.

Black Egg Yefei shook her head and said, "I don't know, but the power is really scary."

Absolutely scared!

Ye Fei roared out, and then the light on her body seemed to become an entity.

In the sky, mountains and rivers fuse in egg-shaped objects formed by golden light.

If anyone can see it, it will definitely scare the soul.

I saw that after these mountains and rivers and other materials fused, then slowly began to give birth to some huge human organs. After these organs took shape, they began to beat vigorously.

The hand appeared, ten huge fingers trembled a few times, and then they became fists.

The feet appeared, ten huge toes moved a few times, and they stepped in the void.

Then the arms appeared, the legs appeared, the internal organs appeared, then the neck appeared, and finally a huge skull appeared.

I saw the skull as big as a few stars, and the eyes as the sun and the moon.

This doesn't count. On this huge head, a pair of long curved horns are formed.

After all the limbs and bones were bred, a thick layer of golden fluff began to appear on the person!

Until this time, this indescribable giant of the world was completely completed.

He rose from the sky, stepping on the endless ground, and the sky was empty above his head.

His eyes blinked, the stars suddenly fell, the situation changed, and the lightning flashed.

He breathed a light breath, the wind was violent, and the countless stars were blown off the orbit, collided together.

Suddenly the fire in the sky soared into the sky, like a sky firework.

The giant stood in the air, looked around, and said, "The light is the sky, the turbid is the earth, and the sky and the earth are one body. I have divided the heavens and the earth for billions of years. Hundreds of millions of days and months, now the perception of Lingbao calls, and when I see you, where is my Lingbao ?! "

boom! !! !! !!

As the voice of this person came out, the air of heaven and earth began to be confused. On the top of the sky, on the top of the earth, countless Hongmeng purple air permeated, completely filling the space between heaven and earth.

The black egg Ye Fei had been suffocated by the black poisonous poison, but with the emergence of these violent purple gas, I saw that the black skin eroded by the poisonous poison turned white instantly, just a blink of an eye. Except the stubborn poison.

Not only that, he felt that his body was scrubbed by a very mysterious power, making himself feel a little more wanting to go further.

"I ... can I still break through?" Black Egg Yefei wondered.

He knows his abilities best, he thought he was now at the end and could not be stronger.

But now he completely overthrows his previous ideas, because he really wants to break through.

At the same time, Supreme is also looking at his body inconceivably, and he also has a feeling of wanting to break through.

"Who the **** are you? Why can you give me this feeling?" Supreme Supreme mumbled.

On the side, Luo Ling, Bingo, Daxide, Zaya, the goddess of death, and so on, at this time looking at the giant in the sky, his legs trembled slowly, then bent, and finally all kneeled.

Luo Yan knelt on the ground, his body was shaking, and his tears shed.

"Billions of days, after all, I can still see you, no regrets!" Luo Yan said with tears.

In the sky, the giant looked down at Luo Luo and said, "Get up."

Luo Yan quickly shook his head and said, "Dare to."


The giant roared, and everyone on the ground felt a warm wind blowing them all up.

People looked at the sky inconceivably, and saw the giant's giant hand stretch out, saying, "Axe come!"

Hum! !!

There was a roar in the sky, and then the giant axe, which stood on the ground, spun towards the giant and was caught by the giant.

"Ling Bora!"

Uh ~

As the giant's words fell, people saw an extremely dazzling light burst out of the golden light where Ye Fei was, and fell directly into the giant's hands.

At this time, Jinguang was inside.

Ye Fei felt that something in his body had disappeared, and left Ye Fei a word before it disappeared.

"wait me back!"


Ye Fei's heart almost shattered, he really didn't think that the system that had been hidden in his body was actually related to this giant, it turned out to be his spiritual treasure.

Oh my god, this is so special!

"You ... Are you leaving?" Ye Fei murmured ~ ~ The voice of the system came over, "I just want to complete my task."

"But my task has not been completed, and I have not yet been promoted to a senior chef."

"It is already, wait for me."

After that, the sound of the system disappeared.

The giant looked at the giant golden axe in his hand, and looked at the Lingbao in the other hand. He directly embedded the Lingbao in the middle of his forehead and said, "Who is doing mess?"

Ye Fei pointed forward, whispering softly: "That cloud."

"Oh! That's it."

The giant said, holding the handle of the golden giant axe in both hands, splitting towards the poisonous mist formed by Luo Yi.

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