MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1866 Asking the sky silently

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It ’s like seeing money is better than seeing everything. For the money, do n’t talk about your face and manners. You can leave everything alone. This is the wealthy fan.

For the audience in the live broadcast, the ninth and tenth guest Feihua Lu Acai is a typical fortune-teller. This one does not know what **** has been transported, but he even won two yuan in one breath, the ninth and the first The ten guest places are all his own. In this way, he has only three options, either selflessly contributing one, or selling one, and one is that Ye Fei directly invalidates one for him.

No matter whether it was contributed or invalidated, he couldn't get anything, so this guy planned to auction a quota, but this lion made a big opening. As soon as the reserve price was quoted, the live broadcast room was detonated, and it was directly for everyone. Drool and scolding drowned.

Because this guy is too much, the base price is 10 billion Xinghe coins. This is the rhythm of eating people without spitting their bones.

"Yeshen, it is strongly recommended that one of his shameless people should have one of his quotas abolished. I have never seen such a shameless person, haven't I seen money?" Sanhua's fairy chest pain, facing the microphone Said.

Ye Fei laughed: "Everyone, I don't do this, but I can't do it. I also know that the price of this one is a bit outrageous, but this place is owned by others, and I really can't step in."

Seeing Ye Fei say this, the audience has no choice but to know that Ye Fei has never really intervened in this kind of quota trading. Ye Fei would never say anything no matter what price he had bought, and these money Ye Fei also divided Less than a point.

But this shameless flying flower is really too much from month to month!

Facing the contempt and protest of everyone in the live broadcast, Feihua issued a long series of smiles every month, saying: "Hurry up, everyone's time is precious, don't delay in such trivial matters."

Seeing this guy so bewildered, the audience in the live room was even furious.


Did you tell us that the big deal of 10 billion Xinghe coins is a trivial matter?

Does your family open the universe precious metal mine?

The third universe, in the palace of the highest ruler.

"Queen, would you like to take a shot?" A woman covered in a black robe asked.

The holy flame queen shook her head.

"No need to."

"I mean do you want to kill him?"

"... this ... it's not easy to see, let's talk about it."

"I've never seen such a shameless person."

The Fifth Universe, the Planet of Light, inside the gazebo.

"Special, special, ah, how can there be such an unruly guy in our Fifth Universe? They all say that I am not shameful enough to speak silently, this **** is much more shameless than me, sister, you ca n’t stand by and you must If you want to shoot, you must kill such a shameless person, otherwise our fifth universe's face will let this guy lose it. "The wind howled.

Originally he wanted to buy this place, but as a result, the goods were scared away by opening 10 billion Xinghe coins.

Beside him, Dory Belle laughed: "What are you anxious for? So many big people haven't spoken yet."

"You do n’t understand. They do n’t have a chance to talk to us as soon as they talk. Ten billion yuan of Xinghe is nothing to these people, so as long as they say a word, they will definitely drive up the price, so that we will not be a little bit more. Opportunity. "

At the railings of the gazebo, as cold as snow hit white clothes, a guzheng was placed on both knees, and it stunned twice, smiling: "The things belong to others, and others have the right to set their own prices."

"But the price is too exaggerated."

"You can't buy it."

"But I really want to buy it. I haven't eaten Ye Fei's food for a long time. I have been thinking about it for the past few days."

"Do you have money to buy? Even if this flying flower sets the base price to 100 million Xinghe coins each month? The lower the price, the more people compete, so that the price will slowly go up. 10 billion Xinghe coins It's just a big or small boundary. As long as someone bids, it's easy to go beyond. By then you won't be able to afford it. You have no money. "

"Sister, can you say so straightforward? My girlfriend is here."

Dolly poked her lips, she now regrets a bit. She thought she would not follow the Jinyi jade food that the Fifth Universe would pass. As a result, there was no money. Although it was a star emperor fifth-level anchor, but this money was not. Knowing where to go, if you did n’t find a part-time job yourself, your daily expenses would be a problem.

"It's as if I said implicitly that you will have money."

"Sister, my dear sister, don't you hit me one day, don't you feel bad?"

"I feel uncomfortable for Dory. You said that you are also a big boss and it's time to do something serious, otherwise what to do in the future? Our fifth universe is more fierce than any other universe. If you do n’t even have the ability to protect yourself, , Dolly is unlucky to follow you. "

Hearing the cousin to say this, the wind is not happy.

"Sister, why haven't I done business? I'm the anchor, and the anchor is also a legitimate industry. Look at Ye Fei, he is also the anchor, isn't it great?"

"Can you compare with Ye Fei?"

"I ... why can't I compare with him? He is human and I am human, and I have a better foundation than him."

"Are you capable of him?"

"... Sister, do you have any thoughts about Ye Fei? Have you not defended him once? I will tell you, don't think I don't know, I advise you to dispel this unrealistic as soon as possible You have to know that Ye Fei is a girlfriend. "

Speaking, the wind did not speak and looked at a small bridge not far away. There was a woman in white and an old woman feeding a small fish in the water. She had a smile on her face and it looked good.

Leng Ruxue also glanced at Ma Cuihua, not far away, and sighed, "Why didn't Ye Fei's **** come?"

Feng said without a smile, "Sister, why do you have to catch Sister Cuihua here? You must know that you will avenge Ye Fei in this way. I can tell you that Ye Fei's current strength is not what you can Imagine not only himself, but also the friends around him are all cattle, many of them are the highest rulers of other universes, if they really come to the fifth universe to trouble you, can you stand it? ? "

Leng Ruxue stood up and said, "Do you think I want to catch her? Am I not acting?"

"Once ordered? Whose order?"

"... Get off!"

Leng Ruxue suddenly didn't say a word to the wind without warning, and kicked the goods directly.

The sixth universe, the eighth universe, the ninth universe ...

It can be said that all the top rulers of the universe are paying attention to this matter, but they have not spoken. They also want to see what kind of exaggerated price will appear in the end.

Inside the live room.

Feihua is getting a little hairy every month, because it ’s been a long time since I shouted out my reserve price, but it turned out that no one had bid, which was a bit abnormal.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fei and a lot of old audiences between the live broadcast began to be happy, because this situation they have experienced together.

"Ahem, that's not a way to do it, otherwise I'll shout out the price first." Just when everyone didn't send a message and shouted, all over the world laughed and said.

Feihua listens to someone talking every month. This product is not exciting. No matter who speaks, just put the bottom first, then you can sell at least 10 billion Xinghe coins.

"Brother, do you still have a vision, 10 billion Xinghe coins to buy a live guest of Ye Shen, no loss!"

Eat all over the world and say: "Of course it is not a loss, I am now bidding 10 billion ... Hua Xia currency!"

Feihua monthly: "..."

This product is not excited when it is heard that the world has shouted 10 billion, but when it hears the Chinese coin behind it, it is aggressive.

"No, what, brother of the world, did you yell wrong? What I want is Xinghe Coin, not Huaxia Coin, what is Huaxia Coin?"

Eat all over the world and laughed: "Hua Xia currency is the currency of our country, but it can be exchanged with Xing He currency."

"How to exchange?"

"One Xinghe currency for one hundred Chinese currency."

"My Nima ..."

After listening to the world say so, Feihua almost spit to death every month.

"Eat all over the world, aren't you looking for something? Your uncle, if Lao Tzu had 10 billion Xinghe coins, not 100 million Hua Xia coins!"


After eating all over the world, I smiled and didn't say a word.

He was silent, other audiences were excited, and no one thought that eating all over the world had played such a trick. Except for those old audiences, the other audiences who came in these recent periods all laughed.

"Fuck, this is awesome!"

"Hahaha, Feihua every month, you cow, you are a cow!"

"10 billion Xinghe coins directly to 100 million Xinghe coins, eh ~~"

"Since all the brothers in the world have made bids, I will follow them, 80 million Xinghe coins."

"I'm 70 million!"

"60 million, no more."

Someone took the lead in screaming, and the audience immediately followed.

It's just that the price is not going up, but is going down. Now it has fallen to 60 million.

The old audience knew this kind of show, so they rushed straight up.

"Fifty million!"

"thirty million!"

"30 million meters!"

"Thirty million Chinese coins!"

The live broadcast room was a mess, everyone jumped out and noisy, and in the end it wasn't even clear who was paying for it.

Ye Fei and several guests at the scene saw this, and they all felt pain in their stomachs.

"You viewers ... I am convinced." Jia Lan said with a smile.

Liang Bing pumped the corners of his mouth, and wanted to laugh but was embarrassed, and said, "Yes, each one is shameless than me, not enough I like."

What they are saying is that the news of Feihua has been sent out every month, and it is bold and bold.

"Stop, stop! Specially stop me all !!!"

There is no way to stop shouting. He found that things are completely different from what he imagined. Isn't the more competitive the higher the price? What's going on?

"I advise you, it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, but can you not bargain? It's very disrespectful, right?"

Sanhua Fairy giggled: "If you want others to respect you, you must first respect others, do you respect us? 10 billion Xinghe, why don't you die?"


Feihua issued a sighing expression every month, saying: "Forget it, the price of 10 billion Xinghe coins is indeed a bit high, we can lower it down a little bit, five billion Xinghe coins are fine, now everyone bid.

"Three billion!"

"1.5 billion!"

"800 million!"


"one million!"

Feihua monthly: "..."

This product was completely vomiting blood. He did not expect that he would directly reduce the reserve price by half. These people still play like this. This is purely disgusting themselves.

"Everybody, everybody, can we take a serious bid for it? Please, please."

Before sending the message, Feihua first made a series of crying faces every month.

No way, he really wants to cry now. The wishful thinking is wrong. He hasn't watched Ye Fei's live broadcast a long time ago. I don't know if his audience will still play this way. It's too fresh and not used to it.

"Two billion, our base price is two billion Xinghe coins. Everyone, this price is similar to the previous guest quota base price. Even if there aren't many of them, let's just bid from the lungs once, please? Please please. "

He just finished saying, "A billion!"

Feihua month by month: "... Go!"

"800 million."

"500 million!"

"five million."

"Hey ~ buddy, isn't it too harsh to drop directly from 500 million to 5 million?"

Feihua was stupid every month, and quickly sent a message: "Ye God, you must stop this kind of bad competition. This is your guest quota. When they go down, they despise this quota, and they despise this quota. , You can't help but keep quiet, stop them quickly. "

Ye Fei laughed: "I said just now that I don't object to the auction of places, but I don't agree with it. I'm neutral, I won't intervene in everything, and this place is already yours. How do you sell, how others bargain, I have no right to ask, you said it was contempt of me, I do n’t think so, I am only a chef, my guest quota is not to mention buying five million, even if it is selling five I think it ’s all about me. After all, many singers ’concert tickets may not be able to sell so much money.”

"You ... Ye Shen, how can you do this? I'm your guest."

"I know, but they are also my audience."


Feihua was speechless by Ye Fei month by month, and sent a message: "Everyone, I know I was a bit unreasonable at first, but how much of you always want me to make some money? After all, this is a guest of Ye Shen Quota, if the price is too low, to be honest Ye Shen has no face on his face, I will sell 500 million, 500 million Xinghe coins, what do you think? "

He really couldn't do anything about it. When encountering such a group of people, the gods could be vomited blood.

The audience in the live broadcast saw that the price of this product would directly reach 10 billion to 500 million. In reality, all of them were secretly happy, but they still did not speak.

Flying flowers exploded every month.

"No one wants 500 million? 300 million, 300 million is OK?"


"200 million!"


"Fuck! Can you be so shameless? 100 million !!!"

No one wants it.

No one wants it!

Still no one wants it! !!

In the end, Feihua directly reduced the price to 100,000 every month ... Huaxia Coin, sad things appeared, and no one bought it!

Feihua said to Cangtian silently every month, tears twirled in the eye circles, he really wanted to scold for a day, he thought that it would be a good thing to get two places, but now this is just as disgusting as how disgusting it is ~ ~ Forget it, Ye Shen, let me contribute a quota, can I sell it? Why do n’t I do n’t want money? !! "

The news from him had just been sent out, and the audience in the broadcast room responded instantly.

"Feihua is getting better every month."

"Brother, it's too righteous."

"Oh, I can donate a place unselfishly, brothers admire it."

"Flying flowers month by month, I must meet someone as generous as you."

"Looking at your name, you know that you are a big love, and sure enough."

Feihua monthly: "..."

"Do you want me to roll !!!!!!"


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